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Solo Queue and BBV Thread Solo Queue and BBV Thread

12-17-2013 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
last time i first timed a champ in ranked it was shyv, i ended up going like 2432-2 and have a 65% winrate with her in solo queue since then

decided it was time for a new one, so i went with singed. game did not go as well. i got dumpstered in lane, but hey i just ran around farming things all game and the rest of my team didnt suck so we won.

afk farming singed and treating death like it isnt a big deal... FREE ELO??????????
Singed is the most fun champ in the game too, just nonstop spam laugh, everyone chases you, then they realize they are dying and turn around but nope ded. And then just run around like a dick in every team fight ****ting poison on people.

Make sure you set the binding for invisible poison which is OP in laning phase. I don't remember how to set it up anymore but I think its in inverted composers guide. Basically, you can set a spot of poison and the enemy can't see it so they run in to last hit and take a few ticks of poison.
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12-17-2013 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
Make sure you set the binding for invisible poison which is OP in laning phase. I don't remember how to set it up anymore but I think its in inverted composers guide. Basically, you can set a spot of poison and the enemy can't see it so they run in to last hit and take a few ticks of poison.
never heard of this sounds lol trollish and unfair

found it awesome tricks

Last edited by weeeez; 12-17-2013 at 12:27 PM.
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12-17-2013 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by smokesx
Thank you, captain obvious.

Edit: The idea is that everyone in a game is at a similar mmr which is why you can speculate matchups and such. By that logic counterpicking has no place in league of legends since it just comes down to who the better player is anyway.
Counterpicking at lower elos is basically irrelevant
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12-17-2013 , 01:33 PM
You can also be X mmr at a certain champ/roll and Y mmr at a different one. Like, I am probably gold 1/2 top/jungle but a silver midlane and bronze ADC
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12-17-2013 , 06:09 PM
just had a pretty amazing team comp

shyv (me), ori, sona, mf and garen

ball on me, i'd ult enemy team, ori would ult, mf would ult, sona would ult and garen would be spinning in the middle of all of it

they just absolutely melted. i ended the game at 1/0/13 lol.
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12-17-2013 , 08:04 PM
Mechanics plays a role in determining where your MMR sits, but I think game sense/knowledge has heaps more influence.
Only way to rise in MMR is to play a **** load of games and be a positive voice on your team.
Most of all have fun, even if its 4v5 or someone on your team is trolling you have a choice: treat it as 30 minutes of hell and be in a bad mood, or do your best/try some ridic build or strategy and see what happens. **** the trolls, except one.
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12-17-2013 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Jah Onion
similar mmr <> similar skill.
reid has a point while you were just whining; stop digging
Generally speaking your MMR should say quite a bit about your skill level unless you have lolsample size in ranked or you play an absolute asston of different champs(as nonfiction was getting at)... And I'm not whining, nuthang much?

Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
I wasn't saying that counterpicking isn't a thing. I was just poking fun at anyone saying "omg how do you lose to <blank> as <blank>" in chat, especially at lower elo where there is a metric ton of variance in skill levels between people of the same mmr. (someone could be mechanically great and smash their lane but have zero game sense and thus be "better" than their opponent but still result in the same mmr, etc). Saying stuff like that in chat solves nothing, only puts more pressure on someone that's already frustrated (trust me, they know they're letting the team down), and pretty much only serves to tell everyone how much the speaker knows about League and to boost their ego.

I was just talking...not sure where the hostility is coming from but way to get all toxic on me :thumbsup:
Wasn't trying to be hostile or toxic at all, it was just when you said "I like when people..." which was obviously a snarky remark to my post 3 spots down (which was pretty much me just blowing off steam, that is what this thread is for..) I felt it warranted a response. And I agree, in game isn't the place for discussion/whining about X comp getting beat up by X comp.

Edit: in other news, Vi is an extremely annoying... Who do you guys like picking as jungle to go up against her?
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12-17-2013 , 09:50 PM
wtf never knew singed had an invisible poison and i used to play a lot of singed, wowow

we should have a thread for little known tricks :P
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12-17-2013 , 10:05 PM
just got called a ****ing idiot for picking top after last pick called top

i love this game

Last edited by waffle; 12-17-2013 at 10:08 PM. Reason: oh it was a duo that was first+last, makes sense
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12-18-2013 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by waffle
just got called a ****ing idiot for picking top after last pick called top

i love this game

**** duo's man.
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12-18-2013 , 03:39 AM
I didn't know syndra's w slowed and I played her 40 or more games
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12-18-2013 , 04:29 AM
i went 3-0 in ranked with renekton before i figured out he had a stun
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12-18-2013 , 04:30 AM
currently running 0/21/9 kass

will report back w/ results

edit - 6/0/3 and other team surrenders at 20

Last edited by Karak; 12-18-2013 at 04:51 AM.
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12-18-2013 , 05:10 AM
ok good to know im not the only crzy nutter running 21 def on ap champs
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12-18-2013 , 05:33 AM
i think im going to start running 21 def on everything
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12-18-2013 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by jzpiano
**** duo's man.
especially duos that feel they have to be on the same lane.
we´re premade bot!
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12-18-2013 , 12:09 PM
I have a sound problem.
when the game start,the ingame sound goes super low and on volume control panel I can set it back up,then it goes low again when I click on the game.
ingame sound panel is to the max and I can barely hear anything.
I use windows 7
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
12-18-2013 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by weeeez
especially duos that feel they have to be on the same lane.
we´re premade bot!
played a game with premade bot yesterday. got nasus up to 650 stacks for the first time but my bot lane was 0-21 combined by then. we lost. probably my fault for staying top too long or something, who knows
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12-18-2013 , 02:57 PM
I just went afk after starting 10/0 with akali.
just couldnt stand the insults anymore.
completely my fault I shouldnt do that but I got 20min insult non stop supposedly I ks (when obv I didnt since I was doing 90% of the damage )

I think I havent been afk or trolled in last 200 games.

feels good.



I know its the worst thing ever and Im completely guilty on that one.
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12-18-2013 , 03:33 PM
just mute all
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12-18-2013 , 03:41 PM
I got raged at by HotshotGG today in solo queue for feeding double buffs to the enemy mid laner like 4 minutes into the game. I can't even remember the last time I did that. In his defense, it was mostly my fault as I probably shouldn't have been counterjungling when he was significantly behind 4 minutes in despite taking the enemy jungler very low during the top gank. In my defense, he was 1-2 levels behind because he was AFK at fountain the first 2 minutes of the game. I made up for it though - he complimented me later in the game and we won pretty easily despite him starting down 1-5 mid.

There's ragers/insulters at every level. Just react calmly and put people on ignore if you need to. In my case I admitted my fault, which seemed to calm him down and focus more on winning.
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12-18-2013 , 03:43 PM
just had a game where someone told me to stop pinging b/c im "annoing". insta-mute, even for that.

view: oriana in bronze-silver has got to be free ELO. at low elo u always have ppl charging in like idiots right? now besides the fact that ori is just inherently rly good, we can use this to our advantage with her. shield the tanky guy (or the guy whos gonna do most dmg), let opps swarm (b/c they're gonna swarm), press r then mash your head on the keyboard repeatedly while microing on the edge of the fight with your mouse hand. guaranteed to at least trade well if not outright win the fight

seriously though, it's gotta give us an edge that we can literally 100% of the time pick off at least one guy in an engagement that was otherwise gonna go bad for us. I say 100% b/c the times we don't are made up by the times we get 2-3+ (or just get them low enough + airborne so team can finish or trade well at least)
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12-18-2013 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
just mute all

totally overeacted ,just woke up and didnt like the early insults,im totally on fault,this is really rare with me ,hopefully it will stay rare (or never hopefully)

on another note I totally suck at ori.
I feel like I dont do any damage but when I face one I feel shes OP.
whats wrong !
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12-18-2013 , 04:16 PM
idk, i was actually shocked at how much dmg her auto does but just read her passive now and it makes sense. i can't help you tho as it was only my first time playing her. mashing q and w works really well. i coupled it with using e on everyone but myself for the most part (except when i actually needed it). since they kept running into the enemy, and enemy kept swarming them, i just r into q into w (while aa the whole time) into more q if there was anyone left
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12-18-2013 , 04:26 PM
ori is not the best at low elo

you need a long laning phase and a ton of farm its not worth it compared to other options
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