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Other than Wil, Deuces, Proph, Johnny, NoQuarter and OMG Chez, Who are the Bad P/PU Posters? Other than Wil, Deuces, Proph, Johnny, NoQuarter and OMG Chez, Who are the Bad P/PU Posters?

07-15-2014 , 10:06 AM
Where does he advocate that?
07-15-2014 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
2nd on Maximillens, great date place if you go at sunset as well. Also really like Tango on Pike Street for Tapas.
Facing East in Bellevue for a great authentic Taiwanese place as well
Ohhhh. Love thai, thanks for the suggestion. Looks like a relatively easy drive from where we will be.

Btw we are moving in completely sight unseen. I have been to Seattle once and stayed mostly downtown. Don't know much about the Eastside other than they have kick ass schools (and after school care is expensive as ****, 550 a month? Jfc.)

Did any of you grow up there? What is with the weird half day Wednesday thing for school kids?
07-15-2014 , 10:44 AM
Taiwanese, not Thai, but its really good if you are into authentic Asian food.
07-15-2014 , 10:55 AM
This Seattle content is super relevant and fascinating to read about. Thanks guys.
07-15-2014 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Taiwanese, not Thai, but its really good if you are into authentic Asian food.
I totally knew that Taiwan and Thailand were different countries guys *shifty eyes*

Thanks though, never had taiwanese. Excited to try
07-15-2014 , 11:06 AM
Also if you know of any great vietnamese or pho, please let me know I'm originally from San Jose which had amazing vietnamese but have been in Nashville for a decade now and haven't had a good bowl of pho in that time
07-15-2014 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by MickeyB105
OMG, a different POV!!

The horror!
LOL remember when you pretended you weren't a stupid ****ing hayseed? Born and bred, son, born and bred.
07-15-2014 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Hey remember back when you were all indignant about autism used as an insult? Where'd that spanky go? You weren't rolling your eyes at moral crusading back then, that was serious business. Somehow when the topic turns to open racism, the willfully obtuse spanky comes out to play.
It is correct I did not go on a moral crusade demanding bans and disingenuously criticizing admins to deal with mental health conditions being used as casual insults. Next question.
07-15-2014 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by MickeyB105
OMG, a different POV!!

The horror!
Perhaps you can elaborate for us on why listening to racist simpletons makes our lives better?
07-15-2014 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Yup, that's the thing about site-wide rules, they apply... (Wait for it) the entire site!
Do you really think I'm arguing that his post were not against the rules? I'm questions the logic and rationale of the rule that banned him.

Close, but no cigar.
Your entire argument is predicated on the simple fact that racism is wrong and violates most peoples moral sensibility and should be muted. Which is not terrible but I have to question people who want to mute views they find morally objectionable. I'm not a religious guy but if someone said homosexuality is an abomination on society, it fits right into the same moral imperative you've used to ban a racist. So logically you'd want this person removed as well. Not that I agree with someone who said this but you'd be advocating the removal of someone due to their religious beliefs and all because it offends your sensibilities.

We are not the thought police of the internet.
Well, you and others are trying to be the thought police of this corner of it.

Sm can have whatever opinions or thoughts he wants to have. The issue comes when he starts spouting them on the forum, and they are at odds with the site-wide rules.
I'm not arguing that he did not break a rule. I'm pointing out what I perceive to be a problem with the rule. If the people in power want this rule it does not mean I'm not allowed to voice my objection to it.

His opinion that Mexicans are rapists isn't based in any sort of reality. It's just his tightly held belief that "those people" are worse than him because "they" aren't white.
Neither are religious beliefs. Should we ban those?

Now, the issue with this type of belief is that you're not going to argue it out of him. He doesn't believe it's true because he read it somewhere. (Well, maybe st.front) He accepts it because it allows him to feel better than "them."
This can be said about a lot of political opinions that's been expressed.

Your average hardcore racist who is comfortable spouting crap like this in open company has no shame about their feelings. They are proud to "know" that they're better than "those people."
So removing them from the discussion changes this how? I imagine you think you know you are better than those racist and it makes you feel better to not read their garbage. People in power should make sure racist should not be allowed discuss things with you, you and the forum is better than them.

To convince him otherwise would mean that he would have to accept that other people have worth equal to his own, and he's clearly not willing to accept that.
So he has to accept your belief for him to continue posting here, if it were up to you? How many political arguments have to meet this criteria of accepting a premise? Keep in mind I'm not talking about a specific premise but any premise. You've pretty much said he has to accept your premise.

You also do not believe you both should have equal ability to express your opinions.

So what is the point of letting him post the garbage he posts here? So we can get our jollies by yelling at racist idiots? Do you imagine that someone on the brink of becoming a complete and utter racist will see us dealing with his insanity with facts and reason and they'll decide to opt for non-hatred instead?
I'm willing to bet there are more people with plain ol' ignorant views who read the forum and can be educated than pre-natal neo-nazi's.

It is not an "out of the mainstream" view he's expressing. It is just pure hatred for the point of denigrating an entire race of people.
On this forum, there is pure hatred of conservative and liberals and racist on this forum so...

I agree with you, his opinions are wrong and disgusting but so are some of yours. So we should ban anyone who has a hatred for specific group of people?

And if you think advertisers will sit their applauding how valiantly we defeat his moronic arguments, as opposed to sitting in sheer horror that their ads are prominently displayed next to someone explaining how all black people are criminals, then you've got some learnin' to do, I think.
The people in power should get rid of the political forum because any time you talk about a controversial issue someone in the target audience of the ad will get offended and the ad buyer will be looking on in horror. Again, I point to people expressing religious beliefs.

Last edited by rulzbreker79; 07-15-2014 at 01:02 PM.
07-15-2014 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Perhaps you can elaborate for us on why listening to racist simpletons makes our lives better?
Is that the purpose of this forum, to make our lives better or to discuss our opinions?
07-15-2014 , 01:03 PM
This is a social forum and a politics forum. Racism is inherently anti- social and it is simply reasonable to limit racist content to create more social ability. We obviously can still discuss racism and that does create social tension, but there is a socially beneficial potential in that kind of tension as the ideas of racism can be illuminated while keeping the disruptive nature of racist content responsibly measured.
07-15-2014 , 01:07 PM
I've never understood the logic that says we should not denigrate groups of people but then make list of groups of people who we can denigrate and those we cant.
07-15-2014 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
This is a social forum and a politics forum. Racism is inherently anti- social and it is simply reasonable to limit racist content to create more social ability. We obviously can still discuss racism and that does create social tension, but there is a socially beneficial potential in that kind of tension as the ideas of racism can be illuminated while keeping the disruptive nature of racist content responsibly measured.
I would agree there is a responsible way for ignorance to be expressed and if those ways are not met then action should be taken but then we are talking about moderating behavior/methods, not the beliefs themselves.

If you told me the way he expressed his opinions was wrong, I'd have no objection because its rather obvious he is a racist troll.
07-15-2014 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
you guys can have silverman2, i'll take thekid as the most racist poster (and this is in politics alpha!)
We should all remember that there will be a few bad folks in any group. Saudi Arabia cuts off apostates' heads in public and last week a Rabbi bumped into me at Starbucks without apologizing. We can't let the violent actions of some folks define all Muslims or all Jews.

Everyone here can agree that the offensive newspaper cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad and the Holocaust were both bad things. Muslims and Jews have both experienced tragedy and we should all condemn discrimination. During the 1120s in Timbuktu every1 condemn discrimination and Muslims and Jews lived side by side in harmony. I miss Timbuktu in the 1120s.

Also Pope Francis.
07-15-2014 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by rulzbreker79
I've never understood the logic that says we should not denigrate groups of people but then make list of groups of people who we can denigrate and those we cant.
And how someone could say the Nation of Islam (the white man is the devil) is OK. How is NOI any different than the KKK? they both spew hate speech.
07-15-2014 , 01:26 PM
False equivalencies, how do they work?
07-15-2014 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Also if you know of any great vietnamese or pho, please let me know I'm originally from San Jose which had amazing vietnamese but have been in Nashville for a decade now and haven't had a good bowl of pho in that time
lol pho. You can't get great biscuits and gravy up there, I bet.
07-15-2014 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by rulzbreker79
Is that the purpose of this forum, to make our lives better or to discuss our opinions?
Clearly the former. In the process we do discuss opinions, but no one would discuss opinions unless they thought it made their lives better.
07-15-2014 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by rulzbreker79
I've never understood the logic that says we should not denigrate groups of people but then make list of groups of people who we can denigrate and those we cant.
Yeah, we know you have a hard time with this logic.
07-15-2014 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by LASJayhawk
And how someone could say the Nation of Islam (the white man is the devil) is OK. How is NOI any different than the KKK? they both spew hate speech.
I KNOW, right? How can we, from first principles, possibly differentiate between a group formed by the majority to systematically and violently oppress minorities and a group of minorities voicing their displeasure at the oppression? Both groups say mean things! Can't explain that!
07-15-2014 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I KNOW, right? How can we, from first principles, possibly differentiate between a group formed by the majority to systematically and violently oppress minorities and a group of minorities voicing their displeasure at the oppression? Both groups say mean things! Can't explain that!
It's important to recognize power differentials, but I never have fully bought into the notion that racism can only be exhibited by the majority culture.

Like, "reverse racism" as a concept doesn't bother me all that much I guess, but in a way it seems to excuse racism when the prejudice comes from a minority population.
07-15-2014 , 02:27 PM
I thought of you guys the other day during a coed slow pitch softball game. Rules change depending on the gender of the batter.

Smaller ball used when female is hitting.

Female cannot be thrown out at first base if the hit reaches outfield grass.

Walking a female hitter puts the female in 1st base, but walking a male hitter puts him on 2nd base (punishing intentional walks of men).

There might be a couple other rule differences, but regardless it kinda rubs me the wrong way. Like, I get it, I really do, but I don't like it.

How does this strike you all? Fair handicapping based on a recognition of physical differences, or sexism that isn't excusable?
07-15-2014 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
lol pho. You can't get great biscuits and gravy up there, I bet.
Nope, but I will gladly trade. At least one of them won't kill me eventually
07-15-2014 , 02:34 PM
Walking a female hitter puts the female in 1st base, but walking a male hitter puts him on 2nd base (punishing intentional walks of men).

How does this strike you all? Fair handicapping based on a recognition of physical differences, or sexism that isn't excusable?
Dunno the setting of the game (friendly, league, etc), but if the rule came about as a reaction to teams preferring to walk men and pitch to women, then yes, I see no problem with it. It seems aimed at giving everyone a chance to play the game, as opposed to only half the team or whatever.
