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Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP?

03-25-2014 , 01:30 PM
yeah demetri what you dont seem to get is that when you treat people like that you're putting yourself in a negative freeroll. you should be trying to de-escalate the situation but you prefer to throw gas on the fire. if you approach a man with reason/empathy he is much more likely to want to make right by you than if you threaten his family and reputation.

i get that you feel you were wronged, but that does not justify the ad hominem attacks you made on him and his quality as a father/husband, as well as the constant threats that seem to border on blackmail. look where your actions have gotten you and try not to make the same mistakes in the future.

the fact of the matter is if you had avoided all the personal insults and hadn't treated him like a dog you would likely have a lot of people siding with you right now. i think it was good of you to help him with precashouts and understand why you're disappointed with what seemed like a lack of commitment by OP to grind off the makeup he accrued, but you simply can not treat humans the way you do. just be civilized.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 01:33 PM
This is actually getting pretty sad now.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by MATT238
This is why you're delusional. No, your approach is not 100% fine. It's not even 1% fine. It solves nothing and it's why your reputation has taken a massive hit. You're literally setting money on fire when you talk to people like this yet you don't see it. You set money on fire with them directly. They tell others or it gets posted publicly like this so you indirectly set your own money on fire.

This is not how other backers do things and as long as you have horses with some character and morals who value your business relationship then they won't just break all your rules and try to angle out of makeup. There's always going to be some bad eggs though. Suck it up, pay the price, and move on.
hold on ,we even spoke on skype about how you deal with bad horses/scammers etc

you said this to me ...

you say i am the crazy mad one ,yet you want to "rip there heads of"

should we get you banned from 2+2 now ?

dude i have never ripped anyones head of ,i'm sure have not either.but these type of people can drive you mad.when mad you vent.that is normal

some need to read my post early on today and see why i was getting so mad
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by demetri1978
so you are saying when i horse threatens to break the rules you do what ?

you have two options ,drop him in make up or have a go at him

i had a go at him ,that is 100% fine.i then let him have his way and carry on playing the games i did not want him to play

if every horse did the above how would backers last ?

every horse right now would just break the backers rules,come to 2+2 if the backer has a go at you and then leave the stake in make up with a clear conscience

that is not right and will never work with me and any other winning backer
when the horse threatens to break the rules of the contract you remind him he signed his contract, maybe appeal to his honor instead of demeaning him? and if he still refuses you bring the issue to MP and consult with other backers. or maybe u just gotta know when to CutchaLosses

having a go at someone is usually cheeky/fun, when you have a go at someone you try to destroy their core being. this is despicable and downright stupid when hes 15k in debt to you(think about his mindset/psyche going forward)
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by gettym
yeah demetri what you dont seem to get is that when you treat people like that you're putting yourself in a negative freeroll. you should be trying to de-escalate the situation but you prefer to throw gas on the fire. if you approach a man with reason/empathy he is much more likely to want to make right by you than if you threaten his family and reputation.

i get that you feel you were wronged, but that does not justify the ad hominem attacks you made on him and his quality as a father/husband, as well as the constant threats that seem to border on blackmail. look where your actions have gotten you and try not to make the same mistakes in the future.

the fact of the matter is if you had avoided all the personal insults and hadn't treated him like a dog you would likely have a lot of people siding with you right now. i think it was good of you to help him with precashouts and understand why you're disappointed with what seemed like a lack of commitment by OP to grind off the makeup he accrued, but you simply can not treat humans the way you do. just be civilized.

well i agree with some of this posts.the treating him so bad etc was not that bad

yes it was bad when he threaten/broke the rules ,but before that and after it was what he wrote about me in my long post today and his op

i always tried to work out a decent plan with him,even up to date i am saying put your family first play on the side and i can still let you profit from poker and kill some MU

all very fair imo and can be done ,but he wants a freeroll out of this

you all think he cares that much about how i shouted at him when he would not stick to the contact ?lol

he wants to dump the stake and look good .that is all
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by gettym
when the horse threatens to break the rules of the contract you remind him he signed his contract, maybe appeal to his honor instead of demeaning him? and if he still refuses you bring the issue to MP and consult with other backers. or maybe u just gotta know when to CutchaLosses

having a go at someone is usually cheeky/fun, when you have a go at someone you try to destroy their core being. this is despicable and downright stupid when hes 15k in debt to you(think about his mindset/psyche going forward)
the chat logs are in this thread ,i do question him and say you can't do that

yet he gets mad i get mad ,he says **** your contract and i say **** you

all pretty standard ,we are grown men.everyone thinks he deserves to dump $15,000 make up because of a few names i called him.he called me plenty to ,lol

life just does not work like that,he gave me **** so i gave it back
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by demetri1978
hold on ,we even spoke on skype about how you deal with bad horses/scammers etc

you said this to me ...

you say i am the crazy mad one ,yet you want to "rip there heads of"

should we get you banned from 2+2 now ?

dude i have never ripped anyones head of ,i'm sure have not either.but these type of people can drive you mad.when mad you vent.that is normal

some need to read my post early on today and see why i was getting so mad
You have issues. What you said and what Matt said are 2 WAY different things. He talks about how he gets mad but never said anything or acted on it. You actually threaten. People like you piss me off. Threats and law suits and insurance... Always looking for the angle. Just be a stand up guy and you wont have issues.

My comments are coming from a 100% outsider. I dont back, I dont want to be backed, I dont owe a person a thing in this world. Maybe my mortgage and american express but that gets paid in full every month.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 01:45 PM

Here you go Demetri. Lets see what people not connected to the mtt community think. If im wrong and you are the victim here ill apologise fully
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 01:46 PM
lolol yeah, I tried to sympathize with you that it sucks to be stolen from. you are the absolute nut low
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 01:49 PM
You do realize that you are burning equity when you take highly aggressive lines? We all have situations in our lives that would be awesome to make someone we feel is a scumbag embarassed and ashamed for what they have done/are doing. This doesn't change the fact that he's the one in control, as you can't transfer money from his account to yours.

Calm your emotions, you believe you are in the right. Save the cheap insults and other bull**** for when it's surpassed the point of holy hell, you are NOT getting your money.

Hope you don't scare off too many horses!
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 02:09 PM
I'm pretty sure all of the "public shaming" threats will be discredited by those chat's pretty crazy to resort to it after this type of dispute as op didn't steal anything. Just seems like demitri made a bad backing decision and has to live with the consequences

Demitri you are so far out of line it's unreal, even if he broke the rules. I'm surprised how well op handled seem to think you are above people because you have the ability to back them and think they owe you something.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 02:32 PM
demetri my man, where u from?
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 02:51 PM
i was going to post here, but people with an opinion about how dimitri conducts himself should really post in the About the Forums thread.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by demetri1978
please read what i just posted ,it explains it there
No, it doesn't.

Originally Posted by demetri1978
hold on ,we even spoke on skype about how you deal with bad horses/scammers etc

you said this to me ...

you say i am the crazy mad one ,yet you want to "rip there heads of"

should we get you banned from 2+2 now ?

dude i have never ripped anyones head of ,i'm sure have not either.but these type of people can drive you mad.when mad you vent.that is normal

some need to read my post early on today and see why i was getting so mad
Venting to another backer and screaming at your horses is not even remotely close to the same thing.

Also, you need to stop using a threat not to do something in your contract as evidence of breaking your contract.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 03:14 PM
One of the biggest questions I am curious about: If horse chooses that poker is no longer a viable option of income to support his family/himself, is he allowed to give up poker completely or by signing this contract has he obliged to continue grinding small stakes 180s with heaps of makeup and putting his family needs on hold until he grinds this out?

Unfortunately, I think demetri believes the latter. If this is the case I strongly recommend that horses read their contracts with extreme care and are very wary of the fact that their stakes may be shrunk drastically when in large amounts of makeup/debt. (To avoid hell-like situations like the above). As well, by giving demetri access to your personal details etc. imposes the risk of these details being posted on the internet should this agreement go sour. I regret giving him any personal details even though I have cleared makeup and since left his backing agreement with no negative repercussions. (Other than my mental health is at an all time low, but it is on the up and up at least.)

One thing that I can guarantee that Asylum never intended on scamming. However, when your back is against the wall and you are in his position and must choose between spending several hundred hours in a game in which you are unsure that you can beat any longer and supporting a family, I think I too would choose the latter.

I don't care how much money you offer in terms of % cut but if the safety/health of my family and myself is in jeopardy at any point, I would rather grind minimum wage flipping burgers.

As poorly as Asylum has been treated here I would believe it totally acceptable for him to quit poker and find a job to support his family, and I would not blame him for doing so. However, I will post a solution that will hopefully benefit demetri and asylum both out of respect for both parties as human beings. I believe Asylum suggested this solution but was shot down.

1) Asylum gets a job 4/5 days per week to pay his bills.
2) Should be no need for advanced cashouts of any type due to this.
3) 2 days off/week he can grind the makeup (perhaps a reduced makeup for the trouble he has been caused).
4) Demetri gives Asylum and his family an apology for their mistreatment.
5) I would be more than happy to offer HH reviews for Asylum and to help him with his mental state. Hopefully others would do this too. (I'm just a bad reg).
6) When Asylum becomes a consistent winner it will be a slow but steady process in
clearing this makeup, however, his family and demetri will benefit greatly. (That's all that matters right?)
-Perhaps when more MU cleared put him into 15 180s and allow him to keep all bonuses for himself as I am sure he will leave stake after clearing makeup. So this effort would essentially just be to relieve a poor decision of backing him in the first place.

I would just like to chime in that I have utmost respect for Asylum for not rolling the stake earlier. If this was my father I would be proud that he has went through these lengths and was willing to get another job to support me. Sometimes degens will be degens and make poor life decisions that are not profitable in the long run.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 03:38 PM
Getting moved down in stakes in the first place is total BS and no horse should ever accept such a contract.

The entire point of getting staked is that you are provided with virtually unlimited funds so you can always play everything you are +ev in and not have to worry about the money. It's the backer's responsibility to make sure that the horse he is signing is +ev for the stakes that they initially agree on.

If a horse is forced to move down because of a bad run, then why even have a backing deal in the first place? He can worry about BRM and downswings on his own money. He should not have to worry about it when on stake.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
No, it doesn't.

Venting to another backer and screaming at your horses is not even remotely close to the same thing.

Also, you need to stop using a threat not to do something in your contract as evidence of breaking your contract.
when he made his threat i backed down

i have said that 10x+

it makes perfect sense,if i did not back down i would have to drop him in MU

so i said ok then and let him carry on

that is clear in the chat logs ,does that mke it ok now that he was making these threats all through the stake ?of course not
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by WALMARTcnxn
One of the biggest questions I am curious about: If horse chooses that poker is no longer a viable option of income to support his family/himself, is he allowed to give up poker completely or by signing this contract has he obliged to continue grinding small stakes 180s with heaps of makeup and putting his family needs on hold until he grinds this out?

Unfortunately, I think demetri believes the latter. If this is the case I strongly recommend that horses read their contracts with extreme care and are very wary of the fact that their stakes may be shrunk drastically when in large amounts of makeup/debt. (To avoid hell-like situations like the above). As well, by giving demetri access to your personal details etc. imposes the risk of these details being posted on the internet should this agreement go sour. I regret giving him any personal details even though I have cleared makeup and since left his backing agreement with no negative repercussions. (Other than my mental health is at an all time low, but it is on the up and up at least.)

One thing that I can guarantee that Asylum never intended on scamming. However, when your back is against the wall and you are in his position and must choose between spending several hundred hours in a game in which you are unsure that you can beat any longer and supporting a family, I think I too would choose the latter.

I don't care how much money you offer in terms of % cut but if the safety/health of my family and myself is in jeopardy at any point, I would rather grind minimum wage flipping burgers.

As poorly as Asylum has been treated here I would believe it totally acceptable for him to quit poker and find a job to support his family, and I would not blame him for doing so. However, I will post a solution that will hopefully benefit demetri and asylum both out of respect for both parties as human beings. I believe Asylum suggested this solution but was shot down.

1) Asylum gets a job 4/5 days per week to pay his bills.
2) Should be no need for advanced cashouts of any type due to this.
3) 2 days off/week he can grind the makeup (perhaps a reduced makeup for the trouble he has been caused).
4) Demetri gives Asylum and his family an apology for their mistreatment.
5) I would be more than happy to offer HH reviews for Asylum and to help him with his mental state. Hopefully others would do this too. (I'm just a bad reg).
6) When Asylum becomes a consistent winner it will be a slow but steady process in
clearing this makeup, however, his family and demetri will benefit greatly. (That's all that matters right?)
-Perhaps when more MU cleared put him into 15 180s and allow him to keep all bonuses for himself as I am sure he will leave stake after clearing makeup. So this effort would essentially just be to relieve a poor decision of backing him in the first place.

I would just like to chime in that I have utmost respect for Asylum for not rolling the stake earlier. If this was my father I would be proud that he has went through these lengths and was willing to get another job to support me. Sometimes degens will be degens and make poor life decisions that are not profitable in the long run.
the offer you are saying has been one that has been made to him many time the last few days

read my first post today .that was what i said ,exact to what you said

it is fair imo
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by demetri1978
good to know,so you are saying 90/10 deal for mtters with a decent stable manager would be me offering the best stable deal ?

(the above could be happening very soon)
Man up already and offer many players 99/1 deals to show how much you mean business. That will put all of the haters in their places and show you really have what it takes to run a good business. Explain that your threats are just your version of a "special sauce" that comes as a bonus at no extra cost. You just need to market your uncontrollable rage better that's all. Maybe get that talking baby to do an ad for you.

All the best.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by gorodaimon
My 2 cents on this post

Demetri; I understand your concern as a horse owes me $35k, however is a different situation because a) He breaches the contract tons of times b) He curse/insult me when I request him to reduce stakes c) He appears as a winner on this time on stats and haven't send audit d) I offered him a deal to grind low stakes/sngs and he mocks/refuses the offer e) He have profit around 50k on this time (according to Scope), won a micromillion event last week and haven't even ask for a settle, etc. So my point is, even when your horse (apparently) isn't a good player, it doesn't mean he's trying to scam you. Is not like he breach the contract, is just that he didn't profit on those. Also stop threating/etc, that doesn't solve anything.

Also, you need to chill, if he agree on playing 180s or whatever, let him do that, noone can grind with someone reminding everyday "how bad" he is. Seriously, I know it's a lot of money but you have no right to disrespect him, specially when he seems like he wants to find a solution.

Asylum, it seems that you're on a tough spot, but it's up to you to get over this. If you're not profiting on mid stakes, then no shame on move down. Life is tough, but you gain nothing feeling sorry for yourself. I'd suggest you to do your monthly budget, estimate your ROI, estimate at which point you multitable the best, send your HHs to backer or whoever to review leaks, etc. Also, build a schedule and stick to it. Not sure if it's serious that your grinding like 3-4 days 4-5 hours, but variance will crush you if that's true. Also, stuff like "we got holidays, I have to pick up kids, etc" doesn't help, as a poker player you will make money depending on the volume you put it. So my advice is ask some relative to pick up your kids, explain your wife to understand you have to skip some holidays in order to improve things, and start putting up volume in games you profit.

So bottom line; backer, chill, stop threating, stop the harassment, keep backing; horse, put more volume on games you can beat.
well said and from someone who is actually owed more . bringing family into it was low . Lol at the amount of people insulting someone for insulting someone .
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Moobss
well said and from someone who is actually owed more . bringing family into it was low . Lol at the amount of people insulting someone for insulting someone .
i just posted this in the other forum ,well said

i am on trail here and made to look like the bad guy because my horse broke my rules and said he will dump my stake

so i go of on one and call him names ,2+2 goes mad at me and guess what ,calls me names (i have been sworn at ,called every name under the sun.via here pms etc)...i am a man and take it ,people have a view and are not happy with they vent

i do the same ,lol

say no more
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 04:14 PM
There are many reasons why I don't see how anyone can expect Asylum to continue with the staking arrangement: (a) I get the impression that Asylum thinks it would be best to just leave the poker world for the time being and get a regular job; (b) the stakes that Demetri expects him to play sounds far too low to me to ever realistically get out of make-up; and (c) the relationship is way to poisonous at a personal level to continue.

Demetri needs to just accept that some investments lose money and drop the horse, assuming Asylum is no longer holding on to any of his money.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 04:21 PM
You get that threatening to break your contract and breaking your contract are two totally different things, right?
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
There are many reasons why I don't see how anyone can expect Asylum to continue with the staking arrangement: (a) I get the impression that Asylum thinks it would be best to just leave the poker world for the time being and get a regular job; (b) the stakes that Demetri expects him to play sounds far too low to me to ever realistically get out of make-up; and (c) the relationship is way to poisonous at a personal level to continue.

Demetri needs to just accept that some investments lose money and drop the horse, assuming Asylum is no longer holding on to any of his money.
great ,another fair comment

but he wants to dump my stake and carry on playing .that i have a problem with

a $16,000 problem !!!

but please note one thing ,my plan for him to get my MU back can also help him

i said if he makes profits daily he can chop some of that and add some to MU

so this is a guy that needs money ,when he is not working i am giving him another option to make money

fair ???
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-25-2014 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by WalterS
You get that threatening to break your contract and breaking your contract are two totally different things, right?
but do you get that i backed down to his threat?

how do you read that then ?does that look good on him ?

he makes a threat ,i say to myself two options ,drop him now or go of on one

i went of on one and gave into the threat and let him play the same games

the same games that dug his MU so deep in the space of a few months
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
