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League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion

06-13-2013 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by imolin
also for anyone new there is a chat channel you can join called 2p2 if you ever wanna get games going. its been dead as of late we should fix that
didn't know that, thanks!
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by aK13
TMAC played like 6 minutes last game and got 0 points =(.
I don't think he's scored a single point as a Spur lol.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 06:18 PM
This CLG/Dig game is so bad it's good lol.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 06:27 PM
lol 100k gold
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 06:28 PM
this clg v dignitas game

doublelift 27k gold lol
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 06:33 PM
doublelift gonna hit 600 CS
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 06:36 PM
only doublelift can wear a long sleeve shirt and shorts with sandals and look handsome
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 06:42 PM
Man ****. C9 vs Crs.

Need C9 to win, bit I want Crs to win

Ak, pay me my monies!
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 06:48 PM
I have to admit this is going to be a fun sweat. I want Riot Graves!
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 07:27 PM
Good fight for c9 at 21:21. I'm a few minutes delay. Watching it on YouTube. I paused it while showering
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 07:30 PM
Crazy game. First one for me tonight. From reading the thread and listening to the casters, the first two were crazy, too. Will have to watch the VODs tomorrow, I guess.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 07:32 PM
New Udyr skin coming next patch, could be the next ultimate.

Also, they are making oracle's last through death.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 07:37 PM

Morello hinted that the new ultimate is a melee champ who's 4th letter in name is an E, and something about spirits.

But, he could just be messing with people
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by WildBobAA
New Udyr skin coming next patch, could be the next ultimate.

Also, they are making oracle's last through death.
I hate it. This means that more people are going to play him, which inevitably will lead to a nerf.

I mean, what do I know how good or bad he is for good players? But I'm legitimately god-****ing-awful at this game, and I'm rocking an 89% win rate with Udyr over my last 19 games (17/2).
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 08:02 PM
Let's go dig!
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 08:12 PM
I know I'm a horrible nit, but I hate it when the casters say "reactionary" when they mean "reactive"...
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 08:13 PM
I like reactionary, because it's a word that makes more sense to me
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 08:16 PM
Well, but it's used incorrectly.

I know my English is far from perfect, but I'm a language nit, and a big one, too. You don't want to know how I am when it comes to German, believe me.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 08:20 PM
Oh man, these team fights.

C9: 3-0
TSM: gonna be 1-2

Still another 25 games though until brackets
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 08:31 PM
not looking great for AK so far lol
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 08:32 PM
I'm mind blown at TSM's draft strategy. Like, TheOddOne on Elise is useless and Yorick is just a useless champion. Kha'zix is easily one of the best champions this patch but they don't ban him or seem to try to plan to get an overpowered champ in return.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 08:35 PM
Yorick is good in lane =/
Win lane, lose game.

Yah, I agree though, oddone on Elise, so useless, like in every game.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 08:36 PM
Debating if I wanna watch the next 2 games or play a game or two.

NBA finals soon also
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 08:39 PM
This aatrox guy any good? I'm not looking for the normal answer "omg, he's op and unkillable, get him!"

I'm asking if he's actually good, like is his kit good, is he fun? Is he a top lane? I'm reading his skills, but I dunno
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
06-13-2013 , 08:40 PM
He's unkillable and OP.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
