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Um, Seriously? Um, Seriously?

01-03-2016 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by flopturnriver89
I've known a lot of people in the past who are very successful today. They make more money in a week than the "regs" on this site. All of them, every single successful person I have known has told me poker and gambling in general is a dead end. Operational definition of success in this case is someone who makes 60k+ / year, without any risk. Do yourself a favor, and stop playing. It's only hard because you've been doing it every day and thinking it's going to make you a lot of money down the line every day. Once you open your eyes to the truth, you'll be better off.

It's hard to stop like I said and to see the truth of the matter when you've been doing it for so many years. The other ambitions you think make no money at all, do it anyway instead of this. Mine was drumming. I'm fairly certain if I was drumming every day for the past 4 years instead of trying to make AA hold up against a random hand hundreds of times and losing, I'd be earning a living doing something that's accepted by society and also self rewarding.

You think these guys like "kahntruhan" on here and others who purport they make/are making their living playing poker online? You really want to aspire to be like them? You want your life to hang on what card comes out of a deck online? Lol?

I'm going to make every effort to keep people away from these places so they don't ruin their lives like I have.

I figured out why something like this is attractive to people like us. It's because it's a shortcut. Because you sit around not really doing anything. Because the things that are real actually take hard work and not luck. Things like this are attractive to people who have no talent in anything else.

Excellent,informative,eye-opening and highly motivational post,Sir.
01-03-2016 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
It's a little strange that every day is Sunday in Bangkok.
When I wrote that post it was Sunday morning in BKK now its Monday.

It doesnt take Sherlock Holmes to figure out BlueSamurai, thesparten1, and flopturnriver are all the same strange guy posting. I'm done posting in this subforum to many crazys running around. Thats saying something to because im a bit crazy myself.
01-03-2016 , 10:09 PM
LOL I got like $200 in bonuses during the plo promotion and I havent' even played yet this year and don't even have the urge to play. When most of the cats at 2-5 nl are multitabling 2+2 types it's just boring and not worth the effort. LOL real life is just so much more enjoyable. Was even thinking of just donking off my small roll as there just seems no future on this site if you wanna grind from the micros unless you're GreenSmoothie or some other high level player.

Happy new year all!
01-03-2016 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by thesparten1
Your a sad, very sad sad man.
Just responding to your post where you said even spending $30 a day is still 1k a month. My point is that if this person (you) practiced proper bankroll management instead of being a 1k a month loser they would lose only a fraction of this amount and in some cases would become a winner.

I have been validated!
01-04-2016 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by yellowfever
When I wrote that post it was Sunday morning in BKK now its Monday.

It doesnt take Sherlock Holmes to figure out BlueSamurai, thesparten1, and flopturnriver are all the same strange guy posting. I'm done posting in this subforum to many crazys running around. Thats saying something to because im a bit crazy myself.
Well, you don't have to worry about flopturn any more. He sent me a strange pm a couple of days ago (not to mention a nasty post that got deleted). I had no idea who he even was. I didn't complain about the pm; but he might have sent pm's to other people who did.
01-04-2016 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by flopturnriver89
Because the things that are real actually take hard work and not luck.
Like.... (drum roll).... being a solid winning poker player.
01-04-2016 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by thesparten1
Full flush is gull of calm friendly players.
lol, this is so funny you keep pimping Full Flush as your savior site.

I have played a bit on full flush recently. My experience is quite different from the player friendly paradise you keep portraying. So much that you must be a shill for them.

What I've seen in the chat there over just the last 2 tournaments I played:

-People complaining about the bad tournament schedule, and the fact that their 10K Christmas bashes didn't even run because they can't get enough players to launch.

-A group of 5 players at one of my tables discussing their cash out issues, all were waiting for a cash out pending between 2-6 months with no help from support. Ironically, they were actually discussing moving to WPN because they didn't feel their money was safe on full flush and didn't think cashouts will improve. You recently shilled that cash outs there are about 3 weeks, which was a bald face lie.

-People questioning why the site takes juice on rebuys (not reentry, they do that too which is standard on reentry, but all their tournaments are now rebuy mtt's and you have to pay the "fee" on all rebuys and the add on. This btw is not "player friendly" and certainly is not "rec friendly", it is a money grab that drains all players.

-Numerous name calling and lol'ing at calls or plays opponents made, typical sore losers and bad manners (ok this happens at every online site but does not fit in the category of relaxed friendly atmosphere and the players weren't always calm about it lol).

Spare us the continual shilling for full flush. It is not the rec paradise you would portray it as and recs aren't flocking there, there are a zillion recreational poker players and the traffic on full flush is very low at this time.
01-04-2016 , 11:43 AM
lol success is not measured by dollar amounts in life

it is not always about money go do a volunteer project for your community,,ya know helping others at your times expense
01-06-2016 , 04:44 PM
If you are talking about .01/.02 / .02/.05 I can see where you are coming from, especially $2. If you move up to $10 or $25, the games are a lot better and softer. I've played over 10K hands total playing from $2-$25. Honestly, $10 and $25 are softer just because there are more tables going and more people playing. (I play 6 max only).

Look at where the most games are being played and that's where we should be aiming to play, (more people = more chance we can find some fish).

I have noticed at ACR, the $25 NL 6max almost always has the most tables going by far and $10NL 6 max gets close at times. But seriously, $2NL plays so much worse than $10 or $25NL just because there are way less tables going = less fish to find and generally more grinders

Last edited by Wealth$; 01-06-2016 at 05:14 PM.
01-06-2016 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by thesparten1
from guys who play 24 table with seat scripture and hud s all day.
What is seat scripture?? If our main goal is to continue getting better at poker, then we should go where the regs hangout. ACR for me, and I have noticed competition is good which has helped me drastically improve my game over the past month. I won a live tourney that I wouldn't have won otherwise if I hadn't been playing micros on ACR for a month leading up to it. ($1100 net)
01-06-2016 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by thesparten1
guys who play 24 table with seat scripture
Originally Posted by Wealth$
What is seat scripture??
Hot run-good seats for the faithful. Godless heathens need not apply.
01-07-2016 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by glutenfree
Hot run-good seats for the faithful. Godless heathens need not apply.
That was actually witty and funny.

Seat scrpters are when the use a program to instantly seat them next to an inferior opponent .
Whether it be a rec or a straight fish.
Throw in some huds and the first time deposited or the rec will instantly be demolished under the pretense of playing a fair game of poker.
01-08-2016 , 02:07 AM
All's fair in poker and war
01-08-2016 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by thesparten1
Seat scrpters are when the use a program to instantly seat them next to an inferior opponent .
We know.
01-08-2016 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by glutenfree
Hot run-good seats for the faithful. Godless heathens need not apply.
01-09-2016 , 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by glutenfree
lol, this is so funny you keep pimping Full Flush as your savior site.

I have played a bit on full flush recently. My experience is quite different from the player friendly paradise you keep portraying. So much that you must be a shill for them.

-A group of 5 players at one of my tables discussing their cash out issues, all were waiting for a cash out pending between 2-6 months with no help from support. Ironically, they were actually discussing moving to WPN because they didn't feel their money was safe on full flush and didn't think cashouts will improve. You recently shilled that cash outs there are about 3 weeks, which was a bald face lie.

-People questioning why the site takes juice on rebuys (not reentry, they do that too which is standard on reentry, but all their tournaments are now rebuy mtt's and you have to pay the "fee" on all rebuys and the add on. This btw is not "player friendly" and certainly is not "rec friendly", it is a money grab that drains all players.
lol people still play on there?...wait people still DEPOSIT on there? hahaha
01-09-2016 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by CastleFrank13
All's fair in poker and war
I would prefer acr but they are co conspirators in that endeavor....

Many like me plus many bigger and better then me would prefer a cool, calm fair place to sit and play poker.

Like the above posts about scripters and hud s etc etc. That many like us plus the above mention don't feel comfortable playing poker.
We are recs. If u play on acr u have to devote yourself to poker , move up??? To 10/25$ wtf??

If u are just a rec, u have no place on acr.. im mean really dude..

Considering the environment and what acr allows and there mentality about and tourney structure and payout structure and blind structure as per tournament is geared for the least variance as possible (to the max)

Recs shouldn't play there unless there going to devote there lives or there suckers "on there especially"..

That is honest since and objective but this IS 2+2. So it goes against your schtick or wanna be schtick..
Most here are bum hunting wanna be,s anyway and acr provides that platform for u.
Car and many here are stuck in that pre bf mentality. It has to change to grow

I wish it weren't that way but it is.

I really would prefer an alternative to full flush.

Last edited by thesparten1; 01-09-2016 at 07:38 PM.
01-10-2016 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by GreenBliss420
Didn't say I was browsing while playing. Why you care is beyond me. Surely, a man of your intelligence has something better to do with his time.

I can just tell what a fat, worthless POS you must be. "Horus" with a gay eagle avatar.
hello you gay racist mate
01-11-2016 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by thesparten1
I would prefer acr but they are co conspirators in that endeavor....

Many like me plus many bigger and better then me would prefer a cool, calm fair place to sit and play poker.

Like the above posts about scripters and hud s etc etc. That many like us plus the above mention don't feel comfortable playing poker.
We are recs. If u play on acr u have to devote yourself to poker , move up??? To 10/25$ wtf??

If u are just a rec, u have no place on acr.. im mean really dude..

Considering the environment and what acr allows and there mentality about and tourney structure and payout structure and blind structure as per tournament is geared for the least variance as possible (to the max)

Recs shouldn't play there unless there going to devote there lives or there suckers "on there especially"..

That is honest since and objective but this IS 2+2. So it goes against your schtick or wanna be schtick..
Most here are bum hunting wanna be,s anyway and acr provides that platform for u.
Car and many here are stuck in that pre bf mentality. It has to change to grow

I wish it weren't that way but it is.

I really would prefer an alternative to full flush.
Recs should play wherever the hell they want.

You are not a rec.

You are a bad reg trying to figure out why you aren't having fun anymore.
01-13-2016 , 12:38 PM
It would be OK with me if WPN made a push (similar to pokerstars) at removing HUDS!!
01-14-2016 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by blitzT4M4Y0theGOAT
It would be OK with me if WPN made a push (similar to pokerstars) at removing HUDS!!
Of course....

It's not about bushwacking noobs it about having a fair , fun game of poker and trying to make some money...

These degens on 2+2 won't/can't or don't want to get it.

The sad thing and what prevents me from playing.on acr is they endorse that behavior.
01-14-2016 , 04:00 AM
But, what I think a lot of people don't understand is that it is the noobs that need the HUDs the most.
01-14-2016 , 04:16 AM
**** huds
01-14-2016 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
But, what I think a lot of people don't understand is that it is the noobs that need the HUDs the most.
So everybody else is wrong on.thus issue..

All the other sites are going in the opposite direction to help the grinders.

So I'm sure u won't mind if acr does away with it..

Dude seriously??? You work for Baghdad Bob??
01-14-2016 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by thesparten1
So everybody else is wrong on.thus issue..

All the other sites are going in the opposite direction to help the grinders.

So I'm sure u won't mind if acr does away with it..

Dude seriously??? You work for Baghdad Bob??
If everyone is saying that the pros have the most to benefit from HUDs then yes, everyone is wrong on that issue. But, truth be known, not everyone is saying that, so no not everyone is wrong on that issue.

If WPN got rid of HUDs, I would probably not play on WPN. Databases are the most important tool in preventing players from getting cheated. My biggest problem with Bovada is their lack of transparency due to their anonymous tables blocking the use of databases.

Furthermore, if WPN got rid of HUDs, then even I, with my very limited technical skills could put something together that would allow me to use a HUD if I so chose. Getting rid of HUDs would only increase the disparity amongst players, not decrease it.

Also let me point out that this was a polite response to your post. All of my posts to you have been polite. If you start getting rude with comments like that Baghdad Bob comment, I'll hand you your ass.
