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Why are people not more alarmed from the threat of N.Korea Why are people not more alarmed from the threat of N.Korea

07-09-2017 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
lolwil yet again getting shown up for the clueless fool he's famous for being.

Your 'strategy' of turning up here to try to gain respect and self-esteem always results in the same thing, which is making a total fool of yourself in your terrible posts, people laughing at you and you sulking off with your tail between your legs, feeling even worse about your terrible loljob with night shifts and horrendously long working weeks than you did before.

Rinse, repeat.

Pea-brained idiots like you never learn.
Anyone with half a brain in this thread realizes you are a moron speaking about a topic which you are clearly ignorant.
07-09-2017 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by batair
We are still in Iraq one.
Iraq 1 happened in 1991.

Lol, wow my memory must be going. I swear it was 1993. I guess I'm getting old.

Last edited by wil318466; 07-09-2017 at 05:10 PM.
07-09-2017 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Anyone with half a brain in this thread realizes you are a moron speaking about a topic which you are clearly ignorant.
Says lolwil whose only historical reference point for wars is WW2, because he's a pig ignorant, uncultured moron.

Now get back to work and work harder, sucker.
07-09-2017 , 05:13 PM
Right Iraq started then and we have been engaged and militarily active to one degree to another since.
07-09-2017 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
What is insane? FDR's decision?
What the actual? What's FDR got to do with it? Are you confusing him with his successor Harry S Truman, who took the decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan in circumstances nothing like those now applying?

It's insane to suggest that the United States should now engage in unprovoked nuclear first use. In an area just forty miles from the South Korean capital Seoul. And in a theatre of considerable interest to China.
07-09-2017 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
What the actual? What's FDR got to do with it? Are you confusing him with his successor Harry S Truman, who took the decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan in circumstances nothing like those now applying?
Yes. Sorry. I meant Truman. Why can't we use the same calculation for number of lives lost with or without nukes even if the circumstances are different?

It's insane to suggest that the United States should now engage in unprovoked nuclear first use. In an area just forty miles from the South Korean capital Seoul. And in a theatre of considerable interest to China.
I'm not saying let's nuke NK tomorrow. I'm saying that if it comes down to war with NK, ending it the quickest manner possible seems best. And if you're willing to just wait it out until an insane madman has a fully working long range nuclear arsenal, then it's going to be an all out nuclear war anyway. I fail to see how that's any better.

Your point about Seoul is well taken though. That's why I'm posting on 2p2 and not drawing up battle plans as an acting general.
07-09-2017 , 06:24 PM
Wil, what do you think about:

a) There is no motivation behind DPRK to attack anyone since it's obviously an insane idea from a risk:reward standpoint. I'm not saying you do this but ton of people seem to portray them as some sort of a cartoon villain while the facts say you are dealing with incredibly smart people(try building a nuke, for one).

b) If you declared war on DPRK as some sort of preventive measure, Seoul would get leveled and since it holds ~25 million in its metro area, that would be a bad idea.
07-09-2017 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Says lolwil whose only historical reference point for wars is WW2, because he's a pig ignorant, uncultured moron.

Now get back to work and work harder, sucker.
You realize no one in this thread is supporting you, right? It's because you look like an absolute fool, but not one wants to tell you that. I will. You look like a fool.
07-09-2017 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
You realize no one in this thread is supporting you, right? It's because you look like an absolute fool, but not one wants to tell you that. I will. You look like a fool.
07-09-2017 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by lenC
Wil, what do you think about:

a) There is no motivation behind DPRK to attack anyone since it's obviously an insane idea from a risk:reward standpoint. I'm not saying you do this but ton of people seem to portray them as some sort of a cartoon villain while the facts say you are dealing with incredibly smart people(try building a nuke, for one).
If I had to guess I'd say the US maybe shoots down a missle, they declare it an act of war and then it escalates extremely quickly. The fighting will be determined by what the north does. If they fire at Seoul then a full scale invasion will occur. If they invade the south they will push for a few days and then the south will counter and crush them. If a nuke goes off, we kill everyone.

b) If you declared war on DPRK as some sort of preventive measure, Seoul would get leveled and since it holds ~25 million in its metro area, that would be a bad idea.
Nothing can be done. It's unfortunate Seoul is where it is but we just have to accept it. We've been through it before and we can rebuild what is lost.
07-10-2017 , 01:37 AM
lolwil fantasising about a nuclear holocaust and claiming 25 million deaths are merely "unfortunate" is a new low.

You've gone completely insane. All those nights you've been working have clearly taken their toll. Seek help or get a new job, boot-licking sucker.
07-10-2017 , 03:10 AM
So, uh, we're all good with a parroting cretin spewing the screenplay for The Turner Diaries Part 2: The Internationalening?

Originally Posted by wil318466
This is the result of leftist idiocy. Jalfrezi literally doesn't understand the state of the world. The entire world is contested.

China is on the rise, bullying their neighbors and trying to take control of the south China Sea, building artificial islands with weapons on them.

Russia is geographically challenged and is currently employing a destabilization strategy on their buffer countries and absolutely willing to flex their muscle if NATO tries absorbing any of them - rightfully so.

No one has any idea what the **** is going on in Turkey, a strategically vital NATO Ally that monitors waterways the Russian navy needs and is shining example of secular Islam. A complete joke.

The European Union is a constant concern, with Russia eyeing up natural gas opportunities, and licking their chops at the idea of their collapse.

Iran is a question mark and their true intentions are still not clear. And if course that makes the Israelis nervous and if they pre-empt we have a diaster on our hands.

We are already discussing how potentially dangerous the North Korea situation is.

Not to mention Islamic terrorism in ISIS, the Taliban, Hezbollah, boko Haram, and let's not forget across the Western countries who INVITED THEM IN.

Yeah, folks, the entire ****ing planet is a big fat mess, and it's our fault. We did all this, we caused these problems across the planet. Not all of us mind you, just the white supremacist, capitalist, Christian scum of the western world.

Pay very close attention. People like jalfrezi are the direct result of weak, unpatriotic, self-hating liberal whites across Western Civilization. This is what we get with that line of thought. This is the danger we are in with people who think like him.

Choose a side.
07-10-2017 , 03:15 AM
I mean, it takes A LOT for me to see the toxic bile on this forum and not go, "LOL, AHAH, yes, more, more, give me more preciouses," and instead go, "OK, um, that's about all I can stand right there, time to wrap it up."

Like, you know ToothSayer never even went as far as what wil is suggesting in that post, right?
07-10-2017 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by Lestat
What do you mean they can afford to suffer? By what rationale do you think it's okay to let the people of PDRK to suffer? You don't really think any amount of sanctions is going to put a dent in the life of KJU, do you?

Again, you make it sound like the population of a nation suffering is no big deal. Is this some form of stoic showmanship, or do you really not care about people suffering?
He doesn't but he's probably going to lie to you in the next post.
07-10-2017 , 03:20 AM

Originally Posted by wil318466
My guess is when the fighting starts NK troops and leaders start throwing down their weapons and let the south and US forces take over. As brainwashed as they may appear to be I think they realize fighting is suicide.

As far as what weapons to use against them, whatever results in the least amount of deaths is the correct one. The US used nukes against Japan and as awful as that was it was the correct decision.
07-10-2017 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
I mean, it takes A LOT for me to see the toxic bile on this forum and not go, "LOL, AHAH, yes, more, more, give me more preciouses," and instead go, "OK, um, that's about all I can stand right there, time to wrap it up."

Like, you know ToothSayer never even went as far as what wil is suggesting in that post, right?
To be fair, if NK was a muslim country, I'm sure TS be all-in.
07-10-2017 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
Yes. Sorry. I meant Truman. Why can't we use the same calculation for number of lives lost with or without nukes even if the circumstances are different?
In 1945, Truman didn't strictly know what the weapons would do. Oppenheimer told him that each bomb might kill just 10,000. And the Allies had been conducting unrestricted air warfare on a colossal scale for years. The March fire-raid on Tokyo probably killed more people than either of the atomic bombs, certainly more than Nagasaki. And there was the prospect of the war dragging on into 1946, with a full-scale invasion of Japan, at the cost of untold Allied and enemy lives. Hence the decision.

But for the US, nowadays, to start a war, simply in pursuit of a policy, and chuck nuclear weapons around as a mere expedient... it would probably finish the US as a world power. The country would become a pariah, and China would pull the plug on the US economy any way they could.

I'm not saying let's nuke NK tomorrow. I'm saying that if it comes down to war with NK, ending it the quickest manner possible seems best. And if you're willing to just wait it out until an insane madman has a fully working long range nuclear arsenal, then it's going to be an all out nuclear war anyway. I fail to see how that's any better.
Kim can't actually use nuclear weapons for fear of nuclear retaliation. He's probably not so mad that he would do that. Even 'crazy' dictators still act out of rational self-interest. They don't mind other people getting killed in wars, but the trouble with nuclear weapons is they can destroy the dictator's stuff. His palaces and... stuff. And his reign might end. The more likely danger is that Kim would try to export nuclear technology -- North Korea doesn't have any high-value exports otherwise. But that will need to be monitored by intelligence and diplomacy and possibly a bit of 'hard power' at the right point at the right time. Although it would have helped if the US had managed to stop the Pakistanis giving Kim nuclear technology in the first place.

Your point about Seoul is well taken though. That's why I'm posting on 2p2 and not drawing up battle plans as an acting general.
The vulnerability of Seoul is one of the main problems in dealing with North Korea.
07-10-2017 , 12:59 PM
Someone close to him might just do everyone a favor and shoot him if he's on the brink of getting them all killed.
07-10-2017 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
lolwil fantasising about a nuclear holocaust and claiming 25 million deaths are merely "unfortunate" is a new low.
Probably just as well it's only Kim Jong-Un who's got nuclear weapons, not wil.
07-10-2017 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Someone close to him might just do everyone a favor and shoot him if he's on the brink of getting them all killed.
China just might be able to arrange an unfortunate accident for him, if he became a big enough embarrassment. US policy should keep China on the spot: 'He's your guy, and we regard his actions as your actions.'
07-10-2017 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Lord_Crispen
To be fair, if NK was a muslim country...
That Kim Jong-un is not a religious person is helpful in this regard. He's thinking only what makes him more powerful. There's no afterlife for him. There's only his family's destiny. A family that will be wiped out if he goes to far.
07-10-2017 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
The US can continue to ignore the size of its debt and even increase it as long as the dollar is still the global reserve currency.

When that ends it's gg USA.
lol, what is the size of the US debt as percentage GDP?

jfyi, they behind Ireland, United Kingdom, Canada, Spain, Singapore and Italy when it comes to public debt. The US is a healthy economy no matter what your commie sources say! Are you using the same sources arguing that refugees are necessary to prevent our pensioners starving in the future?
07-10-2017 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
The "crisis" has been largely caused by the US's constant demonisation of what is admittedly a laughable regime, though not in the league of some it has helped to power or traded with in the past.
I know you have a hard on on commie dictators, but who were out of Kim Un Yong's league in 'laughableness' with all due respect to your commie indoctrinated opinion?
07-10-2017 , 04:16 PM
If you want a serious answer try asking a serious question, Marnazi.
07-10-2017 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
If you want a serious answer try asking a serious question, Marnazi.
My questions are not respectful since I am addressing a dirty commie. What I am asking is pretty clear though.
