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08-03-2017 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
One for the far right Scandis here:

Islamic terrorists here:

Such shocking news! Keep golloping all those important(fake?) news stories and keep believing immigrants are going to stop pensioners from starving! The left is like a ****ing cult these days. I swear!
08-03-2017 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Marn
Such shocking news! Keep golloping all those important(fake?) news stories and keep believing immigrants are going to stop pensioners from starving! The left is like a ****ing cult these days. I swear!
If you have evidence this is fake news (I wonder where you got that phrase from, Marnazi), post it here - cite please.

Here's the google search results for "norway bus seats". You'll notice the story was printed in the Telegraph which even a far right extremist like you couldn't describe as "Commie".

08-03-2017 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
If you have evidence this is fake news (I wonder where you got that phrase from, Marnazi), post it here - cite please.

Here's the google search results for "norway bus seats". You'll notice the story was printed in the Telegraph which even a far right extremist like you couldn't describe as "Commie".

Who gives a **** if it is true or not, they may have been sarcastically referring the buss seats as burkas or it was a couple of morons with bad eyesight making stupid comments.

What speaks volumes though is that you think it is a newsworthy story to the degree that you repost it here. This is nothing but a 'feel good' story for the far left, people like me who have seen through all your BS just roll our eyes and ridicule you for even bringing it up.
08-03-2017 , 02:25 PM
Uh no, it's one gigantic LOL at sad loser far right extremists like you.
08-03-2017 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Uh no, it's one gigantic LOL at sad loser far right extremists like you.

There is my boy! Keep living in fantasy land you ******. Maybe one day you will have your dream society in GB, like Venezuela or Cuba. The likes of you will be fought by civilized people before you reach your goals, be assured.

Oh, if that story is a 'giant LOL' at me, then how? Please explain, even though you are a bit dim, do try!
08-03-2017 , 02:58 PM
Prime Minister Stefan Löfven labelled the Sweden Democrats (SD) a "Nazi and racist party".

That would be your party, Marn.

lol Nazi.
08-03-2017 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Prime Minister Stefan Löfven labelled the Sweden Democrats (SD) a "Nazi and racist party".

That would be your party, Marn.

lol Nazi.
so rustled and so owned

Even the far left media criticized Löfven for that comment. Löfven will be soon gone. mark my words.
08-03-2017 , 03:10 PM
Cite please.
08-03-2017 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Cite please.
**** off with you asking for cites! I always provided them before and you are still a brainwashed blindfolded mo0ron who I will never learn anything from.

At least you should have understood by now that I do not make claims without substance unlike you.

Is Aftonbladet, the Social Democratic newspaper(Löfvens party) good enough?
08-03-2017 , 03:13 PM
lol Marnarked
08-03-2017 , 03:22 PM
For those who don't get the ridicule, the empty seat story is about the equivalent of Fox bringing up Obama's 'Hip Hop' barbeque, feel good pandering and click bait for wing nuts.
08-03-2017 , 03:35 PM
That makes sense. The wing nuts are the ones laughing at the adults seeing monsters under every bed not the bed wetting folk.
08-03-2017 , 03:58 PM
You don't get it batair, one can fish up stories like that supporting any angle if it fits your agenda. My comparison is an an apt comparison.

What is the substance in that article? I expect similar stuff like that happen every day. Do you think it is newsworthy or is it an article to drum up tensions?
08-03-2017 , 04:08 PM
The reasons that article is newsworthy are

a) Muslim immigration is a hot topic, and

b) Xenophobic (I'm being kind) people like you are prone to seeing threats where none exist (as batair pointed out).

And these are the reasons people are laughing at you and your fellow far right nut jobs.

You've got to admit, it's pretty funny that they mistook some bus seats for Muslim women and started banging on about terrorism, right?
08-03-2017 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
The reasons that article is newsworthy are

a) Muslim immigration is a hot topic, and

b) Xenophobic (I'm being kind) people like you are prone to seeing threats where none exist (as batair pointed out).

And these are the reasons people are laughing at you and your fellow far right nut jobs.

You've got to admit, it's pretty funny that they mistook some bus seats for Muslim women and started banging on about terrorism, right?
So those posting in this anti-immigrant group are functionally blind and can't see the difference between a burka and a buss seat? Looks to me like a few xenophobes making racist jokes, is that really newsworthy?

Last time when you asked me to cite Islamists infiltrating our government, I did so, resulting in you disappearing from the thread, I guess substance is not in your interest? I guess articles like the one you linked to are easier to mesh with your world view?

Last edited by Marn; 08-03-2017 at 04:30 PM.
08-03-2017 , 04:26 PM

Anyone would think Sweden wasn't world famous for its sense of humour.
08-03-2017 , 04:34 PM
Logic is out of the door for far left cultists. Nothing to see here.

Leslie Nielsen.jpg
08-03-2017 , 04:41 PM
did you guys see that photo of all those burqa'd up women in a Norway bus?

08-03-2017 , 05:13 PM
This is amazing..

Originally Posted by Marn
There is my boy! Keep living in fantasy land you ******. Maybe one day you will have your dream society in GB, like Venezuela or Cuba. The likes of you will be fought by civilized people before you reach your goals, be assured.

Oh, if that story is a 'giant LOL' at me, then how? Please explain, even though you are a bit dim, do try!
One post later...

Originally Posted by Marn
so rustled and so owned

Even the far left media criticized Löfven for that comment. Löfven will be soon gone. mark my words.
One post later...

Originally Posted by Marn
**** off with you asking for cites! I always provided them before and you are still a brainwashed blindfolded mo0ron who I will never learn anything from.

An empty bus might've driven by Marn earlier.
08-03-2017 , 05:24 PM
You have not read our history Tilteddonkey, jalfrezi has nothing of substance to come with when pressed on any issue yet he demands such from others. I have got tired of it and now prefer ridicule and character assassination instead, fighting on his own terms.

Do you have any opinions on the article he posted or are you just here to nitpick?
08-03-2017 , 05:30 PM
Nothing of substance, eh?

This is your political party's roots:

and a message from your sponsor:

08-03-2017 , 05:34 PM
Point proven, jalfrezi has nothing of substance to say, an uninteresting individual only worthy of ridicule, any actual discussion with him leads nowhere, I think partly due to his low IQ.
08-03-2017 , 05:37 PM
Resorting to ad hominems is a good sign that you've lost the argument.

You'd have been better off not responding to the bus story.

Sweet dreams Marnazi - try to forget the horrifying thought of Muslims on your local bus, if you can.
08-03-2017 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Resorting to ad hominems is a good sign that you've lost the argument.
You are not guilty of that?
08-03-2017 , 05:59 PM
What percent of those bus seats are alt-statistically criminal?
