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LOL Row Coach...  peak is still here. LOL Row Coach...  peak is still here.

06-11-2015 , 11:24 AM
Ima going to start an arch droid summer book club. Dude has some post apocalyptic novels out that look pretty lulzy
06-11-2015 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Water obviously has a supply and demand curve as well.
Being a consistent debate coward that you are, I guess you're going to ignore my question put to you re: inevitable chaos due to shortage.

Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Ha, remember like two days ago when Jiggs tried to argue he didn't follow that arch droid dude or whatever his name was?
Actually, what I said, fraud, was that I don't subscribe to all of his predictions.

Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Yeah, that's a lie, Jiggs definitely has a bunker full of canned goods.
Could you be more full of ****? The last time you made an empty assertion like this, you offered an exile bet and I quickly proved you demonstrably wrong ... you then didn't honor your own wager, and continued to post. One would think you'd have wised up by now.

But then, you were warned long ago not to participate in the thread due to your profound lack of knowledge re: energy systems. And here you are, still not understanding what's being presented, still embarrassing yourself.
06-11-2015 , 04:24 PM
Um, no Jiggs, I offered you an exile bet based on a dispute about what you wrote. Instead of having a third party examine it like a normal person, you acted like your lunatic self, declared yourself the winner, and refused a third party arbitrator.

Being a consistent debate coward that you are, I guess you're going to ignore my question put to you re: inevitable chaos due to shortage.
Well, there's no shortage so not sure where to go with that.

Actually, what I said, fraud, was that I don't subscribe to all of his predictions.
Just that peeeaaak oiiiil has made Detroit and Baltimore into third world cities and that the internet isn't going to exist. looool Jiggs.
06-11-2015 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Could you elaborate?

Because I'm guessing the % of the global population that is starving is probably near historical lows (don't know though). Are you saying that this number will significantly increase?

Nations going to war seems pretty standard. The 20th century had two pretty big wars and a lot of other non-trivial ones as well. Are you saying the 21st century will be worse? Measured how? Death count? Money spent? Size of belligerents?

And as for rioting in the streets, this seems pretty hard to quantify.
You continue to try and conflate current conditions today with what's to come once global production begins its inevitable decline. Not sure whether that's intentional, or you just don't understand.

It's reasonable to think certain aspects of our complex global system are healthy when the resources needed to support them are at the highest quantity they'll ever enjoy. That's what makes it the peak.

Originally Posted by jjshabado
What? You get all pissy when I add the word "severe" to your austerity claim, but you're allowed to say something like this?
See the word "seem" in there? Huge difference between perception (mine) and assertion (yours).

Yeah, breathe, and calm down. You SEEM to mad, bro.

Originally Posted by jjshabado
There's a difference between disagreeing with "1.5% growth requires austerity measures" and believing "1.5% growth means there'll never be austerity measures."
Well, I guess we can agree that 1.5% growth is crap, and not sustainable.

Originally Posted by jjshabado
A balanced budget law has as much effect as farting in a tornado. The budget itself is legislation and so any budget that has enough votes to pass will have enough votes to remove the balanced budget law.

My point is that Canadian Government finances are relatively healthy. And as such there are no calls for austerity (again, aside from the standard small-government mantra) and no obvious need for it even if growth is only 1.5%.
Yeah, provided record high household debt levels can continue to climb. Yes,
I'm aware that your "point" is to lol austerity while ignoring ZIRPiness.

Originally Posted by jjshabado
This is the closest you came to actually explaining WHY you believe 1.5% growth requires austerity. So basically all you have is that it happened in Europe. You don't think there were a bunch of other factors involved?
What I did was remind you that Canada's not nearly as healthy as you SEEM to insist, listing a number of factors.

Of course there were multiple factors that resulted in Euro austerity. And all of them, ultimately, the fallout of dwindling global net energy.
06-11-2015 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Um, no Jiggs, I offered you an exile bet based on a dispute about what you wrote. Instead of having a third party examine it like a normal person, you acted like your lunatic self, declared yourself the winner, and refused a third party arbitrator.
You claimed I never pointed to a date of 2015 for global peak. I showed numerous occasions in years past where I said exactly that.

I don't see why an "arbitrator" was needed, you pretentious troll. I literally quoted myself saying exactly what you insisted I never did (that peak would be here in 2015).

If you challenge me to a fight, and I knock you right the **** out, does anyone really need a referee to judge that you lost? Bet-welching fraud. GTFO.

Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Well, there's no shortage so not sure where to go with that.
LOL... "well, the game hasn't begun... so not sure how we could lose."

Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Just that peeeaaak oiiiil has made Detroit and Baltimore into third world cities and that the internet isn't going to exist. looool Jiggs.
You continue to lie about what I've ever said. What I said was that , increasingly, the number of people who can't afford their internet bill was going to rise, as an example of the cost of living growing wildly out of balance with wages. The internet is a luxury that increasingly won't be affordable. That doesn't mean that arrogant douche bags like you won't be able to afford it (likely after a lifetime of gaming the system).
06-11-2015 , 05:47 PM
By 'current conditions' you mean me talking about things like the wars of the the previous century?

And you still avoided any actual details. Not that that's surprising.
06-11-2015 , 07:01 PM
Peak oil is very real, guys.

In 1723, as part of their plan for global domination, the aliens put a ton of oil under the ground, knowing that such cheap energy would cause us to escalate our technological development too fast, resulting in an inevitable, global, catastrophic plunge into a much greater dark age than what happened in the first millennia. When this happens, the aliens will finally make their move.

It should be noted that they used the same techniques that they used when they planted all those dinosaur bones in 1567 in order to hasten the demise of Christianity. This is not to say that the Christians are right that the world is only 6000 years old. It's obviously billions. But they are actually accidentally right about the dinosaurs being a fiction.
06-11-2015 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
By 'current conditions' you mean me talking about things like the wars of the the previous century?

And you still avoided any actual details. Not that that's surprising.
My internet was a bit slower than normal today.
06-11-2015 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
By 'current conditions' you mean me talking about things like the wars of the the previous century?
No, I mean you talking about the current hunger percentage.

Originally Posted by jjshabado
And you still avoided any actual details. Not that that's surprising.
I didn't avoid anything. 1.5% growth is crap, and requires some undesirable method of fiscal shenanigans to mitigate. Canada chooses near ZIRP and heavy household debt loads. You don't dispute this at all. Shut up.
06-11-2015 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
You claimed I never pointed to a date of 2015 for global peak. I showed numerous occasions in years past where I said exactly that.

I don't see why an "arbitrator" was needed, you pretentious troll. I literally quoted myself saying exactly what you insisted I never did (that peak would be here in 2015).

If you challenge me to a fight, and I knock you right the **** out, does anyone really need a referee to judge that you lost? Bet-welching fraud. GTFO.

LOL... "well, the game hasn't begun... so not sure how we could lose."

You continue to lie about what I've ever said. What I said was that , increasingly, the number of people who can't afford their internet bill was going to rise, as an example of the cost of living growing wildly out of balance with wages. The internet is a luxury that increasingly won't be affordable. That doesn't mean that arrogant douche bags like you won't be able to afford it (likely after a lifetime of gaming the system).
That wasn't even what the bet was about you clown
06-12-2015 , 06:07 AM
What was the bet again? I can serve as arbitrator.
06-12-2015 , 05:20 PM
my mistake... I have it confused with a different time you lied about what I said or didn't say where I then followed up and proved you dead wrong... the exile bet you initiated had to do with you fraudulently claiming I didn't argue that net migration from Mexico was lower due to ramped up deportations. I then listed the half dozen or so times I had previously argued exactly that. You then weasel-dicked your way out of losing your own bet.
06-12-2015 , 05:23 PM
U seem mad bro
06-12-2015 , 07:00 PM
Jiggs argued that PEAAAKKKKK OIIIIIIIIIL was destroying Mexico and used for evidence migration figures from Mexico even though migration from Mexico wasn't increasing and might have even been net zero at that point. Duker tried to use logic to examine Jiggs position and ohhhh boy, he wont be making that mistake again.

Jiggs then in the same post accepted and tried to judge his own exile bet and refused to have a third party judge stating bias, then started calling me a welcher.

Plus some rants about eeeeeeeevvvvvviiiiiiill privatization of Pemex

So standard hilarious Jiggs.

Well with one exception, I actually did get him to put a stake in the ground with an exile bet prediction on Mexico production. The bad news is, the bet wont be graded until 2029, so we have 14 more years of peak Jiggs.
06-12-2015 , 07:04 PM
Well by then solar will be providing half of Earth's power so Jiggzzzzz won't really be showing his face around these parts.
06-12-2015 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Well by then solar will be providing half of Earth's power so Jiggzzzzz won't really be showing his face around these parts.
06-12-2015 , 08:41 PM
lol at thinking that Jiggs wouldn't still be here claiming victory when solar is providing half of Earth's energy needs.
06-13-2015 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Well by then solar will be providing half of Earth's power so Jiggzzzzz won't really be showing his face around these parts.
More on the mark: You won't be around when it doesn't.

Originally Posted by jjshabado
lol at thinking that Jiggs wouldn't still be here claiming victory when solar is providing half of Earth's energy needs.
LOL @ half the Earth's power. How's the crack? Must be glorious.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that about 11% of world marketed energy consumption is from renewable energy sources (biofuels, biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, and wind) with a projection for 15% by 2040.1
A 4 percentage point increase in 25 years.


You guys realize how much fossil fuels are required to make and maintain renewable infrastructure, yes? Probably not.

Thanks for the new material, though. I get a lot of mileage out of your laughable, fact-free hopium addiction.
06-13-2015 , 01:58 PM
The EIA's estimates for solar are laughably low. They, much like you, don't understand exponential growth.
06-13-2015 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
The EIA's estimates for solar are laughably low. They, much like you, don't understand exponential growth.
It's interesting watching you clowns reject the EIA data when it crushes your empty claims, but then cling desperately to EIA data when it projects delicious forecasts of oil production.

Still, even that is not nearly as amusing as seeing any one of you claim anyone else doesn't understand the exponential function. That's truly rich, considering the blind spot you all have regarding assumed GDP (consumption) growth.

Do better. Link to something ... ANYthing... supporting your laughable claim that the world will be 50% powered by solar within 14 years. If not, go **** yourself.
06-13-2015 , 02:14 PM
Solar has been growing exponentially at 40% or so for years. Do the math bro

Last edited by SenorKeeed; 06-13-2015 at 02:20 PM.
06-13-2015 , 03:25 PM
Renewable energy in California has gone from 12% of electricity production to 25% since just 2008.

Where there's a will there's a way.

If more than a tiny percent of people acted like the myriad of environmental and political costs of fossil fuels were a problem going totally renewable would be very achievable.

As it is, there are so many knees that jerk, the fossil fuel industry is so influential in politics, their think tanks so good at sewing enough doubt to prevent action, even most large environmental groups are beholden and support industry approved positions like carbon markets... that although there is support for renewables, fossil fuel production will probably continue to grow. Hopefully just for the short term.
06-13-2015 , 04:40 PM
I don't think solar will ever be 50% of the worlds energy.

But if it was, Jiggs would still be claiming victory.
06-13-2015 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
I don't think solar will ever be 50% of the worlds energy.
I wouldn't guess that it would either. At least not in the near future. Biomass, hydropower, wind, geothermal, solar, maybe some tidal.

Aside from photovoltaics, most domestic hot water and heat should be solar thermal.
