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PostNationalism: Any immigrants here? Emigrants? Ex-pats? /r/postnationalist PostNationalism: Any immigrants here? Emigrants? Ex-pats? /r/postnationalist

03-20-2014 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by AlanDyer
I love how Americans denying entry to Mexicans always try to defend themselves by pointing to other countries that deny entry..

There's a reason nobody trades an American passport for a Mexican one.. the same market forces that drive Mexicans to risk arrest every day just to mow lawns.

Maybe if you guys let in more immigrants you wouldn't be losing so badly to China competitively. When China starts pushing Japan around, you'll wish you had more citizens to man those factories!
More nationalism and blame. "Good" job with the "post"nationalism paradigm.
03-20-2014 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
More nationalism and blame. "Good" job with the "post"nationalism paradigm.
People ****ting on immigrants brings out the troll in me. I wish I was better at making points in a positive way.
03-20-2014 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Coming in the legal way is a good explanation, right?

What? You don't think Mexico locks up people and treats them VERY harshly coming thru Mexico from Central America?!

Granted the guards aren't paid off to look the other way?
Nien. I do think.

Mexico is a nation and has immigration laws, correct.
03-20-2014 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by AlanDyer
People ****ting on immigrants brings out the troll in me. I wish I was better at making points in a positive way.
Everyone can always keep trying to do better imo.

I think understanding that immigration is closely linked with every social, superfical prejudice humans have dreamt up and knowing that those prejudices thrive on ongoing conflict is a helpful perspective. Certain kinds of politicians use this to their advantage. The issue simply invites ****ting in many directions.

The way to really set yourself apart from this is to work to rise above it. People are gonna **** on each other, it happens. It's a choice to do differently.
03-20-2014 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by AlanDyer
People ****ting on immigrants brings out the troll in me. I wish I was better at making points in a positive way.
Legal immigrants are cool IMO...even Mexican legal ones...
03-20-2014 , 02:12 AM
I'd like to swim to Australia and once I get there say "Let me be here Aussies"

But guess what? I understand that if I am caught without papers in Australia I will be INSTANTLY detained and removed from the country ASAP.

03-20-2014 , 02:16 AM
I know you are out there somewhere MonkeyBanana...............
03-20-2014 , 05:15 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie

For example, explain why millions of Mexicans all coming to America at once would suck in way that it doesn't matter that they are Mexicans and that we are Americans. Same way about Africans going to Europe. Do it for all over.

Discussing immigration in nationalistic(pre/during/post) and racial terms is the ignorant way. That **** is getting judged.
Because the gem of liberal ideology is multi-culturalism, and multi-culturalism is a false and bankrupt idea.

Africans going to Europe you say?

I mean I am guessing you haven't heard from your politically correct liberal sources that would NEVER report the big increases in rape cases, with a sizable % of the cases where the victims being under 15 that has happened with all the immigrants from Africa, Afghanistan etc... setting up in Sweden, UK and other areas of Europe.

How does that one Neil Diamond song go? Can't think of the words for some reason...OH YA...."They're coooooming to Americaaaa, they're cooooming to Americaaaa........"
03-20-2014 , 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Can you please just answer the question you ******...
Well, the answer to your question is no, that doesn't include Mexicans as racists.
03-20-2014 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by AlanDyer
Definitely agree. Western socialism = 95% white Norway sitting on 1 trillion $ in oil money while denying entry/access to everyone else.
Immigrants and children of immigrants are about 15% of Norway's population. About half of those are not of European ancestry (they come from Turkey, Somalia, Pakistan, Iran, etc.). It's not at all true that Norway denies entry to everyone else.
03-20-2014 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
This includes Mexicans as racists too, right?

Because I can't just go live in Mexico and work (not that I would ever want to go live and work there in a bazillion years).
The ruling class in Mexico are mostly racists.
03-20-2014 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Africans going to Europe you say?

I mean I am guessing you haven't heard from your politically correct liberal sources that would NEVER report the big increases in rape cases, with a sizable % of the cases where the victims being under 15 that has happened with all the immigrants from Africa, Afghanistan etc... setting up in Sweden, UK and other areas of Europe.
This has nothing to do with reality. All such a stupid news article means is that the source is worse than worthless.
03-20-2014 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by Pantoja
This has nothing to do with reality. All such a stupid news article means is that the source is worse than worthless.
Also god help a poor non-white being tried for raping a white girl in any Euro country. Can just imagine how fair that trial is going to be..

But don't mean to derail the thread with anti-immigrants favorite tool: "darkies messing with white women".

Last edited by AlanDyer; 03-20-2014 at 09:20 AM.
03-20-2014 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by AlanDyer
Also god help a poor non-white being tried for raping a white girl in any Euro country. Can just imagine how fair that trial is going to be..

But don't mean to derail the thread with anti-immigrants favorite tool: "darkies messing with white women".
A "non-white" is much more likely to get a fair trial in most of Europe than in the US. You ever been to Alabama?
03-20-2014 , 10:45 AM
I'm pretty damn passionate about immigrant rights lately
This is a step up from not respecting girl's rights to leave your apartment.
03-20-2014 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
I'd like to swim to Australia
Please no

Last edited by SmokeyQ123; 03-20-2014 at 12:29 PM. Reason: silverman pls
03-20-2014 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
This is a step up from not respecting girl's rights to leave your apartment.
I don't want to make this about my past but I definitely was a bit ****ed up and "probably" .. was way too forceful with those girls. sigh. I think it was.. 5 years ago.. ? nice to see some fellow old timers on here.

I have a huge scar on my wrist and bicep and recurring pain in my arm after being pushed through a glass door for posting pics of a girl who legit wanted it bad.. so.. i'm older and wiser and less forceful now

Last edited by AlanDyer; 03-20-2014 at 01:08 PM.
03-20-2014 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Yeah, because ezpat retirees are moving to Mexico City or Juarez... and not to some gated community or town...

And it is a rat think Mexicans by the truckloads are trying to get here because it isn't?
Immigration between US and Mexico right now is either at zero or slightly in favor of people moving to Mexico

GJGE as usual Silverman
03-20-2014 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Pantoja
This has nothing to do with reality. All such a stupid news article means is that the source is worse than worthless.
Linked sources in the "worthless source"

The 38-year-old woman - who bravely managed to film the attack on her mobile phone - was repeatedly raped after befriending a group of Afghan men in a park in Banja Koviljaca.

"These people are always hanging around the parks and streets during the day causing trouble," said one mum.

"They have no respect for us, no respect for women and we want them gone because they have no right to be here.

"My daughter isn't going to school again while four refugee rapists are still on the streets," she added.

"All five men were involved but it is not yet clear whether they all abused her sexually," Stefan Larsson of the Stockholm police told news agency TT.

Judge says gang preyed on five girls, aged between 13 and 15, partly because they were from different 'community and religion'

Three men, described as Arabic, stopped her.

Probably don't need to open the link to know what happened next.

But keep attacking the source to suppress the truth...

I mean do you actually think politically correct liberal sources would report these increased rape crimes in European countries because of immigrants from the ME and Africa. HA
03-20-2014 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Pantoja
This has nothing to do with reality.
Tell that to the women getting gang-raped by immigrants.
03-20-2014 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2

But keep attacking the source to suppress the truth...

I mean do you actually think politically correct liberal sources would report these increased rape crimes in European countries because of immigrants from the ME and Africa. HA
Cherry picking media to scaremonger using crime stories. Political types use this tactic of incomplete information dissemination to scaremonger about more than just immigrants. It is this method which is discredited.

/educational value
03-20-2014 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Because the gem of liberal ideology is multi-culturalism, and multi-culturalism is a false and bankrupt idea.

Africans going to Europe you say?

I mean I am guessing you haven't heard from your politically correct liberal sources that would NEVER report the big increases in rape cases, with a sizable % of the cases where the victims being under 15 that has happened with all the immigrants from Africa, Afghanistan etc... setting up in Sweden, UK and other areas of Europe.

How does that one Neil Diamond song go? Can't think of the words for some reason...OH YA...."They're coooooming to Americaaaa, they're cooooming to Americaaaa........"
So you are guessing which smeers to use? That's a wrong guess.
03-20-2014 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
I'd like to swim to Australia and once I get there say "Let me be here Aussies"

But guess what? I understand that if I am caught without papers in Australia I will be INSTANTLY detained and removed from the country ASAP.

Monkey Bananaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Still waiting for you to respond to this.....

America is so bad detaining Mexicans....but what about Australia kicking people out without papers?

I mean...swap America and Australia's locations and guess what? Mexicans would be detained and deported! Just like undocumented illegals are now in Australia.
03-20-2014 , 11:12 PM
What about Japan? They will pay Latino's 3k to leave the country and not come back.
03-21-2014 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
What about Japan? They will pay Latino's 3k to leave the country and not come back.
Yea and they've been on a 30 year decline. China is going to start pushing them around soon, if Crimea is any precedent.

Also it's hilarious to see people pasting a mess of rape stories.. one clue you might be a racist is if you collect that **** to repost. Anecdotes are not data. Frankly if I was a Muslim immigrant in Sweden I might be tempted to lash out also, after my 500th job application was thrown in the trash because of my 'foreign' name.
