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03-18-2012 , 12:16 PM
Anyone watching st vicious stream?

EZ just hit the sickest ult possible

edit: hahahah singed so OP
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03-18-2012 , 12:20 PM
I'm watching Dyrus act like a deer in headlights in TSM scrimms right now.

Should play a drinking game, every time he says "OMG" take a drink, every time he goes "my bad" finish your drink.

Like every game he'll make a mistake, get called out on it and just go "My bad". Odds on them kicking him out soon?

At least they're being polite to him and not raging like Regi at Rainman. I guess regi and rainman are close friends which creates a different dynamic or something?
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-18-2012 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
I'm watching Dyrus act like a deer in headlights in TSM scrimms right now.

Should play a drinking game, every time he says "OMG" take a drink, every time he goes "my bad" finish your drink.

Like every game he'll make a mistake, get called out on it and just go "My bad". Odds on them kicking him out soon?

At least they're being polite to him and not raging like Regi at Rainman. I guess regi and rainman are close friends which creates a different dynamic or something?
Also an expected learning curve/feeling out phase. After TRM had been in the team for so long there were no excuses left not to rage at him. I don't think they expect Dyrus to be perfect atm.

You should be watching SV btw, he's too pro. and you missed it: his singed was running around between the enemy nexus and inhibitor towers with 4 people chasing and trying to kill him. Mind you they only have t1 towers destroyed so he's DEEP in enemy territory. He's clearing waves of minions while they chase, and then he gets double kill and gets out alive, completely solo. SOOOOOO epic
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03-18-2012 , 12:35 PM
love udry+shen combo, tons of damage and very very hard to kill. hate russian trolls, this time soraka teleport with dorans ring first item....

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03-18-2012 , 12:35 PM
Oh, wolfram:
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03-18-2012 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by 4_ducks

This is not the AD caster item that has been promised. It's good for Tanky ADs. Also, Olaf and Mundo both AA, how would AD not be beneficial? And Mundo has the best AD steroid in the game, already, that scales off of %health missing, plus an ult that heals him for a huge amount, keeping him alive at low health when being focused. This would be insanely good on him.
Mundo does not scale from AD. At all. He already has an insanely good AD steroid, building more AD on him doesn't make sense. If you want to deal damage with his auto-attacks, you would want to build attack speed and crit, not more AD. And it's not that the item wouldn't be beneficial, but there are other items that you're giving up to get it. You could get a Warmogs for less than this item. I don't think you want to try to argue that 80~ AD and 36MR is better on Mundo or Olaf than 1300 hp.

If a champion can get more stats out of the item, how would it not be better on them than on a champion who can't get the most from the passive. They could get better stats from a (second) BT? You make no sense. This is not an item for AD casters.
Let's say there's an item that gives you mana regeneration based on your attack speed. Is this item going to be better on Fiora than on Ezreal because she has higher attack speed? Absolutely not - Ezreal uses much more mana than Fiora, so even though he's getting less stats from the item the item is still better on him than on Fiora.

BT vs. this item is debatable on AD casters, but I think the tankiness you get from this item will be better than the slightly higher AD and lifesteal from BT. Although I'm not really sure how good lifesteal is in a teamfight on someone like Riven, so you might be right that this item isn't optimal on AD casters. However, I'm fairly certain that if it shouldn't be built on them then it shouldn't be built on anyone, because the main stat you get from it is pure AD and no one uses pure AD better than AD casters.
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03-18-2012 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Punch Dancer
Oh, wolfram:
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03-18-2012 , 02:20 PM
lol he looks like zach galifianakis now
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-18-2012 , 02:40 PM
Fuuuuuu, Team Captain's name is Kapper1995.
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03-18-2012 , 03:00 PM
streaming duo q with AK, on the way to gold...? ONE TIME
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03-18-2012 , 04:31 PM
We lost a game cuz our riven had 40 cs 20 minutes into the game and got frozen heart as a first item. I ****ing hate this game.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-18-2012 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
I'm watching Dyrus act like a deer in headlights in TSM scrimms right now.

Should play a drinking game, every time he says "OMG" take a drink, every time he goes "my bad" finish your drink.

Like every game he'll make a mistake, get called out on it and just go "My bad". Odds on them kicking him out soon?

At least they're being polite to him and not raging like Regi at Rainman. I guess regi and rainman are close friends which creates a different dynamic or something?
Def learning curve. He is doing way way better now. They are calling times a lot better and preparing for them a lot more.

It also helps that regi is being verbally shut down by the others so id not getting the chance to do is crap. I just do not understand the need to constantly state your point and brow beat people. Ok, we get it, you feel they ****ed up. State your points, then move the **** on. It's so weird to watch these kids sometimes. So much growing to do.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-18-2012 , 05:28 PM
yeah, so annoying when it goes like this:

Regi: "You ****ed up dude!"
TRM: "Yeah dude, my bad."
Regi: "Yeah but dude... you ****ed up!"


On a different note, is there no other way to get better at LoL than just playing the game?

Like, aren't there any tools to work on more specific parts of the game. Also, do you think they review matches after the fact? They should probably review every single one of their scrim matches, just rewatch it from everybodies point of view and take notes on what went wrong and what to work on.

They should probably also consider hiring a mentality coach, like Jared Tendler or some other sports ones.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-18-2012 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
yeah, so annoying when it goes like this:

Regi: "You ****ed up dude!"
TRM: "Yeah dude, my bad."
Regi: "Yeah but dude... you ****ed up!"


On a different note, is there no other way to get better at LoL than just playing the game?

Like, aren't there any tools to work on more specific parts of the game. Also, do you think they review matches after the fact? They should probably review every single one of their scrim matches, just rewatch it from everybodies point of view and take notes on what went wrong and what to work on.

They should probably also consider hiring a mentality coach, like Jared Tendler or some other sports ones.
I have also thought about this a bit. It's weird coming from a poker background and watching this sort of stuff. I cannot even imagine the top poker players being so hopeless about their games as these people are.

I am sure they do some work on their games offline, but I doubt it is anywhere near close enough. I also wondered how much of a benefit a top team would get from an actual play caller. a 6th member who's job it is to just call the shots. IMO, it would be a HUGE benefit.

In the end it is just LoL showing it's age. You see a lot of this top level game dissection in stuff like starcraft, because it is just so old and perfected IMO. eventually (if lol survives as an e-sport) it will get there too, but no doubt these teams are just like online poker was in 2002. Super raw and un-perfected. Weird that none of them have learned from history though.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-18-2012 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by imolin
streaming duo q with AK, on the way to gold...? ONE TIME
back at it

watch us struggle to deal with the trolls!
count the number of times i say real!
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-18-2012 , 07:32 PM
i just got raped so hard by a vayne. fml
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-18-2012 , 08:05 PM
I watched a bit, your screen was flickering in game I think you need to play in windowed or borderless windowed mode so it doesn't do that
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03-18-2012 , 08:16 PM
restarted it, hopefully fixed?
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03-18-2012 , 09:38 PM
Bought GP since he's such a strong champ but I can't help but feel that he's kinda boring to play. Maybe once I start raping people it'll get more fun.

Just played a normal against an Irelia. Felt like I coulda had 2 kills on her if I had taken exhaust/ignite over teleport. I feel like in solo queue I should run exhaust/ignite over TP since my team is unlikely to be coordinating dragons that well. Thoughts?
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-18-2012 , 10:04 PM
yeah i think TP is much harder than exhaust/ignite to use effectively in solo queue
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03-18-2012 , 10:21 PM
I feel TSM is like 100x better than you guys have made them out to be in the last page or so, beyond M5, Dignitas, both CLG they likely are the 5th best team, or very close to it, and certainly capable of beating all the above teams, there is absurd variance in this game and a bad 5match tourney after 2 very strong showings is a little early to say omg awful and need to break the whole team up
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-18-2012 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
yeah i think TP is much harder than exhaust/ignite to use effectively in solo queue
Idk which to take for GP. He's not that bursty so you don't need ignite to finish off a combo, but he has a built in slow. Exhaust probably better for the enemy damage reduction
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-18-2012 , 10:31 PM
It's not that they're awful but they should be dominant and they just aren't. They were one of the best teams before they moved into the gaming house, but since then they've actually gotten worse (relatively).

Also there are a few more EU teams I would say are significantly better than TSM: AaA, AL, SK, maybe Fnatic
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03-18-2012 , 10:41 PM
I"ll take tele top lane if I have no hope of winning lane. Like with nasus
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