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**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** **WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread**

08-12-2013 , 11:51 PM

Triple H pedigree's Cena, than Bryan, counts 1-2-3, new champ THE GAME.
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08-12-2013 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by kdub72
You noticed too?

This pic is from 2011...
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08-13-2013 , 08:58 AM
Major Main Event Spoiler for Summerslam:

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08-15-2013 , 07:09 AM
Darren Young becomes first WWE Superstar ever to come out of the closet:
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08-15-2013 , 07:48 AM
That's actually pretty cool. Fair play to D-Young for being open about it. I have to wonder though, did the TMZ guy have some kind of insider info beforehand that prompted the question? I mean, it does seem pretty ridiculously random that he would stop D-Young, of all the random wrestlers, and ask that specific question of all questions. It was also pretty lol that he was like "but people will have to touch you think it'll make them feel icky?" at the end.

EDIT: Nothing on D-Young's Twitter about it yet. His profile says his life revolves around three things - money, women, and wrestling, which is kinda funny too. I think it's about equally likely that he either is gay and said he likes women to cover it up, or he's not gay and said he was because he thought it might get him a push, and he wanted to **** with the TMZ guy.
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08-15-2013 , 07:53 AM
Good for him. Does he still get much airtime? I've only been watching here and there.
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08-15-2013 , 11:04 AM
heh pretty confident he just thought tmz guy was ******ed and said that jokingly (regardless of what he is) because he absolutely doesnt care.

his twitter is in 'millions of dollars' character so the quote fits either way

he could be straight, gay or bi (most likely imo) and i doubt anyone really thinks it matters outside of tmz
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08-16-2013 , 10:58 AM
I hope Prime Time Players get a tag title run at some point post-Shield. Pretty good gimmick, they're above-average on the mic, they're an actual team, entertaining enough in the ring.
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08-16-2013 , 11:06 AM
For the life of me I just don't understand this thing where Vince grew to completely dismiss the awesomeness of having a good tag division. Tag teams were way over in the big two eras in the past and I have a hard time thinking that they didn't do their part to help boost business. Not only that, but they're a great method through which to build singles stars. Some of Vince's idiocy I can at least understand even when I disagree with it, but letting the tag division die just baffles me.
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08-16-2013 , 01:07 PM

the weird thing is, they seem to get booked in to the 'beat down smaller face -> hot tag' formula constantly, then they wonder why so many tag matches end up boring.

it feels like there is someone back stage going 'the only solution is we need an even hotter tag!!'
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08-16-2013 , 10:00 PM
barrett v bryan round 10 on smackdown was actually pretty great. vince wears a ridiculous suit, maddox takes a sick cane shot to the face, and hhh apparently had his dinner interrupted.

and orton's music once again completely killing a crowd was hilarious.
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08-16-2013 , 10:01 PM
I'm kind of worried about the ME of Summerslam given that even the DB match on Smackdown was an overbooked nightmare.
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08-16-2013 , 11:13 PM
Thought SmackDown was pretty good overall.With notable highlights being Seth Rollins in the 6 man tag match and the Barrett vs. Bryan match. Is the ref shirt really necessary to wear to be the referee, when in fact you are the owner of said company and as a result can do whatever you want? Why for the life of me does Vince ever have this inner moral struggle in deciding if he should be the ref.?
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08-17-2013 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by OppositeAttract
Thought SmackDown was pretty good overall.With notable highlights being Seth Rollins in the 6 man tag match and the Barrett vs. Bryan match. Is the ref shirt really necessary to wear to be the referee, when in fact you are the owner of said company and as a result can do whatever you want? Why for the life of me does Vince ever have this inner moral struggle in deciding if he should be the ref.?
LOL I was actually yelling at the TV, "Just get in the ring and count you idiot! You own the ****ing company!!!"

Why was Mike Tyson allowed to count the pinfall at Mania 14, then?
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08-17-2013 , 06:41 PM
Darren Young worries me too. I dont think he will succeed. I think it will cause alot of backlash and the fans might be mean. I hope not, I wish him the best.

He should change his name to his real name of I believe is Fred Rossen or something. And just be himself as he says in his interviews since coming out. Maybe use the Kayfabe angle of him being gay? Very doubtful but could be good storyline....


Something big is going to happen in the SummerSlam ME Bryan/Cena.

Someone is going to get screwed. Or Heel turn. Now with HHH as special guest ref, deff somehting is going to happen. New Corporation?
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08-17-2013 , 10:19 PM
With how over Bryan is would a heel turn even work?

Fantasy booking, but lets say he wins via HHH interferance/shenanigans, poses with HHH... Orton attempts to cash in and is thwarted by hunter (or even if he doesnt attempt a cash in)... How much heal heat does DBry actually have on Monday with the strap?

IMO not nearly enough to justify such overbooking. Now if Cena wins dirty in said fashion its pretty much thr greatest thing ever.
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08-17-2013 , 10:23 PM
I don't love the idea of Bryan turning heel right now but a lot would hinge on how they did it.
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08-18-2013 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by TradeOC


Something big is going to happen in the SummerSlam ME Bryan/Cena.

Someone is going to get screwed. Or Heel turn. Now with HHH as special guest ref, deff somehting is going to happen. New Corporation?

I F'N knew it!

They were setting up Orton as a heel for a while. Perfect!
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08-18-2013 , 11:45 PM
Who had the orton heel turn bet?!
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08-19-2013 , 09:34 AM
If bryan and punk remain super over for the duration of cenas hiatus then i think vince can be persuaded to bring cena back heel. Could be the perfect opportunity.
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08-19-2013 , 10:53 AM
Merchandise and Make-A-Wish, though.
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08-19-2013 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
Merchandise and Make-A-Wish, though.
don't think it would hurt merchandise (could be terribly wrong here) and heels do give-back-to-the-community stuff all the time, no?
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08-19-2013 , 01:13 PM
Only problem with the ending is they lost the story where Bryan fends off HHH and co before losing, like Austin did when he had the belt for 3 months and another 3 months before Vince got him.
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08-19-2013 , 02:01 PM
Only watched Punk/Lesnar and Bryan/Cena. This was a good show .

Never ever ever thought Cena would 1) lose clean or 2) drop the fall to the shining wizard. When Bryan hit that I said "there's no way Cena should get up from that" and he didn't .
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08-19-2013 , 02:23 PM
So after everything the McMahons and Orton have been through, Vince should be pissed hhh sided with Orton, causing a feud starting tonight?
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