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!!! Petition to bring back ToothSayer !!! Petition to bring back ToothSayer

01-18-2017 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Let's dabble in a hypothetical. What if at some point toothsayer agreed to never post in politics or he would get a permanent ban. What if this was consideration for other, butpotentially similar punishment?

Should a person be held to such an agreement even if they just posted by accident? Lots of people have been suspended / banned from twoplustwo over the years. Do you think in any cases such agreements were potentially reached? If so where is the line of action or inaction.

I have no idea how, what or why toothsayer got banned but given the way he talked about many things I could easily see him being met with a line in the sand.

It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the changes in this forum EXCEPT I think he could have potentially seen him running into rough waters long term and decided to do some boundary pushing. As I said though, I don't know, and I assume most here are in that exact same boat.

Personally I think there is a beneficial side effect to Chez's new world because even though I believe he believes in what he is trying to do, a poster like Toothsayer increased the degree of difficulty by magnitudes.
He was never a man of his word so expecting him to honor his agreement to not post in politics is LOL. He should have been banned a long time ago for cause, I laugh at the petition. Make sure you get someone you won't miss to take it to ATF...

Last edited by kerowo; 01-18-2017 at 12:18 PM.
01-18-2017 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Signed and when the OP is done and we have the count in and if it is in favour of unbanning TS or at least restricting him to here then I suggest locking this thread and starting a new one in which the Wookie needs to answer for his permanent banning. I'm actually in favour of ditching this whole thread altogether and just starting one in which the Wookie needs to defend himself. Anyone else agree?
How stupid are you really? On a scale of Wil to 10 what are you about a 2? What rule do you think Wookie broke that he needs to defend himself against?
01-18-2017 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I question the intelligence of minorities who latch onto white supremacists. Don't think you've thought that move through all the way.
We've gone through this argument, and no acceptable answer has been reached. When someone makes an argument against Muslim immigration, people like you claim racism. When we bring up the example of Syrian Christians who do not support Syrian Muslims being brought into the United States, people like you have no reply.

It's easy to claim racism, it is the lazy man's way to shut down an argument. You are full of crap, and it's obvious.

Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I question the common sense of people who believe everything others claim to be on the interwebs.
Are you saying he's lying about his ethnicity? Or that I am?

Should we propose a bet?
01-18-2017 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Im willing to sign and defend this petition if someone gives me what I would consider "proper motivational understanding".
See my long post #39 here for my reasoning on this topic.
01-18-2017 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I question the intelligence of minorities who latch on AND DON'T GET PAID for it.

There's a huge low entry market for this stuff, Dinesh D'Souza, David Clarke, those dudes are set for life. Doing it for free to an audience of dozens is just wasteful.
Ahh, the old "they are making a career out of it" argument. Lol, you sound like that douchebag Omar Aziz. Lol @ you.
01-18-2017 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
How stupid are you really? On a scale of Wil to 10 what are you about a 2? What rule do you think Wookie broke that he needs to defend himself against?
This is pretty funny, admittedly.

That being said, our intelligence levels are no where near the same, Kerowo. I'm by no means anything special, but you are actually a stupid person.
01-18-2017 , 12:21 PM
And yet I understood JJ's argument in the spanking thread.
01-18-2017 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
And yet I understood JJ's argument in the spanking thread.
jj is a moron, so are you. I feel sorry for you, Kerowo. Your stupidity is truly stunning. I don't understand how people like you actually function in the world. You successfully completed school? You actually have a job where someone pays you money to do things? You don't actually have to make decisions at that job, do you?

It's downright scary.
01-18-2017 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
The world would be a vicious, ugly place without the influence of Christian Europeans and their descendants. They forced the end of slavery, particularly the massive trade among Muslims and North Africans; established the norm of country self determination; emancipated women; protected the young from sexual exploitation; established the idea of human rights enshrined in law; secularized government; fought against racism in its various forms; and civilized various vicious, barbaric tribes around the world, mostly by spreading Christianity and law.

Can you name a religion or culture that has reformed itself into something more enlightened, that isn't Christian European? As far as I can see, it's never happened. The Chinese and Japanese were barbaric toward their neighbors and their own people (the Chinese still harbor a deep racism and pride that has yet to disappear; the Japanese were only subdued and reeducated by America occupation post WWII), Americans Indians and South Americans were truly brutal to one another, Africa was a hellhole, Hindu India was a hellhole (and still is), and Muslim lands had a widespread culture of slavery and treating women as chattels. Perhaps the Buddhists alone had a civilized culture, and their influence didn't spread far. Perhaps the Jews are another (tiny minority) success story, but they were deeply embedded in Europe. Even worse, in some areas, religion was replaced with the repressive horrors of secular communism.

So no, I don't think these places and cultures will reform from within. The only reason they're somewhat more enlightened than they were is because Europeans have spread civilization and civilized ideas and ideals.
Wil is forgetting that Tooth thinks Wil is only remotely civilised only because White Europeans dragged him up by the scruff of the neck.
01-18-2017 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
jj is a moron, so are you. I feel sorry for you, Kerowo. Your stupidity is truly stunning. I don't understand how people like you actually function in the world. You successfully completed school? You actually have a job where someone pays you money to do things? You don't actually have to make decisions at that job, do you?

It's downright scary.
LOL Wil keep punching maybe you'll land one of these "kerowo is stupid" swings you keep taking.
01-18-2017 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
LOL chezlaw is sad that his attempt to create a Stormfront 7.0 lost its most racist high volume poster almost immediately.
It's a suitable thread for you to make stuff up about me in so it's fine.

Like TS you are very welcome here Fly.
01-18-2017 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I don't know the details of the ban either but if it is the case that the agreement was he could stay but not post in P then afaik TS stuck to the spirit of that agreement and a permanent ban seems disproportionate and unreasonable for the mistake. There may be more to it of course
maybe Wookie will pardon toothsayer in homage to Obama's 3 strike law pardons?
01-18-2017 , 12:47 PM
lol, wil still thinks the "I can't be a bigot, I'm Korean!" line is gonna work. Has anyone ever bought that bull****?
01-18-2017 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
It's a suitable thread for you to make stuff up about me in so it's fine.

Like TS you are very welcome here Fly.
This seems like typical Chez rather than the General Pinochez we'd braced ourselves for.

All this passing bluster about PC and being nice, but then when presented with a poster who literally argues that everyone but White Europe is a barbarian, and that it's probably down to genetics, Chez is here to welcome him with open arms.
01-18-2017 , 12:47 PM
it's one thing to ban/'clean up'/censor debate in a politics forum, even if it's unproductive. but 2p2 made a second forum that is specifically for fringe/no holds barred debate, and now the majority wants 1/3rd of the members to go away or be banned. wtf is the point?
01-18-2017 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by GBP04
it's one thing to ban/'clean up'/censor debate in a politics forum, even if it's unproductive. but 2p2 made a second forum that is specifically for fringe/no holds barred debate, and now the majority wants 1/3rd of the members to go away or be banned. wtf is the point?
The forum was created so that the ACists could have somewhere to argue, racism is and was banned sitewide.
01-18-2017 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
This seems like typical Chez rather than the General Pinochez we'd braced ourselves for.

All this passing bluster about PC and being nice, but then when presented with a poster who literally argues that everyone but White Europe is a barbarian, and that it's probably down to genetics, Chez is here to welcome him with open arms.
Everyone who makes an effort to obey the rules is welcome. TS was getting plenty of rulings about being PC and despite not liking them at all was making the effort to comply. Same rules for everyone and everyone is welcome.

This is a thread where Fly and me can have our fun.. He can make stuff up and I can point it out. That's what the is for.
01-18-2017 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Everyone who makes an effort to obey the rules is welcome. TS was getting plenty of rulings about being PC and despite not liking them at all was making the effort to comply.

Same rules for everyone and everyone is welcome.
Pinochez, there is a thread full of TS quotes. Read them and tell me the guy isn't an open and proud racist. Lol at him having adhered to any kind of PC standard.

This is a guy who said that Muslims were genetically inferior, that none of the world would be remotely civilised without White Europe hauling them up, that Germans had genetically lower empathy, blah blah ****ing blah.

There is no tone in which that kind of fundamentally racist spew will ever be "politically correct" for two reasons:
It's utter nonsense
It's patently offensive to anyone with a little knowledge of the world

But sure, he was another one of those you're one day going to win over with the softly softly approach.
01-18-2017 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
Pinochez, there is a thread full of TS quotes. Read them and tell me the guy isn't an open and proud racist. Lol at him having adhered to any kind of PC standard.

This is a guy who said that Muslims were genetically inferior, that none of the world would be remotely civilised without White Europe hauling them up, that Germans had genetically lower empathy, blah blah ****ing blah.

There is no tone in which that kind of fundamentally racist spew will ever be "politically correct" for two reasons:
It's utter nonsense
It's patently offensive to anyone with a little knowledge of the world

But sure, he was another one of those you're one day going to win over with the softly softly approach.
He wasn't banned before I took over. Then I started imposing the PC rules on him and despite not liking them he was making the effort to comply. If he didn't then he would find himself unable to post.

Just like everybody else.
01-18-2017 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
lol, wil still thinks the "I can't be a bigot, I'm Korean!" line is gonna work. Has anyone ever bought that bull****?
I finally put wil on ignore, and let me tell you it is much better than I thought it could ever be.
01-18-2017 , 01:02 PM
Sure, Chez, no way a guy with views like that wouldn't fall in line.

Rather than acknowledge that the guy was a loud and proud racist, you just keep saying you'd welcome him with open arms.
01-18-2017 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by dereds
The forum was created so that the ACists could have somewhere to argue, racism is and was banned sitewide.
And that has saved this forum and the world from the great scourge of *what you think is racist!* Thanks pastor!
01-18-2017 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I think this thread shows a lot more about the people posting in it than toothsayer himself. You simply have to read his posts and come up with an honest assessment. Calling a person who isn't white a white supremacist is just loltastic.
There's a fairly reasonable argument that TS' views are similar if not indistinguishable from the views of avowed white supremacists. For example (and note that I'm snipping posts for brevity. Click through for context)

On European Supremacy / Support for White Nationalism

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Can you name a religion or culture that has reformed itself into something more enlightened, that isn't Christian European? As far as I can see, it's never happened. The Chinese and Japanese were barbaric toward their neighbors and their own people (the Chinese still harbor a deep racism and pride that has yet to disappear; the Japanese were only subdued and reeducated by America occupation post WWII), Americans Indians and South Americans were truly brutal to one another, Africa was a hellhole, Hindu India was a hellhole (and still is), and Muslim lands had a widespread culture of slavery and treating women as chattels. Perhaps the Buddhists alone had a civilized culture, and their influence didn't spread far. Perhaps the Jews are another (tiny minority) success story, but they were deeply embedded in Europe. Even worse, in some areas, religion was replaced with the repressive horrors of secular communism.
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
The Western/Christian world:

- Ended slavery (most of which was done by Muslims)
- Emancipated women
- Protected children from exploitation
- Developed secular laws
- Created self determination
- Voluntarily gave up the power to rule the entire world easily if it wanted.

The West is far from perfect, but it leaves all others in the dust. Especially the Muslim world. If you don't agree with that, you either don't know much history, or your brain is broken.
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
So I followed your advice and have googled it. It seems there are few if any arguments against white nationalism. All the attempts to argue against it quickly skip over it and pretend that white nationalism = white supremacy/KKK (the beliefs that whites are inherently superior), and to tar it as far as possible with that brush. But they are obviously distinct things.

White nationalism (or more accurately, Western nationalism, as skin color is irrelevant), is the idea that Westerners on average have cultural levels of education, civic-mindedness, personal responsibility, conscientiousness, etc and general Enlightenment type values, as a core cultural trait. And that this is lacking or lessened in many other cultures (East Asians being a prominent exception, who perhaps hold many of these values to an even higher degree than many Westerners).

The idea is that if you import cultures who don't strongly subscribe to these values, or have their own views of the world, tolerant, Enlightenment type culture erodes. Thus I contrast Canada and the United States. Or point you to how the far right is rising in Europe - a terrifying thing if it continues - solely because of the immigration of people with extremely non-Western values.

Do you think this is a fair commentary, or is this all extremely bigoted and racist to you? Do you believe that say, Middle Eastern Muslim culture, is identical to Korean culture, or do you think there are differences (e.g. in work ethic, in how women are treated)? Do you think these differences are likely to have an impact on how these groups integrate and productively contribute to their new countries?
Demonization of Muslims

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Honestly, I didn't even consider sub Saharan Africa. In some countries there 95% of people believe in witchcraft. Something like 60% in certain believe that sex with a virgin cures you of AIDS. So if you found the worst Christian country in the world in Africa, and it's less gay hating and persecuting than at least 10 Muslim countries, well I guess that's something. It's basically stone age, and always has been. Islam on the other hand sits in the cradle of civilization...

We've had tact while the world burns. When dealing with barbarians, tact achieves nothing but heads in the sand. Quite a few cities in Europe are hellholes now thanks to Muslim immigration, their centuries-old wonderful culture and enlightenment destroyed by a barbaric religion.

And yet you want to bring in people with these barbaric ideologies. It doesn't make sense.
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
5ve, Islam is full of caring for fellow (male) Muslims - and the murder and raping and slavery of non-Muslims. It's a misogynist xenophobic brotherhood of men - a lot like the KKK except the focus is on belief and not race.
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
The Muslim world has crushed the US on the use of slavery. Especially child-rape sex slavery. Muslims depopulated large parts of Europe taking child sex slaves.
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
You're an idiot, man. ISIS is the latest in a very long line of brutal Muslims waging Jihad to set up a caliphate, raping and beheading as they go.
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
I mentioned how Islam is a culture of mass child rape going back 1400 years, with plenty of evidence...
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Islam is a sick cult of violence and forced submission - both of women and of non-Muslims.
Negative stereotypes of blacks, Jews, etc.

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Being so quick to claim "antisemitism" is weird. Jews as a religious group have negative traits, as do Muslims. For example, a good portion of Jews - mostly orthodox - are bigoted and xenophobic and Jew Nationalist to a level that would make the most hardened redneck blush. This is specifically related to being a Jew; the religion teaches that Jews are God's chosen and special people, and that this land was given to them by God; this informs their worldview on sharing it and on acting reasonably. It's fair commentary whether you like it or not.
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Should whitey be a slave for the black man, so he can enjoy his life of less work and less painful personal responsibility? And should well tell blacks that they're less economically successful because of racism, and not their culture?
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
By the way, it's black supremacists - encouraged by Obama - that are actually shooting people.
Support for "scientific" racism based on genetics

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
"It's just a social construct, guys. Therefore, your argument that I find uncomfortable is invalid."

Back in the real world, we're discussing whether things that cause crime as defined in this age (i.e. actual rapes, murders, assaults) can be partly caused by the genetics of perpetrators (they can - male DNA being one example), and how those genetics tend to cluster within certain populations, and if those differences are meaningful enough to produce more crime in populations with those clusters. That's what being discussed. You've built a nice little "social construct" fire and smoke screen there, but it's kind of sad you can't discuss this honestly.

We know it happens in other species, even where between-individual genetic diversity is greater than between-group genetic diversity. For example, dachshunds are naturally more aggressive than golden retrievers by a fairly large magnitude...
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
The party line is that it is certain that there are no genetic differences in cognition or behavioral traits between ethnic groups or races. This line is taken because to do the opposite, licenses racism.
Note: these are from a thread specifically about race and crime. The implication is that a genetic predisposition towards crime among African Americans shouldn't be dismissed. TS tends to demur towards explanations based in alleged "cultural problems" while hinting at the genetic explanation in posts like this:

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
There's zero evidence for this given our current genetic/cognitive science, but I suspect there's probably a genetic element to the German people's low level of empathy. They're very different to the French for example. It could be culture - hard to say at this stage.
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
I have a problem with poor thinking, not the idea that all "races" are cognitively equal. It would be wonderful if they are all cognitively equal. If they are, vast and enduring social problems can disappear just by finding the right education programs/policies/cultural changes. If there's no significant difference between races, black people can one day be the Jews of society - disproportionately great thinkers, scientists, philosophers, businessmen. Just by making a few cultural changes.

Imagine how enriched US society be if the 13% that are black were as successful - scientifically, economically, in business - as the 2% that are Jews. If there's no cognitive difference between blacks and Jews, there's absolutely no reason that can't happen in a couple of generations.
It's meaningful that for TS explanations of racial inequality are always either cultural deficiencies or genetic deficiencies. It should also be noted that basing a belief in the superiority of whites or Europeans in "culture" is no less racist. It's not racist to recognize the role of culture in the formation of societies and the construction of various social problems, but it is racist to essentialize and reify culture in the over-generalized and unsupported way that TS does, while ignoring the very real and well-supported facts of historical racism, discrimination, and oppression. "Cultural racism" is still racism.

In any case, the purpose of pulling all these quotes together is to show the very clear pattern. For TS, European Christians are exalted, the one true force for good and civilization in the world. Muslims, Jews, blacks, and others are all defective in various ways. The failures of Europeans should be overlooked in favor of their historical accomplishments while the failures of people belonging to other groups demonstrate the defectiveness of those groups. Allegations of racism against non-white groups are reflexively denied. White Nationalism is a justified reaction against the malignant forces of non-European cultural defects. The pattern of beliefs apparent in TS' posting is very much a pattern of asserted white supremacy, despite his hedging comments here and there.

(note: h/t to 5ive's thread for much of this)
01-18-2017 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
Sure, Chez, no way a guy with views like that wouldn't fall in line.

Rather than acknowledge that the guy was a loud and proud racist, you just keep saying you'd welcome him with open arms.
If you're right then he wouldn't have lasted. But he was making the effort to comply and therefore he is welcome. Just like everyone else. That's the only consideration in politics v7.0

The rules are strongly PC biased and everyone has to obey the rules.
01-18-2017 , 01:13 PM
Well Named, even if TS believes precisely the same things white supremacists believe, are you afraid that his beliefs will go unchallenged? Or is it that they are so powerful, they will convert all these weak-minded people who are also too stupid to be indoctrinated by the PC values you so cherish? Like, is there just something genetically inferior about these darn racists who are taken in by TS's evil forked-tongue that better ideas have no chance to penetrate their evil feeble minds? So we must cast him and anyone like him out of our precious garden and into the lake of fire (ie, anywhere else on the internet where his opinions are less likely to be refuted).
