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Liberal Priviledge and the lies of the left Liberal Priviledge and the lies of the left

07-08-2014 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Proph
No one. You're trying to divert from it, though.

The key word in that sentence was attempt.

Do you understand why I use emphasis, now?

I think I'll just use Bitcoin, and never have to worry about involuntary taxes again instead. Sales taxes might be hard to avoid, if the business chooses to cooperate with government. However, at least you get to keep what you make without having a large chunk cut immediately from your paycheck.

Thanks for your concern, though!
Not sure if you heard, but Bitcoin is taxable!
07-08-2014 , 10:38 AM
Proph, you are pro government, you just don't like the one that is there now. Or if you aren't you have such a poor grasp of what you actually want that you can't describe it without painting yourself into a corner within 5 posts. You wouldn't last a week in the society you are championing, which is truly amusing. Keep on keeping on!
07-08-2014 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Not sure if you heard, but Bitcoin is taxable!
Oops! I forgot to use emphasis:

Originally Posted by Proph
I think I'll just use Bitcoin, and never have to worry about involuntary taxes again instead. Sales taxes might be hard to avoid, if the business chooses to cooperate with government. However, at least you get to keep what you make without having a large chunk cut immediately from your paycheck.

Thanks for your concern, though!
How does the IRS hack your account and take the appropriate amount of coins out, MD...I mean...Lols?

Oh, with help from the NSA, you say? Have they broken the crypto already? So, that's why they wanted to lower NIST's encryption standards...(hah!)

Kid, you have no idea how Bitcoin works. Maybe you'll disappear for a few hours in order to learn about it. I recommend the videos, since you're not such a good reader.
07-08-2014 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Proph, you are pro government, you just don't like the one that is there now. Or if you aren't you have such a poor grasp of what you actually want that you can't describe it without painting yourself into a corner within 5 posts. You wouldn't last a week in the society you are championing, which is truly amusing. Keep on keeping on!
Actually, I'm conflicted about it. Originally, this government started out small, and the founders had every intent of keeping it that way. The 16th amendment, which preceded the Federal Reserve, set the stage for vast government expansion, though.

The purpose of government is to protect your rights. Did this current government fail because governments naturally tend to grow, or because the document was flawed and legalized violations of property? Don't worry, kerowo. I don't expect an answer out of you.
07-08-2014 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Is this thread better or worse when it's been AC-hijacked?

I can't tell.
That was weird. I kind of forgot about how threads used to always be AC hijacked. I thought that went away.

Who is proph? It seems odd that all of the sudden there's AC hijacks when there haven't been any for a long long time. Maybe he was in a coma and doesn't realize he's the last one standing.
07-08-2014 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Proph
I figured you wouldn't understand any of it.

Luckily, it wasn't for you. It was for the casual readers whose interest might've been piqued from your first good question. Predictably, you attempt to shut down the dialogue as quickly as possible afterwards.
I'm pretty sure the casual readers are rolling their eyes at your posts and giggling to themselves as well.
07-08-2014 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Proph
Oops! I forgot to use emphasis:

How does the IRS hack your account and take the appropriate amount of coins out, MD...I mean...Lols?

Oh, with help from the NSA, you say? Have they broken the crypto already? So, that's why they wanted to lower NIST's encryption standards...(hah!)

Kid, you have no idea how Bitcoin works. Maybe you'll disappear for a few hours in order to learn about it. I recommend the videos, since you're not such a good reader.
Oh you can for sure try to evade taxes, but using bitcoin isn't some sort of ticket out of tax liability. In fact using bitcoin creates taxable events that using dollars don't create.
07-08-2014 , 12:36 PM
Drunk driving laws TYRANNY
07-08-2014 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
So this proph guy, accounted created and not posted on for 2 years, then makes 30 posts in a month about Anarchy and Rand Paul being awesome, then goes dormant for another year, and now comes back to make 1200 posts.

This proph guy is someone else, isn't he?
That's an interesting find. Given his views, odds are good that prison is the reason for his absence.
07-08-2014 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Drunk driving laws TYRANNY
Someone gets hammered and starts indiscriminately firing his fully auto AK on a public road? Victimless crime!

A stray bullet shatters Proph's potted plant? OMG PROPERTY DESTRUCTION SMOKE THE SONUVAB****.
07-08-2014 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
That was weird. I kind of forgot about how threads used to always be AC hijacked. I thought that went away.

Who is proph? It seems odd that all of the sudden there's AC hijacks when there haven't been any for a long long time. Maybe he was in a coma and doesn't realize he's the last one standing.
They may be rotting in prison for nonviolent crimes. I prefer to assume they left because of the horrible personalities that lurk about this place, though. I'm close to taking another break, myself.

I hope you guys eventually realize which side of history you're currently on. It's never too late to change. The modern order of round-ups seems to be drug users, tax evaders, and minorities. Soon, it will be dissenters. The State cannot tolerate dissent, especially during times of (perpetual) war which it has created.

Who doesn't know about the internment of the Japanese during World War II? I suppose many of you believe similar incidents won't happen again, and I can only chalk that up to ignorance on history.
07-08-2014 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Oh you can for sure try to evade taxes, but using bitcoin isn't some sort of ticket out of tax liability. In fact using bitcoin creates taxable events that using dollars don't create.
Taxable events? You sound like you're spewing sophiwookie's faulty ideology.

Cult of MissileDog.
07-08-2014 , 01:26 PM
Yeah, requiring you to pay taxes has nothing in common with interning the Japanese during WW II. Try again
07-08-2014 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Yeah, requiring you to pay taxes has nothing in common with interning the Japanese during WW II. Try again
One day you may be able to wrap your head around it all, but not while you keep erecting strawmen based on intentional misconceptions.

Are you even posting in the right thread? ("Liberal privilege and lies of the left"...yup!)

"If you don't understand it, mischaracterize it!" seems to be your mantra.

Cult of MissileDog.
07-08-2014 , 01:38 PM
I am just going to start bolding random words to post the nonsensical Proph way.

Just pay dem taxes or you will end up in a cage
07-08-2014 , 01:43 PM
I'm thinking it was tax evasion that landed Proph in prison twice for a year or two. Maybe drugs, but I doubt it.
07-08-2014 , 01:44 PM
Hahahhaha. First proph calls me a socialist , then says he has no idea what I am, now it's my faulty ideology.

As noted previously, we don't have to cowtow to "you'll see" threats about tomorrow, we can read proph's posts today. It's easier than ever now to see what they are made of. Smoke, mirrors, and bull****.
07-08-2014 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
I am just going to start bolding random words to post the nonsensical Proph way.

Just pay dem taxes or you will end up in a cage
Change is within your grasp, you just have to relinquish your ego.
07-08-2014 , 01:51 PM
Always could change for the better, have no interest in your selfish bull****.
07-08-2014 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Proph
They may be rotting in prison for nonviolent crimes. I prefer to assume they left because of the horrible personalities that lurk about this place, though. I'm close to taking another break, myself.
or maybe they realized their ideas weren't sensible and changed their tune. But assuming their in prison is probably a great guess.

I hope you guys eventually realize which side of history you're currently on. It's never too late to change. The modern order of round-ups seems to be drug users, tax evaders, and minorities. Soon, it will be dissenters. The State cannot tolerate dissent, especially during times of (perpetual) war which it has created.

Who doesn't know about the internment of the Japanese during World War II? I suppose many of you believe similar incidents won't happen again, and I can only chalk that up to ignorance on history.
actually, no one here sounds anything at all like you describe. Nor, do I suspect, are people ignorant of the internment of the Japanese.

You just sound a little nutty.
07-08-2014 , 01:55 PM
LOL I can't wait when Proph has to explain his bitcoin tax beliefs to a judge.

"OK, kid, you're not getting it, maybe if I wrote it down so I could bold random sentences you'd understand"
07-08-2014 , 02:02 PM
Could be that he already has tried explaining his bitcoin theories to the judge, and would explain his conspicuous two separate year-plus absences from the forums; somewhere he was posting 1k times per year except while absent.
07-08-2014 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Hahahhaha. First proph calls me a socialist , then says he has no idea what I am, now it's my faulty ideology.

As noted previously, we don't have to cowtow to "you'll see" threats about tomorrow, we can read proph's posts today. It's easier than ever now to see what they are made of. Smoke, mirrors, and bull****.
You attempted to explain your ideology in another thread, but your beliefs fell apart during probing.

According to your philosophy, governments already own your income before you recieve it because they "create" "taxable events". Although, you fail to understand that taxation is nothing more than wealth redistribution; wealth is never actually created. Could you point me to a website that would help me better understand taxable events, as you describe them, sophiwookie?

From my understanding, you were implying that since governments are responsible for infrastructure, they allowed for the contracts between people to take place, and are thus owed compensation. You seemed to assume that people are feeble, and wouldn't otherwise find ways of working together freely, for some reason. Not to mention when governments "create" infrastructure, they usually just hire private entities to do the work for them with taxpayers' dollars. (And usually, they overpay for an inferior product via cronyism, to boot!)

In short, you believe people work for the government, instead of themselves. Yet, this isn't socialist or communist in your eyes. Odd.

If I accidentally misinterpreted you, please clarify. Berating and insults are easier, though; aren't they, spank?
07-08-2014 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
LOL I can't wait when Proph has to explain his bitcoin tax beliefs to a judge.

"OK, kid, you're not getting it, maybe if I wrote it down so I could bold random sentences you'd understand"
The 5th amendment applies to crypto-keys.

Though, good luck finding a judge that understands Bitcoin (or encryption, for that matter).

Even with the public blockchain, it would be difficult for them to decipher enough evidence to clamp down on one person, let alone many.
07-08-2014 , 02:26 PM
Ok.. as promised here is the first Libtard Liar to be profiled...the one, the only the aptly named- Anthony Weiner.

This compulsive liberal liar can't help himself when it comes to sending out inappropriate texts and tweets, often including pictures of his private parts. But, let's go back to the beginning....

In 1991, he won a controversial election by stoking the racial tensions of the time. This was chronicled by a Liberal talking head for Salon. You can find the link here:

He was a jerk to work for, having one of the highest staff turnovers as a result of his constant yelling at staffers, throwing furniture etc.

In 2010, (in typical Liberal fashion) after dressing down UN dignitaries for unpaid parking tickets, it was revealed that he himself had unpaid parking tickets three years in arrears in excess of $2000.00. He quickly paid them after the report was published in Roll Call.

In 2011, he tweeted a photo of his crotch to the twitter universe. Then he claimed his account was hacked, and enrolled the entire Liberal Media machine to defend him and attack Andrew Breitbart for breaking the story. You can see MSNBC's Rachel Maddow vigorously defend Weiner and even offer up "vast right wing conspiracy" theories here:

Maddow's vigorous defense of Weiner was somewhat comical, especially since it was obvious to everyone that he was lying. He also went on her show that evening and a "lying tour" of MSNBC programs that night repeating the lies about his account being hacked. Well, we all know that he admitted lying a few days later and left Congress kicking and screaming (he was forced out by Pelosi.)

You can see friend Jon Stewart's takedown of him here:
In 2013, he ran for Mayor of New York, when it was exposed that he was sexting women half his age under the name "Carlos Danger". (You can't make this stuff up) You would have thought he would have learned his lesson after losing his Congressional seat. This time he refused to back out of the race for Mayor. When he lost the primary with less than 5% of the vote he flipped off the Media when asked what he would do next. What a Classless idiot.

There's a lot more I can say here about him, but I just haven't the time.
