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Cheating accepted in Partouche Poker Tour (AND I WOULD'VE GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT TOO) Cheating accepted in Partouche Poker Tour (AND I WOULD'VE GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT TOO)

11-06-2010 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by Pokerpingu
lol reading this putted me on insta tilt.. how sick. Only makes me feel more angry towards french people, also on vacation their moral is just CHEAT cheat CHEAT if you can. Just like Thierry Henry :P
Originally Posted by C-Unit
french scum imo.
are you guys ****ing serious? the cheater was not french! quit being racist clowns who think its ok to be racist because your target is france, its absurd.
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11-06-2010 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by mlagoo
are you guys ****ing serious? the cheater was not french! quit being racist clowns who think its ok to be racist because your target is france, its absurd.
you're seriously going to give me an infraction for that?

have we not ascertained that the root cause is french people giving favoritism to other french people, allowing them to cheat, backing up other french people in a situation despite it being wrong etc etc... just pure cheating all round by the french?

was my comment really "racist" btw?

you're on your period imo.
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11-06-2010 , 10:45 AM
it's not racist because french is not a race, but 'french scum imo' is offensive and stupid

no the problem is not 'cheating by the french all around', it's cheating by whoever this dude was and his partner(s) and incompetence by partouche, the reason you think that means 'all round by the french' is because you are ignorant
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11-06-2010 , 10:50 AM
do you think im talking about the Ali T situation now? that's not what this thread is about.

because that's not what i'm talking about. i'm talking about OP, where all the frenchies gang up on the non-frenchies to angle them and cheat them out of their chips.

yes my comment was a little offensive but i am tilted by this situation and the fact that it seems like we as players can do nothing about it but just have to live with getting cheated.

but it certainly wasn't racist, and infraction worthy? please. i guess it woulda been fine if i'd said i wanted to see a baby raped.
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11-06-2010 , 10:53 AM
so focus your energy on partouche, not on french people in general, you're not helping your case
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11-06-2010 , 10:59 AM
Helping my case? WHAT?

I believe my first comment was "still no partouche rep?"

From reading every post in this thread I see a common theme of french people screwing others over. Yes Partouche staff incompentence has something to do with it, but they were clearly also favouring french people. The OP clearly describes multiple french people standing up for another french person in a situation which was clearly wrong. There are multiple instances of the tournament staff favouring french people. There are multiple people saying that just by being French you have an instant edge in these tournies.

I give up to be honest, this situation is happening right now and continues to happen and you guys are more concerned over giving me **** for saying a slightly offensive phrase on a ****ing internet forum and accusing me of being racist.
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11-06-2010 , 10:59 AM
You're not going to win a fight where you are essentially blaming an entire country for a private organization's problems and you think that's okay.
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11-06-2010 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by C-Unit
still no partouche rep?

i suppose these stories would also hold for partouche casinos... for example stars is running a tournament in Lyon very soon at a partouche casion (FPS Lyon Nov 13th-14th). Are we going to see the same cheating here?

french scum imo.
Everything stemmed from this one post.

Read this post. I ask where is the Partouche rep. I ask should I be concerned about FPS Lyon since it is at a Partouche establishment.

I then said something a little stupid and offensive.

You guys have manipulated those last 3 words into:

1. C-Unit is a racist and deserves infractions accordingly.
2. C-Unit blames this entire situation on the nation of France solely.

Aren't you guys supposed to be intelligent?
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11-06-2010 , 11:04 AM
I specifically said it wasn't racist, I said it was offensive and stupid, which you just agreed with and which you were infracted for, I don't see why you're still posting about it
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11-06-2010 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by NHFunkii
I specifically said it wasn't racist, I said it was offensive and stupid, which you just agreed with and which you were infracted for, I don't see why you're still posting about it
Firstly, my infraction states that I am a racist.

Secondly, I see many many people including many moderators post far more offensive/stupid things on a daily basis.

So to summarise, if I am receiving an infraction for being racist, then I object as I am not racist, nor was my comment racist. If I am receiving an infraction for being offensive or stupid, then I object as based on the unpunished actions of other users and moderators on these forums, my comment was not severe enough to warrant an infraction.

I'm only still posting about it because you guys are. And because you're all being pretty dumb about the whole thing.
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11-06-2010 , 11:19 AM
ok well I didn't infract you so I don't give a **** about any of that, still don't see how I'm being dumb about it (other than continuing to post in this godforsaken threadjack)
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11-06-2010 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by mlagoo
are you guys ****ing serious? the cheater was not french! quit being racist clowns who think its ok to be racist because your target is france, its absurd.
Btw cheater in OP is French, as are all his accomplices (other french players and the floor). You think I'm talking about Ali T as well don't you, just like Funkii did, before he called me ignorant. Kinda ironic that.

Still want this infraction clarified pls. Don't even care about it or if it is removed/remains, this is a principle thing. Please respond.
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11-06-2010 , 12:11 PM
I think it's good that OP is writing stuff down as it happens so he can remember it for later, as for sharing with 2+2 is maybe not so clever for himself, but for the community it's def. good.
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11-06-2010 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by C-Unit
Still want this infraction clarified pls. Don't even care about it or if it is removed/remains, this is a principle thing. Please respond.
Principle? You want to derail a thread on potentially big cheating scandals out of principle? While exemplifying an unwillingness to privately contact the mod (and if you did, posting it here too is just horribly invasive overkill)? He really doesn't owe you anything, and the argument of "well someone else said something offensive or stupid on the forum once and didn't get punished for it!" is just weak, and I doubt that trying to play it like that will get any sensible moderator's attention.
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11-06-2010 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by AMT
Principle? You want to derail a thread on potentially big cheating scandals out of principle? While exemplifying an unwillingness to privately contact the mod (and if you did, posting it here too is just horribly invasive overkill)? He really doesn't owe you anything, and the argument of "well someone else said something offensive or stupid on the forum and didn't get punished for it!" is just weak, and I doubt that trying to play it like that will get any sensible moderator's attention.
Sigh, I actually wanted to further the discussion on this thread, not derail it. Read my god damn post. I want to get a Partouche rep in here to discuss, and I wanted to discuss the upcoming Pokerstars event at a Partouche establishment in Lyon.

The thread got derailed because I was given an unwarranted infraction, and because I was called a racist, a serious accusation given that I am mixed race myself. I am not the one responsible for this accusation being made resulting in the derailment of this thread.

I'm going to go over this one more time.

Cheaters identified in this thread (NOT ALI T, IN THIS THREAD) have been predominantly French. Cheaters are scum, and this is my opinion. Therefore, french scum imo. I am of the opinion that french cheaters identified itt are scum.

This is so unbelievably ridiculous. Literally unreal.

edit: And no I will not PM the mod and keep it private as if someone is going to accuse me of being racist in public then subsequent discussion of that accusation should also be public.

And I'm not saying that once upon a time someone said something worse. It's a daily occurrence including recent high profile instances of mods saying VERY inappropriate things. While the context is questionable, I'm sure that anyone would agree that it was far more offensive than calling french cheaters scum. It represents disgraceful double standards.

Any other mods want to take a pop at me today? That's 3 so far. All I wanted to do was discuss Lyon.

Last edited by C-Unit; 11-06-2010 at 12:30 PM.
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11-06-2010 , 12:33 PM
Oh look, C-Unit derailing another thread
Cheating accepted in Partouche Poker Tour (AND I WOULD'VE GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT TOO) Quote
11-06-2010 , 12:35 PM
Yep asking for a Partouche rep and asking about FPS Lyon is derailing the thread wp.

I guess when we're treated unfairly in life and falsely accused of serious things we should just suck it up.
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11-06-2010 , 12:51 PM
I get nervous when I see people in Muslim garb on my airplane though
Cheating accepted in Partouche Poker Tour (AND I WOULD'VE GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT TOO) Quote
11-06-2010 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by C-Unit
Literally unreal.

Last edited by rS.X; 11-06-2010 at 01:11 PM. Reason: confirmed unreal
Cheating accepted in Partouche Poker Tour (AND I WOULD'VE GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT TOO) Quote
11-06-2010 , 01:22 PM
Obviously c-unit is out of line, but seems to me that mlagoo overreacted or didnt realize that this thread is old and was made for a different reason than the recent cheating scandal, if he didnt its kinda unfair noone of the original xenophobic comments got infracted

Fwiw, I wrote a pretty tilted flame to c-unit and pokerpingu, but then realized they are probably refering to mement's OP
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11-06-2010 , 01:24 PM
I am obviously referring to the cheating that was carried out and assisted by french players and french tournament staff, as stated in OP. It is damn obvious that this is what I have been and always was referring to when I said french scum imo.
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11-06-2010 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by marek_heinz
Obviously c-unit is out of line, but seems to me that mlagoo overreacted or didnt realize that this thread is old and was made for a different reason than the recent cheating scandal, if he didnt its kinda unfair noone of the original xenophobic comments got infracted

Fwiw, I wrote a pretty tilted flame to c-unit and pokerpingu, but then realized they are probably refering to mement's OP
a lot of infractions come out of this thread, not just c-unit. i obviously don't catch every offensive comment in mttc ever, but when i do and find it ignorant enough to warrant an infraction, particularly when made by someone who has already racked up a few warnings/infractions, ill generally do something about it.

maybe xenophobic or something would be more appropriate than racist. sorry c-unit.

edit: and i obviously did misinterpret your comment as directed to the most recent cheater (toward whom discussion seemed to have turned) rather than the alleged cheaters in the OP, so im also sorry for that misunderstanding.
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11-06-2010 , 01:45 PM
C unit stop spamming this thread, its an important issue that doesn't need you posting every other post about some irrrelevant argument. (Yes its irrelevant to this thread, pm the mod or moan in ATF)
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11-06-2010 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by mlagoo
a lot of infractions come out of this thread, not just c-unit. i obviously don't catch every offensive comment in mttc ever, but when i do and find it ignorant enough to warrant an infraction, particularly when made by someone who has already racked up a few warnings/infractions, ill generally do something about it.

maybe xenophobic or something would be more appropriate than racist. sorry c-unit.
you stated that the cheater was not french, but he was, as were his accomplices.

i am not a racist or a xenophobe. i find it amusing and hypocritical that you get so uptight about my comment, yet you are extremely willing to throw out labels for other people based totally on your own assumptions.

they are french, they cheat, they are scum. these are facts.

edit: apologies to everyone for cluttering thread, this will be my last post on it, but I am not able to just stand by and let someone throw out these accusations about me. apologies again.
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11-06-2010 , 01:49 PM
see my edit. thats pretty much all ive got to say about it, so if youd like to continue the discussion/appeal your infraction, pm a red or start an atf thread, but knock it off here.

edit: or if youd really like to talk about it more in mttc, let me know and i'll move the discussion over to the censored thread or something.
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