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Immigration and refugees Immigration and refugees

07-21-2017 , 01:44 PM
The misery of racism is taking a struggle we humans have with violence, picking a locale and then divvying up black and white. That doesn't even help with already miserable struggle with violence. Stupefying and miserable.
07-21-2017 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
"Hey kids! We're gonna go for a stroll in the most dangerous part of Chicago. Proving I'm right is more important than your safety".
Frightened racist parents raising frightened racist children.
07-21-2017 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Frightened racist parents raising frightened racist children.
Would you go for a walk in the worst part of Chicago?
07-21-2017 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Would you go for a walk in the worst part of Chicago?
07-21-2017 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
I saw a news story were a reporter went to a dangerous neighborhood in Chicago. He had an entourage of gang members there to protect him. The gang members told stories of snipers and gun voiolence that happened routinely. They talked about how dangerous the area they were in was.

I'll ask again. Would you walk around in such a place? Would you bring your kids?
07-21-2017 , 02:16 PM
Uncritically just believe particularly scary stories? No.

A way to prepare for self-defense is to become a student. It is not spreading gossip about neighborhoods on the internet forums.
07-21-2017 , 02:17 PM
I'm not moved by the fear-mongering news reports that you watch on television. I would go there myself alone no problem, but I would not take my children there without checking it out myself. I certainly wouldn't be afraid to drive through a neighborhood with or without my children.

I'm not afraid to drive my children on the freeway either which is i think more dangerous. You are just afraid of black people. It's irrational. That's racism.

Last edited by microbet; 07-21-2017 at 02:22 PM.
07-21-2017 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by JiggyMac
Oh your post was not a joke? Tell me more about your conspricy theory on the secret agenda of American muslisms?
07-21-2017 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
I'm not afraid of the fear-mongering news reports that you watch on television. I would go there myself alone no problem, but I would not take my children there without checking it out myself. I certainly wouldn't be afraid to drive through a neighborhood with or without my children.

I'm not afraid to drive my children on the freeway either which is certainly compared Ubly dangerous. You are just afraid of black people. It's irrational. That's racism.
It's weird that I'm not afraid of the black people I work with. You seem like one of the reasonable ones but this response is just dumb!
07-21-2017 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
It's weird that I'm not afraid of the black people I work with. You seem like one of the reasonable ones but this response is just dumb!
You're not afraid of every single black person under every single circumstance, but you require a lot of assurance about a black person that you don't about a white person. Someone being an employee in the same place you are is very assuring that they aren't going to try to harm you.
07-21-2017 , 02:26 PM
I have yet to see a response from one of the more intelligent liberals regarding this topic. My suspicion is that they agree with me but don't want to cross the line.
07-21-2017 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
You're not afraid of every single black person under every single circumstance, but you require a lot of assurance about a black person that you don't about a white person. Someone being an employee in the same place you are is very assuring that they aren't going to try to harm you.
Going to a high crime areas were people carry semi automatic weapons is much less assuring to me.
07-21-2017 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
I have yet to see a response from one of the more intelligent liberals regarding this topic. My suspicion is that they agree with me but don't want to cross the line.
Since you can't recognize basic prejudice when it's indications are directly facing you, it makes any claim you make concerning a judgment of intelligence dubious.
07-21-2017 , 02:37 PM
One of the things I don't understand about this entire line of argument, which coincidentally has nothing to do with immigration or refugees, is that it never leads to any kind of actual political suggestion.

Like, microbet isn't arguing that there aren't dangerous neighborhoods, places where there is more violent crime, or more property crime, than in surrounding areas. He's not arguing that crime in those neighborhoods isn't a problem, even if the crime rates are much lower now than in the mid-90s. He's just pointing out that the "no go zone" rhetoric is overblown in his experience. But it seems so important to some of you to establish not just that there are dangerous neighborhoods but that they are particularly scary in just this way: that you (and "you" is never the people that actually live there...) can't even go there.

But what I'm left wondering is: okay, so what? Why are you concerned about this problem and what do you think should be done about it? I think it is entirely reasonable to view the conditions of some neighborhoods as a socio-political problem, and crime is a part of those conditions. I advocate for a combination of solutions: criminal justice reform, anti-poverty programs, investment in education, other social programs. I'm open to other ideas. It's not just the people who commit crimes and who you say you are scared of who live in these places. It's also the people victimized by the crime. Part of the reason others see your position as reducing to the mere expression of racial prejudice is that it always seems like it's more important to establish the justification for being scared of those neighborhoods than it is to try to find some realistic way of making those places better for the people that live there.
07-21-2017 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by well named
But what I'm left wondering is: okay, so what? Why are you concerned about this problem
Why frame this as an honest question? You know why.
07-21-2017 , 02:50 PM
I am trapped in a deterministic universe where my every post is inexorably determined by the inescapable maw of a slowly unfolding quantum state function. It is my doom to post in such a style, so long as the particles from which I am formed cohere in this cold, unloving, and meaningless void.
07-21-2017 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by well named
One of the things I don't understand about this entire line of argument, which coincidentally has nothing to do with immigration or refugees, is that it never leads to any kind of actual political suggestion.
Do you know WHY we should do something about it? So blacks STOP getting shot by cops.

I support Trump sending in Federal Prosecutors to take out the worst of the worst in Chicago. Guilliani did a fairly good job of cleaning up NYC. Apparently DeBlasio is regressing it into a nightmare.

Remove the gangs, go in with a heavy hand, clean out the infection of crime, and restore order to these communities. Rahm Emmanuel has got to go.

Local law enforcement also need to hold detainees requested by ICE.

Plenty of political solutions to these problems.
07-21-2017 , 03:05 PM

What's the most dangerous thing you do?
07-21-2017 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by batair
There is plenty of information out there the Muslims in the US integrate faster and become more liberalized then anywhere else.]
07-21-2017 , 05:39 PM
No civility. Ok **** off bigot.
07-21-2017 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
OK, I'll bite because you do seem a bit more balanced than Marnazi.

What church is it that doesn't discourage its followers from robbing and harassing people?
Funny coming from our resident brain washed commie jalfrezi with zero clue of how the real world actually works. Anyhow good to see sensible posts from sputnik.
07-21-2017 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Look , the nervous laughter of a chicken**** prejudiced weakling. Running out of denial and places to hide. Fake laughter is about your last refuge.
07-21-2017 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by sputnik3000
Also syrians are from Syria and most are indeed muslim. Syriacs/assyrians are mostly christian and they dont really have a land but have been spread out out over different regions in the middle east.
But mostly Syria and Iraq
07-21-2017 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
That's barely original, using the word original metaphorically.

The spoiler is basic pattern match to both white supremacy and white supremacist narratives on segregation. It's tragic. We can know better than that now. Even if you can't get the courage to visit neighborhoods, please consider at least stop spreading this kind of racist news around.
Except all people everywhere segregate themselves naturally. It's why there's a Chinatown, a Harlem, a Little Italy and so on.

People like to be with their own. That's ok if you have color in your skin of course. No one is complaining Saudi Arabia is 99% Saudi, Japan is 99% japanese, or that Israel is whatever % Jew. But when 'white' people want to be with their own, it's Nazi Germany all over again. Germany, France, Britain, Canada, America, Australia; all these places need diversity because to be white is to be racist. To be male is to be misogynist.

It's a very good reason why famous people on the right are women, Jewish, or gay. They aren't as bigoted as a white male. Obviously anyone with a brain knows this is complete racism and misandry by definition. Progs are the real racists. Maybe that's why they use the word so often? They are projecting.

Last edited by DoOrDoNot; 07-21-2017 at 08:44 PM.
07-21-2017 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by DoOrDoNot
No one is complaining ... that Israel is whatever % Jew.
Not sure if serious or just woke up out of 60 year coma, but let's just say that Israel's attempts to segregate themselves have had just a sliiiiiight bit of controversy involved and maybe you want to think this through a little harder?

And nobody complains about Saudi Arabia because it's universally agreed that they're a ****ing nightmare on human rights lol. There is so much wrong in this post even before getting to the "why can't white people have nation states????" part, or the part where gender/misogyny (?????) somehow wound up in a post about ethnic segregation and immigration policy
