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!!! Donald Trump for the President (Mushing and grabbing some pussy!) !!! Donald Trump for the President (Mushing and grabbing some pussy!)

12-20-2016 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Regret$
Dude, republicans are literally starting to support Putin after infinity years of saying Russia was the gravest threat to all humanity. People are stupid, collectively and individually. Don't seek a common thread of logic among disparate, illogical masses.
Citation needed.
12-20-2016 , 10:58 PM
12-21-2016 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
While I'm more than willing to entertain the idea of alternate solutions, what exactly do you think is the correct way to handle this issue? We have a perfect example of what could happen here by looking to the Europeans and seeing what they are going through. They also have multiple approaches to immigration, which ones do you find the most effective in ensuring we don't suffer domestic terror attacks from immigrants?

For example, answer the following truthfully : if we blindly allowed a million people from Russia, China, Thailand, Syria, Uganda, which group of people would we have the most issues with? If so, how can you justify it?

We know, without a doubt, we will be importing terrorism into our country if we allow certain groups here, and it's not the Ugandans I'm worried about.
Originally Posted by juan valdez
heres a brainbuster....

don't increase immigration from the region exporting the ideology leading to terrorism by 550%. there currently is no shortage of people. there is a shortage of jobs. there is no shortage of people around the world looking to immigrate legally. its like proposing to the boss to hire a convicted thief to handle the money and then when they object you ask him what to do with some sort of exacerbated expression. um how about hire someone who is unlikely to steal? brainbuster, i know. just think about it

its like theres some sort of entitlement or obligation here. pure delusion. you got sold this mentality by the DNC who has the media working for them. you follow every agenda the media sets like a dog with their tongue out. youre literally a tool

not worried about importing from the terrorism hotbed by 550%. very concerned about russians hacking emails. not concerned about hilarys email arrangement. get a grip. oh and lets praise castro on top of all that....
Originally Posted by wil318466
It's amazing what people are willing to risk out of some sense of..Something. What is it? Guilt?

If we knew for a fact 1 out of every 10k immigrants from a region of the world would attempt a terrorist attack, people would be fine with it. We could essentially bring that number to zero by avoiding immigration from that area or restricting it, yet that is unacceptable.

Originally Posted by wil318466
This type of logic is just bizarre. It's the same thing with illegals crossing the Mexican border. If I drove north to the Canadian border, sneaked across it and lived in Canada for six years undetected and then discovered and tried to make an argument that I should stay, the forum would be "lol wil". Yet it happens here with millions of Mexicans, and all of a sudden it's some sort of racism.

The entire leftist logic on issues like this is baffling. It must be skin color. If we restricted Irish immigration I think everything would be cool. Gingers? GTFO. Mocha-colored? Step right this way, sir.
It is amazing.

I say.

Originally Posted by batair
What are your solutions, besides ban them all, to stop it?
And all i got was right wingers are funny.

I also like i got sold something by the dems even though i have been diametrically opposed to their (and the reps) foreign policy in the middle east for over two decades.

Btw the Irish had their immigration challenged by the Know-Nothings. Because they were poor, prone to crime, violence and genetically inferior.

Last edited by batair; 12-21-2016 at 01:18 AM.
12-21-2016 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by batair
It is amazing.

I say.

And all i got was right wingers are funny.

I also like i got sold something by the dems even though i have been diametrically opposed to their (and the reps) foreign policy in the middle east for over two decades.

Btw the Irish had their immigration challenged by the Know-Nothings. Because they were poor, prone to crime, violence and genetically inferior.
This is just stunningly stupid. It's no wonder Trump and brexit happened. We see this phenomena occurring across the western world, the terrorist attacks, and yet your response is, as always, "racism".
12-21-2016 , 04:42 AM
No. There were no accusations of racism accept by you.

There was me asking what else besides stopping immigration would you all do to lessen radical Islamic attacks?

I completely understand why people would want to stop Muslim immigration. And dont look at them as necessarily racist or religious bigots. I think they are wrong but...

You read very bad or are a troll.

Last edited by batair; 12-21-2016 at 05:12 AM.
12-21-2016 , 04:54 AM
Lots of things you can do

- End all public funding for religious schools who teach fundamentalism.
- Active law enforcement disruption programs for Muslim hate preachers (of which there are many) similar to what the FBI ran against the KKK in the 60s/70s - who are more benign force than Islam. Right now, they're free to radicalize who they want.
- Require new migrants to work or progressively lose benefits. There is nothing like work for curbing radicalization, forcing you to integrate, and teaching you that you're very lucky scum who has an obligation to contribute to your new society that generously welcomed you rather than run them over with a truck.
- Deplatforming of Muslim hate preachers. If the Left did to Muslim hate preachers who say gays and Jews should be killed as they do to Milo or climatologists skeptical of global warming, for example, we'd see a huge reduction in hate preaching.

That's just the beginning. But first the worthless human beings on the left need to recognize that Islam is the single greatest force for bigotry and misogyny in the world today, by a large amount. Instead, like the dopey cucks they are, they're Don Quixoting at windmills of the "evil right" while protecting one of the most dangerous far-right, antisemitic, misogynist cults on the planet...
12-21-2016 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by Regret$
You are making stuff up, got it.
12-21-2016 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
I think a lot of us are starting to realize how much the media lies to us and how much our own government lies to us. I think people are just recently questioning how certain individuals such as Putin have been portrayed to us. I've seen several interviews with Putin and he seems to make a heck of a lot sense to me.
The US certainly has motivation to make Russia look bad. He's the most respected leader in the world.
Originally Posted by adios
Citation needed.
Adios you are the ****ing pinnacle of the modern right. You're so ****ing invested in hating America and contradicting liberals that you forget your ****ing lines.
12-21-2016 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
That's just the beginning. But first the worthless human beings on the left need to recognize that Islam is the single greatest force for bigotry and misogyny in the world today, by a large amount. Instead, like the dopey cucks they are, they're Don Quixoting at windmills of the "evil right" while protecting one of the most dangerous far-right, antisemitic, misogynist cults on the planet...

its the same with all the lefty delusional and divisive nonsense coming from the top for political benefit that the useful idiots start championing

step 1 is have an honest conversation about the reality of the middle east. by the numbers. the public needs a real understanding....... or they could open the borders to millions of muslim men. men who destroy the world around them and their own world. europe is the shining example of dopey ignorance coming back to wreck you. they are going to have a disaster on their hands for a long time. being a muslim apologist is absolutely disgusting. the oppressed women you are throwing under the bus by the hundreds of millions is disgusting. putting your own society in danger and turning on level headed people and trying to shout them down and ruin their careers with nasty labels, is disgusting

its the same with BLM. the left champion this racist and divisive movement. its totally ignoring 70% of black kids who grow up with no father. its incredibly destructive and disgusting. kids with no father already have all sorts of social issues. then you add on the creation of poverty. then you get society ignoring all of this telling the kid who had a father already reject them living in poverty that the entire country is racist and against them succeeding. its is just a giant pile of toxic garbage. instead of being honest and helping the kids, the left is turning on the rest of the country and calling everyone a racist scumbag. especially those that want to help black kids. its such a no-go zone that the black president can't even go there

the ignorance and apologetic behavior towards those behaving poorly and creating problems, is a huge problem. shouting down rational and honest people, is a huge problem. this is how things like actual racism and sexism were overcome, by having open discussion and letting the best ideas and facts win. this is not happening because the left is a vile and divisive pack of tools

the good news is the majority of the angry mob on the left is that psychologically they are more agreeable in nature. its just going to take a shift in the consensus. unfortunately theres usually no father there to shake the fedora off of them. a revenge of the nerds situation is all too enticing for all those socially awkward moments and neglect that beta males and unattractive women face (the majority of people). and acting morally superior makes you feel good. sure its unearned like actually doing something morally superior, but people always take the easy road
12-21-2016 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Adios you are the ****ing pinnacle of the modern right. You're so ****ing invested in hating America and contradicting liberals that you forget your ****ing lines.
Delusional. The left hates everything about America. You hate our democratic system, obvious by your protests across the country right now against our democratically elected president. You hate our police, also obvious with your BLM protests. You hate our educational system, the best in the world, with your demands of changing the way everything is taught. You hate our most important right, free speech, obvious by your demands for safe spaces. You hate our history, by erasing the parts of it you dislike from the books.

And you say Adios hates America? Lolol. Every ****ing thing about you hates this country, yet you claim someone else does?

You people are a joke. And you guys wonder why everyone absolutely hates you?
12-21-2016 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
No ideas of your own...sad.
12-21-2016 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
You hate our most important right, free speech, obvious by your demands for safe spaces.
You asked for a safe space in this thread.

Last edited by batair; 12-21-2016 at 02:48 PM.
12-21-2016 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by batair
You asked for a safe space in this thread.
Where do you actually get stuff like this? Are you copying idiots statements by people like Fly?

I don't want a safe space. I don't care about safe spaces, I'm an adult, I can deal with hearing things I don't like because I know that Free Speech defines us as a people. Your side wants safe spaces so you don't have to feel uncomfortable and actually debate your arguments.

I've never, not once, asked for a safe space anywhere. If you are saying I complain about moderation, that's true, but I want everyone to be able to say whatever they wish, within reason.

This twisting of the truth is incredible by your side. How can you walk around and claim you are an honest person when you speak like this?
12-21-2016 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Delusional. The left hates everything about America. You hate our democratic system, obvious by your protests across the country right now against our democratically elected president. You hate our police, also obvious with your BLM protests. You hate our educational system, the best in the world, with your demands of changing the way everything is taught. You hate our most important right, free speech, obvious by your demands for safe spaces. You hate our history, by erasing the parts of it you dislike from the books.

And you say Adios hates America? Lolol. Every ****ing thing about you hates this country, yet you claim someone else does?

You people are a joke. And you guys wonder why everyone absolutely hates you?
12-21-2016 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Delusional. The left hates everything about America. You hate our democratic system, obvious by your protests across the country right now against our democratically elected president.
You really don't understand that they're protesting because they're genuinely concerned about American democracy in the face of what Trump has said he will do?
12-21-2016 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by dynamite22
There's nothing confusing about it if you look at it in the right light. It's disinformation, it's anti-American statistical bull****.

The USA has the 17th ranked educational system in the world. We also have the 37th ranked healthcare in the world. The USA actually has the best educational system and healthcare system in the world.

Both statements are correct. How is that possible? It's because America has a different system than other countries. Both institutions are rooted in capitalism so it's not possible to achieve #1 status in both. Don't believe me, go Google the top 100 universities and 100 hospitals in the world. What are they both absolutely dominated in? You guessed it - American Universities and American healthcare centers.

It's just how the data is shown and understood. If you're a dildo and believe all the crap you hear, you'll say to yourself "Yeah, our education system sucks so bad, we are ranked 17th we should fix it". That's not the correct answer at all. We simply run a different system. Yes, if you get shot in West Baltimore, your healthcare may be questionable. If you have a heart condition and go to the Cleveland Clinic, however, you are getting the best health care on the planet.

Originally Posted by jalfrezi
You really don't understand that they're protesting because they're genuinely concerned about American democracy in the face of what Trump has said he will do?
I understand that they are a bunch of unpatriotic dirty scumbags who are protesting things that haven't happened yet. When we see actual things we don't like, we can start that conversation, but we are part of a democracy and that means eventually your side is going to lose, and rational adults accept that. Running around screaming "not my president" is disgusting behavior. It's because the left are disgusting people. They are BAD people, dude. They are demonizing, unpatriotic, nasty, vicious, violent DIRTBAGS. Just like Fly.

And you want to be part of that?
12-21-2016 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
There's nothing confusing about it. It's disinformation, it's anti-American statistical bull****.

The USA has the 17th ranked educational system in the world. We also have the 37th ranked healthcare in the world. The USA actually has the best educational system and healthcare system in the world.

Both statements are correct. How is that possible? It's because America has a different system than other countries. Both institutions are rooted in capitalism so it's not possible to achieve #1 status in both. Don't believe me, go Google the top 100 universities and 100 hospitals in the world. What are they both absolutely dominated in? You guessed it - American Universities and American healthcare centers.

It's just how how the data is shown and understood. If you're a dildo and believe all the crap you hear, you'll say to yourself "Yeah, our education system sucks so bad, we should fix it". That's not the correct answer at all. We simply run a different system. Yes, if you get shot in West Baltimore, your healthcare may be questionable. If you have a heart condition and go to the Cleveland Clinic, however, you are getting the best health care on the planet.

I understand that they are a bunch of unpatriotic dirty scumbags who are protesting things that haven't happened yet. When we see actual things we don't like, we can start that conversation, but we are part of a democracy and that means eventually your side is going to lose, and rational adults accept that. Running around screaming "not my president" is disgusting behavior. It's because the left are disgusting people. They are BAD people, dude. They are demonizing, unpatriotic, nasty, vicious, violent DIRTBAGS. Just like Fly.

And you want to be part of that?
I'm not part of anything in America ldo.

I think they might say that they're trying to raise the public's awareness of Trump's fascistic tendencies to prevent your country from sleepwalking into a totalitarian nightmare.

I'm amazed that someone who prides himself on being a "free thinker", unchained to ideology, can't see the obvious danger.
12-21-2016 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I'm not part of anything in America ldo.

I think they might say that they're trying to raise the public's awareness of Trump's fascistic tendencies to prevent your country from sleepwalking into a totalitarian nightmare.

I'm amazed that someone who prides himself on being a "free thinker", unchained to ideology, can't see the obvious danger.
Danger in what? What has actually happened so far that you want to protest? I've already said I'm cautiously optimistic about Trump, and as soon as he ****s up I'll be on his ass. But I'm not going to freak out over things that haven't happened yet.

Let's look at things in context, dude. Obama literally droned American citizens. I'm OK with why he did it, but was it technically legal? People will give him a pass or not depending on what side of the political spectrum they are. Obama literally stood up and told the American people that women make 77 cents on the dollar compared to men. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US knows that isn't true, yet how many of us speak out against it? Again, I understand why he said it and I gave him a pass on it, but I know the difference between truth and rhetoric.

Trump won because he got his message out. He sounded harsh and dangerous. I also know he's going to soften up on almost all of it. He may do some things we don't like, every president does, but the majority of the fear we have right now is currently unfounded. I can recognize that. Apparently, the idiots on the left can't.
12-21-2016 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Danger in what?
Danger that he will act on the various pronouncements he's made, some of which aren't compatible with human rights and are redolent of fascism.

Originally Posted by wil318466
I've already said I'm cautiously optimistic about Trump, and as soon as he ****s up I'll be on his ass. But I'm not going to freak out over things that haven't happened yet.
You sound like von Papen here...

Originally Posted by wil318466
Trump won because he got his message out. He sounded harsh and dangerous. I also know he's going to soften up on almost all of it. He may do some things we don't like, every president does, but the majority of the fear we have right now is currently unfounded. I can recognize that. Apparently, the idiots on the left can't.
...and here.
12-21-2016 , 04:34 PM
Fascism. Bwah. What a joke.

Enforcing existing border laws isn't fascism. Trying to keep out a violent cult, 1/3 of whose members believe you should be killed if you exercise religious freedom, and half of whom believe you should literally be murdered if you cheat on your husband, isn't fascism. That's just basic common sense.
12-21-2016 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Running around screaming "not my president" is disgusting behavior.
The president elect literally got elected twittering about how the current president wasn't an american citizen. Want to be associated with that?
12-21-2016 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by Regret$
The president elect literally got elected twittering about how the current president wasn't an american citizen. Want to be associated with that?
Have I ever said I did? Have I ever said anything remotely close to that? I voted for him twice. I supported him for 8 years. What would make you think I would support questioning his place of birth?

And no, he "literally didn't get elected" by doing that. He may have indeed used it to gain name recognition years ago, but if you are implying that's how he won the election on November 8th, 2016, we can both safely say that's incorrect.
12-21-2016 , 06:44 PM
I didn't say you said you believed it, just that you were associated with the likes of that type.
12-21-2016 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Regret$
I didn't say you said you believed it, just that you were associated with the likes of that type.
But I'm not. I'm associated with the things I support and that I say I support. I will support whoever the president is, in general. That doesn't mean I support each policy and every opinion that comes out of their mouth, just as you don't support every single thing X person has ever said, even though you support them in general.

It goes to show how polarized we are as a people. If I say something in support of Obama, I'm a leftist weirdo. If I support something Trump does I'm a racist homophobe. I don't understand why we have to think like this.
12-21-2016 , 06:56 PM
Mehhhh every one of his appointments suck. (except one which is just shrug)
