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A Serious Conversation Regarding the "A Serious Conversation Regarding Intolerance" Thread. A Serious Conversation Regarding the "A Serious Conversation Regarding Intolerance" Thread.

12-13-2013 , 07:21 PM
Red Diamond Thread Difficulty Level: Confusing
Red Diamond threads are for serious discussions of political theory. If you are looking for discussions of current events, the 'morality' of it all, Team #Zimmerman, or the usual tiring battles in semanIkes and 'dictionary thinking'... this isn't the thread you were looking for. 

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Man, you know what's really ****ed up? I was also thinking o starting the exact same kind of fly-free srs business racism discussion thread. Maybe I really am [Shame Trolley !!!1! ~~ You are . ST]?

Except I was gonna put it in the chained thread so's the racists could more easily get banhammered.
Earlier this month, on the 4th, I started the "A Serious Conversation Regarding Intolerance" thread here in Baja Politards. So far, things have worked out pretty well.

Regrettably, early on there was some "yelling and screaming" by Team #F (as measured by profanity ****s)... however that seems to have mostly died out. As requested, Team #N's nemesis, FlyWf, has not posted (TYVM sir !!!1! BTW: The OP welcomes all posters ITT). And the intolerance has been supplied by Silver_Man2, among others.

Although undoubtedly hurt in the view ratings (and posts) by the oft perma-d J, Davis's contemporaneous "White Pride" thread, there has now been 150 posts made. I don't think it is too early to start drawing some tentative conclusions. But before I blurt out some of mine... I would like to hear what any other of youz guyz might think.
12-13-2013 , 08:09 PM
12-13-2013 , 08:11 PM

Last edited by Trolly McTrollson; 12-13-2013 at 08:16 PM.
12-13-2013 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
FMHL (Fixed My Hot Link)

ETA: Before I went back and changed it to "wat" !!!1!
ETA: And then to "Wat" !!!1!

Last edited by Shame Trolly !!!1!; 12-13-2013 at 08:24 PM. Reason: But like always, I messed up the OP. See "Trolley" :doh::doh::doh:
12-13-2013 , 10:35 PM
12-13-2013 , 11:10 PM
Well, it seems I don't read...

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
And obviously my hot-linking ski1z are rather hit-or-miss. But I do know how to write and post. It seems, even while in a alcoholic blackout. As when I posted the below, using my Trolly McTrollson gimmick, about wanting to start two whole NO FLY-BOYs threads. So, pretending that Trolly McTrollson & Shame Trolly !!!1! aren't both members of my huge gimmick army...

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Man, you know what's really ****ed up? I was also thinking o starting the exact same kind of fly-free srs business racism discussion thread. Maybe I really am [Shame Trolly !!!1!]?

Except I was gonna put it in the chained thread so's the racists could more easily get banhammered.
  1. Was seeing racists banhammered the only reason you considered doing a NO FLY-BOYs thread?
  2. Do you think my "Serious Conversation" thread is doing well so far as a honeypot?

Last edited by Shame Trolly !!!1!; 12-13-2013 at 11:16 PM.
12-13-2013 , 11:26 PM
The only thing serious about biogtry is how mistaken and deceptive it is. The entire racist book of argumentation is fallacious. From the denier, to the strawmanner, to the bully-victimplayer, to the defenders of the intolerant. Bigots will only be able to fake seriousness, but this is window dressing. No idea they offer will beat the natural appeal of equality and goodwill.
12-13-2013 , 11:31 PM
I'm still on the fence about it but that's a convincing argument.
12-13-2013 , 11:39 PM
This thread is intolerable.
12-13-2013 , 11:59 PM
The flytrap posters may find themselves in is a result of posting for an issue that has racist consequence but for a usually less weak rationale that is explain in non-racial terms.

A racist political actor exploits such an issue and uses non-bigoted voters to advance a racist policy. The non-racist forum poster, for example, can support such an issue with a different rationale, and then find themselves called a racist. Being used by bigots is not the same as being a bigot.

The trick is racist issues go with weak rationales that have no racial element at all, but have cynical qualities. Fearmongering, usually of crime, appeals to the worst in humanity, and social darwinism to name a few.

We are left with the challenge of not just solving racism, but the peripheral idealogical mistakes that have become related and the tough nut of cynicism to crack.

I believe the best remedy for cynicism is optimism.

Peace and Love People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even you non-handwashers!
12-14-2013 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
[table] And the intolerance has been supplied by Silver_Man2
All i said was I thought it was funny/******ed that Gay inc didn't list HIV/AIDS on their list of concerns, when it is continuing and increasingly decimating the gay male population.

How is that intolerant?
12-14-2013 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
All i said was I thought it was funny/******ed that Gay inc didn't list HIV/AIDS on their list of concerns, when it is continuing and increasingly decimating the gay male population.

How is that intolerant?
I agree with SilverMan. It's totally baffling that the leading LGBT civil rights orgs would be so focused on civil rights issues.

Hey Gays! Stop planning your fabulous wedding, put on a sequined lab coat, and get to work curing AIDS!
12-14-2013 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by TheDuker
I agree with SilverMan. It's totally baffling that the leading LGBT civil rights orgs would be so focused on civil rights issues.

Hey Gays! Stop planning your fabulous wedding, put on a sequined lab coat, and get to work curing AIDS!
They can stay focused on civil rights issues while having HIV/AIDS on the list of concerns also...

But they don't...

Estimates of 50% of all college aged gay males having HIV by the time they are 50 with the current trend....that is an enormous %
12-14-2013 , 08:20 PM
Source or gtfo troll
12-15-2013 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
Source or gtfo troll
12-15-2013 , 09:21 AM
12-15-2013 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
The only thing serious about biogtry is how mistaken and deceptive it is. The entire racist book of argumentation is fallacious. From the denier, to the strawmanner, to the bully-victimplayer, to the defenders of the intolerant. Bigots will only be able to fake seriousness, but this is window dressing. No idea they offer will beat the natural appeal of equality and goodwill.
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
... A racist political actor exploits such an issue and uses non-bigoted voters to advance a racist policy. The non-racist forum poster, for example, can support such an issue with a different rationale, and then find themselves called a racist. Being used by bigots is not the same as being a bigot... Peace and Love People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even you non-handwashers!
This is the general idea of what this thread is supposed to be about. But the work you've cut-out here is the whole issues in general... which is way too much for any one thread. I was going for something much more localized, and particular to us here in Los Dos Politards. But to explain this further, I really should quote and comment upon my OP in my "Serious Chat about Intolerance" thread. Which I will, probably later today.

Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
All i said was I thought it was funny/******ed that Gay inc didn't list HIV/AIDS on their list of concerns, when it is continuing and increasingly decimating the gay male population. How is that intolerant?
And this where I always confuse the heck out of my fellow Politards. This thread isn't about intolerance at all. This thread is about how we respond to intolerance, both real and imagined.

So... this isn't the thread to argue if you should, or should not, be seen as an intolerant. In fact, that's exactly what the main "Serious Discussion" thread is exactly for. For the purposes of this thread, I just gave you a shoutout because you are, correctly or not, widely considered such here in Baja Politards.

I am really glad you stopped by the thread however, because I gotta few questions to ask you... (a) Do you feel that you, and others, are targeted by poster FlyWf, and his fan-boys like me, and then subjected to "yelling and screaming" here in Baja Politards? (b) If so, has this "yelling and screaming" make you consider stop posting here (c) Again, if you perceive this problem regarding "yelling and screaming"... do you feel that my main "Serious Chat about Intolerance" thread was a welcome respite from said noise? And (d) would having such threads available here in Baja Politards in the future make you consider posting more in this forum?

Originally Posted by TheDuker
I agree with SilverMan...
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
Source or gtfo troll
And I'll repeat myself. I know it's confusing... but this thread isn't for arguing with Silver_Man2. That's what all the other threads are for.... mmmmKay?
12-15-2013 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
The flytrap posters may find themselves in is a result of posting for an issue that has racist consequence but for a usually less weak rationale that is explain in non-racial terms.

A racist political actor exploits such an issue and uses non-bigoted voters to advance a racist policy. The non-racist forum poster, for example, can support such an issue with a different rationale, and then find themselves called a racist. Being used by bigots is not the same as being a bigot.

The trick is racist issues go with weak rationales that have no racial element at all, but have cynical qualities. Fearmongering, usually of crime, appeals to the worst in humanity, and social darwinism to name a few.

We are left with the challenge of not just solving racism, but the peripheral idealogical mistakes that have become related and the tough nut of cynicism to crack.

I believe the best remedy for cynicism is optimism.

Peace and Love People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even you non-handwashers!
I like this post. A lot.

I've always said what racists and conservatives in general really need is a bar of soap to clean the crud and blood off their hands, mouths, and brains.
12-15-2013 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
And I'll repeat myself. I know it's confusing... but this thread isn't for arguing with Silver_Man2. That's what all the other threads are for.... mmmmKay?

If there exist a race thread, it is inevitable that Silver_Man2 will appear and fly his racist/ignorant flag high in the sky. Our Comrades in Arms will be fast to defeat him in his attempt.

12-15-2013 , 01:31 PM

I see that article (and others) quote the CDC when talking about that "statistic," but I have not been able to find a single source from the CDC that actually says this.
12-15-2013 , 02:59 PM
I wonder if the reporter is trying to extrapolate from this document linked in the article.

The number of new infections among the youngest MSM (aged 13-24)
increased 22 percent, from 7,200 infections in 2008 to 8,800 in 2010.
12-15-2013 , 06:30 PM
Since I always see that Silverman character's name in red, I'm assuming that his views are representative of those of 2+2.
12-16-2013 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by Peter Porker
Since I always see that Silverman character's name in red, I'm assuming that his views are representative of those of 2+2.
Man, I get that views expressed here do not in any way represent 2p2, but maybe giving racist, homophobic, unsanitary, psychopathic ******* ********heads a soapbox for their white supremacist garbage is not the best way to sell poker books? Probably not the mental association you guys are going for? Just a thought?
12-16-2013 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
New tactics to achieve what goal? Stopping Team #Fly-Is-A-Big-Bad-Meanie from having those legendary serious conversations regarding intolerance, I assume. Why? The current strategy (or lack thereof) seems to be working just fine.

It *seems* Team #Fly-Is-A-Big-Bad-Meanie's one and only complaint is that they are somehow being stopped from having these legendary serious conversations about intolerance... all because FlyWf, and Team #Call-A-Spade-Caller-A-Spade-Caller, are... well big and bad and really, really mean to them.

So, here's what I'm going to do for team #Fly-Is-A-Big-Bad-Meanie...

I'm going to start a new thread entitled "A Serious Conversation Regarding Intolerance (*** PLZ, NO FLY-BOYS ***)" here in Baja Politards. I'm going to ask FlyWf personally not to post in this thread. And I'm going to ask the same of all Team #Call-A-Spade-Caller-A-Spade-Caller. I promise me, besides my OP, me Borodog, and my whole army of gimmicks (including BooBoo Feet, chimpstare, LirvA, LivrA, MissileDog, Qu0terkid, sards, Shame Trolly !!!1!, Trolly McTrollson, and zan`nen) will not post ITT.

Problem solved... amirite ??
OK, here is my OP in the "A Serious... Intolerance" thread. This is actually the third time I've posted this, as this whole concept was first brought up in the "Besides... Bad Poster thread". And let me attempt to make this post less "confusing",,,

Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
New tactics to achieve what goal? Stopping Team #Fly-Is-A-Big-Bad-Meanie from having those legendary serious conversations regarding intolerance, I assume. Why? The current strategy (or lack thereof) seems to be working just fine.

It *seems* Team #N Fly-Is-A-Big-Bad-Meanie's one and only complaint is that they are somehow being stopped from having these legendary serious conversations about intolerance... all because FlyWf, and Team #F Call-A-Spade-Caller-A-Spade-Caller, are... well big and bad and really, really mean to them.

So, here's what I'm going to do for team #N Fly-Is-A-Big-Bad-Meanie...

I'm going to start a new thread entitled "A Serious Conversation Regarding Intolerance (*** PLZ, NO FLY-BOYS ***)" here in Baja Politards. I'm going to ask FlyWf personally not to post in this thread. And I'm going to ask the same of all Team #F Call-A-Spade-Caller-A-Spade-Caller. I promise me, besides my OP, me Borodog, and my whole army of gimmicks (including BooBoo Feet, chimpstare, LirvA, LivrA, MissileDog, Qu0terkid, sards, Shame Trolly !!!1!, Trolly McTrollson, and zan`nen) will not post ITT.

Problem solved... amirite ??
So... this thread is about how intolerants, who I'm going to take liberty to dub Team #S here ITT, use language... but also how Team #F and Team #N respond to that language.

As I have mentioned before, for several years the single most divisive topic here in Los Dos Politards has been Nichlemn, and other members of team #N's, almost constant shrill whining about how FlyWf, and the other members of Team #F, respond to members of team #S.

Team #N claims that Team #F "yells and screams" at members of Team #S. That this alleged "yelling and screaming" tends to drive members of Team #S away from 2+2. This is bad, Team #N says, because it deprives them of their opportunity to attempt to 'convert' members of Team #S by 'therapy'. And this is bad because those members of Team #S who are actually driven away are likely to go 'hangout' at hard-core sites like <stotmfront.kkk>.


I'd be interested in hearing from Nichlemn, and any other members of Team #N here... do they feel that my "A Serious... Intolerane" has been mainly "yelling and screaming" free? Is the decorum displayed in this non-FlyWf thread what they would like to see in all threads here in Los Dos Politards?

I'm interested in Team #F's thoughts too. So please, let us know what you are thinking. In particular, I'm interested in what my disassociated personality, Trolly McTrollson, was looking to accomplish when he was considering a basically identical thread.

And I'm interested in what Team #S's thoughts are too. And here, unlike Team #N and Team #F we have a slight labeling issue. I'm not concerned ITT about whether a poster is, in their "secret inner heart", intolerant or not. I'm only concerned with posters who are generally perceived, rightly or wrongly, as ibeing ntolerant by Teams #F and #N.

In this case so far ITT, that would be Silver_Man2. Now once again... this is a Red Diamond thread, so some are going to find this "confusing". This thread is about theory, not about arguing any particular details. Please, I ask all Politards not to attempt to argue if any particular poster should be considered on Team #S ITT or not. That's what all main "A Serious...Intolerance" thread, and all the other threads for the matter, are for.

So, I'm curious what Silver_Man2, J, Davis, or any other poster who have unpopular opinions that are generally considered intolerant, if only by a significant number of us Politards. Do you feel that threads like my "A Serious... Intolerance" thread, without this alleged "yelling and screaming", are a better platform to explain and discuss your opinions? Who you be less likely to be "driven away" if all threads in Los Dos Politards were like Team #N desires? Would you be more likely to "hangout" at hard core sites if you were ever in fact "driven away"?
12-16-2013 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
this is a Red Diamond thread, so some are going to find this "confusing".
This is a sheep reveal? Did I enter?
