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04-02-2011 , 06:53 PM
just curious rubinh but what makes you think you are so much more aware of a wolf's strength and other attributes than we are? do you have personal experience deathmatching them?
04-02-2011 , 06:54 PM
Wolftard take this back to oot.
04-02-2011 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by RUBINH
Are you kidding of course I know it's not the same type of injury. However, enduring a ton of physical pain is a simple pre-requisite to fighting the wolf. If you cannot allow yourself to endure this pain, you have no chance from the get-go. Since most people ITT would go down after a single punch, they would certainly go down after being bitten by a wolf. That's it.

cant even talk to you anymore your argument is so flawed/absurd

Last edited by kleath; 04-02-2011 at 06:55 PM. Reason: BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA to the head has nothing NOTHING to do with fighting a wolf...
04-02-2011 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by pageh656
for reference
You're the only person who edited their post...

and anyway what is that reference for. My point was very simple and I gave an analogy most people would understand. It was basically like saying if you want to beat an MLB team, you have to be able to beat a HS baseball team. Same thing here: If you want to be able to defeat a wolf (which would require enduring massive amounts of pain) you would have to be able to take punches well from a fighter.
04-02-2011 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by RUBINH
You're the only person who edited their post...

and anyway what is that reference for. My point was very simple and I gave an analogy most people would understand. It was basically like saying if you want to beat an MLB team, you have to be able to beat a HS baseball team. Same thing here: If you want to be able to defeat a wolf (which would require enduring massive amounts of pain) you would have to be able to take punches well from a fighter.
You should be able to take a wolf before an mma fighter...

Last edited by kleath; 04-02-2011 at 06:57 PM. Reason: lol normal unarmed people have fought away wolves after they attacked them
04-02-2011 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by pageh656
just curious rubinh but what makes you think you are so much more aware of a wolf's strength and other attributes than we are? do you have personal experience deathmatching them?

The jaw pressure of a wolf is double the jaw pressure a German Shepard which is 750 compared to the wolves at 1,500.
04-02-2011 , 06:57 PM
oh because thats what u said

i dono what post i edited where i changed anything of relevance?

way to link to relevant info lolololol

"Wolves have no natural predators, except for humans."

04-02-2011 , 06:57 PM
if an 80 pounder was biting my arm you're god damn right i'd kill the **** out of it, I don't care how sharp his teeth are. Yeah, a Mike Tyson punch would hurt like ****, so what?
04-02-2011 , 06:57 PM
Fighters fall over when they get punched in the head cause it hurts a whole bunch, right?
04-02-2011 , 06:59 PM
i honestly think an actual wolf would argue its side better than rubinh
04-02-2011 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421
well, thats good to know. i would hope most people dont actually do that, but i am sure it happens.
I said I don't do it when other people have $ in me, but I have been known to do it a bunch in the past (on my own dolla). ~2 years ago I won the 50-50 from shipping 15ish str8 hands and spinning 3k into 15 or something.
04-02-2011 , 06:59 PM
The only positive I've ever had to being backed is I can't get all tilty faced and start shipping so I can go drinking.
pretty sure its the other way around, people get in makeup, get careless, start playing for that bink and punt when it isnt exciting enough
04-02-2011 , 06:59 PM
"Oh man, this bite really ****ing hurts, guess I'll just sit here and die." **** no, I might lose my arm but I'm not going to lose my life. I'm 2x the size of this wolf and I have a brain.
04-02-2011 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by kleath
You should be able to take a wolf before an mma fighter...
level? Wolves can run up to 30 MPH. They can exert 1,500 pounds of pressure. I hope you are never bitten by a dog because I guarantee you that **** hurts.
04-02-2011 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by pageh656
oh because thats what u said

i dono what post i edited where i changed anything of relevance?

way to link to relevant info lolololol

"Wolves have no natural predators, except for humans."

Yes, humans with weapons are wolves predators. Note however we are talking about a situation where you have none. I'm very curious to know how you are planning on defeating it without being ripped to shreds.
04-02-2011 , 07:02 PM
awesome, 1)im not arguing i can beat a wolf or that a human has a high % chance of winning 2)im not tellin you how i plan on beating it on the off chance you one day fight a wolf

im arguing that it would be much easier for an untrained human to beat a wolf than an untrained human can beat a trained human, its not close

Last edited by pageh656; 04-02-2011 at 07:05 PM. Reason: not even rly arguing just enjoying your logic
04-02-2011 , 07:07 PM
I love that no matter how much they try and lock it, this discussion will continue
04-02-2011 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by pageh656
awesome, 1)im not arguing i can beat a wolf or that a human has a high % chance of winning 2)im not tellin you how i plan on beating it on the off chance you one day fight a wolf

im arguing that it would be much easier for an untrained human to beat a wolf than an untrained human can beat a trained human, its not close
I never said defeating the MMA fighter would be easier -- I just gave a relevant example of pain, that people know of, to demonstrate the degree of pain you'd have to take. I have no opinion as to which one is more difficult.
04-02-2011 , 07:09 PM
Bluff the wolf, you have fold equity:

Last edited by CBorders; 04-02-2011 at 07:16 PM.
04-02-2011 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by RUBINH
You're the only person who edited their post...

and anyway what is that reference for. My point was very simple and I gave an analogy most people would understand. It was basically like saying if you want to beat an MLB team, you have to be able to beat a HS baseball team. Same thing here: If you want to be able to defeat a wolf (which would require enduring massive amounts of pain) you would have to be able to take punches well from a fighter.
so now mma-wolf comparison is hs vs mlb team, yet you are saying your example isnt saying a wolf is tougher? so are some hs baseball teams tougher than major league teams?
04-02-2011 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by RUBINH
level? Wolves can run up to 30 MPH. They can exert 1,500 pounds of pressure. I hope you are never bitten by a dog because I guarantee you that **** hurts.

WOW thanks for the insight Dog whisperer what time is your show on? NO **** itd hurt dolt, what do you thinks gonna happen vs an mma fighter? all your ******ed irrelevant stats dont mean **** yea a wolf can bite through skin and go to the bone SOOO WHAT??? a 235 pound trained mma fighter is moving ur brain around inside your skull and could kill you without much trouble by throwing a bunch of gloveless punches, probably quicker than the wolf, and mma fighter has muuuch stronger defense than the wolf

for all your "OH ULL PARALYZE IN FEAR WHEN HE BITES YOU" its gonna be exponentially tougher to think clearly after a brock lesnar hook

Last edited by kleath; 04-02-2011 at 07:14 PM. Reason: yerks
04-02-2011 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by pageh656
so now mma-wolf comparison is hs vs mlb team, yet you are saying your example isnt saying a wolf is tougher? so are some hs baseball teams tougher than major league teams?
Notice how I said it was "basically" similar and you'd have to be able to take punches from an MMA fighter, not beat one, because that's what I was talking about.
04-02-2011 , 07:13 PM
this was why i put for reference btw, because your argument changes with every post
04-02-2011 , 07:14 PM
can we please get someone to fight a wolf and settle this already? i wanna see the pinny line on the wolf vs various mtters
04-02-2011 , 07:14 PM
Lock thread ban wolf op imo
