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I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table!

01-08-2010 , 09:01 AM
Ak has blockers to AA or KK. . . .they are called donkaments for a reason you gotta win ur flips get this in here IMO. You dont need the villain to be very wide to make this call, i think this is under pairs to us alot and AQ at the very least is in his shoving range, and so is AJ if hes the type who is uncomfortable playing postflop... AK is to strong to be folding here, I'm also calling JJ and QQ, i think AQs is prolly a fold, and i think itd be close with 1010 but prolly a fold.
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Alienatu
i meant i'd rather enter a race with AK now instead of one with JJ-TT later versus an AK type hand.

this is a fold all day for me in a tourney like this

id feel my edge is so big here i dont need to get involved in this spot

if you however feel as though your edge is not so great it may be worth getting all your chips in there, but i really very much doubt this is +ev

2 other points tht need to be considered during play:

UTG could have us both crushed

and tht UTG raise could mean 1 or even 2 of our outs are gone, and if UTG+2 has a pair we are struggling further still

i very VERY much doubt this all in is ever AQ
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 10:35 AM
by calling your basically praying he has AQ - simples
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 10:36 AM
When you can crush table by stealing, reraising, bullying... getting more chips into your stack... it's ez fold.

If you find it hard to ever play a hand then call and pray... but that kind of play is practised by weak players, who just lack skill.
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 12:27 PM
I like this thread,

Ummm....Dear God,

I am sorry that I am a weak player, but please please let him have QQ, and UTG to have KQ I'll make a big donation this coming Sunday!

I was all for the big shove, but saying that, I do see the point of Tidal Wave, and mattwu.

I should add that as of late I have been mucking some big hands, AQ the highest one in about the same position.

If you didn't feel it and the stats were against you.......maybe you did make the right call.
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 12:32 PM
If your gut says fold ... fold. Always listen to your gut... unless you just ate tacos.
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 12:33 PM
Reshove here.
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 01:07 PM
We have 30ish BB's with AK. This alone should tell you what options we are limited to, and we you look at it from this perspective there are very very few scenarios where we should be folding. This isn't one of them
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by EeeTeeKid
We have 30ish BB's with AK. This alone should tell you what options we are limited to, and we you look at it from this perspective there are very very few scenarios where we should be folding. This isn't one of them


what action would you need to old AK then?
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 04:12 PM
agree with Eeetee...there are spots for folding AK but this is not one of them. Skip the fistpump but get the chips in and set yourself up for a deep run...

this is a pretty big inflection point but winning a tourney kicks the hell out of squeaking down to 7th or something..

so to quote the philosopher Barry:

Originally Posted by BarryLyndon
You must let go of that poisonous combination of fear and hubris that makes you think that you are about to do something special with AK by folding preflop.

You are not a world class surgeon with the cards. You cannot dissect AK any further. You will not find a theoretical breakthrough for folding AK in a small stakes, non-satelite online tourney almost ever. Numerous Small Stakes tourney theoreticians have tried before. In fact, about one tries every day. It always fails. It fails as hard as communism or Coke Zero. Except, communism always makes for a better read.

You are not a magician. If you fold AK, your online chips will not transpose themselves from the computer screen to your desk moments later and unravel like flowers in bloom, only to reveal sheaths of gold.

You have AK with an M of 8 - ??. There's a push in front of you with an M of 10. There's another call with M of 15. . It's late. It's early. Your dreams of making a final table are only one and a half hours away. And there's a break coming up! It's a +EV play to push here. That's all it is. +EV. That's what poker is: EV moves. Deal with it.

You're pyschology or greater wants mean nothing. All that matters in the end is the "long run" promise of cEV. Chips only translate to more potential returns if you play them correctly. Please think about this.

I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by mattwut1


what action would you need to old AK then?
We're close to the final table but not that close. We still need to be accumulating chips and I think we can all agree that aces and kings can be discounted from the 2nd players range not only because of we have both an ace and a king in our hand but because almost everyone is taking a different line than reshipping 30bb wish aces or kings. So worst case scenario it is probably a flip and sometimes we are 70/30 favorite and since cEV is most relevant with the more than likely dead money from UTG (his calling range is probably KK/AA and probably queens) this is an easy spot to get it in and get ready crush the bubble.
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by ssnyc
agree with Eeetee...there are spots for folding AK but this is not one of them. Skip the fistpump but get the chips in and set yourself up for a deep run...

this is a pretty big inflection point but winning a tourney kicks the hell out of squeaking down to 7th or something..

so to quote the philosopher Barry:
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 04:28 PM
When you ship it and UTG folds you're likely flipping, when he calls you have like 25% equity.
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by mattwut1

id feel my edge is so big here i dont need to get involved in this spot
It must be quite nice to have a such large edge with a 30bb stack.
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by CBorders
It must be quite nice to have a such large edge with a 30bb stack.
some people are just better at pokering obv
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 04:45 PM
Meh... you really think he is reshipping 35bb over a 3bb raise with AA-KK? Also, Furo, you don't think AQo is in that range? 4 combos of AQs vs 16 combos of AQo skew the numbers nasty and make me a sad panda.

I really can't hate a fold here, and if the table seems soft, that seems like a very prudent move to me. I also can't hate but think the very top premium hands will not be in the reshipper's range very much. I think it is a marginally bad fold if the table is tough, since there is a lot of overlay, we will be in a dominating situation a decent enough amount of the time, and we will not busto if we lose this. It is a hard fold to hate that said.

Edit: clarification on combos I guess with card removal there will be 3 AQs and 9 AQo...

Last edited by CastleBravo79; 01-08-2010 at 04:58 PM. Reason: as edit
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by ssnyc
agree with Eeetee...there are spots for folding AK but this is not one of them. Skip the fistpump but get the chips in and set yourself up for a deep run...

this is a pretty big inflection point but winning a tourney kicks the hell out of squeaking down to 7th or something..

so to quote the philosopher Barry:
Haha, brilliant! Is it actually +$ev to call with AK here though, putting villain on a range of AQ+ TT+ assuming UTG is going to fold so we have dead money in the pot. I don't know how to do the calculations I'm afraid , I suppose you'd need the payout structure too.
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 05:33 PM
i dont hate a fold as much as some here.
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 05:46 PM
Im calling (and losing the flip). Winning this hand puts us in a great position for the rest of the MTT and we are not deep (we are going to have like 20bb after the next blind increase).
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 07:25 PM
I'm going to agree with the call/reshove here. UTG's range is not so tight that he can't find a raise/fold with the lower end of his UTG raising range here, and even if they both call you have blockers to AA and KK.

I talked myself into a similar fold here once with AKs. Know what villains had? QQ and JJ. If they had flipped their cards face up, this is a snap call every time. I'm not saying that's what these villains had, but to assume they have only the hands that crush us is ludicrous, and to not be willing to gamble with AK if winning the tournament is our goal is pretty lol as well.

This isn't a snap call, but I don't think with the stated reads and situation this is a fold either.
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by ssnyc
some people are just better at pokering obv

10 dollar tourney, i can be 100% il ave been in this spot more than anyone else left in the tourney, and tht im the best player remaining

whys everyone ignoring this sentence

"The UTG raiser is the big stack, I've only been on the table a few revolutions, but I hadn't noticed the big stack getting out of line, in fact hadn't notice him play a hand at all. Also haven't noticed UTG+2 play anything."

and this action goes down? gL with ure call

and everyone goin on tht he cant have AA or KK here, ive seen plenty of ppl do silly things like this with big pairs
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by mattwut1

10 dollar tourney, i can be 100% il ave been in this spot more than anyone else left in the tourney, and tht im the best player remaining


I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by mattwut1

10 dollar tourney, i can be 100% il ave been in this spot more than anyone else left in the tourney, and tht im the best player remaining

whys everyone ignoring this sentence

"The UTG raiser is the big stack, I've only been on the table a few revolutions, but I hadn't noticed the big stack getting out of line, in fact hadn't notice him play a hand at all. Also haven't noticed UTG+2 play anything."

and this action goes down? gL with ure call

and everyone goin on tht he cant have AA or KK here, ive seen plenty of ppl do silly things like this with big pairs
I played a tournament on FTP yesterday when I was 0/0 over 35 hands and I usually come in at about 19/15 so the sample is so ridiculously small as to be discounted somewhat. Also depending on stacks at the table villain may feel somewhat restricted given that there are stacks that are going to want to reshove.

That said villains open suggests that he has a clue and is unlikely to be folding any pairs broadways or decent aces. We have AK UTG+1's range is going to be pretty strong but we can discount the top of it to a degree`also we have blockers to the top of it and we are far enough away from the FT that ICM is less important.

Finally if we bust villain in this hand we don't go broke to his flush to bust 14th
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 07:59 PM
100% go with this unless your playing for 6-9th place. 3-4th best hand in the game here your not gonna get a much better spot.
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
01-08-2010 , 09:06 PM
Um, why don't more people just do the math? Even if we could put JJ+ AK as UTG+2's range, it's still a -EV call. Plus, UTG is not yet out of the hand; he's a tight player who raised under the gun, and he may have a premium hand, too.

Screw thinking you just folded AK; think of it as folding when a call would have lost money on average.
I have AK, it's going to cost me most my chips to call, but I'm nearly at the final table! Quote
