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World Championships 2014 World Championships 2014

09-27-2014 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by litlebullet
So Cloud9, are they insanely brilliant or just ******ed with that team comp against alliance?
The comp was fine

Balls ****ed up really bad, cast rune prison on irelia instead of rammus, irelia snowballs super hard as a result

They also butchered 2 fight in dragon area

In general rune prison and binding are very good vs rammus and zil ult vs a non snowballed alliance comp also super strong
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-27-2014 , 10:59 PM

so awesome to see them that excited
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 02:08 AM
Hoping for that 3 way tiebreak scenario in Group D.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 02:58 AM
This game is not helping my desire for the tiebreak.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:01 AM
lol the kabum syndra doing blue while his team loses an inhib. i've seen that one in solo q.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by templar rage
This game is not helping my desire for the tiebreak.
get all the sloppy out vs the team that can't beat you

all the best chaos situations feature LMQ>SSB but unless XWX has the game of his life they are going to be stomped on

pretty awesome that the last 3 games of the day are guaranteed to be super relevant
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:16 AM
Deft doing over 50% of Blue's damage to champions is a pretty abusrd statistic.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:24 AM
Kassadin seems super ****ty, not covinced.

Deficio still living in the heydays of Kassadin back when he had silence.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:26 AM
Jarvan is such a hard jungler to use in pro games, he's only picked vs champs like kog/twitch but even then it doesn't do much

Rengar time super risky pick, getting the pre-6 countergank is pretty crucial to success

The days of picking the huge teamfight comps has passed in the game, teams are just too good at avoiding big 5v5s if they don't want them
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:27 AM
That gotta be the most ******ed crowd ever, people screaming awfully, TSM-Chants one guy chanting USA. Wtf.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:31 AM
that fail flash W from Maokai hurts

pretty ugly start for SSB and like that they just out-rotate despite really bad spot with ori/rumble

Last edited by bottomset; 09-28-2014 at 03:37 AM.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:34 AM
lol SSB just chasing into the river with no vision when its obv that lmq is on that side of the map
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:37 AM
wtf was that dragon fight from lmq? either contest or don't, that halfass **** is bound for failure.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:37 AM
What a sloppy games from both sides, I have hopes for fnatic
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:44 AM
next time if they leave twitch alone its going to be a 5-1 trade

game is over there is nothing they can do vs deft, a few sloppy moments but its gonna snowball

SSB isn't known for their early game but you see the skill gap, they fail pretty hard early and 10mins later they have destroyed you
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:45 AM
Alpaca has arrived.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:46 AM
man, this game really makes me want to play twitch. I mean, this is just clinical.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:49 AM
Let me just flash over the wall into ori nami and jarvan, I got this.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:50 AM
that yolo disrespect flash by deft, imp did similar with trist vs edg
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:51 AM
Hmm, I wonder if Flash would have been useful to have there Deft.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:52 AM
Can't believe deft used his flash offensively before the fight even started vs a jarvan.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:55 AM
that greed for the last shot on the tower by vasilli.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:56 AM
Vasili too greedy for that tower kill cost them big time.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:58 AM
Deficio is saying the rumble ulti was really good, wasn`it like really bad? Like yeah he hit him but it couldve been much much better.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-28-2014 , 04:07 AM
deft has another wtf moment, that one and the flash have let lmq stay alive
World Championships 2014 Quote
