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9/11 "Truther" Interrupts Malcolm Smith's post game interview and gets arrested for doing so 9/11 "Truther" Interrupts Malcolm Smith's post game interview and gets arrested for doing so

02-07-2014 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken

Also, the number of explicit hate groups has been steadily rising.
How did I know I was about to see a SPLC link pop up..

They consider anyone who believes in owning guns an extremist and that the police are being militarized makes you a nut bag..Oppose the current administration? FAR RIGHT EXTREMIST!!
02-07-2014 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken

Also, the number of explicit hate groups has been steadily rising.
"Capping four years of explosive growth sparked by the election of America’s first black president and anger over the economy"....lolWHAT?

theonion has met its match.
02-07-2014 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
"Capping four years of explosive growth sparked by the election of America’s first black president and anger over the economy"....lolWHAT?

theonion has met its match.
There are a slew of really radical quotes that come out of the SPLC. They give the Onion a run for their money..A 150 Million+ dollar run actually..
02-07-2014 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
"Capping four years of explosive growth sparked by the election of America’s first black president and anger over the economy"....lolWHAT?

theonion has met its match.
The funny thing is this isnt news. There were stories about the growth of domestic hate groups years ago.

Color me surprised that this is not only news to Bahhah but one that he laughs at.
02-07-2014 , 05:45 PM
This is the real concern here,8 Million +, all paid for with tax payer dollars and yet this dude got into the Super Bowl with no ticket, got onto the field, got into the press room, and got on TV with no one touching him..
02-07-2014 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
The funny thing is this isnt news. There were stories about the growth of domestic hate groups years ago.

Color me surprised that this is not only news to Bahhah but one that he laughs at.
Decent reach.

I was laughing at the first line (the one I quoted) of that article. No reason to read any further once you read that. If you really think I support any hate group you need to re-read my other posts.
02-07-2014 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by DefendTheCult
This is the real concern here,8 Million +, all paid for with tax payer dollars and yet this dude got into the Super Bowl with no ticket, got onto the field, got into the press room, and got on TV with no one touching him..
Frist, please note we are talking about NJ tax money and not federal funds. Only read the first half of the article, but it doesn't sound like the state of NJ is just handing money to the NFL. NJ basically bribed the NFL to have the SB in NJ. So there were only 2 scenarios that were going to take place here: 1) no super bowl in NJ, which would mean no influx of new tax revenues or 2) NJ successfully bribes NFL to have SB in NJ & state tax revenues go up.

If you don't understand this then picture NJ bribing Ford to build its next car plant in NJ. This will end up "costing" NJ taxpayers the cost of the bribe, but will lead to more jobs and a long term increase in tax revenues that will hopefully be greater than the bribe amount.
02-07-2014 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
"Capping four years of explosive growth sparked by the election of America’s first black president and anger over the economy"....lolWHAT?

theonion has met its match.
You can go to stormfront and verify that there is a debate there about whether the Tea Party is a viable means for their white supremacist platform. If that doesn't make you see the light then probably nothing will.
02-07-2014 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
You can go to stormfront and verify that there is a debate there about whether the Tea Party is a viable means for their white supremacist platform. If that doesn't make you see the light then probably nothing will.
Stormfront? Stormfront!? You mean all those confused teenagers bashing tyrants while at the same time supporting one grouped together with those damn hicks out in "What the hell town" land?

It's also like seeing a peace protest (not saying Tea Party is legit) being taken over by an anarchy group, and labeling the other protesters as such. The media sure does enjoy doing that.

Also, that wasn't the point. The point is that SPLC themselves is a giant propaganda machine fueled by hate against anyone who disagrees with the current administration or any sort of leftist agenda. Sorry, but that is the truth and I'm not even a republican!

This dude didn't get into the Super Bowl because he was white. He got into the Super Bowl because the multi-million dollar security net was nothing but a poorly executed theater act.
02-07-2014 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by DefendTheCult
Also, that wasn't the point. The point is that SPLC themselves is a giant propaganda machine fueled by hate against anyone who disagrees with the current administration or any sort of leftist agenda. Sorry, but that is the truth and I'm not even a republican!
Yeah, but you are a white supremacist piece of ****, so who the **** gives a **** your opinion about the SPLC?

Deuces, man, you're giving these people too much credit. Defend the Cult here is whining about this:

Yeah. DHS wrote a report almost 4 years ago, stating a bunch of utterly uncontroversial things("sometimes there is terrorist who ain't Muslin"). The Paul clan of grifters threw themselves a big ole' pity party, the usual suspects on the right clutched their pearls, and it become part of the Great Oppressed Real American mythology that people like DTC hold ever so dear. It's now a Plen-T-plaint that he can throw out whenever he gets reminded of his ****ing place.

Never assume that these guys are bringing independent and relevant information to the table. There's a relatively small number of old standbys that they are referencing. It's a tribal signaling device more than anything else.

Last edited by FlyWf; 02-07-2014 at 07:15 PM.
02-07-2014 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Yeah, but you are a white supremacist piece of ****, so who the **** gives a **** your opinion about the SPLC?
Woah..calm down with that anger. I am not a white supremacist, nor am I defending any sort of hate group. But thank you for proving my point.

I thought we were talking about security..
02-07-2014 , 07:44 PM
Hahaha yeah, my mistake, you're just your typical non-white supremacist who harbors a bizarre serious grudge against the SPLC, calls Stormfront posters "confused teenagers", and goes to ATF to complain about getting banned after throwing a temper tantrum in defense of the Confederate flag.

You know, a white supremacist?
02-07-2014 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Hahaha yeah, my mistake, you're just your typical non-white supremacist who harbors a bizarre serious grudge against the SPLC, calls Stormfront posters "confused teenagers", and goes to ATF to complain about getting banned after throwing a temper tantrum in defense of the Confederate flag.

You know, a white supremacist?
Ah, more derailment.

hahah I like 2+2, it sucks to get banned because someone got their feelings hurt.

I don't have a bizarre grudge against the SPLC, I think they have an agenda and like to stick to it. I think stormfront is a joke, and their members are jokes, I think the tea party is a bunch of jokes as well. They might go together well actually. But it's alright, keep thinking Stormfront is some force to be feared, give those hicks a reason to keep on chuggin.

I will probably see the banhammer for this one too since you got your feelings hurt and will run to report me to the mods about it. Let it be, I guess. waves of feels going on here.

I'll go tell my Hispanic friends, that I can't be seen with them anymore, 2+2 has labeled me a white supremacist and I will have to take on that identity now.
02-07-2014 , 08:06 PM
This forum has no moderation, dude, you can cut the martyr act. And I'm not a libertarian, I don't run to the mods anyway. You're not gonna hurt my feelings by halfassedly trying to paraphrase the morass of Youtubes and Survival Reports that form the base of your utterly reprehensible political views.

Also, I'm derailing? You brought up the DHS thing! You brought up the SPLC! Which absolutely does have an agenda, an extremely laudable agenda. The SPLC has done more good this week than Ron Paul has done in his entire life.
02-07-2014 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by DefendTheCult
Ah, more derailment.

hahah I like 2+2, it sucks to get banned because someone got their feelings hurt.

I don't have a bizarre grudge against the SPLC, I think they have an agenda and like to stick to it. I think stormfront is a joke, and their members are jokes, I think the tea party is a bunch of jokes as well. They might go together well actually. But it's alright, keep thinking Stormfront is some force to be feared, give those hicks a reason to keep on chuggin.

I will probably see the banhammer for this one too since you got your feelings hurt and will run to report me to the mods about it. Let it be, I guess. waves of feels going on here.

I'll go tell my Hispanic friends, that I can't be seen with them anymore, 2+2 has labeled me a white supremacist and I will have to take on that identity now.
02-07-2014 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
This forum has no moderation, dude, you can cut the martyr act. And I'm not a libertarian, I don't run to the mods anyway. You're not gonna hurt my feelings by halfassedly trying to paraphrase the morass of Youtubes and Survival Reports that form the base of your utterly reprehensible political views.

Also, I'm derailing? You brought up the DHS thing! You brought up the SPLC! Which absolutely does have an agenda, an extremely laudable agenda. The SPLC has done more good this week than Ron Paul has done in his entire life.
I didn't bring up the SPLC. Go back and read the thread.

DHS? Where? I don't think I ever mentioned DHS one time.

How do you think I was trying to hurt your feelings? You obviously, remember me from a thread regarding Ron Paul, and the Confederate Flag, and have a firm belief that I am some sort of White Supremacist. **** off what that bull****, I don't really give a **** if you believe that.

I am derailing? What the ****? How can you miss me attempting to go back to the real issue about this entire ordeal?

What are my political views? Man you're twisted.
02-07-2014 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by chimpstare
02-07-2014 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by DefendTheCult
haha I don't know about that! According to DHS, White Domestic Terrorists are the ones to be on the look out for. I'm sure they went over this while they were spending millions on their "security"
You're predictable because you're simple, dude. You wanted to whine about that old DHS report, then when Deuces thought you were talking about something else you wanted to whine about the SPLC's "agenda".

The SPLC and DHS are right about that ****, by the way. When you disagree with them, you should change your mind. I realize it's not a Youtube or some HOT TAKES about the Confederacy, but you do remember how to change your mind, right?
02-08-2014 , 12:05 AM
anyhoo, back to the thread premise...

they didn't perpetrate it. They facilitated it.
02-08-2014 , 12:57 AM
He looks kind of like private Pyle from Full Metal Jacket.
02-09-2014 , 06:04 AM
Nice vid, very true

Originally Posted by thekid345
Wow, this one was interesting

According to Bart Hubbuch of the New York Post, Matthew Mills was arrested from criminal trespass.

Is an arrest warranted wrt Matthew Mills?
02-10-2014 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by DefendTheCult
How did I know I was about to see a SPLC link pop up..

They consider anyone who believes in owning guns an extremist and that the police are being militarized makes you a nut bag..Oppose the current administration? FAR RIGHT EXTREMIST!!
It would be pretty odd for someone who wasn't a member of a hate group or sympathizer to go on about the SPLC in this way. Do you have any legitimate citations to backup your claims? While there is an incentive for SPLC to broaden the profile of a hate group, there is also an incentive toward integrity. Their definitions of what constitutes various categories of groups is very straightfoward and given on their website.

Also odd under the non-white supremacist assumption is the nature of your criticisms of stormfront. It's almost like to you they're not an abomination, rather just not doing it right. You don't emphasize that they are morally bad, just lazy and immature in their approach.
02-10-2014 , 01:34 AM
Man, why do so many people on this board keep giving free advertising to this Stormfront thingy? I wouldn't even know what it is if not for you guys.

Okay, I still don't know what it is TBH except they're racists.
02-10-2014 , 08:20 AM
Penises ITT
02-10-2014 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
It would be pretty odd for someone who wasn't a member of a hate group or sympathizer to go on about the SPLC in this way. Do you have any legitimate citations to backup your claims? While there is an incentive for SPLC to broaden the profile of a hate group, there is also an incentive toward integrity. Their definitions of what constitutes various categories of groups is very straightfoward and given on their website.

Also odd under the non-white supremacist assumption is the nature of your criticisms of stormfront. It's almost like to you they're not an abomination, rather just not doing it right. You don't emphasize that they are morally bad, just lazy and immature in their approach.
Yeah, not with them, must be against them and exactly who they are talking about. Right.

My point was that Stormfront shouldn't be looked at as a serious threat. They are trash, yes, I never said they weren't. I didn't say anything regarding their "approach" or that they were lazy. Sorry, I didn't emphasize that enough for you, sir.

Now hopefully, we can get back to the thread.
