Originally Posted by TimM
First starting FR LHE with a 600 blinds roll, and moving up a level every month was pretty reasonable. Building a bankroll from the very bottom made sense to make sure I knew what I was doing, but at big bet it's so hard to be sure of that without a huge sample anyway. And it takes so long to build the bankroll that is makes sense just to deposit enough for a non-cheeseburger stakes level and jump in.
600BB BRM never made a lot of sense for a recreational player. The idea of moving up once you have some experience is good. The place where it breaks down is the concept of collecting a huge BR at limit X to have the $ for moving up to 2X and then steadfastly sticking there until having 4X or going broke is silly. Why do you self identify as a 2X limit player forever? Due to the simplified maths of BRM?
Xhad made a
nice post about Kelly betting and LHE. You can decide you don't like moving limits by being as aggressive as he is, but the concept where you let yourself move up
and down is clearly good. You can make the sane addition to Xhad's idea of getting some experience at your current level before moving up to 2X or you can just say getting in over your head for a bit at 2X will likely move you down.
Again, the idea of once you move up you have a huge BR and then stick it out until you bust is flat out dumb. First, it makes your BR too big and forces you to take forever to move up. Second, not being willing to move down is dumb. If you want to apply these ideas to big bet poker, it should be possible. Assuming big bet poker appeals to you. Just because someone modeled RoR with a simple model doesn't mean you have to use that as a road map for months of dull grinding once you've mastered a given limit.