Originally Posted by BEEFAROO
Hey all!
Long time lurker - used to be high 1650 elo for time, got a joob then after much time away became a noob.
Trying to main Jax top, looking for runes / masteries from other pros who play him like damion (the m5 guy) or wings of death - though having trouble. Does anyone know the best way to find these out and point me in right direction?
Ive tried a 21/9/0 build w/ double pen and a 9/21 taking movespeed @70% and CDR/lvl. With MS Quint, AD Red, Arm Yllw, MRplvl blue and sometimes swapping out the MS quint for hp/5 or going AD Quint w/ Arm Pen Reds. I agree most is matchup dependant, though could someone give some guidelines?
i main jax and have played him for 3years now. 21/9 is only good if you know what u are doing and are sure u are a better player than your enemy and can outtrade him at like lvl3 and zone him from there. problem its sucks when u dont get fed. so i would go 9/21 for starters.
runes ad-armor-flat mr-ad quints
your counters are malph, nunu, a good vlad, maybe rumble.