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Solo Queue and BBV Thread Solo Queue and BBV Thread

11-02-2013 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by kabyz
if that is the case you shouldn't be solo Q'ing, plain and simple

i'm not a rager like you but my time is worth too much for dealing with the trolls all the time, so i just don't soloQ anymore
this guy.. he gets it.
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11-02-2013 , 04:13 PM
action - reaction imo. It's your own choice to do what pleases you so whatever. You guys all act like pussies.
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11-02-2013 , 04:22 PM
I literally conceptualize my teammates as bots programmed to rage unless they happen to do really well (like 5-0) or I press the off switch (mute button). Their rage is so predictable.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-02-2013 , 04:49 PM
I find that players that do well often rage just as much as the next guy. After all, they're clearly blameless because their KDA is so sick. It's the heavy team's fault
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-02-2013 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Thamel18
I find that players that do well often rage just as much as the next guy. After all, they're clearly blameless because their KDA is so sick. It's the heavy team's fault
Yeah, I'll often gank bot, get first blood and the adc a double kill while mid gets ganked and dies.

adc all chat: wtf feeder orianna
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-02-2013 , 05:56 PM
good point.. I had all chat turned off, so I played a game with it on. wow, so much trash talk I was "missing out" on.
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11-02-2013 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by waffle
good point.. I had all chat turned off, so I played a game with it on. wow, so much trash talk I was "missing out" on.
I try to leave all possible chat on until it's tilting me so I can at least ask people nicely to not all chat. Played a 5v4 earlier where our jungler was bitching in all chat about "all our team had to do is not feed" after our mid dies, and our adc was saying "gg **** support" after he died. The team with 4 summoners was up 2 kills to 1 at this point.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-02-2013 , 07:34 PM
On the flip side, I had the strangest experience today:

I'm jungle a top lane Jax is having a tough time in top lane vs Rengar. He's down like 0-2 but doing a reasonable job farming and they've been ganking him while we worked out I wouldn't be ganking top while I solo'd dragon.

Jax: "Ah **** this Rengar is tough"
Jax: "Totally my fault though, not jungles."
ADC teammate: "Keep at it man, it's a tough lane we'll get there."
Support: "Yeah good job, don't worry about it."

My mind was blown. We also won easily.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-02-2013 , 07:53 PM
I have to say this game really messes with my emotions for some reason. Going on a LoL downswing feels worse than a poker downswing ever did.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-02-2013 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by waffle
I have to say this game really messes with my emotions for some reason. Going on a LoL downswing feels worse than a poker downswing ever did.
In poker it's 100% own choices that make you lose or variance. In this game you get often stuck with mentally challenged kids and they make you suffer atleast 20 minutes.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-02-2013 , 08:07 PM
When i get it all in on the turn with top set over middle set, no flush or straight draws and he 1 outs quads on the river, would you still say its 100% your own choice that you lose that hand? can you honestly fold that, or justify the fact you lsot the hand was 100% by your choice?

edit: never mind, since you added "or variance" but i think thats a completely differet thing if u add variance.

Last edited by Quagmyer; 11-02-2013 at 08:36 PM.
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11-02-2013 , 09:03 PM
I think donger is a little too strong at the moment. 3 turrets is too much. I like the rest though.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 01:31 AM
Failed first promo to Plat... dodged first game, probably should've dodged the next two also. Got Morgana support/Ryze mid in the first one, and Lux support/Twisted Fate mid in the second one.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 01:59 AM
so apparently nid is the most broken thing ever and banned/picked almost every game now

what is this
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11-03-2013 , 03:27 AM
Just had the best I've played in ages. Riven starts the game 7-0 at like 10 mins and bot is also losing, but I put the carry hat on and won at 30. also won promo gg

Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 06:04 AM
I used my first dodge of the day for when the first pick takes noct to trade with last pick and fails to tell people. Last pick doesnt want to support so noct is going to go bot and share farm. 5 min wait no biggie.

Next game something weird happens in champ pick. I am a little late in picking my champ, still like 15 seconds left, and there's a popup saying "waiting for response from server" or something like that. I time out and get booted from queue.

Now I have to wait 25 more minutes to queue Thanks Obama!
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 06:10 AM
"u play orianna indeed" such brags.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 09:35 AM
god thats the worst riven build ever
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 10:50 AM
I would watch a bumhunt stream. Why isn't there one?

Then again, he uses tinypic.
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11-03-2013 , 02:44 PM
nasus cannot escape me forever
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11-03-2013 , 03:24 PM
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 04:03 PM
lololol so good
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
I would watch a bumhunt stream. Why isn't there one?

Then again, he uses tinypic.
you want to watch dominion 80% of the time?
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 05:47 PM
I shoulda learned nidalee long ago for free elos
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 06:11 PM
Nidalee supports hurt
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