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04-13-2015 , 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by Rastamouse
Besides, I don't have time to do the blog, the podcast and whatnot.

Originally Posted by Rastamouse
On a happier note my parents are away this coming weekend. Which means I can have a poker/FIFA/alcohol/weed/football-in-the-morning boys night with my mates. Got 10 people coming round so should be a sick one!
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
It is tough re. time. Tuesday evening was spent with the family for a meal out, Wednesday was free admittedly. Thursday gf and tonight a friend. Tomorrow is football with mates.
And of course all the time you spend posting here.

It's not that you don't have time, it's that you're choosing not to make time to do those things. Which is fine, but when this is how you describe your qualifications in a very competitive job market:

Originally Posted by Rastamouse
have average-to-poor A-levels, have a decent degree but in a crap subject, have a hopeless CV which I'm sceptical will give me any sort of future, am personally extremely fearful and anxious, have chronic insomnia which has meant that its been over a week since I got more than five hours of sleep and have no work ethic whatsoever.
Then you are indeed likely correct that you're on a fool's errand if you don't make some sacrifices like spending more time on things to distinguish yourself from the pack instead of having fun with your friends.
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04-13-2015 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
I can say with confidence that no one knows how old I was when I lost my virginity (at some point it probably came up with my wife but I doubt she remembers). I will grant that since I'm married people probably assume I've had sex with a woman at least once. But I got married at 36 so before that no one would have had any reason to think one way or another. How did people manage to pick you out to discriminate against? Did you wear a sign?
I struggled to have sex with a girl at 21 who was on her way to becoming my girlfriend.

She told her friends and they obviously spread it round and mocked me rather cruelly. One girl asked me whilst drunk at a party "Rasta, why are you such a pussy?" whilst giggling away. If she were a bloke I'd of course smack her straight in the mouth, but she's a girl so I just had to take the abuse.

Fortunately it was all mainly among themselves and their friends rather than my own social circle where I think they all assumed I'd successfully got laid at like 18-19 or so.

(Indeed, I did go back home with a couple of girls whilst at uni (although because of ED I wasn't able to have sex), so I'd just come home the next day and let them assume.)

I mean when I first started posting here all I talked about was the fact that I had ED and had never successfully had sex. People instantly made fun of me as lets face it, you'd know they would.

You can say "Oh come on that's super standard its an internet forum " and sure, you're not wrong, but can you honestly tell me that it isn't cruel to essentially mock someone for something that isn't their fault and then tell them to just sit there and take it?

Fat people don't have to put up with that. Dwarfs don't. Black people and suchlike certainly don't and even small and skinny people don't have to put up with people overtly mocking their misfortune or society just generally thinking of them as fundamentally less of a man and less worthy of respect.

Well, its over now, I'm very competent at having sex with my girlfriend and fortunately everyone I know who matters thinks that I lost my virginity age 19. But I'm telling you, its a ****ing horrible prejudice and I completely understand why the white/nerdy/virgin stereotype feels hard done by.

Look, its not a competition to see who's the worst off or to measure them up against blacks/women/aliens or whatever, but lets just at least admit that a prejudice exists and that it is an injustice. I'm happy to move on from this debate.
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04-13-2015 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo


And of course all the time you spend posting here.

It's not that you don't have time, it's that you're choosing not to make time to do those things. Which is fine, but when this is how you describe your qualifications in a very competitive job market:

Then you are indeed likely correct that you're on a fool's errand if you don't make some sacrifices like spending more time on things to distinguish yourself from the pack instead of having fun with your friends.
You've hit the nail on the head.

In order to even so much as attempt to secure a job that I'm not even enthused about which would afford me no more than the ability to rent a room in a house I have to grind myself into the ground and miss out on some of the few things that I can actually take pleasure from.

I agree! Its not an injustice! and yeah, maybe I do need to make a load of sacrifices.

Its just ****ing unpleasant and makes for a miserable lifestyle where I wake up each morning hoping that I'll get hit by a bus.

I'm going to keep trying. I'll get this application for the Charity thing done tonight. 1500 words in one evening isn't nothing especially when its got to be targeted and presented crisply to secure a position.

That way at least its a day where I can say I've put the work in.
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04-13-2015 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
I mean when I first started posting here all I talked about was the fact that I had ED and had never successfully had sex. People instantly made fun of me as lets face it, you'd know they would.
That's not why people made fun of you.
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04-13-2015 , 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by Rastamouse
Fat people don't have to put up with that. Dwarfs don't. Black people and suchlike certainly don't and even small and skinny people don't have to put up with people overtly mocking their misfortune or society just generally thinking of them as fundamentally less of a man and less worthy of respect.

Well, its over now, I'm very competent at having sex with my girlfriend and fortunately everyone I know who matters thinks that I lost my virginity age 19. But I'm telling you, its a ****ing horrible prejudice and I completely understand why the white/nerdy/virgin stereotype feels hard done by.



OK, I think that's all. No, wait...


Also, Did is right.
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04-13-2015 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
That's not why people made fun of you.

Take a look at my very first posts. MY VERY FIRST POSTS where I was completely unknown.

Besides which, you also came out with the 'no-one cares if you're a virgin' line. You utterly ignorant, asinine little prick.
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04-13-2015 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo




OK, I think that's all. No, wait...


Also, Did is right.
Great argument.

Meet me in real life. Laugh in my face.
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04-13-2015 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
(although because of ED I wasn't able to have sex)
When I first read this I thought you were blaming El Diablo for your inability to have sex while in uni.
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04-13-2015 , 03:46 PM
I originally made fun of you because you were spouting this MRA nonsense about female privilege and female superiority and guys having it so hard, just like I'm making fun of you now for comparing being a virgin to being black.
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04-13-2015 , 03:51 PM

If only all the blacks, dwarves, and obese people in the world understood the societal struggle of being a young white college-educated male virgin in London with free housing.
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04-13-2015 , 03:51 PM
You were made fun of because of the ******ed sexedus theory.
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04-13-2015 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
You were made fun of because of the ******ed sexedus theory.
BEFORE I started that thread I posted on (I think, but can't remember) the online dating thread as a complete unknown.

I also beat the **** out of all the 2+2 cultists who tried to prove the tenets of feminism and ran into a persistent little bugger with the temerity to ask for evidence, and laughed my 'nads off when all they could do was resort to insults.
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04-13-2015 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

If only all the blacks, dwarves, and obese people in the world understood the societal struggle of being a young white college-educated male virgin in London with free housing.
Straw-man argument.
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04-13-2015 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I originally made fun of you because you were spouting this MRA nonsense about female privilege and female superiority and guys having it so hard, just like I'm making fun of you now for comparing being a virgin to being black.
You suffer prejudice and discrimination for being a virgin. Just like you do for being black.

Whether the two are comparable in their unpleasantness and pervasiveness I don't know, but certainly, I think we're all in agreement that a white man probably isn't in the best position to judge the effects of such prejudice for black people.

Just like someone who lost their virginity at a 'normal' age isn't in the best position to judge the pervasiveness and unpleasantness of prejudice against virgins.

Which is why, from your position of ignorance, you came out with the little gem of 'no-one cares if you're a virgin' and I was able to report stories which proved precisely the opposite, and also walk away knowing that you really didn't have a clue what you were talking about (but still felt arrogant enough to comment on)

Real basic **** guys.
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04-13-2015 , 03:59 PM
So come on. Tell me all about your struggles and how hard you lot had to work to achieve whatever it is you've achieved?

(about a third of the way through the charity grad scheme application btw)
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04-13-2015 , 04:01 PM

Originally Posted by El Diablo

Btw you've said I said something incorrect re: guys being a virgin.

Please quote what you wrote and what I responded, thx.
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04-13-2015 , 04:11 PM
I honestly can't be bothered to go and find it, but you're replicating the sentiment here.

Like I say, have the balls to meet me in real life. I'll be friendly and civilised as hell but I want to take a look at you and see what you're like speaking face-to-face.
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04-13-2015 , 04:17 PM

Why would I want to meet you IRL?
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04-13-2015 , 04:23 PM

You're a young, able-bodied, seemingly reasonably intelligent, college-educated white male in London with housing provided for him.

You are in the very top percentile of people in the world born with all the advantages in their favor. You have lucked into a very easy life.

Do you have some things that aren't 100% perfect? Of course. So does everyone. But you have it easier than the vast, vast majority of people in the world.

But even with all your advantages, you apparently don't think putting in the effort is worth it for what you believe you can achieve by doing that. Which is fine, but then what's the point of this thread?

Cliffs: You know what you need to do. Up to you whether you do it or not.
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04-13-2015 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
I think we're all in agreement that a white man probably isn't in the best position to judge the effects of such prejudice for black people.
Yes, but I am absolutely certain that the effects of prejudice for black people is so much greater than that for virgins that any comparison of the two is laughable.

First, as Howard noted, a very small percentage of people you came into contact with in your daily life knew you were a virgin--if you're commuting and walking around in London, I'd estimate it to be around 0%. If you're black, the percentage of people who notice that is close to 100%.

Now let's see if the effects of the prejudice are similar. Black people: get shot in the back 6 times by a cop while unarmed and trying to flee. Virgins: dumped into the molten lava of a volcano as a sacrifice. Okay, fair enough. Being a virgin is comparable to being black. I retract the first paragraph.
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04-13-2015 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
Meet me in real life. Laugh in my face.
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
Like I say, have the balls to meet me in real life. I'll be friendly and civilised as hell but I want to take a look at you and see what you're like speaking face-to-face.
Damn, I really hoped you were taking notes from Pounding The Under and challenging El D to a fight.
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04-13-2015 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Why would I want to meet you IRL?
Curiosity perhaps? You'd be very surprised at what I'm like socially.

Look, joking aside, the truth is I think you're likely someone I could learn an awful lot from, but the problem is, as I say, that you seem to dislike my internet persona so badly that its coloured your responses.

This is entirely my fault I'll readily admit. I'm an ******* online.

But look, the virginity thing to be honest was massive side-issue. All I wanted was for you to just admit that yeah, prejudice against male virgins does exist and it isn't deserved. Not because I want to be proven right for the sake of it, but because at least that way I know I'm getting honest feedback from you.

You contradict yourself again with the whole 'see a mental health professional' thing. You insist that I'm just like everyone else and that I'm no different and that its all just laziness, and then you tell me something that flies in the face of that.

If you met me in real life I genuinely think we'd get on and you'd be pleasantly surprised. Come on you must be curious!

We can meet in the middle of central London or whatever and go our separate ways if it doesn't work out. Come on! Give it a go!
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04-13-2015 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

You're a young, able-bodied, seemingly reasonably intelligent, college-educated white male in London with housing provided for him.

You are in the very top percentile of people in the world born with all the advantages in their favor. You have lucked into a very easy life.

Do you have some things that aren't 100% perfect? Of course. So does everyone. But you have it easier than the vast, vast majority of people in the world.

But even with all your advantages, you apparently don't think putting in the effort is worth it for what you believe you can achieve by doing that. Which is fine, but then what's the point of this thread?

Cliffs: You know what you need to do. Up to you whether you do it or not.
Don't disagree with any of this. But I'm still c*nting unhappy and haven't got a clue how to change that.

EDIT: I'm still c*nting unhappy and very worried that my sincerest efforts to change that won't succeed. You are right sir.
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04-13-2015 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Damn, I really hoped you were taking notes from Pounding The Under and challenging El D to a fight.
I'm up for a fight as well if people are up for it, but I'd rather grab a beer
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04-13-2015 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Yes, but I am absolutely certain that the effects of prejudice for black people is so much greater than that for virgins that any comparison of the two is laughable.
You're wrong.

Originally Posted by gregorio
First, as Howard noted, a very small percentage of people you came into contact with in your daily life knew you were a virgin--if you're commuting and walking around in London, I'd estimate it to be around 0%. If you're black, the percentage of people who notice that is close to 100%.
So? Racists are like 0.1% of the population and even then, they don't do anything.

Originally Posted by gregorio
Now let's see if the effects of the prejudice are similar. Black people: get shot in the back 6 times by a cop while unarmed and trying to flee.
Lol. Yeah. All of them.

Originally Posted by gregorio
Virgins: dumped into the molten lava of a volcano as a sacrifice. Okay, fair enough. Being a virgin is comparable to being black. I retract the first paragraph.
Are ostracised, disrespected and criticised for complaining about being the victims of prejudice.

They're pretty close.

But, whatever, thats the impasse at which we'll have to leave it.
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