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!!! Petition to bring back ToothSayer !!! Petition to bring back ToothSayer

01-20-2017 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
I think that's what happened, he was exiled from Politics for a reason and the content of those posts was discussed in Politics threads over there. I don't think you can separate the banning from the horrific posting.
Agreed, but the pretense being that he violated the exile with the accident post and for this got banned = petty or cowardice, depending on if it was just a fake reason or not.
01-20-2017 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Agreed, but the pretense being that he violated the exile with the accident post and for this got banned = petty or cowardice, depending on if it was just a fake reason or not.
It's like a weakling waiting for the tougher guy to turn his back and then he strikes. Cowardice is the correct word.
01-20-2017 , 10:57 AM
I mean paging MrWookie, if you've got any interest I'd enjoy hearing your take. FWIW I know you don't think highly of me as a poster but I don't typically consider your modding to be biased or unfair or whatever, so I'm a little perplexed by this.

How much of this was a Lifetime Achievement Award and how much was it the post being a rules violation? If the former, did you make that clear? If not, why pretend otherwise?
01-20-2017 , 11:05 AM
Leave mrwookie where he is.
01-20-2017 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
My views very much line up with people like Bill Maher. Im much harsher but we are essentially on the same page with everything. He's also anti-islam and has gotten quite a bit of crap for it. He's attacked the SJW crowd himself, although he keeps that to a minimum.

All injustice is not the same on the left. There is a heirarchy and every single person here knows it. There are essentially certain groups of people that are protected and they have different rankings. It's blacks, LGBT, women, Latinos, the disabled and Muslims. Within those groups there is a pecking order. Groups like Asians may sometimes be included, but only if they are female, males don't count. Blacks are more important than Latinos, but sometimes Muslims are more important. Non black Muslims are much more important than black Muslims. Gays are very important unless they are up against Muslims, and then they are ignored because racism outweighs sexuality. Within homosexuals men are much more valuable than lesbians.

Everyone knows this to be true yet very few people will ever admit it. It goes to show how truly crazy the world has become. This is why ideas mean something. Ideas have a downstream effect and causes social movements like these SJW witch-hunts, which start having huge effects on social dynamics. In the name of diversity and inclusion we see a form of facism and racism. It's disgusting.

You may indeed feel that way but in general it's nothing close to equal.
And you wonder why people call you racist, bigoted and misogynistic? LMAO
01-20-2017 , 11:09 AM
this is pretty straight forward, regardless of wookie's timing or feeling at the time.

the reason for the ban was partially listed as "previously banned poster" and then something like "posting in the same way that got him banned before".

wookie was authorized to make that call well before tooth accidentally posted in politics.
01-20-2017 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Agreed, but the pretense being that he violated the exile with the accident post and for this got banned = petty or cowardice, depending on if it was just a fake reason or not.
LMAO, it's like being given a set of rules to follow and not being able to either out of hubris or stupidity. HE HAD ONE JOB and he couldn't do it and Mat reversed the ban so it's moot.
01-20-2017 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
this is pretty straight forward, regardless of wookie's timing or feeling at the time.

the reason for the ban was partially listed as "previously banned poster" and then something like "posting in the same way that got him banned before".

wookie was authorized to make that call well before tooth accidentally posted in politics.
Kinda like Goddell was authorized to do what he wanted with Brady irrespective of the findings. So Wookie was feeling bad that day and gleefully sent Toothsayer into forum Hades ?

You can change it and deny the ability of any mod to do a sweeping banishment without counsel with you or Mason or David. the thing will always run but personal pique has to be ameliorated.

The best to you.

Bye the bye, the idea is that Wookie and Chez have to agree in order for Toothsayer to come back to Politics7 ? Chez already agrees; do you think Wookie is the right man for this job considering the circumstances?

If Wookie is involved with a decision on this forum then it seems like everyone is pissing in the wind.
01-20-2017 , 12:22 PM
LOL, biased much? How did Wookie hurt you?
01-20-2017 , 12:41 PM
Okay, you people are getting very stupid in your defense of Toothsayer. Let's review.

1. Toothsayer admits to being a previously banned poster. That's banworthy right there. Oh, the first ban wasn't fair? Well, he shouldn't have run away. He admits he didn't bother fighting and that he decided to break the rules because he's lazy. (Or he's lying and he knows the ban was legit.)

2. When Toothsayer returns he IMMEDIATELY begins attacking the mods. His FIRST POST in politics under his new account is ban-worthy:

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Yeah I deleted my post because the mods in this forum are bigots. I'm fine, but a bit shaken up having been so close. Never seen panic like that in people's faces though.
(He claims to have witnessed the truck attack in Nice. I have my doubts, see below.)

3. When Toothsayer returns, he starts posting anti-Muslim hate. He compares Islam to the KKK and the Nazis. (Just a reminder that the racist dip****s of 2p2 think it's BAD to do this kind of comparison.) The comparison to Nazis begins with his 3rd post in politics under this account.

Apologizing for Islam is like apologizing for Nazism. Just because there is moderate Nazism (and most Germans were moderate Nazis) doesn't mean Nazism should therefore be apologized for.
4. He attacks Wookie personally again in his fourth post:

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
And I know I'll probably get banned for that post because Wookie and people like him are bigots. So be it. I and thousands of panicked people ran for my life tonight, afraid of an ISLAMIC gunman (what we though it was before we found out it was a truck) and I'm not going to shut up about it.
Hmmm...he did shut up about it, though. At least I never saw him mention it. I found two posts outside of that thread where he mentions the attack in Nice, but in those two he makes no mention of being there. Maybe he forgot he was there?

5. Despite all of his ban-worthy actions, Wookie shows amazing restraint. Wookie does delete a TS post, which TS admits contains a personal attack. Then he breaks the rules by complaining about mod actions in the threads:

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
I had a post about this but Wookie deleted it because it was articulate and cut to the heart of the matter (the "personal attacks" were a tiny fraction of what's been said to me, or what's said elsewhere in politics, but a convenient excuse to remove someone with a different view).
TS has been granted reprieve after reprieve. First by Wookie for not banning a previously banned poster on sight. Then by getting merely an exile from politics rather than a site-wide ban. When he broke the rules yet AGAIN, Wookie banned him. And yet the hate speech enthusiasts of 7.0 insist that Wookie be held to account? And this is only the public record. Who knows what he posted that was deleted.

It seems like Two Plus Two has made a lot of exceptions to keep this guy around. It's their site and they can do what they want. But don't act like Toothsayer isn't getting some favorable treatment here.
01-20-2017 , 12:48 PM
Yeah, he got permabanned for accidentally posting in the wrong forum, then asked for it to be reconsidered and get a software ban from that particular forum. Real stretch.
01-20-2017 , 12:50 PM
It's like Wil can't even read.
01-20-2017 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
(He claims to have witnessed the truck attack in Nice. I have my doubts, see below.)

Hmmm...he did shut up about it, though. At least I never saw him mention it. I found two posts outside of that thread where he mentions the attack in Nice, but in those two he makes no mention of being there. Maybe he forgot he was there? .
Yeah, I didn't say anything at the time, but check out this post from OOT:

Re: Times you were in serious danger

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Interested in hearing about this - what happened, how you got into the situation, how you got out. Anything from war zones to medical emergencies.

Don't have much to add myself, I'm sure OOT must have some good stories.
REALLY ****ing weird that someone who was at a major terror attack doesn't have anything to contribute to a thread about being in danger. Maybe he just forgot?

LOL, ****er just lied constantly. Was called out multiple times making up or blatantly misrepresenting published data. Amazing that any of you clowns kept on going to bat for an obvious fraud; I suppose that's why Trump is now president.
01-20-2017 , 12:54 PM
Anyone on their side is right! Anyone not on their side is wrong! Truther syndrome!
01-20-2017 , 12:59 PM
lol. Great catch, Trolly.
01-20-2017 , 01:00 PM
Guy lied about surviving a terror attack to gin up sympathy ITF. Pure scumbag.
01-20-2017 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
LMAO, it's like being given a set of rules to follow and not being able to either out of hubris or stupidity. HE HAD ONE JOB and he couldn't do it and Mat reversed the ban so it's moot.
I know "RULEZ BROKEN = BAN" is about all the subtlety you're capable of here. Shocking revelation this isn't.
01-20-2017 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball

4. He attacks Wookie personally again in his fourth post:

Admittedly a side bar, but being called a bigot is a personal attack? If so, how in the holiest of ****s is Fly calling people racist 12 times a minute and not getting as much as a stern talking to?!
01-20-2017 , 01:17 PM
The mind reads are funnier than the idiot support of it. The same thing happened with Henry. Lol, you people. It's like you have a goal to drive out the posters who actually matter so we are stuck with 300 kerowos and trollys.
01-20-2017 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
I know "RULEZ BROKEN = BAN" is about all the subtlety you're capable of here. Shocking revelation this isn't.
Go read 13balls list of his transgressions, he got more breaks than you did. At a certain point you run out of chances.
01-20-2017 , 01:32 PM
13balls list is loltastic.
01-20-2017 , 01:34 PM
It's all loltastic, some of it is loltastic, or the idea of it is loltastic. You need to be specific when you say this **** Wil or people just laugh at you and think maybe YOU got punched in the head too many times as a child.
01-20-2017 , 01:41 PM
It's not hard, but everything seems difficult for you to understand. 13balls list of issues are borderline, at best. Mrwookie himself admits he is biased in how he gives out infractions, right? People like fly get free reign to do whatever they wish and mrwookie will ban people he dislikes in a heartbeat.

The part about the nice attack is pretty funny. Mind reads and conspiracy theories. Same thing with the idiots who claimed Henry was really a broke poker player loser, which any fool could see he wasn't.

You guys are idiots. Politics is fullllll of your types, why don't you go back there and jerk each other off and continue to get everything in life wrong, and stay out of this forum? What is your desire to post here so much? we don't want to enter your cesspool. Keep it.
01-20-2017 , 02:09 PM
I'm not saying Wil's an idiot but, philosophically, I'm open to the idea.
01-20-2017 , 02:12 PM
Wait so a guy who was allegedly at the attack in Nice STARTED A THREAD called

"Times you were in serious danger"

5 months later and didn't mention it, and that's a mind read or a conspiracy theory?
