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09-27-2011 , 10:08 PM
Dyrus's guide inspired me to play some Mundo today. Yes I own him. He was free the week I started playing and I liked him despite my friends telling me he wasn't a good choice.

Gotta say, Mundo is fun if nothing else. Sooooo much different playing him at level 22 with runes and masteries than it was when I started. I never really understood how good his E is early. Just crazy amounts of damage. Completely dominated a lane w/ Wukong vs Trundle and Udyr. Was also able to take down towers pretty quick mid game. It was definitely a nice change of pace from my usual champs.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-27-2011 , 10:10 PM
Just laned top as singed vs cait. I gave up fb after she flash towerdove me. Our Xin jungle comes, we gank her and kill tower before she can get back.

We farm more, and our cs is like 6 or 7 apart. She insists she won her lane "by a lot", and asks me how I lose a lane as singed (the tower never fell by the end of the game).
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-27-2011 , 10:58 PM
I'm convinced that most of the people who say crap like "how do you lose a lane as Singed" or "Singed is easy to play wtf are you talking about" have never really played Singed. I'm sorry, but he's not a frequently played champ like Yi, Morgana, Nocturne, Tryndamere, and the list goes on. If he was so easy then he'd be played more.

I find him difficult to do even decently with, and he seems incredibly difficult to master. I have played him probably 12ish times in the 170 games I've played and he has the lowest winning percentage of anyone I've used. Whereas other champs that I've struggled with, like Ryze and Malphite, I just toss aside, I am sort of obsessed with Singed and want to get good with him someday, somehow.

Adding to the irrationality of that douche's statement is that he was f'ing Caitlin. Not only is any ranged AD a hard counter to Singed in lane, but he's f'ing Caitlin, one of the most dominant laners in the game.
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09-27-2011 , 11:45 PM
Singed is the #1 big ******* farmer.

Start Doran's Shield, Regrowth + pot, or Mana Crystal +2 pots. Last hit all the ****. It is very important to learn lane control. I realized my success with Singed is very related to not doing stupid **** and pushing too hard early. If your opponent is going to go back, spam your poison and push your creeps to the tower, then back as well.

It is pretty hard for you to get an early kill unless your opponent is a downie and you fling him into the tower, so focus on that farm.

Basically you farm top for 20 minutes, get Rod/Boots/Rylais, then run around farming all the lanes and being a huge dick.
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09-28-2011 , 12:23 AM

I even impressed Punch.

I think I found my new champ.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 12:26 AM
TheGLAVINATOR sees your build. He is reasonably impressed.

We'll have to play some. I've gotten your messages but I've been playing with some local bustos who are level < 20, just helping them along. Morgana was my main months ago and I play her a lot still, really going to hate when she gets nerfed.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by kyleb
TheGLAVINATOR sees your build. He is reasonably impressed.

We'll have to play some. I've gotten your messages but I've been playing with some local bustos who are level < 20, just helping them along. Morgana was my main months ago and I play her a lot still, really going to hate when she gets nerfed.
what would u have done differently build wise.

id also like to add that this was my second game with Morg.
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09-28-2011 , 12:37 AM
Die once or twice so the opposing team doesnt feel so bad?
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09-28-2011 , 12:56 AM
I think RoA is not the best item on her. The health is OK, the mana is not good, and the AP is worse than other items. You usually buy RoA on champs who need improved sustainability in lane (Catalyst portion) or ones that benefit from all of the stuff (Cho'Gath and Singed for example). Morg's Q hits ridiculously hard because it scales great with AP, so I think buying 2-3x Doran's Ring and rushing Deathcap is the way to go. Multiple rings also let you crush the midgame, which is where you are strongest.

Health is not that relevant because of her passive and the multiple rings (which you can sell late game) provide the mana regen you need.

Many guides say RoA is good because of "survivability" which isn't all that necessary because of your passive (sustain), snare (gank stopper), and black shield (cc stopper).

So I rush AP, which means no RoA.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 01:44 AM
How do people at 1350 not understand what "winning" a lane means?

Had a Kass on my team vs enemy Ryze. At like 9-10 minutes in, Kass tells us its a 5v4 because he shut down ryze. Kass had 1 kill and 20 cs, Ryze had 1 death and 40 cs.

At the end of the game Ryze had 60 cs on Kass, and same number of kills. LOL?
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 03:05 AM
What is the website that gives you the $ efficiency of items?
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by kyleb
I think RoA is not the best item on her. The health is OK, the mana is not good, and the AP is worse than other items. You usually buy RoA on champs who need improved sustainability in lane (Catalyst portion) or ones that benefit from all of the stuff (Cho'Gath and Singed for example). Morg's Q hits ridiculously hard because it scales great with AP, so I think buying 2-3x Doran's Ring and rushing Deathcap is the way to go. Multiple rings also let you crush the midgame, which is where you are strongest.

Health is not that relevant because of her passive and the multiple rings (which you can sell late game) provide the mana regen you need.

Many guides say RoA is good because of "survivability" which isn't all that necessary because of your passive (sustain), snare (gank stopper), and black shield (cc stopper).

So I rush AP, which means no RoA.
u need that surviviabillity to proc ur ult in teamfights(dont die for 4secs)
i would only not get RoA if i am losing my lane, then i pick up 2-3 Dorands and rush Deathcap
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 04:07 AM
If you rush Deathcap, then you get Hourglass quicker. Then you never die when you proc your ult. Plus Morg's ult is far more like a one-shot nuke to kill someone in the early/mid game.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 08:07 AM
so is asura great support or the greatest support?

League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by dankhank
Adding to the irrationality of that douche's statement is that he was f'ing Caitlin. Not only is any ranged AD a hard counter to Singed in lane, but he's f'ing Caitlin, one of the most dominant laners in the game.
yeah, caitlyn hard counters singed, best way is to switch with your ranged ad bot or go mid if your mid can handle top lane caitlyn who gets the bush (4 aa passive ouch)
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 08:43 AM
I wouldn't say hard counters, or even counters really. Singed can just get Tabi + Catalyst and never have to leave lane against cait.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 11:47 AM
a good counter for singed is alistar. if he flips you back, its like a free flash to stomp him and nail him back towards your turret/lane partner if there.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by GTBMuckface

I even impressed Punch.

I think I found my new champ.
Def great game. I had way too many assists tho considering I was just crushing ppl and getting ks'd (by ashe and akali). I was also going all out to make sure you stayed up and kept that 0 kills

Lost my last game of the night 15-4 because SOMEONE has ****ty internet. -.-
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 11:48 AM
I wanna play Shaco...
Runes have me broke though
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Quagmyer
a good counter for singed is alistar. if he flips you back, its like a free flash to stomp him and nail him back towards your turret/lane partner if there.
Singed nearly always solos
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Priptonite
Dyrus's guide inspired me to play some Mundo today. Yes I own him. He was free the week I started playing and I liked him despite my friends telling me he wasn't a good choice.
And it was I who inspired Dyrus

Originally Posted by Priptonite
Runes got me broke though
Sounds like a project pat, 36 mafia song

[IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]

Last edited by JodoKast; 09-28-2011 at 12:26 PM.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Punch Dancer
Lost my last game of the night 15-4 because SOMEONE has ****ty internet. -.-
Man, I'm just as pissed as anyone. My first decent Warwick start (4-1-4) and my internet takes a ****.

Of course I tried resetting the modem and everything before tethering to my iphone. If I would have tethered right away I would have been gone max 3 minutes.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by baumer
Man, I'm just as pissed as anyone. My first decent Warwick start (4-1-4) and my internet takes a ****.

Of course I tried resetting the modem and everything before tethering to my iphone. If I would have tethered right away I would have been gone max 3 minutes.
were you lanewicking? you better be
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 01:25 PM
just bought and tried morgana and singed.
agree with dankhank I did crap with singed he's def not easy to play.
Also how do you play morgana?
It felt like I did no damage at all.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
09-28-2011 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by weeeez
just bought and tried morgana and singed.
agree with dankhank I did crap with singed he's def not easy to play.
Also how do you play morgana?
It felt like I did no damage at all.
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