Originally Posted by El Diablo
you're lazy - unlike most others, you haven't needed to work hard. Instead you can earn a small wage and still afford to live and date in London plus go on international holidays. Thanks to your privilege, you've never been forced to develop any kind of work ethic.
This is completely true and nothing that I don't already know. The trouble is that I feel like if I were put into any sort of challenging or hostile situation beyond that I'd simply crumble and possibly die. I honestly believe that were my parents to cut me off tomorrow I'd end up homeless on the street very quickly indeed, and probably end up killing myself.
Originally Posted by El Diablo
it's easy to respond to criticism here and say whatever you guys don't know what you're talking about or how good I really am
I've literally never said this, you've only inferred it from my posting style but I'd disavow this completely.
Indeed, the very real possibility that I've grossly overestimated my abilities and potential is a major reason for my lack of motivation.
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
My thought at the time was that if I actually wanted success in that environment, then I needed to change my reputation. Period. Whether that was fair or moral or not was a lovely intellectualism that was entirely beside the point. Focusing on that unfairness was a) an excuse and b) not productive.
Sure, sure, completely agree. It just really depresses me though.
Originally Posted by Tuma
rasta - you aren't the smartest guy in the room. i think you acknowledge that but don't really believe it. this forum is littered with actual genius...pretty sure howard is an ivy league grad. chill out a little bit and aim to make objective progress in your life- take some advice, or rather absorb what you can from it without arguing formal logic (which is typically a broken record for any participant in life) and simply man up.
Well, that's unfalsifiable. I can't defend against that accusation. How ought I demonstrate that I believe that I'm not the smartest guy in the room? I certainly have friendships with people who could fit into the 'genius' category you describe and there's no chance whatsoever that I could possibly come out of that believing they're not smarter than me. Sometimes talking to them is fascinating but makes you feel thick as pig**** by comparison!
Look, I realise my posts are very long, but that isn't really because I think that I have knowledge or wisdom to impart to the world, I'm just trying to communicate and express my mental states as accurately and thoroughly as possible.
I mean, take the Sexodus thread for example, I did all I could to get across what my experience of freezing up was like, and yet El D (who at the time was probably trying to help) sincerely believed that I was just a repressed homosexual. I just really want to avoid misunderstanding and communicate what its like to experience the thoughts that I do.
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
OOT is in no way perfect. But the collective is generally pretty smart and full of mockery and humor, most of it good-natured.
Completely agree, but it is a common theme that whenever someone meets with success or failure its put down to their following OTT to the letter, or failing to stick to the script closely enough respectively.
I picked and chose the advice from OTT on the Sexodus thread and it was largely useful. Some of it was however, incorrect and right to ignore.
That doesn't mean that its not a great resource, hell if anything, the fact that you get that selection of intelligent opinions, misunderstandings, compassion, trolling and suchlike in varying quantities and indeed, have to then choose your course of action on the basis of that selection, is what I'd say makes the learning experience on OTT not only valuable, but really quite unique.