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Other than chezlaw, Dueces, DIB, and ikestoys ~ Who are the Bad Politards Posters (v2)? Other than chezlaw, Dueces, DIB, and ikestoys ~ Who are the Bad Politards Posters (v2)?

12-27-2016 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
Come on now LK, you're better than that, to get swept up in a trope specifically designed to get the Toothsayers and wils all hot and bothered. Kinda takes some of the sting out.

You can nurse your grievance with me on your own 2 feet.
Yeah criticising Father Odious for his annual gift to the kiddies is just plain mean.
12-27-2016 , 11:51 AM
Johnny Crash isn't really worthy of the list. He doesn't bring nearly the same level of odiousness that BriceZ or Silverman did.
12-27-2016 , 12:05 PM
JohnnyCrash is just an awful poster who lost his mind because I deleted a homophobic prison rape joke thread he started and for the next 6 months the only thing he posted was hostile insults that someone dared delete his ****ty OP.
12-27-2016 , 12:11 PM
kerowo must be up for an odious award after his dreadful and partisan modding effort in PU.
12-27-2016 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
JohnnyCrash is just an awful poster who lost his mind because I deleted a homophobic prison rape joke
Is there such a thing as a non-homophobic prison rape joke?

If gay men in prison fear being butt-raped, are they homophobic too? Deep questions that your take on "homophobia" is creating.

thread he started and for the next 6 months the only thing he posted was hostile insults that someone dared delete his ****ty OP.
Sure. Still. You don't think you're flying off the handle a little above?
12-27-2016 , 12:29 PM
12-27-2016 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Is there such a thing as a non-homophobic prison rape joke? If gay men in prison fear being butt-raped, are they homophobic too?...
See, this is why you're the Administrator of Odiousness. All guard-prisoner sex is rape. You can joke about that. Like: If a female prisoner fears vaginal rape by a male guard, are they straight-phobic too?

...Deep questions that your take on "homophobia" is creating...
Deeply exposing your odiousness is more like it.
12-27-2016 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by MissileDog
See, this is why you're the Administrator of Odiousness. All guard-prisoner sex is rape. You can joke about that. Like: If a female prisoner fears vaginal rape by a male guard, are they straight-phobic too?
I think the point slid right past you. But since we're making up awards/titles for each other, and you seem to know a lot about the topic, I'm going to call you the Professor of Buttrape.

Deeply exposing your odiousness is more like it.
It's a good word. I'll have to work it into my lexicon a bit more.
12-27-2016 , 05:20 PM
how cute, tooth tried to pretend he cared about rape at all for a post, but couldn't hold up that image for long
12-27-2016 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Is there such a thing as a non-homophobic prison rape joke? If gay men in prison fear being butt-raped, are they homophobic too? Deep questions that your take on "homophobia" is creating...
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
I think the point slid right past you...
This is another annoying habit you folks of the odious persuasion have. If you have a point, spit it out. Instead you leave all of Politardia to guess... and guess against odds you actually have a point. Well, if I assumed you had a point, I'd guess it was along the lines of...
"There's rape in prison other than male on male. So there's no reason to read homosexuality into comments like the Odious JohnyCrash's OP. In fact, only the real homophobes would bring these "deep questions" into everything and be dividing us... blah, blah, blah.
Originally Posted by Regret$
... Missiledog is a great example of this who did nothing but make personal insults in his entire history of 2p2 politics posting...
@Regret$: I hope you get raped in prison by J.Fogel sodomizing you with his alleged 6" penis. FYI: this is a joke, and should in no way be misconstrued as referencing homosexuality. Live raw a-hole !!!1!

Back @ToothSayer: As I've mentioned, do you odious fools ever think through what you spew? Either I lied, and my comment above is serious. In which case it is simply a reprehensible statement on my part.

Or as I claimed, it was jest. But humor here requires a double meaning. Now, for those of us not raised by wolves, or who aren't going to playing our euro-trash escape card, there's a longstanding and standard homophobic double meaning. For example, L.Bruce referenced it: "l really dig what they do with homosexuals in this country. They put 'em in prison."

But above, I claimed my purported joke isn't referencing homosexuality. So, could you please explain how it can possibly be humorous ??

Last edited by MissileDog; 12-27-2016 at 06:40 PM.
12-27-2016 , 06:56 PM
The most hilarious part is that missile puts in a lot of work for a union strongly linked to fascists IIRC but thankfully we are having this discussion in a place where I won't get banned for saying so.
12-27-2016 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
JohnnyCrash is just an awful poster who lost his mind because I deleted a homophobic prison rape joke thread he started and for the next 6 months the only thing he posted was hostile insults that someone dared delete his ****ty OP.

Kerowo was an awful moderator who lost his mind, because some douchebags cant even handle a little power over people.

How does it feel to be stripped of modship of the easiest forum to run? You might go down as the worst mod ever!
12-27-2016 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by MissileDog
ZOMG, do you odious fools ever think through what you spew? OK, let's say you're in a public restroom. The Odious Silver_Man2 is walking out with piss-stained hands because he won't wash in front of a black man. In walks some dude carrying a weird poster. Some dude says: "Wash your hands you unsanitary odious freak!" So... you, using your razor sharp reasoning powers conclude that: The Odious Silver_Man2 is a winner, and so are you. ZOMG

So, you have no problem being correctly identified as odious, being forever hung with the dreaded 'O', and being lumped in with likes of TomViel, BruceZ, or Teh Jabber-Wookie ??

Don't flatter yourself that you think your opinion means anything.
12-27-2016 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Kerowo was an awful moderator who lost his mind, because some douchebags cant even handle a little power over people.

How does it feel to be stripped of modship of the easiest forum to run? You might go down as the worst mod ever!
Give it up Johnny, I can't bring your Jared thread back anymore.
12-27-2016 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Kerowo was an awful moderator who lost his mind, because some douchebags cant even handle a little power over people.

How does it feel to be stripped of modship of the easiest forum to run? You might go down as the worst mod ever!
Awful doesn't do it justice.

There was a recent snippit about PU in ATF where there was suprise to learn anyone had been exiled from PU and there was actually somone who was banned from PU but not banned from P.

Kerowo took being ridiculously bad to places no-one had ever imagine.
12-27-2016 , 08:10 PM
What's hard to imagine is that anyone could get banned from PU, it's not like they weren't told exactly what they were doing wrong and given multiple chances to stop, but if you want to put that on me go ahead. It's about as sensible as anything you pathetic SMPers ever say.
12-27-2016 , 08:15 PM
It was just done to you being ridiculously petty and partisan Kerowo.

It would be good to stop blaming others for what you did.
12-27-2016 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
What's hard to imagine is that anyone could get banned from PU, it's not like they weren't told exactly what they were doing wrong and given multiple chances to stop, but if you want to put that on me go ahead. It's about as sensible as anything you pathetic SMPers ever say.
Obviously you were making up rules as you saw fit. Give it up dude, you are embassing yourself. Nobody gives a **** about how you think you modded except you.
12-27-2016 , 08:31 PM
Just like no one cares what you think about the inferiority of women and yet you share that with us all the time.
12-27-2016 , 08:57 PM
kerowo severely dropped the ball by not banning all the odious bigots.
12-27-2016 , 08:58 PM
There's a self banning thread in ATF
12-27-2016 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
What's hard to imagine is that anyone could get banned from PU, it's not like they weren't told exactly what they were doing wrong and given multiple chances to stop, but if you want to put that on me go ahead. It's about as sensible as anything you pathetic SMPers ever say.
Funny stuff trying to defend your ******ed modding. Remember when you banned the word "buttbuddy" as homophobic?
12-27-2016 , 10:03 PM
Lol. Kerowo is an epic fail in terms of anything having to do with 2+2. He's a human "wtf". When I said he was the Vanna White of mods I wasn't joking. He had to do almost nothing except stop spammers and hate speech. He couldn't even do that. What a ****ing ******.
12-27-2016 , 10:05 PM
BTW, kerowos response to my post will be that I'm a racist or a child abuser.
12-27-2016 , 10:10 PM
You do support punching children in the face, which is always child abuse, so you're right there...
