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Nanna was right!  Libs really do want to eat your babies! Nanna was right!  Libs really do want to eat your babies!

07-31-2015 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by NoQuarter
Sorry this seems a dumb question.. but oddly enough, I ask seriously

Why exactly would someone eat a baby?
Sometimes you just aren't that hungry.
07-31-2015 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by NoQuarter
Sorry this seems a dumb question.. but oddly enough, I ask seriously

Why exactly would someone eat a baby?
They can't run fast.
08-02-2015 , 03:18 AM
Limits can (and, IMO, should) be discussed, but does anyone have a non-religious reason as to why abortion is not ok before the cerebral cortex and synapses are formed at about 6 weeks?

It seems even the staunchest right-to-lifers should be ok with this, but they aren't. If something doesn't have a functioning brain, in what sense is it a person?
08-02-2015 , 11:16 AM
It has a soul since conception according to Saint Augustin
08-02-2015 , 11:41 AM
Who knew sperm slamming into an egg actually created a soul?

Maybe the Big Bang was such a slamming and the universe is actually a soul?
08-02-2015 , 12:31 PM
Oooh, the theological politics of eating babies!

How can invisible sky father know someone before they are formed in the womb if not by their invisible immortal essence? If he wants to become visible and talk about this, I am available anytime for a public, face to face chat.

The fact that he never shows up for anything is big check against controlling and punishing people based upon his alleged word and the word of people who base their assumptions upon it.

Human rights, however, do at least show up somewhere observable. Could be pure luck that I can use my own invisible essence to consider and determine the right to choose is not something to be prohibited, punished, or condemned.

It is actually none of my business beyond having a political interest in creating and maintaining a society that operates with tangible human rights. Freedom from being controlled by religion, freedom to have a religion that doesn't try to control or intrude upon human individuality and free choice. Freedom to have control and providence over my own body and to each their own with mutual equality.

Let's talk sky daddy, anytime.
08-02-2015 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Lol, no. I still haven't read the details, but I'll refrain for now and instead play the role of Jesus' advocate to explain how this has been going on under the table, outside public knowledge and the law by libs encouraging poor, vulnerable sluts that their children are worthless while Planned Parenthood cashes in on their innocent babys' body parts to buy sportscars, politicians, the media, distort Trump's message and open up drive-thru abortion clinics. It's a travesty. #Apocolypseisnigh #Thisbabyhaslegs
Op = pseudo intellectual rush limbaugh. lol smp. Just dumb white guys w little to no life experience who think they are part of some prestigious think tank.
08-02-2015 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by suspectdevice
Op = pseudo intellectual rush limbaugh. lol smp. Just dumb white guys w little to no life experience who think they are part of some prestigious think tank.
agreed... post was horrible. ... no one bought sportscars, or anything, for that matter.
08-02-2015 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Who knew sperm slamming into an egg actually created a soul?

Maybe the Big Bang was such a slamming and the universe is actually a soul?
08-02-2015 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Sommerset
Limits can (and, IMO, should) be discussed, but does anyone have a non-religious reason as to why abortion is not ok before the cerebral cortex and synapses are formed at about 6 weeks?

It seems even the staunchest right-to-lifers should be ok with this, but they aren't. If something doesn't have a functioning brain, in what sense is it a person?
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
It has a soul since conception according to Saint Augustin
Originally Posted by Low Key
Who knew sperm slamming into an egg actually created a soul?

Maybe the Big Bang was such a slamming and the universe is actually a soul?
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Oooh, the theological politics of eating babies!

How can invisible sky father know someone before they are formed in the womb if not by their invisible immortal essence? If he wants to become visible and talk about this, I am available anytime for a public, face to face chat.

The fact that he never shows up for anything is big check against controlling and punishing people based upon his alleged word and the word of people who base their assumptions upon it.

Human rights, however, do at least show up somewhere observable. Could be pure luck that I can use my own invisible essence to consider and determine the right to choose is not something to be prohibited, punished, or condemned.

It is actually none of my business beyond having a political interest in creating and maintaining a society that operates with tangible human rights. Freedom from being controlled by religion, freedom to have a religion that doesn't try to control or intrude upon human individuality and free choice. Freedom to have control and providence over my own body and to each their own with mutual equality.

Let's talk sky daddy, anytime.
Well you guys wanted to know why anti abortion people tend to go all kit and caboodle, that's why. Of course in a secular society you can't just come out and say it, and that's why there is a seemingly incoherent push to end all abortion, because of the unstated premise that from the moment of inception whatever it is has a soul that God put there and to interfere with it is to interfere with God's plan. Usually people aren't scientifically sophisticated to differentiate between aborifacts and whatever else theologically so they just lump them all in with being evil.
08-03-2015 , 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Sometimes you just aren't that hungry.
Originally Posted by chezlaw
They can't run fast.
Originally Posted by suspectdevice
Op = pseudo intellectual rush limbaugh. lol smp. Just dumb white guys w little to no life experience who think they are part of some prestigious think tank.
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
agreed... post was horrible. ... no one bought sportscars, or anything, for that matter.

You people are disgusting and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.
08-03-2015 , 08:01 AM
Your faux outrage was worse.
08-03-2015 , 08:56 AM
I wonder why there hasn't been much serious discussion on the ethics of this process in this thread? Seems like an interesting topic. Pretty good article here on Snopes:

Fetal tissue may only be used or sold post-abortion with the consent of the woman undergoing the procedure. Although some researchers may obtain fetal tissue directly from abortion clinics at their own medical facilities, others have to purchase it from middlemen who pay fees to providers such as Planned Parenthood for specimens and then resell those specimens to researchers. Planned Parenthood maintains they charge only what the law allows (i.e., what they need to cover their expenses in such transactions), while the middlemen charge a markup to cover their processing costs. But regulation of these types of transactions is somewhat murky:

The fees, which can run to thousands of dollars for a tiny vial of cells, do not break the law, according to Arthur Caplan, the director of the division of medical ethics at NYU Langone Medical Center.

“It appears to be legal, no matter how much you charge,” Dr. Caplan said, adding that there appears to be little or no oversight of the processing fees. “It’s a very gray and musty area as to what you can charge.”

However, these transactions often involve far more than simply conveying fetal tissue from one place to another — they can also require very expensive processing and shipping necessary to satisfy the requirements of end purchasers:

StemExpress uses procurement technicians to obtain fetal tissue. “We’re collecting biohazardous waste, discarded waste,” [founder Cate] Dyer said. “They go to a hospital or to a facility that does terminations and collect tissues from those waste products.”

Back at the company, lab technicians process the tissue to try to isolate the specific cell type a researcher has ordered — for instance, fetal liver stem cells.

“These cells are hard to isolate,” Ms. Dyer said. “These are hard processes, expensive processes that take millions of dollars of equipment. Just to attempt to do some of these isolations can cost us thousands of dollars, and it may not even work.”

The effort is reflected in the pricing: a vial containing five million frozen fetal liver CD133+ stem cells can cost more than $24,000.

The final products are shipped fresh or frozen. Shipping fees are separate from specimen costs, and an overnight shipment to Germany, for example, can cost thousands of dollars, according to Ms. Dyer.
08-03-2015 , 09:55 AM
I wonder why there hasn't been much serious discussion on the ethics of this process in this thread?
Because only you have a problem with recouping the cost of a consensual procedure for the advancement of science.
08-03-2015 , 11:11 AM
The religious right "pro-life" position is so anti-factual and chocked full of forced emotion it may as well be widely known as a lampoon of itself.
08-03-2015 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
You people are disgusting and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Whatever you say, hannity. You're on the same level as birthers.
08-03-2015 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I wonder why there hasn't been much serious discussion on the ethics of this process in this thread? Seems like an interesting topic. Pretty good article here on Snopes:
I'm fine with them doing an audit to make sure they're really just covering costs but I don't see much wrong with the underlying morality
08-03-2015 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
I'm fine with them doing an audit to make sure they're really just covering costs but I don't see much wrong with the underlying morality
That's the issue, that their is little to no oversight. So, it seems there is room for people to profit from this, and perhaps they even do. Do you think it should be considered moral to profit from selling your own organs or aborted fetuses?
08-03-2015 , 03:06 PM
The ones profiting aren't PP, yet they're taking all the flak from conservatives.

When will those misguided, uneducated, illogical conservatives ever learn?
08-03-2015 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
Because only you have a problem with recouping the cost of a consensual procedure for the advancement of science.
Even supposing I did, that's not the issue. Whether and how much we should allow people to profit from selling human tissue is a moral issue that people on all sides are debating, as they should be.

Originally Posted by suspectdevice
Whatever you say, hannity. You're on the same level as birthers.
Even supposing I were, that's not the issue. But I can see why you wouldn't think about the issue deeply enough to notice when you're being attacked and shamed for positions you may or may not actually hold... you despicable piece of ****!
08-03-2015 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
The ones profiting aren't PP, yet they're taking all the flak from conservatives.

When will those misguided, uneducated, illogical conservatives ever learn?
Sounds like the cold, misguided logic of a disgusting, baby-eating lib.
08-03-2015 , 04:02 PM
libs gonna stick to their guns, it doesn't matter the merits or facts of the issue, they're gonna tow the party line. Conservatives too. No need for anyone to make their brain hurt by using it... life is so much easier when the tough decisions are already made for you.

08-03-2015 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Sounds like the cold, misguided logic of a disgusting, baby-eating lib.

When bombastic meets mockery in a debate about the profit margins of fairly-owned fetal tissue.

OMG I said we own babies, I must love slavery and Obama like a hypocrite! Hahahahahahagavakkmaahaha!
08-03-2015 , 04:06 PM
Foldn, since you brought your Nanna into the discussion, I would like to offer her refreshments and baked goods.
08-03-2015 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Mr. Muckit
libs gonna stick to their guns, it doesn't matter the merits or facts of the issue, they're gonna tow the party line. Conservatives too. No need for anyone to make their brain hurt by using it... life is so much easier when the tough decisions are already made for you.

curious... what "facts" are pro-choice advocates denying here?
