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A Serious Conversation Regarding the "A Serious Conversation Regarding Intolerance" Thread. A Serious Conversation Regarding the "A Serious Conversation Regarding Intolerance" Thread.

12-16-2013 , 01:53 PM
12-24-2013 , 12:31 PM
Well, I guess it really isn't 'too early' to discuss the "A Serious Conversation Regarding Intolerance" thread. Seeing as both that thread, as well as this thread, are more or less dead. Seriously, J, Davis's contemporaneous "White Pride" thread basically eclipsed the "Serious Conversation" thread. But that's actually OK, and to be expected.

As I mentioned above, the purpose of this thread is to examine how Team #F, Team #N, and Team #S interact here at Los Dos Politards. What have we seen here, working through this scenario:

Team #N is constantly complaining about Team #F's behavior towards Team #S members. Team #N claims that Team #F "yells and screams" at members of Team #S... causing them to tend to quit 2+2, and depriving Team #N members a chance to practice their 'therapy' and perhaps 'convert' Team #S members to tolerance. Also, Team #N claims that former members of Team #S would likely then 'hang out' at hardcore websites, like <stormfront.kkk>, which would be a bad thing.

Well what have we seen?
  • Team #N refuses to characterize what constitutes this "yelling and screaming", and refuses to cite any relevant examples of this alleged behavior.

  • We can however assume, after about the first 50 posts, that the "Serious Conversation" was indeed almost completely devoid of "yelling and screaming". This is using the number of times triggering the profanity filter as a surrogate metric for this alleged "yelling and screaming" Team #N refuses to identify.

  • However, given this "Serious Conversation" thread where FlyWf, and the rest of Team #F, was requested to stay away from, and which did attract members of Team #S... well nobody from Team #N even bothered to post in it at all. What happened to all this bluff & bluster from Team #N about wanting to do their 'therapy'.

  • In fact, Nichlemn himself, while avoiding the "Serious Conversation" thread like the plague, did in fact post in the "White Pride" thread. BTW: There most definitely was "yelling and screaming" by FlyWf, and other members of Team #F, using any reasonable metric, in that thread. Why does Team #N, who has whined like a stuck pig for years about not having any place free of "yelling and screaming" to post... choose to post, and exclusively post, only in threads which are full of this "yelling and screaming"?

  • Also, Team #N's premise is that members of Team #S will be 'driven away' by this alleged "yelling and screaming". But note, both Silver_Man2 and J, Davis, two posters who are universally considered to be on Team #S, both posted a lot more in the "White Pride" thread with all it's "yelling and screaming" than they did in the "Serious Conversation" thread which was largely devoid of his behavior. Why is Team #N claiming that this "yelling and screaming" drives members of Team #S away... when it seems to do exactly the opposite, and this "yelling and screaming" actually seems to attract them instead?

  • Team #N still has not explained, nor given any examples, of what this alleged 'therapy' might be. Or given any indication how long this 'therapy' might last, what it's chances of success might be, or even if it has ever actually worked over the interwebs.

  • Team #N refuses to discuss their further contention that 'driven away' former members of Team #S tend to then 'hang-out' at hardcore intolerant websites... or even if this would actually be 'bad' in any sense at all.

    In fact, this is pretty much another example of Team #N not being able to distinguish real life from the interwebs. In real life, sure, if an intolerant starts spews his hateful crap in the local bar, and constantly is being actually yelled and screamed at, they might just decide to hang out at the KKK clubhouse instead. But that's because IRL you can't 'hang out' at two physical locations at the same time. On the interwebs you can... so this whole idea of Team #N's is a logical non-starter to begin with.

  • Lastly, Team #N is insisting that Team #F needs to change their behavior towards members of Team #S. But team #N refuses to give any reasons why we should. We wanna drive the intolerant away, we don't believe in this 'therapy' angle at all, and we squeeze out a whole lotta LOLZ by pointing and laughing at members of both Team #S and Team #N.

    Basically, why shouldn't we say "screw Team #N: Their whole idea about this 'therapy' angle is a 100% load of crap" !!!1!

The last point above is the key one.

The next time any member of Team #N starts up with their constant shrill and annoying whining regarding this alleged "yelling and screaming"... well I'm going to linkee this thread, call BS on them, and start in with the "pointing and laughing" at them too. Also, I suggest everyone else do exactly the same.
