*** Bryan's Official Party Poker MTT Thread ***
, 08:46 AM
which problem?
, 09:12 AM
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 368
and restating what others have said previously in thread... Rebuys that only rake once.
AND I can not be the first, but I went to download party a few weeks ago and my virus software stopped it. Is this semi generic?
I want to get the fk out of this circus of treasure boxes and 20c tourney t dollar BS (the new bs). the world where so many recreationals play spin and goes etc etc etc
I absolutely despise the attitude of pokerstars.
Rake back that does reward irregular recreational players to grind somewhat AND one that gives a reasonable amount like the old days to regulars.
i look forward to playing here and tx to the top pros for promoting!
, 10:25 AM
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 595
Good to see you back Brian. I just wanna say Collette has done more then almost any rep for any site out there, i'm glad she is getting the respect she deserves, and i hoped you enjoyed your holiday Colette
I only have 2 points to make and not to do with the mtt schedule since i think all the posters above have summed it up well
- i self excluded myself for 3 months based on the lousy customer support on live chat from india offering me $3 bonus after i blew 2k on the casino. Yes i degenned but $3 do they even have any common sense?
- secondly, can you please support the fight to keep poker legal in australia, i'm sure joey has been in touch with you guys but if you make a submission or keep your players informed to make a submission to the australian online poker alliance http://australianonlinepokeralliance.com.au/ it will help immensely, i believe submissions are due by july 21 and anyone even if your not aussie can make a submission.
I haven't made my submission yet, and i don't want to derail, but it would be great if some of the regs in this thread could step in and help out, i know you guys prob don't visit the ban poker in aus thread much
I only have 2 points to make and not to do with the mtt schedule since i think all the posters above have summed it up well
- i self excluded myself for 3 months based on the lousy customer support on live chat from india offering me $3 bonus after i blew 2k on the casino. Yes i degenned but $3 do they even have any common sense?
- secondly, can you please support the fight to keep poker legal in australia, i'm sure joey has been in touch with you guys but if you make a submission or keep your players informed to make a submission to the australian online poker alliance http://australianonlinepokeralliance.com.au/ it will help immensely, i believe submissions are due by july 21 and anyone even if your not aussie can make a submission.
I haven't made my submission yet, and i don't want to derail, but it would be great if some of the regs in this thread could step in and help out, i know you guys prob don't visit the ban poker in aus thread much
, 10:52 AM
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 147
I miss the old PokerStars schedule, steal the one from 3-4 years ago! Would really like to see cubes and rebuys. Would like to see dynamic guarantees increases with x amount when it's hit and decreases with y amount when there's an overlay.
, 12:42 PM
RIP Overlay ;'(
You'll be missed
You'll be missed
, 08:58 AM
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 33
- you need smoother, quicker, better designed software. I've played on stars for 7 years ish, but only registered on party recently to take part in DTD Live. I havent played any other tournaments because the software is so bad
- completely shake up your regular schedule as per most of the suggestions in here
- steal a march on Stars by finally having the midstakes series that we've all been begging for. My attempt was no doubt rubbish, but at least it generated discussion. Any series on good software, with good promotions for regs and recs alike which is in the 11-215 range with good timings will be such a massive success it'd be unreal. Obviously need a great sat offering to get micro guys involved too.
I posted ideas here a while ago: http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/61...s-1631215-new/
- completely shake up your regular schedule as per most of the suggestions in here
- steal a march on Stars by finally having the midstakes series that we've all been begging for. My attempt was no doubt rubbish, but at least it generated discussion. Any series on good software, with good promotions for regs and recs alike which is in the 11-215 range with good timings will be such a massive success it'd be unreal. Obviously need a great sat offering to get micro guys involved too.
I posted ideas here a while ago: http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/61...s-1631215-new/
, 09:36 AM
Party Poker Rep
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 14
Thanks, everyone! I have to say that the support I've received throughout this transition has been amazing. I missed posting here and interacting with you folks more than I expected I would, and I'm glad to be back in the saddle. Exciting times are ahead!
Very quickly before I dive into any other replies, my apologies for the length of time it took to create this reply. I said that I'd do it on Monday after my IT issues last Friday, and indeed I have, but wow it took me much longer than I thought it would to finish. There's been so much great feedback to read, organize, and reply to in one big post.
1) Introduction of day 2s
2) More varied Buy-in levels
3) Run some events earlier in the day instead of in the same time slots every day. Also spread them out a bit more
4) A much more ambitious satellite schedule where the ratio of seats is closer to 8-1/10-1 instead of only offering 5-1 sats. Also those games needs to be monitored and cleaned up so people can feel safe playing them.
5) Have rebuy events
6) Less re-entries, even if it means slightly less ambitious guarantees.
7) no direct buy-in to the phases for MTT series.
2) More varied Buy-in levels
3) Run some events earlier in the day instead of in the same time slots every day. Also spread them out a bit more
4) A much more ambitious satellite schedule where the ratio of seats is closer to 8-1/10-1 instead of only offering 5-1 sats. Also those games needs to be monitored and cleaned up so people can feel safe playing them.
5) Have rebuy events
6) Less re-entries, even if it means slightly less ambitious guarantees.
7) no direct buy-in to the phases for MTT series.
I'll answer each of the above as you've listed them:
1) I'd like to see this, as well. To be completely frank with you, I'm not entirely certain if they're possible within partypoker's framework as I haven't played on party since before Black Friday. I'm having many meetings with various colleagues to get up to speed on our capabilities, as the more I know and understand, the better service I'll be able to provide for our players. Don't worry, it won't take long... I'm a quick study.
2) I'm of two minds on this. While I agree that it's not only good but important to have a good variety when it comes to available stakes, I think that such a thing can be overdone. For example, you could have an offering within a schedule or a series which has $1, $10, $100, and $1,000 tournaments available and be ticking all of the major boxes. You could go a step further and add $2 / $20 / $200 / $2,000... and by this point you've covered a wide swath of all available interest groups within only eight total buy-ins. A next expansion might be $5 / $50 / $500 / $5,000... and that would be great, but would you really need or even necessarily want a $1.50 / $15 / $150 / $1,500 level?
To my way of thinking, it's not only possible to over-diversify but it can actually be harmful to do so as you end up creating unnecessary niches within your major stakes groupings, which not only can cause potential confusion among your more casual customers (why are things being done if they're not important, and if they're not important why are they being done?) while also at the same time over-complicating your satellite system.
Overall, I think that what works best is a system which is diverse enough to provide a wide swath of opportunities and potential prize pools (to include an ability to make games which are less popular than some others at the 'lower' levels) while at the same time avoiding over-diversification or more to the point, diversification for its own sake with no other concrete objective in mind.
3) Particularly with regard to series, I agree with this. Having said that, as with any part of planning a series or schedule, including the sustainability of diversification mentioned in point 2, in many ways the ability to spread times around within a promotional schedule is largely dependent on the where and when the liquidity can be found. Of course, there's always the necessity to take occasional risks and push the boundaries a bit.
4) This is and has been one of my specialties for years. Have no fears.
5) I'm certain that there's a reason that these aren't currently available. I'll be discussing this with my colleagues.
6) Fewer, for what it's worth. (Blame my wife for drilling that into my head.) As for the number of re-entry MTTs available in any one series, one thing that I have noticed while here in Vegas for the past couple of weeks is that pretty much everything is re-entry with the exception of most WSOP events. The events in the other series, whether at the Venetian Deepstack, the Goliath Series at Planet Hollywood, or the Wynn Summer Classic are pretty much all re-entry events for as long as possible. A person could draw an analogy here between the situations of the 'side' casinos and series in Vegas as they relate to the WSOP and that of partypoker (for now) when it comes to series running near the headline series on our largest competitor. Having said that, my full intention is to do what is best for our players, our series... regardless of what anyone else is doing, and in fact I'm mentioning the tournaments on offer here in Vegas more from a perspective of what is offered and popular versus any potential reasoning or justification for the offering(s).
7) I haven't studied the partypoker Phase system in enough depth to be able to comment intelligently on this subject at this time. From what I understand, it's currently possible to buy directly into a Phase 2. I don't know if there is comparative data on allowing this versus not doing so, etc... but it's one of many things at which I'll be taking a close look at the schedules for future series are built.
Regarding upcoming series and stakes levels, at this time I can only say at the moment that I'm very aware of the fact that a mid-stakes series is in demand. I'm not able right now to commit to a timeline, but I can tell you that I have many plans in mind, and a mid-stakes series is on the cards for the future.
As for the $55 and below scene, as I mentioned above my most direct remit is in working on series, however as possible and agreeable I'm happy to provide input on other tournaments within the overall offering. $55 targets have been things I have honed in on in the past and I have some pretty good ideas (I think) for building participation in them and raising the profile of such tournaments overall. Before reading this thread, I'd actually started considering the nightly $55 as something where I might be able to help. As per usual (you've read me type this 100 times at least over the past decade-plus), I can't promise anything at this time, but it is a topic which interests me and I'll help if I'm able.
No, we don't. The key here is a matter of specialization as mentioned above in terms of what's available, where a mark can be made, etc. partypoker has made great strides in big money events and live events over the past couple of years for both the good of the site and the good of the players. Having said that, to my knowledge none of us believes that big ticket tournaments can exclusively sustain a site for any stretch of time.
Thank you. I can pretty much guarantee that we'll have Mega Sats to series events. As for majors in the regular schedule, I tend to think that Megas are good to have assuming the liquidity is there to support them. This is another topic which I'll be discussing with my colleagues.
+1 to whatever mement said, especially Day 2's! It's incredible how long some of the Powerfests were taking, 8pm events finishing like 11am-1pm next day. Regarding Powerfests, first of all try to make them less boring! It's especially important for recreationals I'd say (which means its important for us too). On PartyPoker every single tournament is the same, same group of tournaments is repeated every single day, which makes it insanely boring and likely makes recreationals less interested, as they don't even know which events are big/important and which are not. And it's not even easy to find them in that horrible lobby tbh. I think you should aim for quality over quantity of events, right now Powerfest's schedule is simply CTRL+C CTRL+V trying to fit in as many comps as possible. Also try to spread out tournaments a little bit imo. Like why would you have 3 huge powerfests (100k gtd 55$, 1M gtd 215$, 1M gtd 1050$) starting at the same exact time? Why would you have both huge Sunday majors (Title Fight, Main Event) starting at same exact time? If there's a recreational logging at 4pm you want him to see huge comp starting soon, instead of everything starting too late for him.
I agree with most of what you've written above, and I thank you for taking the time to present it all so clearly. Regarding future series, I agree very much that the 'cornucopia' concept is important and that at the very least, the biggest series of each year on any site or at any live venue should include as much of the totality of available tournament types as possible. Having said that, I don't think that this needs to be the case for every series.
Regarding the daily schedule, I've met with my new colleagues including those who work on the daily/weekly MTT schedule and I can tell you that my former counterpart at partypoker is an expert in his field with a lot of very keen insights (not that I'm anyone to be judging anyone else; just giving my opinion and vote of confidence). I therefore presume that things are set the way they are at the moment for sound, justifiable reasons. That's not to say that I don't see the merits of spreading things out a bit in terms of both clock and calendar when it comes to major tournaments and events. Having said *that*, even if I thought that my new colleagues had something completely wrong (I don't, but let's pretend), I would never presume to walk into a new working environment with a list of Here's What You're Doing Wrong and How I'm Going to Fix It. Put another way, I've been welcomed with open arms and I'm delighted to be able to lend my experience and insights to help improve things for the players of partypoker... but I'm here to *help*, not to overhaul, replace, etc. My main specific task is to build great tournament series, and I will do precisely that. My input is welcome as regards other topics, but I will be one voice among many, and that's a good thing... I'm not right every time, nor is anyone. I recognize that I have a lot to learn about partypoker's systems, software, and scheduling... and I'm grateful for the help in those processes which is already being offered both by my new colleagues and the players here on TwoPlusTwo.
Stay tuned, no promises on timeline.
Please see above regarding the feasibility of 2-Day tournaments on partypoker. To be blunt/honest, I don't know anything at the moment about how/if 2-Day MTTs work on partypoker.
I think its good that they start with a micro series. The problem with party is that close to all promos have been for higher stakes players and the schedule has been terrible for micro/low stakes. This would be a good start and in the long run with improve the fields in higher stake series and day to day tournaments.
I agree that the series coming up will be good for those who enjoy the lower-stakes games more than others. We've got work to do and successes to build in micro, low, etc... and we're on the right track, I'm convinced. Stay tuned...
Welcome back Bryan! Wow move by Party, can't wait for Powerfest now
! As others said, make a midstakes series rather than a micro one? Anything with a buy-in less than 5.5 or 3.3+R is pretty meaningless. There need to be more sats. Also keep the 1/5 sats imo, I miss them. Adding 1/10 shouldn't be treated as a replacement.
Rather than? Why not in addition to...? I can't commit to a timeline at the moment - at least not publicly - but I can assure you that I'm working in multiple areas and splashing around in quite a number of pools at the moment. As for meaningless prize pools, on that we disagree. Everyone starts somewhere, and for the player to whom a $50 online bankroll is a big deal, then spinning part of that into a four-figure score (or higher) is quite significant. In any case, as I've mentioned there is a lot of work ahead and it's going to change lives, change the landscape, and ultimately make partypoker more enjoyable for everyone. I'm extremely excited to be moving in the right direction...!
Regarding 2-Day Events, I haven't gotten that far in the planning process for any future series as yet. I do agree that multi-day events are very useful and offer significant benefits to players, particularly those for whom playing online poker is a recreational activity as opposed to an occupation.
Thanks! As for making people happy, that's my favorite part of working in online poker. I like to think that I've helped make hundreds of thousands of people happy to varying degrees over the years, and I'm very much looking forward to continuing to do so.
You know it... stay tuned.
This. Also the new Sats for the Title Fight with 50k chips are WAY WORSE than the old 10k chips. I also hope you will try to change something about the tickets system: it's unreal that the tickets expire only after a week, and also the 215$ tickets should be useable for all the 215 tournaments and not only for the Title Fight. GG and GL Bryan
Hey, nice to have another rep working on mtts, if you want some feedback, have a good read through the party mtt discussion thread over the past 12 months
There are pages upon pages of players making suggestions. My biggest issues with mtts on party are the real lack of different buy in options and types of mtts, the schedule is far too repetitive and there is just not enough variety in structures, formats etc.
I'm quoting the above to acknowledge that I've seen them and will discuss them with my colleagues, while at the same time reminding of what I wrote above about my main remit having to do with series creation.
I created those, actually... and their predecessors (2x-Turbos), way back in 2006, as well as their descendants (4x-Turbos). I can see them being popular again, introduced on partypoker and improved upon... we'll see.
Quick clarification here on a subject I prefer not to discuss much (if at all), but I just want to be clear. I wasn't poached from my previous employer; I had left before partypoker contacted me, after they learned that I was available. Throughout the previous eleven years, numerous attempts were made to poach me away, but I very much doubt that I'd do business with a company which would engage in such practices.
I'm certainly here to read and discuss anything you'd like, but the main schedule isn't in my hands. I have a voice in the conversation and loads of experience, but the decisions there aren't mine. My primary responsibility rests with the creation of major series.
Also i dont really know why but your 55s are incredibly withered compared to your 22 and 109s, even during peak, when realistically this is a buyin range that appeals to soooo many MTTers. Its a decent buyin to shot take for low stakes players, its right in the wheelhouse for mid stakes guys and its probably just big enough to interest some of the higher stakes players. Varying your start times would be a decent start so that its not saturated with offerings above and below it.
I agree with pretty much everything you've written above, while also mentioning that I think that $33 can be a good buy-in for what you describe, and is significantly more reachable for players at the lower levels while still having the potential to build big prize pools.
We've had some discussions regarding the next PowerFest, and I'm starting to sketch out the framework of the first series which I'll be producing, as well. I'll keep the above in mind while doing so. For what it's worth, I agree with your idea in general while also pointing out that I believe that there's significant value in Special Editions of big MTTs.
I agree that presentation is very important, particularly when a schedule is diverse and compressed into a small space by necessity. I don't know what I'll be able to do to help in this direction at partypoker, but I can tell you that I've spent numerous hours/days in the past developing and refining a series of Tournament Naming Standards, doing so in the name of clarity and ease of choice for players. I could see doing something like that again if the opportunity to do so is there. We'll see; I can't promise anything at the moment.
There is no site in existence, no matter their level of development, which wouldn't love to have a better client/page/server than they have at present. There isn't any such thing as an ideal client. Whatever I can do to help improve partypoker in any way, I'll do my best to help provide the correct input, feedback, direction... basically whatever I can do to help. When I was just a boy, my mother drilled into me: "Anyone paying you for your time is paying for your BEST effort. Give them nothing less." I think that she was right and I've tried to live my life by those wise words. That's a roundabout way of saying that I'm not sure what, if anything, I can do to help improve the client but if there are arguments to be made regarding the value of spending development time in specific areas with a net gain in participation, clarity, etc... I'll make them.
- Abandon the policy of everything having to start at the same time. There is no reason that a $11 Brawl and $55 Brawl have to start at the same time, or that tournaments can only start at x.00 or x.30. I think the heart was in the right place with the decision but in practice it's awful imo
From many years of experience I can tell you that properly spacing out a wide variety of tournaments can be very, very difficult. Do it perfectly (to you) one way, and the schedule ends up looking like an awful mish-mash of tournaments placed haphazardly (to someone else). Line everything up perfectly in specific time slots which are the only slots available, and the schedule can look too stilted, cramped, etc. Striking the right balance is extremely difficult. This is another one of those topics that I'll bring up with my colleagues so that we can exchange ideas and see if there is any room for improvement, but again please remember that in this sort of thing that my voice is one in a conversation. It would be inappropriate for me to come barging in and say that the way things are set up for Tournament X are completely wrong when I don't really know if that's the case or not.
I've divided up the posts here in my Notepad++ into categories, and I've now reached the end of the MTT schedule posts for this reply. I hope that I've been clear enough while also being responsive enough. Basically what I'm trying to get across is that I'm certainly receptive to a lot of the ideas you folks have regarding the MTT schedule while also pointing out my main responsibility at partypoker involves series design and scheduling (including satellites). I'm welcome to offer feedback, help and input in other areas - particularly those involving tournaments - and I will definitely do so at times, but this thread shouldn't be considered the best place to come with suggestions for the main MTT schedule. As I've mentioned above, an important part of starting anywhere new is making sure that your colleagues understand where you're coming from and that you have respect for the work they're doing and have done, so particularly as concerns the way things are running and have been running for some time my focus right now is listening and learning.
Overall, I thank each of you again for taking the time to reply to this thread with your many extremely insightful and helpful posts. If I didn't address your specific post, it was almost certainly because I'd answered a similar point or question from another poster. I foresee that we're at the start of a wonderful relationship here once again on 2p2, and this makes me very happy. Before you know it, I'll be putting up a post with a draft schedule for the first new series and soliciting feedback; I'm very much looking forward to that. In the meantime, and in fact I hope for the rest of my life, I'll be learning a little more each day. Thanks again!
Last edited by Bryan - Party; 07-11-2017 at 09:50 AM.
, 10:15 AM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 2,787
It would be good to know at least if party plan on upgrading their current sat offering.Its a major leak of theirs.
Will powerfest still be called powerfest?
Will powerfest still be called powerfest?
, 10:37 AM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 368
ok, if working on mtt series is your remit, then that is fair enough, you also have said this thread should not be for the regular mtt schedule, ok no problem, maybe this thread should be called "PartyPoker MTT Series Thread"
I want to know who it is that we are giving feedback to concerning the regular mtts? is it pads? colette? and who is dealing with the daily schedule? But to be honest, we have been giving feedback for so long regarding the regular schedule yet it is still the same.
Would anyone be able to confirm if party plan on improving the daily mtt schedule? just not really sure why we are giving feedback at this point.
I want to know who it is that we are giving feedback to concerning the regular mtts? is it pads? colette? and who is dealing with the daily schedule? But to be honest, we have been giving feedback for so long regarding the regular schedule yet it is still the same.
Would anyone be able to confirm if party plan on improving the daily mtt schedule? just not really sure why we are giving feedback at this point.
, 10:54 AM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 185
Rather than? Why not in addition to...? I can't commit to a timeline at the moment - at least not publicly - but I can assure you that I'm working in multiple areas and splashing around in quite a number of pools at the moment. As for meaningless prize pools, on that we disagree. Everyone starts somewhere, and for the player to whom a $50 online bankroll is a big deal, then spinning part of that into a four-figure score (or higher) is quite significant. In any case, as I've mentioned there is a lot of work ahead and it's going to change lives, change the landscape, and ultimately make partypoker more enjoyable for everyone. I'm extremely excited to be moving in the right direction...!
Welcome back Bryan! Wow move by Party, can't wait for Powerfest now
As others said, make a midstakes series rather than a micro one? Anything with a buy-in less than 5.5 or 3.3+R is pretty meaningless.
There need to be more sats. Also keep the 1/5 sats imo, I miss them on Stars. Adding 1/10 shouldn't be treated as a replacement.
As others said, make a midstakes series rather than a micro one? Anything with a buy-in less than 5.5 or 3.3+R is pretty meaningless.
There need to be more sats. Also keep the 1/5 sats imo, I miss them on Stars. Adding 1/10 shouldn't be treated as a replacement.
Make that buy-in $55 and the same multiplier becomes interesting. And the smaller field also increases the chances of a deep run.
Totally agree with your point, please feel free to create both micro & mid-stakes then
, 11:18 AM
, 11:36 AM
what a ****in delight reading a non robotic reply thanks bryan
, 01:13 PM
I guess being a puppet is a choice after all.
, 04:19 PM
Congrats Brian, nice to see Party moving in the right direction!
As Walmart stated….we need to sell the dream again. Bring in new players (nice guarantees, good first place prizes, deposit/promos). The possibility of turning 5, 10, or 20 bucks into thousands, is what attracts new players. Building a bankroll, moving up stakes, tracking your progress. If that means some initial overlay to start (micro/low stakes timbeys), I think is well worth is for the long run. Prizes and guarantees are what excites
It seems the site is focusing on higher stakes with all the 55’s 109’s, 500’s etc. The micro/low stakes needs a lot of attention right now regardless of a series. I think Party is in an excellent spot right now to capitalize on this with the recent changes at JokerStars (turning everything in to hypers/pko/timebunks/other gimmick formats). Plus the lack of freeze outs across other sites, I think you guys have a TON of potential here. I understand you’re not in charge of the regular schedule, but I feel this is SUPER important with the lack of options right now. I don’t think the average player is depositing and starts firing 55’s and 109’s+, especially new customers.
Couple things that are a MUST (IMO):
1) Software upgrade ASAP (more user friendly, better chip display, more themes) the current white/ old school display is a little hard on the eyes personally. I’m sure others can add/comment to this?
2) Off peak schedule needs some love. 18:00 EST- 24:00 EST would be awesome. Stars used to run the nighty’s (55 and 162 I believe) something similar perhaps? Would be nice to play all times of the day
3) More $1-11 FO’s and some re-buys. Something like a $3 rebuy 3K GTD? I’m sure you guys can get creative. Stars used to have a $1 turbo rebuy that would get MASSIVE.
Keep listening to your customers and don’t fall down the path some other sites are going. I really hope to be putting most of my volume at Party poker in the near future, especially with the new rake back system. Finally some hope for the regs
As Walmart stated….we need to sell the dream again. Bring in new players (nice guarantees, good first place prizes, deposit/promos). The possibility of turning 5, 10, or 20 bucks into thousands, is what attracts new players. Building a bankroll, moving up stakes, tracking your progress. If that means some initial overlay to start (micro/low stakes timbeys), I think is well worth is for the long run. Prizes and guarantees are what excites
It seems the site is focusing on higher stakes with all the 55’s 109’s, 500’s etc. The micro/low stakes needs a lot of attention right now regardless of a series. I think Party is in an excellent spot right now to capitalize on this with the recent changes at JokerStars (turning everything in to hypers/pko/timebunks/other gimmick formats). Plus the lack of freeze outs across other sites, I think you guys have a TON of potential here. I understand you’re not in charge of the regular schedule, but I feel this is SUPER important with the lack of options right now. I don’t think the average player is depositing and starts firing 55’s and 109’s+, especially new customers.
Couple things that are a MUST (IMO):
1) Software upgrade ASAP (more user friendly, better chip display, more themes) the current white/ old school display is a little hard on the eyes personally. I’m sure others can add/comment to this?
2) Off peak schedule needs some love. 18:00 EST- 24:00 EST would be awesome. Stars used to run the nighty’s (55 and 162 I believe) something similar perhaps? Would be nice to play all times of the day
3) More $1-11 FO’s and some re-buys. Something like a $3 rebuy 3K GTD? I’m sure you guys can get creative. Stars used to have a $1 turbo rebuy that would get MASSIVE.
Keep listening to your customers and don’t fall down the path some other sites are going. I really hope to be putting most of my volume at Party poker in the near future, especially with the new rake back system. Finally some hope for the regs
, 06:26 PM
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 2
Hi Bryan!
I am a regular player of PokerStars de mmts de 180 players. As you have noticed the changes that have had PokerStars are very uncomfortable and annoying for all regular players in that room. I like to know that you are working for party poker and that you open this thread to request requests and listen to players' proposals to implement new things in party poker (and that's why I write this message). We are a large group of regular players on PokerStars and would like to propose the idea that there are similar games to PS players like mtts turbos of 180 players, with a buy in of 2.50, 3.50 + R, 8 & 15 usd of 180 Players. Hopefully they will implement those tournaments at Party Poker, I assure you that they will do very well and will have more players traffic in the room.
I hope that this proposal will not be ignored and they will do it as I am sure they will be successful.
Also I comment that it is the first time I write in this forum, and I hope you take into account all this I write. Hahaha
Many thanks and success at Party Poker.
I am a regular player of PokerStars de mmts de 180 players. As you have noticed the changes that have had PokerStars are very uncomfortable and annoying for all regular players in that room. I like to know that you are working for party poker and that you open this thread to request requests and listen to players' proposals to implement new things in party poker (and that's why I write this message). We are a large group of regular players on PokerStars and would like to propose the idea that there are similar games to PS players like mtts turbos of 180 players, with a buy in of 2.50, 3.50 + R, 8 & 15 usd of 180 Players. Hopefully they will implement those tournaments at Party Poker, I assure you that they will do very well and will have more players traffic in the room.
I hope that this proposal will not be ignored and they will do it as I am sure they will be successful.
Also I comment that it is the first time I write in this forum, and I hope you take into account all this I write. Hahaha
Many thanks and success at Party Poker.
, 08:21 PM
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 1
MTTSngs. 45/90/180 and 180 r/a ones same as stars.
Could possibly think to make the 180's on demand, so that they always run.
Could possibly think to make the 180's on demand, so that they always run.
, 04:10 AM
Poker Site Rep
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 5,138
ok, if working on mtt series is your remit, then that is fair enough, you also have said this thread should not be for the regular mtt schedule, ok no problem, maybe this thread should be called "PartyPoker MTT Series Thread"
I want to know who it is that we are giving feedback to concerning the regular mtts? is it pads? colette? and who is dealing with the daily schedule? But to be honest, we have been giving feedback for so long regarding the regular schedule yet it is still the same.
Would anyone be able to confirm if party plan on improving the daily mtt schedule? just not really sure why we are giving feedback at this point.
I want to know who it is that we are giving feedback to concerning the regular mtts? is it pads? colette? and who is dealing with the daily schedule? But to be honest, we have been giving feedback for so long regarding the regular schedule yet it is still the same.
Would anyone be able to confirm if party plan on improving the daily mtt schedule? just not really sure why we are giving feedback at this point.
Pads and the poker team and working together on improvements for the MTT schedule
Feedback on the thread is bought to the attention of the teams regularly by myself and I am also aware the management are actively reading
I will continue to keep on eye on general issues and feedback via all threads on 2+2 and of course you are welcome to PM myself
Account issues concerning access/deposit and withdrawals etc should be directed to the customer service teams directly
, 08:00 AM
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 250
gl, Bryan.. glad to see u back.
tried to register with partypoker, but it seems not accepting players from India. Any possibility in future we can play there?
nevertheless will be following this thread.
tried to register with partypoker, but it seems not accepting players from India. Any possibility in future we can play there?
nevertheless will be following this thread.
, 11:49 AM
Regarding 2-Day Events, I haven't gotten that far in the planning process for any future series as yet. I do agree that multi-day events are very useful and offer significant benefits to players, particularly those for whom playing online poker is a recreational activity as opposed to an occupation.
, 03:43 AM
Poker Site Rep
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 5,138
Our focus is on growing and improving our current markets
, 03:12 AM
I agree with pretty much everything you've written above, while also mentioning that I think that $33 can be a good buy-in for what you describe, and is significantly more reachable for players at the lower levels while still having the potential to build big prize pools.
Word. Yo mama is wise and decent. Thanks for your best effort.
, 09:54 AM
Can we get T$ for multiple sat entries, please? Current system is actually the worst in the industry and punishing everyone who isn't a BRS player.
, 01:02 PM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 11,234
Totally agree. Something needs to give.
, 03:35 AM
Party Poker Rep
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 14
In other news, I'm happy to report that a draft schedule for the upcoming series will be posted in the relatively near future. The schedule is currently in Version 6, with a group of us kicking ideas and revisions back and forth. As soon as I'm able to do so, I'll be here posting the schedule for feedback.
, 02:15 PM
Hey Bryan,
Care to shed some light on why aren't the Powerfest Sunday mains 2-day events? Only the 10k and 25k highrollers are, so it can't be no longer an issue that software wouldn't support it. These events tend to run around 17-18 hours.
If there's an actual reason like "our data shows more recreational players prefer 1-day events, which in turn attract weaker pros as well, resulting in overall bigger prize pools" then I'd be ok with, even though I personally dislike 1-day events. However the general feedback at least around 2+2 is that vast majority would prefer these as 2-day events.
Care to shed some light on why aren't the Powerfest Sunday mains 2-day events? Only the 10k and 25k highrollers are, so it can't be no longer an issue that software wouldn't support it. These events tend to run around 17-18 hours.
If there's an actual reason like "our data shows more recreational players prefer 1-day events, which in turn attract weaker pros as well, resulting in overall bigger prize pools" then I'd be ok with, even though I personally dislike 1-day events. However the general feedback at least around 2+2 is that vast majority would prefer these as 2-day events.
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