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!!! Donald Trump for the President (Mushing and grabbing some pussy!) !!! Donald Trump for the President (Mushing and grabbing some pussy!)

10-18-2016 , 10:40 AM
Judging by how rattled half of the US is at their slightly diminished status in the world, I don't know how this country is going to react to China taking over as economic superpower. We'll probably elect Milo Yiannopolous.
10-18-2016 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
The sentiments in your first paragraph could very easily be said to be true of the USA.

I'm in Shanghai for a couple of weeks now, and having been here a few times before it's stunning how quickly Shanghai and its people have modernised and it's clear that the Government has a probably achievable road map plan to be running the show, as you put it, in a few decades.

There's not much to be done about, if indeed you think it would even be desirable to prevent that from happening. If China's actions or statements gave us reason to believe that it intends to interfere in the affairs of other countries with invasions and bankrolling of foreign politicians etc as much as the USA has when its been the dominant global power, that would be cause for concern, but there's no evidence that I'm aware of so far to suggest its aim is anything other than economic dominance.

Cliffs: you're far too easily scared.
This post says what I would like to far better than I could. Just to add: China benefits greatly from the US, as we do from them as well.
10-18-2016 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
If China's actions or statements gave us reason to believe that it intends to interfere in the affairs of other countries with invasions and bankrolling of foreign politicians etc as much as the USA has when its been the dominant global power, that would be cause for concern, but there's no evidence that I'm aware of so far to suggest its aim is anything other than economic dominance.
This is just stunning ignorance.
Originally Posted by samsonh
This post says what I would like to far better than I could. Just to add: China benefits greatly from the US, as we do from them as well.
Yes to the first, China's wealth is nearly all stolen from the US, and the US is the huge trading partner who's dumb enough to let them game the system to cheat, so they do benefit greatly; no, the US doesn't benefit from China. It had a rip roaring economy in the 90s before China started rising. It had 3+% growth consistently before China started needlessly and with massive environmental damage duplicating US capital. Growth has slowed more and more as China has used various anti-competitive, anti-free-trade practices to choke out US manufacturers.

Not to mention, the US is 20 trillion in debt, and that's partly because of China. The cost of Chinese capital duplication and anti-competitive behavior to US detriment has been in the trillions, but debt has hidden it. It's like you don't even realize that exists...
10-18-2016 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
The sentiments in your first paragraph could very easily be said to be true of the USA.

I'm in Shanghai for a couple of weeks now, and having been here a few times before it's stunning how quickly Shanghai and its people have modernised and it's clear that the Government has a probably achievable road map plan to be running the show, as you put it, in a few decades.

There's not much to be done about, if indeed you think it would even be desirable to prevent that from happening. If China's actions or statements gave us reason to believe that it intends to interfere in the affairs of other countries with invasions and bankrolling of foreign politicians etc as much as the USA has when its been the dominant global power, that would be cause for concern, but there's no evidence that I'm aware of so far to suggest its aim is anything other than economic dominance.

Cliffs: you're far too easily scared.
I disagree entirely. If they were simply looking for economic dominance they would be acting like Japan. They don't act anywhere remotely like Japan. China wants influence and overall dominance in their part of the world, and that's going to cause us and our allies a lot of problems.

Originally Posted by samsonh
This post says what I would like to far better than I could. Just to add: China benefits greatly from the US, as we do from them as well.
Samson, it says more than you could because you don't know what the **** you are talking about. The reason you don't know what you are talking about is because you act stupidly and run your mouth about topics that you have NO idea about.

Everything about you reeks of idiocy. Stop looking at the world through rose-colored lenses and realize that other people have goals and agendas that may very well conflict with others and look at situations for what they are instead of what you would like them to be.

This is the internet and you can get away with it but when you speak to people in the real world who have an idea of the suffering and problems people are going through because of other people's actions know that you will be looked at as a naive fool. Again, get your head out of your ****ing ass. This is like the easiest thing in the world to see the truth of yet you couldn't be more wrong.

Christ, you people are ****ing stupid. It's comically easy. Just start reading articles and start noting the actions of the Chinese government, especially when it comes to issues with our government. They are NOT FRIENDLY towards us, and every time they can give us the finger, they do. Why do you think that is? Just think about it for a second.
10-18-2016 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I disagree entirely. If they were simply looking for economic dominance they would be acting like Japan. They don't act anywhere remotely like Japan.
They're nothing like today's peaceful Japan, but they're acting a lot like 1930s Japan, and have similar racist and nationalist worldviews, the belief in their almost divine right to dominate Asia, not to mention long-held legitimate grudges like Manchuria. If China rises, it's a certainty that we'll see this Chinese version of this in Asia.

They don't share America's sensibilities about the self-determination of individuals (see: Tibet), nor religious freedom, nor personal autonomy, nor freedom of speech, nor the right of the people to choose their government, nor international norms about things like international waters. They act as atrociously as Nazi Germany in 1932 and have for 40+ years. They're taking bizarre military steps like dredging large fortified military bases deep in international waters (and busy shipping international lanes). They want to invade sovereign Taiwan and don't merely because the US has promised war if they do. But according to jalfrezi, there's no threat there.

The ignorance in this thread is just amazing.

Last edited by ToothSayer; 10-18-2016 at 11:42 AM.
10-18-2016 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
The ignorance in this thread is just amazing.
People are muppets. They don't understand the evidence that is right in front of them. I specifically mentioned to disregard how our media tends to portray the chinese government, as that seems to be having some weird effect on perception. Asian countries tend to be easily offended by the way they are portrayed and our media has an agenda to both financially and politically make them seem like benevolent and peaceful people. On top of that chinese Americans are generally very nice and easy going people, so maybe that's where this type of warped thinking comes from.

You are correct. China blatantly steals technology and rips off the work of others. Their idea of academic and corporate honesty isnt like ours. Also, their military influence will be used to intimidate and threaten their neighbors. You are also spot on about Taiwan. Personally I think we should have gone ahead and sold them the aegis cruiser they wanted and told China to **** off, but our government capitulated.

Yes, the ignorance is amazing. People see what they want to see, I guess. It's so stupid.
10-18-2016 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
They're nothing like today's peaceful Japan, but they're acting a lot like 1930s Japan, and have similar racist and nationalist worldviews, the belief in their almost divine right to dominate Asia, not to mention long-held legitimate grudges like Manchuria. If China rises, it's a certainty that we'll see this Chinese version of this in Asia.

They don't share America's sensibilities about the self-determination of individuals (see: Tibet), nor religious freedom, nor personal autonomy, nor freedom of speech, nor the right of the people to choose their government, nor international norms about things like international waters. They act as atrociously as Nazi Germany in 1932 and have for 40+ years. They're taking bizarre military steps like dredging large fortified military bases deep in international waters (and busy shipping international lanes). They want to invade sovereign Taiwan and don't merely because the US has promised war if they do. But according to jalfrezi, there's no threat there.

The ignorance in this thread is just amazing.
And yes they are not acting like today's Japan. Japan turned away from their way of thinking and we should be happy about that. Personally I wouldn't be surprised if they change course again to ensure their survival and position in their area of the world in the next 100 years. They have long term problems and I don't know if they will keep relying on the united States to provide security. (Not even bringing up their demographic nightmare on the horizon)

China will test their boundaries with Japan. The hatred between the major east asian counties will probably one day come to a head.
10-18-2016 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
China will test their boundaries with Japan. The hatred between the major east asian counties will probably one day come to a head.
I think it's without question, given their mindset, that they will invade Japan and a few other neighboring countries that they consider historically theirs (historically meaning a very long time). And turn others in the region into almost-subordinates. I think I posted this before, but an interesting letter from a hedge fund guy who traveled in China:
In China we met government officials who described the Phillipines and the "small devils" and Japan as a "big devil" and told us that the aim of Chinese economic development was to be rich enough to subjugate Japan. Japan would be a client state within 30 years.

We thought this was government bluster, but it has infected the party-connected private sector as well
Chinese hatred over Manchuria runs deep, and we already know that national boundaries and personal autonomy means nothing to the Chinese.
10-18-2016 , 12:19 PM
Agreed. The hatred between the countries over there runs deep and they hold grudges for a LONG time. I wonder what percentage of the Chinese population secretly despises the Japanese. I've heard it in person endlessly in my own life. It's unholy.
10-18-2016 , 12:29 PM
Oh. After some searching I realized that its not anything close to a secret. They both openly hate each other in their respective populations in the +75% range. Well, maybe that takes some heat off of the Koreans.

We hate them both.
10-18-2016 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
One down.

The others are from 7-30 years ago. It's very telling that there's nothing recent - it can more easily be disproved.

Sklansky needs to come in and explain how selection bias works with Bayes Theorem...

Six colleagues and close friends who corroborate former PEOPLE writer Natasha Stoynoff’s account of being attacked by Donald Trump in 2005 are now coming forward. Among them is a friend who was with Stoynoff when she ran into Melania Trump later in N.Y.C.

The wife of the Republican nominee denies meeting Stoynoff after the attack, but Stoynoff’s friend Liza Herz remembers being there during the chance meeting.

“They chatted in a friendly way,” Herz, who met Stoynoff in college, says. “And what struck me most was that Melania was carrying a child and wearing heels.”
Though it was more than 10 years ago and Trump is 70.

Stoynoff admits there’s a chance Trump simply pushed her own incident from his mind.

“It’s possible he just doesn’t remember it,” Stoynoff says. “It was over 10 years ago and I assume I am one of many, many women.”
10-18-2016 , 01:36 PM
“They chatted in a friendly way,” Herz, who met Stoynoff in college, says. “And what struck me most was that Melania was carrying a child and wearing heels.”
God forbid that a woman wear what she want while taking care of her child. I think we need some liberals to straighten her out!
10-18-2016 , 03:04 PM
I wonder what the line is on the proposition "Trump has touched women who are near strangers in very inappropriate ways" (assuming it could be settled with a time machine) or "at least one of these accounts is substantially true"?
10-18-2016 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
I wonder what the line is on the proposition "Trump has touched women who are near strangers in very inappropriate ways" (assuming it could be settled with a time machine) or "at least one of these accounts is substantially true"?
What's the line on the massive voter fraud tipping the election in Hillary's favor?
10-18-2016 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by samsonh
What's the line on the massive voter fraud tipping the election in Hillary's favor?
No idea how to assess this, especially "in Hillary's favor".

Voting machines are an absolutely crazy development though. 70% of states use them. You're absolutely bat**** insane to think they're a good idea.

CBS News

More from Wired, hardly right wing:
The extent of vulnerability isn’t just hypothetical; late last summer, Virginia decertified thousands of insecure WinVote machines. As one security researcher described it, “anyone within a half mile could have modified every vote, undetected” without “any technical expertise.” The vendor had gone out of business years prior.
If there's anything that Snowden has taught us, it's that what can be hacked and used for nefarious purposes, has been hacked and used for nefarious purposes (even the most unlikely things); I'd say there that widespread voter fraud is nearly a certainty; which side will manage to do it successfully, I have no idea.

So the line on attempted widespread voter fraud: at least 95% probable.

Which side will that will fall to? I have no idea. The Democrats seems better organized than the Republicans, and have deeper roots into the various corrupt organizations and back ends, particularly Clinton, and particularly with Trump somewhat isolated/undesirable to big business and the upper class' interests generally. But that's a stab in the dark; I have no insight into these processes.

The odds of it stealing the election? Much lower, given that Clinton seems reliably ahead in the polls; your background probabilities start off a low base already.

Last edited by ToothSayer; 10-18-2016 at 04:03 PM.
10-18-2016 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
No idea how to assess this, especially "in Hillary's favor".

Voting machines are an absolutely crazy development though. 70% of state use them. You're absolutely bat**** insane to think they're a good idea.

CBS News

More from Wired, hardly right wing:

If there's anything that Snowden has taught us, it's that what can be hacked and used for nefarious purposes, has been hacked and used for nefarious purposes (even the most unlikely things); I'd say there that widespread voter fraud is nearly a certainty; which side will manage to do it successfully, I have no idea.

So the line on attempted widespread voter fraud: at least 95% probable.

Which side will that will fall to? I have no idea. The Democrats seems better organized than the Republicans, and have deeper roots into the various corrupt organizations and back ends, particularly Clinton, and particularly with Trump somewhat isolated/undesirable to big business and the upper class' interests generally. But that's a stab in the dark; I have no insight into these processes.

The odds of it stealing the election? Much lower, given that Clinton seems reliably ahead in the polls; your background probabilities start off a low base already.
So was there widespread voter fraud in 2012? 2014?

If so, why is there absolutely zero evidence of massive voter fraud?

Also, you understand states run voting, right? And that more states have Republican governors and legislatures right?
10-18-2016 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by samsonh
So was there widespread voter fraud in 2012? 2014?
I have no idea. 2012 was four years ago as well; hacking has advanced a lot as an art, and there are more and new machines.

If so, why is there absolutely zero evidence of massive voter fraud?
Well you wouldn't know. If the election's close, you can probably tip it one way or the other with electoral fraud. If it isn't, I don't think it's possible to steal it. The difference between the machines and paper would be too obvious.
Also, you understand states run voting, right?
Hence my "70% of states" comment above. The discussion of states is also right in the articles I quoted.
And that more states have Republican governors and legislatures right?
Yep. Like I said, I have no idea which way this sways. I think it's unlikely these things aren't massed targeted; Snowden showed us that everything that is even remotely possible to be hacked for advantage, has been, and there are a lot of interested parties in the US presidential election (I don't think the powerful care too much about which party controls congress or a state legislature, for example, although they might have a preferred candidate).

It's irrelevant anyway unless the polls get closer; Trump is far enough behind that voting fraud won't be the decider, if it indeed tips away from him.
10-18-2016 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
They're nothing like today's peaceful Japan, but they're acting a lot like 1930s Japan, and have similar racist and nationalist worldviews, the belief in their almost divine right to dominate Asia, not to mention long-held legitimate grudges like Manchuria. If China rises, it's a certainty that we'll see this Chinese version of this in Asia.

They don't share America's sensibilities about the self-determination of individuals (see: Tibet), nor religious freedom, nor personal autonomy, nor freedom of speech, nor the right of the people to choose their government, nor international norms about things like international waters. They act as atrociously as Nazi Germany in 1932 and have for 40+ years. They're taking bizarre military steps like dredging large fortified military bases deep in international waters (and busy shipping international lanes). They want to invade sovereign Taiwan and don't merely because the US has promised war if they do. But according to jalfrezi, there's no threat there.

The ignorance in this thread is just amazing.
It rises each time you post in it.

For China/Tibet see USA/Central America.

Re. Religious freedoms - we were wandering around today and must have hallucinated all the Muslims we passed in the street.

Its human rights record is atrocious but is irrelevant to the point I was making about a lack of evidence for wils pants soiling claim that it intends to brutalise foreign regimes it disagrees with.

Can't you get back to fantasising about sex with animals?
10-18-2016 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
no, the US doesn't benefit from China. It had a rip roaring economy in the 90s before China started rising. It had 3+% growth consistently before China started needlessly and with massive environmental damage duplicating US capital. Growth has slowed more and more as China has used various anti-competitive, anti-free-trade practices to choke out US manufacturers.

Not to mention, the US is 20 trillion in debt, and that's partly because of China. The cost of Chinese capital duplication and anti-competitive behavior to US detriment has been in the trillions, but debt has hidden it. It's like you don't even realize that exists...
The USA has been printing money for decades to compensate for its inability to compete as effectively as it did before the rise of Japan and then China and the other BRICS. The bottom line is that the West as a whole has become accustomed to a standard of living that electorates now expect (cf the rise of your idiot-hero Trump) but which is no longer economically justified when faced with competition from cheaper labour elsewhere. Deal with it.
10-18-2016 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Oh. After some searching I realized that its not anything close to a secret. They both openly hate each other in their respective populations in the +75% range. Well, maybe that takes some heat off of the Koreans.

We hate them both.
I thought you were an American?

Either way it's shocking that you can post your daft opinions about China while being so ignorant of the history of animosity between the two countries. Have you never heard of the Rape of Nanking?
10-18-2016 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
It rises each time you post in it.

For China/Tibet see USA/Central America.

Re. Religious freedoms - we were wandering around today and must have hallucinated all the Muslims we passed in the street.

Its human rights record is atrocious but is irrelevant to the point I was making about a lack of evidence for wils pants soiling claim that it intends to brutalise foreign regimes it disagrees with.

Can't you get back to fantasising about sex with animals?
Tooth is correct in his assessment, you and samson couldn't be more wrong. I think samson realizes it. You apparently don't.
10-18-2016 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I thought you were an American?

Either way it's shocking that you can post your daft opinions about China while being so ignorant of the history of animosity between the two countries. Have you never heard of the Rape of Nanking?
I am an American, it was a joke, as the smiley faces would indicate.

Lol at rape of Nanking. Are you being serious here? My wife is Chinese. My extended family is Chinese. My daughter is half Chinese. I have every reason to defend China on a personal level, but I can see past my own bias and see things for what they are.

China can't be trusted on any level. Their government is hostile and secretive and brutal. They have widespread state sponsored racism. Their human rights record is awful.

Again, the information is right in front of you. Just go do some reading and be honest about your assessment of them. They are not our friends, and only a fool would think they are.

Rape of Nanking. Lol. Wtf is going on here?

Last edited by wil318466; 10-18-2016 at 06:50 PM.
10-18-2016 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Tooth is correct in his assessment, you and samson couldn't be more wrong. I think samson realizes it. You apparently don't.
I can understand your anxiety about China. But I don't fear them like you do. They have so many internal issues they will struggle with over the coming decades.

But that's the common thing with you and truthsayer. Fear. You're each afraid of your own shadow. And truth wants daddy to come protect us all. Sad.
10-18-2016 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by samsonh
I can understand your anxiety about China. But I don't fear them like you do. They have so many internal issues they will struggle with over the coming decades.

But that's the common thing with you and truthsayer. Fear. You're each afraid of your own shadow. And truth wants daddy to come protect us all. Sad.
You constantly prove yourself to be an ignorant fool. The world has real problems and if they can be avoided by recognizing them before they get out of hand it's simply prudent to take that course of action. You speak about things which you are obviously not informed about in the least bit.

If you wish to walk around with your head up your ass and just stay blissfully ignorant maybe you can just ignore all of those problems and pretend everything is great, but not all people feel that way. Go talk to people who've suffered through these issues and maybe you'll grow the **** up.
10-18-2016 , 08:00 PM
I've been to China a dozen times. I don't fear the people, but their government has plans for us that I'm not into.

But so does the US government. And frankly I couldn't say this 10 years ago, but now I'm not sure which government is more threatening.
