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!!! Donald Trump for the President (Mushing and grabbing some pussy!) !!! Donald Trump for the President (Mushing and grabbing some pussy!)

12-22-2016 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Then what are you talking about?
I'm an open book. You should be able to figure it out. Whatever it is, though, I have no interest in discussing it with you. I have no interest in discussing any single thing with you.

Watching you melt down is pretty funny though. Having you, trolly and 5ive here at the same time is hilarious.
12-22-2016 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Remember wil, you'll always be the "other" to these guys no matter how hard you try to ingratiate yourself.
I've almost always been "other", in everything. I'm not you, I don't fall into line when it comes to groupthink, never have, never will. The majority of people are painfully stupid, why would you want to be like everyone else?

Again, I'm proud of who I am, just as everyone should be. I identify as myself. Why would I want to be something I'm not?

And he's right, not many asians defend the Confederate flag, no matter what idiot Fly thinks. But, he's wrong about pretty much everything anyway.

Lol @ you.
12-22-2016 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
- You've posted reams of content verbatim from race-hate sites
Wait, just to be clear, this makes ME the racist?

As I've said, baby needs new shoes, so, do you want to bet on this?

Like, we present the posts and context to impartial judges and they decide whether YOU or I AM the "piece of ****, man" racist bigot.

Name a price.

- You've racially insulted wil as a "house negro". If you don't get why that's a racist insult - would you ever say it to a white person?
These 2 sentences don't even make sense, really, but to answer the question: Of course, yes, that's the whole point in context. This one isn't as simple (I mean, you dumb mother****ers don't even get it, sexy proof-of-concept imo) but we could arrange a similar bet to the above.


You're a piece of ****, man. That's not even up for debate.

Oh, but it is, young derprat, it is!
12-22-2016 , 09:47 PM
yeah this came out today. first 7 minutes talk precisely about what i was referring to yesterday and the sane people have been saying for months +

both these guys are smart liberals

12-22-2016 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
yeah this came out today. first 7 minutes talk precisely about what i was referring to yesterday and the sane people have been saying for months +

both these guys are smart liberals

It's been obvious for a while this is going on. I think what has pushed it over the top is the leftist idea that "if you don't agree with us you are accepting the other side". When they label the other side as "racist", as a liberal you must then make a choice or risk being labelled. Therefore, you must join the fight whether you wanted to or not.

It's amazing that things this large scale and obvious can get this prevalent. It used to amaze me when reading history that so many evil people can come into power. I'm not surprised anymore. The left right now are evil people. I used to think the right were total scumbags. The left is worse. I'm genuinely shocked I'm saying that, as just a few years ago I'd have bet money those words would never come out of my mouth. Both sides justify their actions, just for different reasons.
12-22-2016 , 11:54 PM
This thread is starting to overtake the Silver thread as my new guilty pleasure.

Every page is like some variation of this:
12-23-2016 , 12:17 AM
It should be considered educational, actually. Smart people tend to underestimate how stupid dumb people really are. Spending time here ensures that mistake isn't made easily again.
12-23-2016 , 12:21 AM
Come live in FL wil. You will hate Republicans more once again.
12-23-2016 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I'm an open book. You should be able to figure it out.
Yeah, I know, I did figure it out.

Whatever it is, though,
Wait now YOU don't even know?

I have no interest in discussing it with you. I have no interest in discussing any single thing with you.

Watching you melt down is pretty funny though. Having you, trolly and 5ive here at the same time is hilarious.
Yeah, man. We're melting down. Not you, who can't even explain what the **** he's talking about.

But where was this "no interest in discussing it with me" when you went on your AM radio bull**** about how liberals hate America? That **** was in response to me! One ****ing followup and it's straight back to wil's natural state: temper tantrum.
12-23-2016 , 12:31 AM
Seriously just marvel at wil's inability to think on the fly here.

1) Say some dumb ****

2) Get called on it

Instead of the incredibly easy option of just dropping the subject and ghosting the thread for a day, or the slightly more difficult option of coming up with some bull****, wil has tried the following two strategies:

3a) Insist that everyone already should know what he's talking about because it's obvious

followed by

3b) Refusal to discuss the issue because I hurt his fee-fees by asking him what the **** he's talking about

Man, it's the ****ing Confederate flag. Bitch ass little william the racist is upset about confederate monuments getting taken down, erasing the Proud Southron heritage of chattel slavery.
12-23-2016 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by Regret$
Come live in FL wil. You will hate Republicans more once again.
I have curly hair, it's too humid for me down there, besides, I don't like watching people get their faces eaten off.
12-23-2016 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
So you'd like some StormFront guys posting here? Mason disagrees. Make your own web forum if you want that and see how many turn up.
The arguments are already here they are just couched and veiled.

Originally Posted by wil318466
I didn't report 5ive, I didn't ask a mod to ban him, I didn't post in ATF. I simply said aloud that he was saying racist things and suggested we should get rid of him.
Originally Posted by wil318466
Can we start reporting 5ive for rampant racism? I grow tired of his idiocy. "House negro" and "wanting to be white" grow tiresome.

Should we have the mods step in and ban this racist **********?

Last edited by batair; 12-23-2016 at 01:00 AM.
12-23-2016 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I have curly hair, it's too humid for me down there, besides, I don't like watching people get their faces eaten off.
Just avoid Subway and you will be safe from the zombies. However, wherever one drives, they will get pulled over by idiot ass rednecks for nothing. On the plus, the beaches are close and there is no state income tax.
12-23-2016 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I have curly hair
Wait, I thought you were asian?
12-23-2016 , 03:32 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Yeah, I know, I did figure it out.

Wait now YOU don't even know?

Yeah, man. We're melting down. Not you, who can't even explain what the **** he's talking about.

But where was this "no interest in discussing it with me" when you went on your AM radio bull**** about how liberals hate America? That **** was in response to me! One ****ing followup and it's straight back to wil's natural state: temper tantrum.
No one cares, Fly.
12-23-2016 , 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by vajennasguy
Wait, I thought you were asian?
Yeah, I know, somehow I wound up with curly hair. No one is perfect.
12-23-2016 , 06:06 AM
Some loser heckled Ivanka on a JetBlue flight yesterday, while she was with her kids no less. Glad they threw his sorry catty ass off the plane. The left's refusal to accept the reality of the Trump presidency will continue to reflect poorly on their characters and their bankrupt rejected ideology.
12-23-2016 , 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Some loser heckled Ivanka on a JetBlue flight yesterday, while she was with her kids no less. Glad they threw his sorry catty ass off the plane. The left's refusal to accept the reality of the Trump presidency will continue to reflect poorly on their characters and their bankrupt rejected ideology.
Lot of left wing lunatics running around. He also was with his kids. He was screaming that TRUMP was ruining the country even though he hasn't taken office yet. He's a lawyer too. She was a woman traveling with her kids. Totally gutless, left wing bully picking on a woman I have no idea how these fools think they are convincing people to change their views. His name is out there, I wouldn't be feeling real comfy if I were him given the Internet and all.

Edit: Link with Picture of Lunatic's Apartment his address is already out there. This will be reported on Fox all day. Hopefully it is a one day story but I doubt it.

Last edited by adios; 12-23-2016 at 07:20 AM.
12-23-2016 , 08:18 AM
Remember that church burning that the cucks got all hysterical about, that the Trump supporters said was probably fake? Yeah:

The accurate version:

The grudging fake news version:

Here's the "white nationalist" "Trump supporter" burning the black church and blaming it on Trump:

The guy who did it was a member of the congregation. So in addition to over 15 arrests for "hate crimes" faked by hideous leftists and blamed on Trump, we have this. In comparison, can you name even 3 hate crimes confirmed done by Trump supporters?

Given the percentage of crimes that are typically caught, this means very likely hundreds of fake hate crimes by Trump haters. People probably not unlike the anti-Trump losers in this thread like 5ive, who lie and obfuscate and try to smear however they can.

The left are scum and always have been. From Stalin's Russia to South America, it's always the same - use racial and class hatred to divide people. Then accuse your opponent of doing it.
12-23-2016 , 09:18 AM
It's not just black people and deranged SJWs faking this stuff, but Muslims too:

A Muslim student in Michigan claimed a man threatened to set her on fire. Police say it’s a hoax.
Police say there is no evidence proving the student’s report to authorities in November, when she claimed that an intoxicated man threatened her outside the Ann Arbor campus. The investigation will be turned over to the Washtenaw County prosecutor’s office, which will decide if the student should be charged.

Lt. Matthew Lige, a detective with the Ann Arbor Police Department, told The Washington Post Wednesday that because the act of intimidation the student reported to police is considered a felony, she could be charged with a felony charge of filing a false report...after reviewing surveillance videos
The findings come about a week after an 18-year-old Muslim woman from Long Island, N.Y., was arrested on misdemeanor charges of filing a police report and obstructing government administration.

The woman in that case, Yasmin Seweid, told police and media outlets earlier this month that she was riding the subway home from Baruch College, where she is a student, when three drunk men cornered her and began screaming “Donald Trump!”
In case anyone thinks Muslims tell the truth about what they really believe and want...if a normal, "moderate" Muslim is prepared to fake a hate crime all the way to reporting it to the police and getting in the media, how likely are they to tell the truth about what they really think of non-Muslims? Whether they agree a little with ISIS or Sharia?

This is the level of shameless dishonesty we're dealing with.

Last edited by ToothSayer; 12-23-2016 at 09:24 AM.
12-23-2016 , 09:50 AM
Another one just now: this guy did over 100 Swastikas and Trump slogans in many different places:

Amazing how you don't hear about this on the mainstream news. Tales of Trump hate graffiti and swastikas - some probably done by this guy! - get blasted over the mainstream news, discussed at length. The arrests of the actual minorities doing it, you only hear about in the backwater news organizations. This is how the media biases your view of reality.

It's safe to say that this Trump post-election hate crime thing simply doesn't exist, due to the tiny number of confirmed cases (can you name three?) and the huge number of confirmed fake cases. It's at least 10:1 fake:real based on the data we have. This "Trump hate" stuff is nearly all done by minorities, SJWs and Muslims.
12-23-2016 , 09:58 AM
I love how the Libs think their so smart, so clever, so morally superior, and yet, they lost in a huge way. Why is this? It's called insanity. You weirdos keep acting the same way and constantly are kicked to the curb. Maybe, just maybe, you should change your ways.

How does it feel to have the entire government dominated by Republicans?

How does it feel to know the next 3-4 Supreme court nominees will be conservative?

How does it feel to know you're going to have to folllow the rule of law or pay the consequences?

How does it feel to know that the "orange man" you like to make fun of is now the most powerful person in the world? Yes! he is your President(unless you're moving to Canada)

How does it feel to know it was all you're fault? You will not see another Democrat President in you're lifetime.

I usually never rub it in, however, you scum are so awful that it brings me too much pleasure not to.

You can still repent and apologies and start acting like an American.

BTW...I realize most of you suffer from emotional issues, and I truly feel bad for you and pray you get the help you need.
12-23-2016 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
No one cares, Fly.
I'm still curious.
12-23-2016 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
I love how the Libs think their so smart, so clever, so morally superior, and yet, they lost in a huge way. Why is this? It's called insanity. You weirdos keep acting the same way and constantly are kicked to the curb. Maybe, just maybe, you should change your ways.

How does it feel to have the entire government dominated by Republicans?

How does it feel to know the next 3-4 Supreme court nominees will be conservative?

How does it feel to know you're going to have to folllow the rule of law or pay the consequences?

How does it feel to know that the "orange man" you like to make fun of is now the most powerful person in the world? Yes! he is your President(unless you're moving to Canada)

How does it feel to know it was all you're fault? You will not see another Democrat President in you're lifetime.

I usually never rub it in, however, you scum are so awful that it brings me too much pleasure not to.

You can still repent and apologies and start acting like an American.

BTW...I realize most of you suffer from emotional issues, and I truly feel bad for you and pray you get the help you need.
The thing is mongidig you can't win because you can't make liberals respect you. They simply won't do it. They'll keep clowning on you, making fun of you, and you'll keep getting angrier and angrier.
12-23-2016 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Remember that church burning that the cucks got all hysterical about, that the Trump supporters said was probably fake? Yeah:

The accurate version:

The grudging fake news version:

Here's the "white nationalist" "Trump supporter" burning the black church and blaming it on Trump:

The guy who did it was a member of the congregation. So in addition to over 15 arrests for "hate crimes" faked by hideous leftists and blamed on Trump, we have this. In comparison, can you name even 3 hate crimes confirmed done by Trump supporters?

Given the percentage of crimes that are typically caught, this means very likely hundreds of fake hate crimes by Trump haters. People probably not unlike the anti-Trump losers in this thread like 5ive, who lie and obfuscate and try to smear however they can.

The left are scum and always have been. From Stalin's Russia to South America, it's always the same - use racial and class hatred to divide people. Then accuse your opponent of doing it.
Oh wow. This is just too funny (actually, it's sad, but whatever). When I saw this post I had to stop and look twice, as I thought this is exactly what happened but I had to Google it to make sure it was correct. The arrest happened 2 days ago, lol. Please note my post from 12/5/16 :

Originally Posted by wil318466
I think it was blatantly obvious these incidents were faked to create outrage. The burning of the church where "vote trump" was spray painted on the side was screaming that it was staged to create outrage.

It goes to show how far people will go to create issues from nothing. Without grievance culture they almost have to actually go out and try hard! No one wants to do that, do they?
lol. I guess there are a lot of people like Fly in this world.

It's amazing that people fall for this crap. And people wonder why I say leftists are bad human beings?

Remember, people, these are the types of scum you want to be associated with.
