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League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion

08-21-2011 , 07:34 PM
Ashe is the standard AD Carry (a ranged dps that uses physical auto-attacks for most of the damage).

If you want raged AP (dps that uses abilities to deal most damage) carries then Annie is very good. Both are cheap.

Just go to solomid (e.g. google 'solomid annie') and look up a guide for your champ. There you'll find what items to buy given different situations.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-21-2011 , 07:40 PM
don't forget consumables

hp pots wards and oracles best items in game
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-21-2011 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
Ashe is the standard AD Carry (a ranged dps that uses physical auto-attacks for most of the damage).

If you want raged AP (dps that uses abilities to deal most damage) carries then Annie is very good. Both are cheap.

Just go to solomid (e.g. google 'solomid annie') and look up a guide for your champ. There you'll find what items to buy given different situations.
Thanks for the website. I am a little lost however. Is there something that explains all the different types of champions there are? I've never heard of AD Carry or AP before.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-21-2011 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by Momo
Thanks for the website. I am a little lost however. Is there something that explains all the different types of champions there are? I've never heard of AD Carry or AP before.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-21-2011 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Quagmyer
anybody use Fiddlesticks a lot? seems to be a top tier champ at the moment, wuldnt mind some "coaching" for him
Fiddle is my main jungler. I have 60% wins on ranked. Max W asap always first then Q.... if you need to push then max E second. Flash is mandatory... smite if jungling. Best and fastest way to jungle is start Blue. If you jungle properly you can have full hp and don't have to b when lvl 4. I usually get Boots of Mobility first because fiddle lurks in bushes/jungle most of the time you will be moving around alot. Other core items are zhoyna and ryali. The biggest counter to fiddle is knockback like ali's W... if that is the case get Banshee.
Your combo is Ulti(while hidden preferably) -> (Flash if need to get in range) -> Fear -> Dark Wind -> Life Drain. You can Dark Wind before Fear if enemy is bunched up arleady.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 01:38 AM
I suck with Panth so far lol. Feeling like a waste of IP
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 04:54 AM
Probably just need to figure him out better.

I felt the same way about GP the first time I played him. I was just too used to playing ranged and kept dying and was like "wtf, this champ sucks!", but eventually I got better.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
Probably just need to figure him out better.

I felt the same way about GP the first time I played him. I was just too used to playing ranged and kept dying and was like "wtf, this champ sucks!", but eventually I got better.
The difference is that GP is actually a top tier champ, when panth isn't.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 05:22 AM
That's not a difference, that reinforces my point.

I took a top tier champ and felt like he sucked and was a waste of IP. Turns out I was the one that sucked.

If that's possible with a strong champ, imagine how easy it is to play a mediocre champ badly.

I'm sure that every champ is viable at the non-pro level as long as you get competent playing them.

It's sorta like the imba discussion in Starcraft. If you're not at the top level then any discussion on what's imba is irrelevant. You just need to get better.

Last edited by Wolfram; 08-22-2011 at 05:30 AM.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 06:03 AM
Found this link that answered a lot of my runes questions:

The chapter on Universally good runes was what I was looking for. It recommends that you get:
  • Mark of Desolation (armor pen.)
  • Mark of Insight (magic pen.)
  • Glyph of Focus (cooldown red.)
  • Glyph of Shielding (magic res.)
  • Seal of Clarity (mana per 5 sec.)
  • Seal of Resilience (armor)
  • Quint of Fortitude (health)

Total cost for a full set (9 for marks/glypsh/seals, 3 for Quints) is 26.5k. It should cover you for a decent but non-optimal build on any character class.

League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
Found this link that answered a lot of my runes questions:

The chapter on Universally good runes was what I was looking for. It recommends that you get:
  • Mark of Desolation (armor pen.)
  • Mark of Insight (magic pen.)
  • Glyph of Focus (cooldown red.)
  • Glyph of Shielding (magic res.)
  • Seal of Clarity (mana per 5 sec.)
  • Seal of Resilience (armor)
  • Quint of Fortitude (health)

Total cost for a full set (9 for marks/glypsh/seals, 3 for Quints) is 26.5k. It should cover you for a decent but non-optimal build on any character class.

thats how I got my runes.
bolded is what I got and I bought glyph of potency for fiddle,and quint of potency too.
Only 2 runes page now(they're not cheap) so I have to kinda cover all bases.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 09:49 AM
So has noone in the LoL community heard of a fk'ing spoiler. Jesus christ. I tried my ass off to not know who won IEM till i got to watch them... no dice. Spoilers up, down, right, and left everywhere I fk'ing go.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 09:58 AM
fwiw i like mana per 5 scaling yellows over the flat ones, i think scaling is better at like lvl 4 or 5.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 09:59 AM
Also this is pretty amazing:
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
Also this is pretty amazing:
So awesome.
Sickkkk ending, I liked the video as it was happening but the ending was soooo baller
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
Found this link that answered a lot of my runes questions:

Total cost for a full set (9 for marks/glypsh/seals, 3 for Quints) is 26.5k. It should cover you for a decent but non-optimal build on any character class.

why not just buy the optimal annie page?

mpen reds, mana/lvl yellows, ap/lvl blues, flat ap quints.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
fwiw i like mana per 5 scaling yellows over the flat ones, i think scaling is better at like lvl 4 or 5.
He didnt clarify which of those runes were scaling. Clarity is scaling mp5, and shielding is scaling MR.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 12:19 PM
so they are completely redoing healers now. pretty bad, imo. They want them to be "more involved" upfront in battles.
umm, no? They are healers for a reason. Come on Riot.

also getting annoying playing against all Tanky DPS all the time, its like they are trying to make all the champs for similar instead of having them in different categories.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
why not just buy the optimal annie page?

mpen reds, mana/lvl yellows, ap/lvl blues, flat ap quints.
Cause I get distracted easily and wanna play a ton of heroes. Therefore I'd like to cover my bases.


Saw this after watching that morde song.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
Cause I get distracted easily and wanna play a ton of heroes. Therefore I'd like to cover my bases.
mpen/arpen reds, armour yellows, cdr/lvl blues, hp quints page works for every single hero
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
Found this link that answered a lot of my runes questions:

The chapter on Universally good runes was what I was looking for. It recommends that you get:
  • Mark of Desolation (armor pen.)
  • Mark of Insight (magic pen.)
  • Glyph of Focus (cooldown red.)
  • Glyph of Shielding (magic res.)
  • Seal of Clarity (mana per 5 sec.)
  • Seal of Resilience (armor)
  • Quint of Fortitude (health)

Total cost for a full set (9 for marks/glypsh/seals, 3 for Quints) is 26.5k. It should cover you for a decent but non-optimal build on any character class.


Yes! This is perfect, you'll save a lot of money. Don't be like me and buy a **** ton of different runes for every character build you see, and then not use half of them. Unless of course you are looking at Dan Dhin's "Rocket focus Hiemer build" which requires all AP runes.

You willl also have a lot more money now to buy different champs.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Quagmyer
so they are completely redoing healers now. pretty bad, imo. They want them to be "more involved" upfront in battles.
umm, no? They are healers for a reason. Come on Riot.

also getting annoying playing against all Tanky DPS all the time, its like they are trying to make all the champs for similar instead of having them in different categories.
This is ******ed. The changes made to Soraka are laughable. Buffing Starcall and nerfing Astral Blessing's CD?

I also like increasing Sona's AD. Who ****ing cares.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by kalv
Fiddle is my main jungler. I have 60% wins on ranked. Max W asap always first then Q.... if you need to push then max E second. Flash is mandatory... smite if jungling. Best and fastest way to jungle is start Blue. If you jungle properly you can have full hp and don't have to b when lvl 4. I usually get Boots of Mobility first because fiddle lurks in bushes/jungle most of the time you will be moving around alot. Other core items are zhoyna and ryali. The biggest counter to fiddle is knockback like ali's W... if that is the case get Banshee.
Your combo is Ulti(while hidden preferably) -> (Flash if need to get in range) -> Fear -> Dark Wind -> Life Drain. You can Dark Wind before Fear if enemy is bunched up arleady.
Stop leveling life drain at level 3 which is enough to do dragon at level 5 with blue.

After that level

R > Q > W > E.

Q is better because when you gank the extra .5 seconds the target is feared will do more dps in general than the increase damage on W.

Usually I go W E W Q W R then follow the chart.

Also don't get rylais imo, 2x dorans ring followed by sorc boots followed by rabadons and zhonyas

I love fiddle. The only bad thing about Fiddle at low elo is that if you wanna win games you have to lead your team and fiddle is horrible at initiating.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-22-2011 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by kyleb
This is ******ed. The changes made to Soraka are laughable. Buffing Starcall and nerfing Astral Blessing's CD?

I also like increasing Sona's AD. Who ****ing cares.
I love how making sona's heal more "clutch" means reducing the heal and AP ratio, lol.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
