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Solo Queue and BBV Thread Solo Queue and BBV Thread

11-03-2013 , 06:35 PM
Yay, got a penta.

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11-03-2013 , 06:55 PM
Stopped playing Draven after his passive nerf, been picking him up again since I got mystery gifted Soul Reaver skin and have been absolutely crushing. I'm like 2-3 with him in game but averaging 15+ kills and less than 6 deaths a game. He absolutely still has it imo. Really enjoy being able to harass under their turret with Q's and not having to wait for DoT to fade.

Have also been learning that flashes can be used offensively lol.
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11-03-2013 , 07:22 PM
how that jax be 0/1/0
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11-03-2013 , 07:28 PM
He was on his own little island missing cs while the rest of the team won the game.
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11-03-2013 , 07:31 PM
they should detect these .001% cases and not give elo
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11-03-2013 , 11:07 PM
nidalee gragas all day!!
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11-04-2013 , 05:34 AM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
how that jax be 0/1/0
old screenshot, but what about 3/3/3 jax with 1 cs

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11-04-2013 , 05:41 AM
you're a hacker though. hackers like you no doubt photoshop their screenshots.
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11-04-2013 , 05:52 AM
I ult'd someone else and auto'd blitz with the image so it shows he lost half his lifebar to Children of the Grave, I guess he thought I used it on him and it did like 1000 damage, haha.

I ended that game 30/2 with 400 cs in 40 minutes. smurfing is fun
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11-04-2013 , 06:13 AM
Aesah, I thought you were legally blind? Maybe it's someone else with a panda avatar that starts with an A?
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11-04-2013 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
so apparently nid is the most broken thing ever and banned/picked almost every game now

what is this
6 abilities is OP as ****, like Elise/Jayce pretty tricky to play well, poke/siege is back and she's queen of poke

It does kinda amuse me that she hasn't been buffed but rose to this level, kind of like how fizz was
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11-04-2013 , 06:37 AM
I'm on life tilt. HSBC closed my account because I am a poker player and they don't serve poker players (essentially).

How am I going to buy RPs now?
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11-04-2013 , 08:00 AM
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11-04-2013 , 08:24 AM
Haha I wasn't serious about the RP I'm sure I can find a way.

Seriously though, why would they close my bank account, so dumb. It's annoying enough having to move money around when I travel the circuit or carry a bunch of cash around.

sry I guess this is not LoL related, just kind of annoyed.
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11-04-2013 , 08:48 AM
cant u just open an acct at a different bank?
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11-04-2013 , 09:01 AM
Yeah but I'm not in the UK atm and it's a huge pain because my tax free savings account balance doesn't get to transfer (ISA) and there aren't other banks with decent interests I can get without a job/income, so I am losing out on a lot of interest (well not alot a couple hundred pounds), and also I am in the middle of like applying for a visa so this might mess up the process since with no job I need to have money in a savings account unmoved for 6 months, so idk if having to move money from one bank to another due to this will affect that, and if so how long that's going to delay my visa.

All of this is so annoying.

How hard is it for them to just take my money and do whatever they want to do with it like normal.
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11-04-2013 , 10:53 AM
just had a game that started really bad and our fizz mid decided at 6min mark to wait for surrender...
we fought back and aced them a few times and he still refused to help,he just leeched xp and refused to use abilities.
this obv didnt end well cause it would have been better if he just had stayed in base.

really sad about that game that was totally winnable but people give up way too early in this game.
I won a game not long ago where we started like 0/16 so everything is possible.
ennemy team with big lead are often caught in over confidence and the throws happens a lot.

giving up b4 20 min is just bad.
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11-04-2013 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by weeeez
just had a game that started really bad and our fizz mid decided at 6min mark to wait for surrender...

really sad about that game that was totally winnable but people give up way too early in this game.
Yeah, people so toxic. I got hooked by Blitz for first blood around dragon pit so support Annie started flaming. Then I ganked top and killed Kennen which got Riven flaming me. Then Tristana died in lane so started flaming Annie, and so down 2 kills to 1, Tristana at 6 minutes decides gg time to intentionally feed because "stupid troll Annie", goes and suicides into turret when back to lane, and then suicides to dragon. We continue to roll top and mid for a while, but eventually lose.

Next game I get matched against same Blitz, I ping the area I got hooked and am like don't walk here, Blitz hooked me last game. Leona wanders in, gets hooked, escapes with flash. Meanwhile Twisted Fate is chilling in the wraiths bush and they just walk up to him and kill him since he's afk of course. We win anyways since it wasn't a team full of ragers.
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11-04-2013 , 11:32 AM
I wonder if the only games people like that don't "quit" in are the ones that they get HARD carried in. Their win rates must be abysmal.
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11-04-2013 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
I wonder if the only games people like that don't "quit" in are the ones that they get HARD carried in. Their win rates must be abysmal.
People are weird. Tristana is in Platinum, he clearly plays well sometimes in some roles. If he throws a lot he might have Diamond level skills, and if he throws very rarely, it would barely affect his MMR.
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11-04-2013 , 12:11 PM
Heh. Unrelated: as someone who played pretty much every online game ever made (not really, but you know what I mean), when I first started playing League, I thought it was strange that everyone called everyone by their champion name in-game. Obviously in a game where you don't know anyone on your team literally 99.8% of the time, it makes sense. But I especially like that I tend to place a gender on the player according to champion gender as well. Saying "he" with "Tristana" sounds weird, even if it's the most likely scenario.
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11-04-2013 , 12:27 PM
i really don't get the mentality. as i've said before, i tend to usually have 2-3 droolers on my team, but never really even considered quitting/afk-ing (except maybe in my 2nd game ever, but still didn't do it), it's just like weeez said, you can win a buncha games where you're really behind, and if you really think you're good (which i assume most of the ragers in your ranked 5s do), then why not try to carry the team? Idk, i just feel awesome when I win a game where I carry a team of idiots, because it just speaks to my skill at the game and thus gives me an ego-boost and enjoyment.

Saying "he" with "Tristana" sounds weird, even if it's the most likely scenario.
I feel the same everytime I watch an LCS game or what have you
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11-04-2013 , 01:41 PM

2nd game in a row with a bad start and support went on rage and afk early cause obv lost is lost....

people must stop to give up early seriously
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11-04-2013 , 02:17 PM
Whats the thought on dodging if it seems like you're gonna lose (teammates take champs that they are averaging 2/10/8 with, people just arguing over what role they get, other team has an awesome comp where yours is pretty meh, our last pick has to lane vs their first pick). I'll dodge the one game for 3 points but it it worth taking 10 pt dodges? I'm currently -18 for a loss and +20 for win. So If I don't think we win about 20% of the time it is right to dodge for 10 points, maybe even higher because mmr doesn't drop from dodging.
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11-04-2013 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by ZephyrSpy
Whats the thought on dodging if it seems like you're gonna lose (teammates take champs that they are averaging 2/10/8 with, people just arguing over what role they get, other team has an awesome comp where yours is pretty meh, our last pick has to lane vs their first pick). I'll dodge the one game for 3 points but it it worth taking 10 pt dodges? I'm currently -18 for a loss and +20 for win. So If I don't think we win about 20% of the time it is right to dodge for 10 points, maybe even higher because mmr doesn't drop from dodging.
The LP doesn't matter, it will allow you to climb divisions faster as long as you're willing to wait out the time penalty and the games you dodge you have a lower chance to win than the games you don't dodge. I dodge a lot of games and feel like I miss a lot of dodges that would help my goal of getting Platinum at the end of the season.

Unrelated, another reason they shouldn't allow duo queue in ranked, just ran into a Platinum 1 95 LP trying to game his way into Diamond by duoing with a Silver IV. Of course the Silver IV summoner appears to be a smurf, losing the ranked games they don't duo and winning the ones they do. Beat him though.
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