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02-02-2013 , 02:33 PM
so why do you post on the forum,

I mean any forum is for the exchanging of ideas, we've heard your ideas of how your dorans blades are op and how your team mates are trolls.

I've never given you any advice other than say that bt is good on vayne in passing.
Me telling you you are a troll for instalockign vayne when sivirs already picked higher in the pick order is not advice, its just telling you you are a troll
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I play to have fun. Whether that's drunk, or in a very bad team, or with friends who are horrible, it's just to have fun.

I don't take it serious and I don't need my record to be this shining example of my coolness or "expertise" in a video game.

I'm .500. You may think that's horrible, but I don't. I play solo and I play a lot. I've destroyed games and have done pretty bad. I started with a bad approach and I haven't gotten out of that hole. If you think that makes you a much better player than me (and you are NOT), then so be it.

I don't even know why I'm bothering with this but here goes.

No one is saying there is anything wrong with having fun in this game - it is a game anyway. God knows it can be fun trolling around and playing non-standard stuff, but few people say that it is 'good.' I've played with an AD Thresh and won, certainly is not an optimal build on him, but it was fun. However on a game for $1,000 you would never want an AD Thresh on you're team.

We have plenty of people who are around your level, but none of them claim to 'know' with the certainty that you apparently have. Many people will say "I tried x-y-z build in this game, and I think it was good, let me know what you think" and there is discussion and back and forth, and hopefully everyone learns something. Except the difference if with you is that you never concede a point and always argue with those that undoubtedly have more experience, knowledge and skill than you.

You're free to play the way you want, but if you come on here, ignore the friendly advice that has been given (some less than friendly, but lets be clear, you've been pretty hostile/forceful from the beginning) and keep martyring yourself you're not going to be welcome. You don't add anything to the community.

Also, no one on here claims to be objectively good or pro level, except for Cruzer who is good <3. But they can claim to be significantly better than someone who is 1150 elo; Bumhunts not an amazing player, empirically, but hes at least 400 elo better than you at this moment - thats a pretty significant difference. Raffy is probably 600 elo better than you. No one is claiming to be objectively good, or to know all the secrets of LoL, but to call us bad is absolutely laughable.

League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 02:36 PM
fire"RiotTaeyeon" fly 2013

Last edited by imolin; 02-02-2013 at 02:36 PM. Reason: edit:cheers
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 02:40 PM
It was even possible to have a constructive conversation with the legendary mundo player but its not with you.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by DatFirefly
No one is saying there is anything wrong with having fun in this game - it is a game anyway. God knows it can be fun trolling around and playing non-standard stuff, but few people say that it is 'good.' I've played with an AD Thresh and won, certainly is not an optimal build on him, but it was fun. However on a game for $1,000 you would never want an AD Thresh on you're team.
So you are saying that I wouldn't bet money on playing my build and my char? There is a huge difference between what you are saying and what I'd do. Yes, I'd bet money on it. Maybe not a thousand bucks, but I would. I've done amazingly well with different approaches and different styles of play. You or someone else might not do well with it, but I've had good games doing it. I don't go 2-10 and say "man, I crushed".

We have plenty of people who are around your level, but none of them claim to 'know' with the certainty that you apparently have. Many people will say "I tried x-y-z build in this game, and I think it was good, let me know what you think" and there is discussion and back and forth, and hopefully everyone learns something. Except the difference if with you is that you never concede a point and always argue with those that undoubtedly have more experience, knowledge and skill than you.
Like I've said, I don't just agree with the collective thinking in this thread. I think different builds work with different styles, and there doesn't have to be a one-size-fits-all mentality.

You're free to play the way you want, but if you come on here, ignore the friendly advice that has been given (some less than friendly, but lets be clear, you've been pretty hostile/forceful from the beginning) and keep martyring yourself you're not going to be welcome. You don't add anything to the community.
Not so friendly, and if you go back and read my posts in this thread from the very beginning you should admit I didn't start off as hostile or forceful. Not in the least bit.

Also, no one on here claims to be objectively good or pro level, except for Cruzer who is good <3. But they can claim to be significantly better than someone who is 1150 elo; Bumhunts not an amazing player, empirically, but hes at least 400 elo better than you at this moment - thats a pretty significant difference. Raffy is probably 600 elo better than you. No one is claiming to be objectively good, or to know all the secrets of LoL, but to call us bad is absolutely laughable.
I've never said that. Not once. I may have said someone wasn't good, but I don't say they are bad. I don't know if any of you are bad (I don't even know who you are, actually), I have simply said bumhunt and imolin aren't all that good, and they are laughably opinionated for people of their skill level.

Are they better than me? Sure, maybe a little bit. Are they "good"? I would say no. And if they want to solo que bet on who does better over the course of say, the next 20 games, I'd do it.

I've already addressed the ELO situation. At this point I'll probably not get out of this ELO being 300 games in, but you arguing they are significantly better than me with their sample size compared to mine isn't all that it appears to be.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 02:53 PM
..and I'm done. Have fun being on ignore.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 02:55 PM
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 03:10 PM
id love to see wil and jodo debate on builds
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 03:17 PM
I don't even get it. You have a discussion and everyone wants to take their ball and go home.

I don't think I'm even being remotely unfriendly (except to 2 people). You guys should really go visit the politics forum for 10 minutes.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 03:23 PM
Playing AD so much, and using A to attack walk, has my mechanics all ****ed up for other roles lol. Played a Lee jungle game last night and it felt so awkward.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 03:26 PM
So, I've just gotten into LoL, and apparently during the past three years I have missed out on pretty much the most fun I've had in a long time playing a video game. Obviously I suck donkey balls, and I'm getting paired with and against other people who suck donkeyballs, as well. Some more than others, and some less, but the general suckiness in the matches I'm playing is very obvious.

Still, this game makes me feel like, even as a casual gamer, you can get at least half decent at it. My goal right now is to learn one or two champions, and read up on some builds online.

I still don't really understand why some champions are better for the top lane and others are mainly bottom lane champions. I kind of get that the middle lane is special, for, well, being in the middle, but what's the difference between top and bot? They seem absolutely identical to me. Why is one lane to be soloed and the other to be worked by two champions? Stuff like this I will need to figure out. Feel free to explain it to me, but I'm sure I'll find out sooner or later on my own/through Googling.

I'm currently not planning to spend any money on this game, so I'll have to use the [whatever they're called] points that you earn through playing wisely. Do you guys have any suggestions as to which heroes are "noob-friendly"? Right now I only have access to the free heroes that are on rotation this week.

I've mainly used Dr. Mundo. It's fun bashing stuff with him, but I often get owned by ranged champions).

I've also used this dwarf bomber dude (Curtis? (Something like that)), and I find him pretty tough to play well.

In the long term I don't want to be dependent on the free heroes, so I'd love to unlock one or two that I'll try and get good at. I'd love to hear some suggestions from you guys.

Last edited by Sugar Nut; 02-02-2013 at 03:29 PM. Reason: The champion I mean is Corki.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 03:33 PM
two champs usually go bottom to better control the dragon objective, which gives the entire team gold if killed
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Sugar Nut
So, I've just gotten into LoL, and apparently during the past three years I have missed out on pretty much the most fun I've had in a long time playing a video game. Obviously I suck donkey balls, and I'm getting paired with and against other people who suck donkeyballs, as well. Some more than others, and some less, but the general suckiness in the matches I'm playing is very obvious.

Still, this game makes me feel like, even as a casual gamer, you can get at least half decent at it. My goal right now is to learn one or two champions, and read up on some builds online.

I still don't really understand why some champions are better for the top lane and others are mainly bottom lane champions. I kind of get that the middle lane is special, for, well, being in the middle, but what's the difference between top and bot? They seem absolutely identical to me. Why is one lane to be soloed and the other to be worked by two champions? Stuff like this I will need to figure out. Feel free to explain it to me, but I'm sure I'll find out sooner or later on my own/through Googling.

I'm currently not planning to spend any money on this game, so I'll have to use the [whatever they're called] points that you earn through playing wisely. Do you guys have any suggestions as to which heroes are "noob-friendly"? Right now I only have access to the free heroes that are on rotation this week.

I've mainly used Dr. Mundo. It's fun bashing stuff with him, but I often get owned by ranged champions).

I've also used this dwarf bomber dude (Curtis? (Something like that)), and I find him pretty tough to play well.

In the long term I don't want to be dependent on the free heroes, so I'd love to unlock one or two that I'll try and get good at. I'd love to hear some suggestions from you guys.
Hi and welcome!!

I'll type up a longer response at some point but I'm about to start a game
For now I'd say a good resource for learning about the game and champions is
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 03:34 PM
Sugar Nuts,

I'm pretty new myself - getting to close to level 20 - and my fav hero is Jax. Pretty easy to learn but once you really understand how to play him you can really do some damage.

Also, I have no idea about the difference in lanes and look forward to someone explaining the difference.

Finally, I have become more interested in the builds and wonder how better players decide which way to go. I've read several guides but no 2 guides are ever the same! Maybe someone will explain builds as well!


League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 03:37 PM
cheap options for mid lane:

annie is fun! she nukes people extremely hard and while she herself is squishy, a well placed ult/combo can kill anyone.

ryze! can be hard to last hit with, but its a good option if you want to be both tanky and do lots of damage

morgana is super easy to farm with, super safe/hard to kill, and is always a solid choice.

cheap options for bot lane: ashe! the classic AD carry, her arrow can change the otucome of the game or seal a victory. She doesnt have an escape, so learning to play her will greatly help your positioning with other AD carries

cheap top lane options:jax/malphite/garen. jax is great at all stages of the game and if you can farm him/get items you'll be unstoppable. malphite is great for hes ult and presence, hes a great initiaor. garen is unkillable and lane and although easily kited, if you ever want to win top lane for free, just pick garen
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 03:39 PM
By the way I keep saying I'll read more guides, watch some videos, but the game is so damn addicting I end up just playing
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 03:43 PM
also for new players there is a twoplustwo group chat that you can join in the bottom right by clicking on the icon next to your friends list, its 2p2 (on the NA server). feel free to hit anyone up for games/advice there too ^^
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I don't even get it. You have a discussion and everyone wants to take their ball and go home.

I don't think I'm even being remotely unfriendly (except to 2 people). You guys should really go visit the politics forum for 10 minutes.
cause different forums have differents standards?

video games is very tame, that should be obvious

You should really vist bbv for 10 minutes, your politics forum is so friendly no ones telling people to dip their hands in acid or to eat a bag of dicks I don't even get it
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by imolin
also for new players there is a twoplustwo group chat that you can join in the bottom right by clicking on the icon next to your friends list, its 2p2 (on the NA server). feel free to hit anyone up for games/advice there too ^^
I might do that. Good thing Riot Games aren't as ******o as Blizzard/Activision and they are actually allowing people to connect to whatever server they wish to (I'm a Euro, ldo).

Starcraft was too hectic for me anyways. At some point with SC2 the only thing I felt when playing was just utter stress. LoL is pretty fast paced, too, but the fact you are commanding only one unit (as opposed to an entire army, air force, resource-operation, and multiple bases) makes this game much more appealling to me.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 04:31 PM
If any of the new guys want to play any games, or want extra help, add Jackalack. On NA ldo

I'll watch a few of your games and play with you. I'll give you helpful friendly advice.

I have a level 13 and level 30 account. Playing with me doesn't guarantee a win, nor does it not guarantee that I won't cause us to lose, but I will be able to get you into the right direction to getting better. Probably better than me.

Last edited by Jackitos; 02-02-2013 at 04:52 PM.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by Sugar Nut
I still don't really understand why some champions are better for the top lane and others are mainly bottom lane champions. I kind of get that the middle lane is special, for, well, being in the middle, but what's the difference between top and bot? They seem absolutely identical to me. Why is one lane to be soloed and the other to be worked by two champions? Stuff like this I will need to figure out. Feel free to explain it to me, but I'm sure I'll find out sooner or later on my own/through Googling.
Originally Posted by Caldarooni
Sugar Nuts,

I'm pretty new myself - getting to close to level 20 - and my fav hero is Jax. Pretty easy to learn but once you really understand how to play him you can really do some damage.

Also, I have no idea about the difference in lanes and look forward to someone explaining the difference.
The reason the lanes are the way they USUALLY are is because:

There are 4 sources of gold, 3 lanes and the jungle. It makes sense to exploit all 4 sources of gold, so 1 person has to jungle leaving 4 to lane. But why double bot and not double mid or top? Well as raffy said, 2 people bot lane gives you 2 people near the most important early objective, dragon. If bot lane wins a fight they can quickly move to drag and take it with help from bot and mid, whereas if 2 people were top they would be unable to go across the map to help.

But why 2 bot and not mid? Well, that goes into why generally there is an AP mid and AD carry and support bot. AP champs scale heavily off levels, gaining a huge amount of burst damage at lvl 6 for the most part. AD carries (ADC) are very weak until they get items, so they need to be babysat by a support champ who wards, heals, and protects them while harassing and zoning the enemy ADC. Supports usually bring either heals or CC (crowd control, aka stun, slow, fear, knockup, fear, etc), and can function without having to get a lot of items. Thus bot lane experience is split, but all the last hits and gold goes to the ADC who needs items.

Back to mid. Since your AP champ scales on levels, you want him reaching level 6 asap. AP champs also can usually clear waves of minions very fast (especially with blue buff which junglers will donate to them), allowing them to quickly shove a lane into the enemy tower and then go and roam to gank bot or top. Mid lane has also evolved into being a lane for AD casters, many of which can counter the standard AP mids. Many AD casters are similar to AP mids in that they have strong burst (especially lvl 6) and scale well with items. A champ like say, pantheon, can hit level 6 and then ult top or bot for a fast and easy gank.

Finally we come to top lane. Top lane like bot is very long with a huge distance from mid of lane to the safety of your tower. Unlike bot, you don't have a babysitter. Top lane is basically an island and a game of its own separate from the rest of the team and is the closest thing to a 1v1 in the game, although its more of a 2v2 with both sides getting frequent jungler help. Since top laners are left by themselves for the most part, and frequently ganked, they need to be tanky enough to survive, and usually have some form of sustain and some type of escape. Again this is general, theres also champs like teemo who are def not tanky and have no sustain but counter many common tops and are relatively safe with his escape and ****ing shrooms. Seriously **** teemo. Top lane is also by far the most snowbally, if you die or get forced back early a lot of the time the lane is lost because any time you try to go and farm the enemy will engage on you and you have to run or die.

Of course, then you have stuff in tournies like lane swaps making bot and top 2v1 but you won't see any of that in your games.

Finally, I have become more interested in the builds and wonder how better players decide which way to go. I've read several guides but no 2 guides are ever the same! Maybe someone will explain builds as well!


Go read solomid featured and approved guides for whatever champ, they are generally the best resource especially for newer players

I'm currently not planning to spend any money on this game, so I'll have to use the [whatever they're called] points that you earn through playing wisely.
Hahaha gl

Last edited by Nonfiction; 02-02-2013 at 05:02 PM.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 04:43 PM
Thanks for this very thorough explanation, Nonfiction. Before my next session, I'll read up on some guides on solomid.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 04:44 PM
if wil actually doesn't post here anymore cause of this i would actually be sad a little

dude's been nothing but reasonable

and i liked his builds
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 04:51 PM
Is there a consensus among decent to good players as to which role requires the most skill?

Should I go into jungling, or is that role reserved for the 1337 dudes and I (and my team) would be better off if I'd choose another role?
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
02-02-2013 , 04:54 PM
I'm truly confused. Maybe I'm just not cool enough for the crew that dominates this thread. I guess I don't "get it", even though they have tried to explain it and I still don't understand their behavior or attitude.

Either way, it means little to me. I think it's funny and they get butthurt over it.
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