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LIMIT Hold 'em 6-max HUD/Pop-up stats explained. LIMIT Hold 'em 6-max HUD/Pop-up stats explained.

04-02-2011 , 07:43 PM
I apologize in advance if I'm polluting the forum with a redundant thread. To my surprise a search for a thread that provides an in depth explanation of all the vital stats brought back no matching results. I'm looking for an in depth analysis of how to interpret HUD stats for various limits starting at 1/2(I assume the optimal number will vary from limit to limit because of the rake structure and dominant playing style of the opponents). Also, what's the best way to set up a pop up to get the by street tendencies of your opponents. I've been playing live for years and kinda feel that stuff intuitively, but would love to learn what numeric ranges are optimal and what ranges constitute exploitable deviations. VPIP/PFR need not be addressed as that's basics even for me
Thanks in advance!
04-02-2011 , 11:37 PM
Not sure if I'm right, but you might get better responses in the ssshlhe stats thread.
04-02-2011 , 11:41 PM
Well, I am not going to write a thesis to your query. I suggest you search the stats thread for optimal stats, especially the posts in there from the last year or so. I will, however, give you the stats I use on my HUD optimized for fixed limit 6 max.

Bet vs missed CB in position/Bet vs missed CB out of position
VPIP/PFR/3 Bet/Agg%/Donk bet flop
Steal/BB fold to Steal/WTSD/Turn cbet/Turn Check Raise
04-03-2011 , 11:12 AM
Ha ha, thanks La Peste, I thought the answer would be of monumental proportions, that's why I was hoping to find a thread that dealt with it. Which thread are you referring to, "The official micro stats thread pt. 1 & pt.2" or was there another thread for small-mid limits? Thnx!
04-03-2011 , 01:13 PM
why no "c/r flop" but you have "c/r turn"?
04-03-2011 , 01:14 PM
Awesome, exactly what I was hoping to find, problem solved. thnx again La Peste!
04-03-2011 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
why no "c/r flop" but you have "c/r turn"?
I have a customized popup for every stat. If I click my c/r turn stat, It gives c/r flop, turn and river. I just figure that since I will cbet close to 100% of the time that having c/r flop on my direct hud isn't the best use of space. Do you have it on your hud?
04-03-2011 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by TD-74
Awesome, exactly what I was hoping to find, problem solved. thnx again La Peste!
np. remember what I said about mostly paying attention to stats discussion from the last year or so. the game has changed a lot since that thread started. the discussion early on is going to be too nitty.
04-03-2011 , 01:45 PM
Speaking of turn c/r, what ranges represent low, normal and high?
04-03-2011 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by La Peste
I have a customized popup for every stat. If I click my c/r turn stat, It gives c/r flop, turn and river. I just figure that since I will cbet close to 100% of the time that having c/r flop on my direct hud isn't the best use of space. Do you have it on your hud?
Im still using the standard one cause I moved over from PT3 to HEM and haven't bothered with the settings so far.

But I used to have both on my hud, yeah. Having just one or the other doesn't tell the whole story. You need to look at them both to understand villain's strategy.
04-03-2011 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by TD-74
Speaking of turn c/r, what ranges represent low, normal and high?
That depends a lot on his flop c/r. For instance, someone who slowplays a lot on the flop is gonna have an exaggerated turn c/r stat.
04-03-2011 , 01:53 PM
I am fairly inexperienced with the stat, but here is my venture. Mine is 15%. If someone is c/r over 20% over a decent hand sample they may be waiting till the turn with stong flopped hands. If they c/r under 10%, especially if below 5% you can probably do stuff like vbet hands that would hate to c/r'd on the turn like weak ace highs, or UI KQ. This is especially true if they do not bet the river a lot when you value check the turn. Against an aggressive c/r'er who also bets a lot when you induce a bet you may want to check back a lot more turns.

edit: and as wolfram points out, if you look at the c/r by street it will give you some more insight on their thought process.
04-03-2011 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
Having just one or the other doesn't tell the whole story. You need to look at them both to understand villain's strategy.
Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. It's not necessarily important for how you play the flop, but kind of gives you an idea if they wait till the turn a lot or not.
04-03-2011 , 02:41 PM
imo, stats like turn c/r gets effected from variance very much. This is because the opportunity happens rare and it is generally low probability. To achieve a good c/r stat you need at least 60-70k hands. By good I mean within a 2% interval.

For a villain with 2k hands it is still within a ~15% interval which is too much.

Anyway, in practice you shouldn't give too much value to it.
