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Other than chezlaw, Dueces, DIB, and ikestoys ~ Who are the Bad Politards Posters (v2)? Other than chezlaw, Dueces, DIB, and ikestoys ~ Who are the Bad Politards Posters (v2)?

05-24-2016 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by PokerJunkie00
What belief system is that? Freedom and prosperity?

Again, our southern border allowing to be flooded at the same time Europes borders are allowed to be flooded is no coincidence. Sal akinsky overwhelm the system etc you know the rest.
Hot Christ are you stupid.
05-24-2016 , 06:18 PM
Unfortunately, it is impossible to get thru to gambool. He could be on his death bed with Ebola and he would probably say something along the lines of "at least I was on the right side of history and wasn't racist."
05-24-2016 , 06:57 PM
Getting a bit of a silverman vibe ITT.

The end game is enslavemenr. And the movement to ban cash proves imthe end game is enslavement.

Also want to cite some stats that "our southern borders are being flooded.
05-24-2016 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool


Also want to cite some stats that "our southern borders are being flooded.
So, what is the movement to ban cash about gambool? What could possibly be the reasoning for them wanting to do that other than enslavement. See, I like gold and silver because govt doesn't have any control over it.
05-24-2016 , 07:10 PM
If border apprehensions are up, it's proof we're being invaded. If border apprehensions are down, it's proof that Obama doesn't care about the fact that we're being invaded. Checkmate.

I just heard somebody tell Sean Hannity that Border Patrol agents are finding Korans and other terrorist-related stuff on the border all the time, but they're "being told to hush up about it".
05-24-2016 , 07:14 PM
Who's banning cash now?
05-24-2016 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Who's banning cash now?

First it's the 100.
05-24-2016 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by PokerJunkie00
Some of the quotes were from Riki Wilchins a transsexual activist. Again, are you a level 1 thinker?

You think Obama, the targets of the world,, and the globalists are actually sticking their neck out there knowing the public backlash they will get over the lolpublic restroom rights of a group of people who make up maybe 1 out of every 5,000 people? And you take that at face value?

And that there isn't something bigger in play long term?
Don't tell me you're actually going to defend this.


Famous transsexual activist Riki Wilchins tells you all what this bathroom stuff is really about.

Basically it is about destroying the family and getting rid of male and female gender distinctions so kids are confused and more dysfunction in society and govt gets more control.

I mean...Obama isn't stupid... It's not like he is putting himself out there on this issue because he cares about the 1 in 5000 transsexuals out there who feel their civil rights are being violated because they can't pee in the opposite sexes bathroom in a public restroom. Obviously there is something much bigger in play.
Quotes came from the Advocate a gay magazine.

I mean I don't know who Riki Wilchins is but supposedly he is a famous transsexual activist telling you what the bathroom thing is really all about.

Makes sense. There are obviously weirder stranger things in play with this bathroom thing than it being about the rights of transsexuals to pee in the public restroom they want.
Of course there's not a single quote in there from Wilchins saying anything about destroying the family life. That's all from said right wing nutjob.

You didn't read the original article. You didn't even read the article you linked to. You are utterly ****ing clueless.

You genuinely live in a world where people just wanting to piss in comfort is a national conspiracy to...something. That's not the world sane people live in.
05-24-2016 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by PokerJunkie00
So, what is the movement to ban cash about gambool? What could possibly be the reasoning for them wanting to do that other than enslavement. See, I like gold and silver because govt doesn't have any control over it.
I'm just going to quote you again from politics where you entered with "I'm not big on gold". We have transitioned from "not big on gold" to "the world economy will collapse, cash will be banned, and I store gold in at least three separate locations".
05-24-2016 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
Don't tell me you're actually going to defend this.

Of course there's not a single quote in there from Wilchins saying anything about destroying the family life. That's all from said right wing nutjob.

You didn't read the original article. You didn't even read the article you linked to. You are utterly ****ing clueless.

You genuinely live in a world where people just wanting to piss in comfort is a national conspiracy to...something. That's not the world sane people live in.
Quote what Wilchins said.
05-24-2016 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
I'm just going to quote you again from politics where you entered with "I'm not big on gold". We have transitioned from "not big on gold" to "the world economy will collapse, cash will be banned, and I store gold in at least three separate locations".
I'm not that big on gold. I'm big on protecting my wealth. And gold has had an excellent track record for thousands of years doing just that.

Answer me this one simple question. How much has our filthy corrupt government put us into debt?

I'm sure you and everyone else haven't seen this. But if you go to and if you go to the very bottom right of the screen you will see two ratios. The dollar to gold ratio in 1913 and the dollar to gold ratio now. And you will see the dollar to silver ratio in 1913 and the dollar to silver ratio now.

And the dollar to gold ratio NOW says over $7,000/oz and the dollar to silver ratio NOW says $800/oz. And this is on USdebtclock.... So those high prices is where gold and silver should be at right now.

Criticize me holding gold and silver all you want. Anyone criticizing someone for owning gold has a mental problem. Gold is real wealth. Gold is savings. And absolutely necessary to have when your govt has put us 20 trillion in debt.

Last edited by PokerJunkie00; 05-24-2016 at 11:05 PM.
05-24-2016 , 11:07 PM
I don't need to quote your own source back to you any further, ffs. How would I even go about quoting something he didn't say?
05-24-2016 , 11:11 PM
So if somebody asks you, "What price should gold be at right now?" your answer would be:

"Well, you take the increase in the money supply for last year, and you divide it by the amount of gold that was mined last year, and you get $7,323 per oz."

Does that really sound right to you?
05-24-2016 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
I don't need to quote your own source back to you any further, ffs. How would I even go about quoting something he didn't say?
I don't think the right wingers suggestion is as crazy as the fact that it would be crazy to think governments are doing this bathroom stuff to cater to like .1% of the population and their lol public restroom rights.

I mean the White House just had some gender stereotype toy day? Could you imagine going back 50 years and the White House having a gender stereotypes toy day? Where boys play with dolls and girls play with trucks? Or whatever bizarre crap went on at these gender stereotype day?
05-24-2016 , 11:26 PM
There's something weird in play because all these bands or whatever who aren't going to North Carolina cuz of lol bathroom bigotry... Are still going to countries where gays are killed.

State governments of NY and Cali not doing business in NC but will do business with countries who murder gays? Doesn't add up
05-24-2016 , 11:28 PM
Famous transsexual activist Riki Wilchins tells you all what this bathroom stuff is really about.

Basically it is about destroying the family and getting rid of male and female gender distinctions so kids are confused and more dysfunction in society and govt gets more control.
Don't try and side step this. I don't care about your conspiratorial concern. This is about your basic reading comprehension. Wilchins said nothing about destroying the family in the article you linked (or anywhere else).
05-24-2016 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
Don't try and side step this. I don't care about your conspiratorial concern. This is about your basic reading comprehension. Wilchins said nothing about destroying the family in the article you linked (or anywhere else).

May 6, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The battle over men accessing women’s bathrooms and vice versa has little do with bathrooms or even transgenderism, a well-known LGBT activist admitted last week. It has everything to do with re-working society and getting rid of the “heterobinary structure” in which we live—eliminating distinctions between “male” and “female” altogether.

Riki Wilchins, who has undergone “sex change” surgery and is a far-left social change activist, wrote in the gay publication The Advocate last week that social conservatives and many LGBT activists are missing the point when it comes to the transgender bathroom debate.

The title of Wilchins' article makes the points succinctly: "We'll Win the Bathroom Battle When the Binary Burns."

And with this being the goal........ You think the family and intimate relationships aren't going to dissolve??? You think the right winger was nuts to suggest that is the goal? Of course govt is on board with this craziness and weirdness, why else would they be? More power and more control.
05-24-2016 , 11:47 PM
Yes, I think it's nuts. That's why I called her nuts.

But again, here's your claim:

Famous transsexual activist Riki Wilchins tells you all what this bathroom stuff is really about.
When of course he didn't say anything at all about destroying families.
05-25-2016 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
Yes, I think it's nuts. That's why I called her nuts.

But again, here's your claim:

When of course he didn't say anything at all about destroying families.
And the right won't "nut job" extrapolating that the end game is destroying the family is that far fetched to you given what Wilkins is taking about with this binary crap gender distinction crazy insane talk?

What's governments motive to even touch this issue?

Maybe it isn't the trans people's motive but it certisinly is the govt motive.
05-25-2016 , 12:10 AM
You said Wilchins told us what it's "really" about. If it's "really" about destroying families, and Wilchins never said anything about families, then Wilchins didn't tell us what it's "really" about.

I hope you can follow that very simple logic.

And about 90% that you're Proph right now.
05-25-2016 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
You said Wilchins told us what it's "really" about. If it's "really" about destroying families, and Wilchins never said anything about families, then Wilchins didn't tell us what it's "really" about.

I hope you can follow that very simple logic.

And about 90% that you're Proph right now.
Ok dude... To Wilchins it's not about destroying the family its about this diseased world where if I want to identify as a panda I can identify as a panda. Govt says hello trans movement! We are ooooooon board with this 100% because we want more control and more power and what better way to achieve that than people buying into this gender neutral garbage. And we obviously know that if we pretend to make it about transgenders rights the riffraff on the right and the left will take it at face value and think it is really about the lol bathroom rights of the 1 in 8000 people who are delusional about their gender. A
05-25-2016 , 12:41 AM
Hold on, Proph. Maybe Wilchins is out to destroy the family. The point is still your reading comprehension. Wilchins never said what you claimed he had.
05-25-2016 , 12:55 AM
Lifesite news looooool
05-25-2016 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Lifesite news looooool

The title of Wilchins' article makes the points succinctly: "We'll Win the Bathroom Battle When the Binary Burns."

Focus on the quotes.
05-25-2016 , 01:26 AM
PJ why shouldn't US businesses be free to enter into voluntary agreements with Mexican workers?
