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***** Official SSSHLHE Stats Thread ***** ***** Official SSSHLHE Stats Thread *****

12-28-2009 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Unguarded
I'm not a fan of trying to close the gap between VPIP and PFR. Suppose we have a player who doesn't 3bet HU out of the BB much, is an open limp artist BVB, intelligently defends w/ cold-calls in decent spots, folds only very very rarely in the BB vs. a raise or in the SB vs. limpers, and isn't quite as iso-happy as most of us. This guy could have stats like 38/24 but still play expert poker. Food for thought...
I don't doubt that someone can play this way expertly, these are like mariakra type stats, not that she is an expert. Just kind of goes against my worldview, but sure I can see it. 28/18 and 44/20 aren't the same thing though, and I can hardly see these as being winning styles.
12-28-2009 , 05:56 PM
ya 28/18 is def too tight no matter what the gap
12-28-2009 , 05:56 PM
After running pretty well for the first 15k hands or so I now suffered almost a 400BB downswing at €0.5/1. I'm really starting to doubt my game even though I know I have an edge against most opponents on the network. However, obviously my game has leaks, please point them out. Thank you!

12-28-2009 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by maobing
After running pretty well for the first 15k hands or so I now suffered almost a 400BB downswing at €0.5/1. I'm really starting to doubt my game even though I know I have an edge against most opponents on the network. However, obviously my game has leaks, please point them out. Thank you!

You are way to tight, you should be opening more hands. Read La Peste's response to the poster above you in this thread pretty similar to yours.
12-28-2009 , 11:56 PM
Yep, too tight and you don't showdown enough.
12-29-2009 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by La Peste
and you don't showdown enough.
I wish every time someone said this to a 37 wtsd of a small stakes player, some script would autopost Unguarded's 2/4 and 3/6 wtsd along with is winrate.
12-29-2009 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by daiquiri
I wish every time someone said this to a 37 wtsd of a small stakes player, some script would autopost Unguarded's 2/4 and 3/6 wtsd along with is winrate.
unguarded is an exception, most top high/mid stakes players are showdown monkeys.
12-29-2009 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by La Peste
unguarded is an exception, most top high/mid stakes players are showdown monkeys.
yes but we are talking low stakes with much-much less aggression and semibluffing
12-29-2009 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by daiquiri
yes but we are talking low stakes with much-much less aggression and semibluffing
with a guy playing this tight, he is going to have a stronger hand on average when he enters the pot, thus he is making tons of bad folds postflop, guaranteed.
12-29-2009 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by La Peste
with a guy playing this tight, he is going to have a stronger hand on average when he enters the pot, thus he is making tons of bad folds postflop, guaranteed.
when was the last time you played 50c/1$? Just check out those tables, most hands are like 3-4+ handed. It's not like 3/6 where the majority of pots are HU or 3w. The more mw pots you play and the less aggressive people are, the less you should be showing down on average. I don't think 37 wtsd in 50c/1$ is a leak at all.
12-29-2009 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by daiquiri
I wish every time someone said this to a 37 wtsd of a small stakes player, some script would autopost Unguarded's 2/4 and 3/6 wtsd along with is winrate.
so true , i mean my wtsd at 2/4 was about 37 filtered 5-6 and i won nearly 2BBs/100. but i also played in games were it was 4 people min. to every flop.
12-29-2009 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by daiquiri
when was the last time you played 50c/1$? Just check out those tables, most hands are like 3-4+ handed. It's not like 3/6 where the majority of pots are HU or 3w. The more mw pots you play and the less aggressive people are, the less you should be showing down on average. I don't think 37 wtsd in 50c/1$ is a leak at all.
The only times I have played 50c/1 was with the lineup of kikadell, you, skillgambler, cubfan, valente, etc. So who knows, I may be out of touch, but I like the game type that you describe.
12-29-2009 , 12:26 AM
Yeah those games are awesome. But people bluff much less in 4+ way pots ldo so being an sd monkey is not nearly as good as in aggro games with many hu pots.
12-29-2009 , 06:52 AM
Thanks for all the replies. I know most people would say I play too tight and fold too much, but as some pointed out, the games I play usually have a seen flop % of 60+ and it makes it very hard to open up IMO. It feels like a third of the time when I open raise from button I even face a raise when my turn to act. If i open raise from an early position I will typically get 3-4 players seeing the turn, and as soon as I check some fish will bet. Very few players will fold a pair where I play. This makes me afraid of opening up, especially when the cards don't fall my way.

But apart from what has already been mentioned, do my stats look ok? Something else I should post for more input?
12-29-2009 , 07:23 AM
There are the last 3 weeks or something at 0.5/1, filtered by days, is this really normal?
12-29-2009 , 08:18 AM
you should still open up, these game conditions are no reasons for tightening up. You should overlimp more, isoraise more, call more loosely from BB in multiway pots, etc. Your main focus should be getting in pots with bad players as often as possible. By tightening up you fail to do so.
12-29-2009 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by daiquiri
you should still open up, these game conditions are no reasons for tightening up. You should overlimp more, isoraise more, call more loosely from BB in multiway pots, etc. Your main focus should be getting in pots with bad players as often as possible. By tightening up you fail to do so.
So what pre-flop stats should I be aiming for in your opinion?
12-29-2009 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by maobing
So what pre-flop stats should I be aiming for in your opinion?
Start with opening more hands slowly. If UTG you open 88+, then start openin 66+ or if you only open A8s+ start with A6s+, etc. Then when you get more comforatable with that start with more hands.
12-30-2009 , 01:23 AM
I just started playing limit seriously the last week or 2. I like to think of myself as a solid poker player but after 12k hands my results aren't what I thought they'd be. Here are my Poker Tracker stats...

Hands Won: 16.73%
Sessions Won: 48.1%
Amount Won: -$201.50
BB/100: -0.83
VP$IP: 25.42
PFR: 19.3
W$WSF: 46.33
WTSD: 39.08%
W$@SD: 52.45%
AggF: 2.12
AggFq: 56.86
3Bet: 15.14
Fold3Bet: 45.63
Att to Steal: 32.14
FoldBBtoSteal: 59.01
FoldSBtoSteal: 76.36

Was hoping someone could give me some constructive criticism. I figured after this many hands my true colors would show. Am I running bad? Playing bad? Both? Do I have leaks?

Any information would be helpful

12-30-2009 , 01:45 AM
you are playing too tightly. also there is a stats thread, though hardly anyone replies to posts in there, so you may be better off with your own thread before it gets moved.
12-30-2009 , 02:44 AM
stoopid question...Is HEM's Agg% the same stat as PT3's AFq?
12-30-2009 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by La Peste
you are playing too tightly. also there is a stats thread, though hardly anyone replies to posts in there, so you may be better off with your own thread before it gets moved.
If he reads the thread, then there'll no need to have someone else interpret his stats.

Last edited by Leader; 12-30-2009 at 04:33 PM.
12-30-2009 , 10:00 AM
Hey guys, i've been lurking around this forum a little bit. I've been playing lhe for a little bit and started at 1/2. Here are my stats from PT3. I don't know if i'm just really bad or running bad. I know it's a small sample, but any suggestions would help.


12-30-2009 , 12:33 PM
guarded, maybe unguarded will show up too since it's opposite day.

my take is that your stats look pretty normal, but your sample size is very small. impossible to say if you are bad or just running bad yet. also after you get some more playing experience you can probably loosen up a slightly, but that shouldn't be a major issue.
12-30-2009 , 01:25 PM
lol I thought this was a prank when I first saw someone w/ one post using that handle and saw La Peste replying first...

That looks like a sample size issue to me. I bet your results are much better in the long run playing this style. But some obvious leaks... it looks like you limp UTG and HJ and then CO and Btn together and play them almost the same. I would play much looser in the HJ and on the btn. Also, I think you need to get in more pots in the SB/BB.

Also, it looks like you are playing 6-8 tables... I highly recommend cutting the tables and planning to move up aggressively for the best long term results. It's hard to improve or learn much about poker when you only get a few seconds to think about any one hand.

Last edited by Unguarded; 12-30-2009 at 01:49 PM.
