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10,000- A Lot of Random Thoughts 10,000- A Lot of Random Thoughts

02-04-2011 , 11:02 PM
Really good read actually. Very insightful.
10,000- A Lot of Random Thoughts Quote
02-04-2011 , 11:04 PM
Re UTG+1: Its sort of like a triple merge, its new.....Also im not trynig to be a ehro with this 10k post, if i want to troll protential with it I will.
10,000- A Lot of Random Thoughts Quote
02-05-2011 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Donk betting is something I dont do enough of imo, I will do it as a bluff against one type of player and only as value against others.

Bluff: Whenever nitty post flop players open and I flat out the blinds, I will donk lead flops that I am willing to double donk lead if I am called. These flops are usually stuff like 457, 569, etc. These are god cause often times you wil get raised against or folded, so you can bet liek 35% pot and take down a decent pot uncontested a good % of the time.

Value: Usually I dont donk bet flops as value, I will sometimes donk bet turn when I flopped the nuts, or even lets say I have T9s and I flatted out the blinds, flop is A92 and he cbets, I might float, than donk bet a T turn. I especially love donk bettering on wet flops that dont get there on turn, as often times people will float light thinking your trying to bluff your draw.

You could always take the sirswish method and donk bet min on turn and river with good hands that you dont want to call two streets with. <3 sir swish
10,000- A Lot of Random Thoughts Quote
02-05-2011 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
.....Also im not trynig to be a ehro with this 10k post, if i want to troll protential with it I will.
cue W and his mission accomplished banner then

I feel like ur OP probably has some merit but its really hard to take it seriously after the way you clown it up with Pro itt.
10,000- A Lot of Random Thoughts Quote
02-05-2011 , 01:07 AM
Than dont take it seriously...I am not hoping for a medal with this post I only did it cause I wanted to.
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02-05-2011 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by Protential
just because i know im better then you and ozzy, dosn't mean i have an ego....its not like u are actually good.
Don't want to get involved in this shitfest but I think it's pretty classless of you to call me out for no reason. If not because you already made peace with me to stop ragging on each other, then at least because I did not, and have not since we made peace, ragged on you in any way.
10,000- A Lot of Random Thoughts Quote
02-05-2011 , 02:09 AM
Hey guys no one cares who's a better low and midstakes reg! **** BITCHES GET MONEY

and good post custah! re: flat IP v 3bet, i think overall the weaker the player the more likely I'd be to flat, it seems like you're suggesting flatting is a better way to cheaply take pots with weak hands but vs good players and their barreling frequencies often flatting/bluffing post will be pretty costly.
10,000- A Lot of Random Thoughts Quote
02-05-2011 , 02:49 AM
nice op and replies, rest made me go blind
10,000- A Lot of Random Thoughts Quote
02-05-2011 , 08:20 AM
How many tables do you averagely play and across how many sites?

Are you backed?
10,000- A Lot of Random Thoughts Quote
02-05-2011 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by jchauvin
Hey guys no one cares who's a better low and midstakes reg! **** BITCHES GET MONEY

and good post custah! re: flat IP v 3bet, i think overall the weaker the player the more likely I'd be to flat, it seems like you're suggesting flatting is a better way to cheaply take pots with weak hands but vs good players and their barreling frequencies often flatting/bluffing post will be pretty costly.
Theres a fine margin between 3 betting every time a good spot present itself and 3 betting optimally. Because if you 3 bet everytime you can reasonably expect folds than you are increasing your 3 bet too much and better players will notice. If you add the flat than bluff flop or alter streets into your play than you can effectively win the same pot a 3 bet does without losing respect when you do 3 bet light.
10,000- A Lot of Random Thoughts Quote
02-05-2011 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by f3nix35
How many tables do you averagely play and across how many sites?

Are you backed?
Only play Stars/Tilt, and average depends on how good im doing. I always play the same tourneys so If a am going deep in some of the earlier ones I can easily get 15+ tables tunning. AVG overall is prob around 8-12 table excluding the end of the night.

I can 20+ table as I do it with SnGs, and during MET week i got 20+ going a few times.

And yes im backed, if i wasnt a college weekend warrior withdrawing all of my winning i would try to build a roll.
10,000- A Lot of Random Thoughts Quote
02-05-2011 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by mement_mori
Some good points in the post (besides from that utg+1 thing, that's rubbish) but think it's pretty classless of you to draw Protential into it.
pretty much this

however, i do always appreciate it when people bother to put some thought into a post, so good job OP

also, why do so many threads have to turn into people aruging over who is better/people calling other people terrible, cant we all just take money from the fish and get along
10,000- A Lot of Random Thoughts Quote
04-09-2011 , 03:25 AM
how much would u pay for a grilled cheese right now???.....freeze pop????
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