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Other than chezlaw, Dueces, DIB, and ikestoys ~ Who are the Bad Politards Posters (v2)? Other than chezlaw, Dueces, DIB, and ikestoys ~ Who are the Bad Politards Posters (v2)?

01-08-2017 , 12:17 AM
My point was that the Christian mainstream in America are exactly in power more or less, and certainly as of the last election. Why would one persecute a holy war via terrorism when they are in control of a military that is happy to do so via full out warfare? They aren't attacking themselves, they are attacking their 'enemies.'
01-08-2017 , 12:46 AM
Wtf do those words actually mean?
01-08-2017 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
America has done a better job than others in integrating Muslims, absolutely. My statement could have been worded better. However, the approach societies take, essentially just hoping the problems go away, isn't going to work. I beleive we will be living with terrorism in the western world for the rest of our lives.
What problems is it you think American society is ignoring here? Surely not terrorism, where we are still fighting what is now the longest war in our history in response to terrorism.
01-08-2017 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position
What problems is it you think American society is ignoring here? Surely not terrorism, where we are still fighting what is now the longest war in our history in response to terrorism.
I think America does a much better job than, say, the French in integration. That being said, we should not be catering to anti-liberal ideas. Not wanting to offend anyone is absurdity. Them disliking criticism of Islam, or cartoons of the prophet is ridiculous enough, but us willing to give up freedom of speech in order to cater to that is even more ridiculous. Freedom of speech defines us as a people, it's not something that should be up for debate.

There will not be an end to terrorism. We will have to continue fighting it in the Muslim world for the forseeable future, unless we decide to just take a hands-off approach and let them do whatever they wish.
01-08-2017 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I think America does a much better job than, say, the French in integration.
How do you think you would have done it was 10% rather than 1% of your population was Muslim? If you had 33 million Muslims, as opposed to 3.3 million? If a million people and 1/4 of the city of the say, Chicago, concentrated in neighborhoods, was Muslim, as Brussels is?

People from the US are far too quick to congratulate themselves here, IMO. If you were importing the quantity of people that say, Germany is, you would see enormous tensions. Europeans are way more tolerant than Americans.
01-08-2017 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by Regret$
My point was that the Christian mainstream in America are exactly in power more or less, and certainly as of the last election. Why would one persecute a holy war via terrorism when they are in control of a military that is happy to do so via full out warfare? They aren't attacking themselves, they are attacking their 'enemies.'
Your SJW programming is mainstream.

Everyone knows it

You have been exposed

There is no turning back


But you lost
01-08-2017 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
How do you think you would have done it was 10% rather than 1% of your population was Muslim? If you had 33 million Muslims, as opposed to 3.3 million? If a million people and 1/4 of the city of the say, Chicago, concentrated in neighborhoods, was Muslim, as Brussels is?

People from the US are far too quick to congratulate themselves here, IMO. If you were importing the quantity of people that say, Germany is, you would see enormous tensions. Europeans are way more tolerant than Americans.
Well, we didn't get into the actual reasons. Concentration of groups means something. Muslims here are more spread out, and far less. I believe France has 7% Muslim? Even in areas like Dearborn, Michigan, however, things seem fine (mostly). In France, I think they are much more concentrated and feel more helpless in their situations. From what I've read, social mobility seems to be better here.

When I say we "do a better job", I'm not talking about out-reach and direct relations. I'm talking about the overall set-up.

What are your thoughts on the differences?
01-08-2017 , 03:07 AM
Concentration (including numbers and physical proximity; Europe is far far denser than Dearborn which leads to a communal culture - look at the slums of Naples for example and what proximity breeds), and being forced to work. The unemployment rate in Dearborn, Michigan, a place without meaningful welfare, is 3.9%. The unemployment rate in Molenbeek, Belgium, where many jihadis live, is 40%. Welfare is the difference between those two numbers.

It's also far closer physically to the Middle East. Which creates stronger ties, more frequent trips, more visits by radical preachers.

The answers are all really really simple. Congratulating the US government/policy or US culture (apart from its individualsim/rejection of socialism and welfare) is silly, IMO. I think the US would cope far worse with the kind of numbers that Europe is.
01-08-2017 , 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by Regret$
My point was that the Christian mainstream in America are exactly in power more or less, and certainly as of the last election. Why would one persecute a holy war via terrorism when they are in control of a military that is happy to do so via full out warfare? They aren't attacking themselves, they are attacking their 'enemies.'
What do you think evangelical Christians want? A holy war against Muslims?

Seems to me that their priorities are primarily domestic, eg abortion, same sex marriage, funding for religious schools, "religious freedom," etc., not war in the middle east.
01-08-2017 , 04:01 AM
Y'all are still assuming that people actually act in their best interest. That is a quite silly stance to take. Such was disproven decades ago.
01-08-2017 , 08:41 AM
There's a lot of posting here that would be better in the Islam thread.

Just a thought for now athough I am very minded to keep even threads vaguely on their particular area of expertise.
01-08-2017 , 11:49 AM
Ok, lets move to the Islam thread, guys. Chez is right.
01-08-2017 , 12:48 PM
Kerowo has to be the most currently unhinged poster on all of 2+2, right?

His recent litany reminds me of when my friend's little brother had a manic schizo breakdown on Facebook.

Kerowo if you have ever been on medication and have stopped taking it and/or are having more and more wild thoughts I recommend seeing your doctor.
01-08-2017 , 03:03 PM
Kerowo, Wookie, and Fly are all indistinguishable to me
01-08-2017 , 03:20 PM
I wonder why Wookie doesn't post post here.
01-08-2017 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
Kerowo has to be the most currently unhinged poster on all of 2+2, right?

His recent litany reminds me of when my friend's little brother had a manic schizo breakdown on Facebook.

Kerowo if you have ever been on medication and have stopped taking it and/or are having more and more wild thoughts I recommend seeing your doctor.
Excellent soul read Dan, just top notch.
01-08-2017 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Excellent soul read Dan, just top notch.
Again, it's no wonder you're laughed at so often. How many people does that make it, just this week, who've called you out? At least 5, right?

You are making yourself look like an idiot, Kerowo. Accept it.
01-08-2017 , 06:54 PM
Wil stop falling in love with me!
01-08-2017 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
What do you think evangelical Christians want? A holy war against Muslims?

Seems to me that their priorities are primarily domestic, eg abortion, same sex marriage, funding for religious schools, "religious freedom," etc., not war in the middle east.
They want to see Israel restored and believe that Israel is literally always right. They believe the first because that is what is prophesied to begin the end times in revelations, and the second because they had poor reading comprehension of both the new and old testament. I'm not really studied on the topic this just the crazy stuff I see people say on facebook and have heard myself elsewhere..
01-09-2017 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by Regret$
They want to see Israel restored and believe that Israel is literally always right. They believe the first because that is what is prophesied to begin the end times in revelations, and the second because they had poor reading comprehension of both the new and old testament.

I'm not really studied on the topic this just the crazy stuff I see people say on facebook and have heard myself elsewhere..
It's true that many evangelical Christians believe in the restoration of Israel (according to a 2012 Pew poll, 82% of white evangelicals believe Israel was given to the Jewish people by God). I don't think this translates into a holy war against Islam, something that Israel's government definitely doesn't want either.
01-09-2017 , 05:15 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position
It's true that many evangelical Christians believe in the restoration of Israel (according to a 2012 Pew poll, 82% of white evangelicals believe Israel was given to the Jewish people by God). I don't think this translates into a holy war against Islam, something that Israel's government definitely doesn't want either.
Evangelical Christians want the Jews to own Israel. In act 4 (out of 5), they die. In act 5, Christians take over the show. (All the Jews die in act 4, like us minorities die in the beginning of sci-fi movies).

At least, that's what I remember.
01-09-2017 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
It's true that many evangelical Christians believe in the restoration of Israel (according to a 2012 Pew poll, 82% of white evangelicals believe Israel was given to the Jewish people by God). I don't think this translates into a holy war against Islam, something that Israel's government definitely doesn't want either.
Completely anecdotal, obv, but I've had plenty of conversations with evangelicals (or just devout Christians) who seem to welcome the apocalypse.

I do a lot of door-to-door for my job in a very rural county. We often end up chatting about this or that, and sometimes politics or world events come up. Eventually it will get to the point we're both agreeing **** is pretty ****ed up, and I'll be like what to do? More times than I can remember the response is something to the effect of, "nothing, this is what the Bible predicts, and we should just be happy because God will come and punish the wicked and save the believers...."

I wouldn't be surprised if a war on Islam fits into that picture somehow.
01-09-2017 , 02:48 PM
That's the whole rapture thing ain't it ?
01-09-2017 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Why's this idiot put my name in the original post? Shame trolly - **** off. Don't use or reference my name, you or your stupid ass comments don't interest me in the least.
LOL no fool.

How about you go f*** yourself instead you odious idiot !!!1!
01-10-2017 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
LOL no fool.

How about you go f*** yourself instead you odious idiot !!!1!
You're the one posting about me, not the other way around. Keep my name out of your bitch mouth.
