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01-10-2012 , 01:10 PM
and yea, while we all by now know jericho's end game and are amused by it, like it's been said multiple times ITT, we don't want to actually sit there and WATCH the process. there's nothing entertaining about it, especially considering how long it draws out. the first time was interesting, the 2nd time was wtf (though i lol'd at the "why" and fake crying), like, how many more times is this going to happen? why can't we have the baby without the labor pains?

and brodus was legitimately the worst single non-kane/cena thing to happen since hhh & friends. what a disaster
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01-10-2012 , 01:10 PM
I don't think Cena made Zig look weak. I mean Zig was doing handstands and sit-ups while in control of Cena at one point.
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01-10-2012 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by 12ressiMorP
I don't think Cena made Zig look weak. I mean Zig was doing handstands and sit-ups while in control of Cena at one point.
yea, and then when cena was trying to run to the back and stopped caring about the match and ziggler jumped on his back and tried to lock in a sleeper hold, cena easily dismissed him on 2 separate occasions
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01-10-2012 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
and brodus was legitimately the worst single non-kane/cena thing to happen since hhh & friends. what a disaster
really hit or miss itt imo. i loved it. i would rather have brodus the guy that's a monster and going to **** people's couches but i was entertained for a few minutes so i'm good with it.
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01-10-2012 , 01:40 PM
Brodus ... we need a pinkunicornebolavirus.gif for that. Blueboy doesn't do it. I don't see the entertainment value. "Hey, we know you've been superb as a big monster heel crushing things, so go out there and be a 375 pound black Disco Inferno for us, please." I mean, that's like ... "Hey, we're drafting Andrew Luck to play linebacker! It'll be awesome!"

Jericho Part II was inevitable, but yeah, in the super hyper-speed world, it needs to reach a conclusion next week.

The matches that they had were generally good. Even Cena/Ziggler was fine for me, you knew neither of them could beat the other and it was obvious where it was going, but neither of them looked bad IMO. Brodus did nothing for me though, partly because I was mcnabbstare.gif at Brodus' ******ed gimmick, partly because who cares about Curt Hawkins, and partly because Brodus didn't do anything I haven't seen other people do better.
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01-10-2012 , 01:53 PM
Brodus is the new Johnny Ace.

Within a couple months you guys will be shocked to discover you really love what they have done with him.
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01-10-2012 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Brodus is the new Johnny Ace.

Within a couple months you guys will be shocked to discover you really love what they have done with him.
If I wanted to see 375 pound people in ill-fitting red leotards gyrate semi-suggestively to terrible music, I'd have just gone to that bad strip club by the airport.
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01-10-2012 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
yea, and then when cena was trying to run to the back and stopped caring about the match and ziggler jumped on his back and tried to lock in a sleeper hold, cena easily dismissed him on 2 separate occasions
so if cena was the one doing handstands and sit-ups while dominating zig, and then zig fought off the sleeper hold, that would be better?
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01-10-2012 , 02:01 PM
And the Brodus thing is cool because he can actually go in the ring too and WWE needs a new top face more than they need another heel

Brodus obviously is a character and looks like he enjoyed the whole thing. Wouldn't surprise me if he had some input on the character. I think he makes it work
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01-10-2012 , 02:08 PM
Well I DVRed Raw so I'm about to watch it. I loved it live so I'll be interested to see how it comes across on tv.
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01-10-2012 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
yea, and then when cena was trying to run to the back and stopped caring about the match and ziggler jumped on his back and tried to lock in a sleeper hold, cena easily dismissed him on 2 separate occasions
Did you forget who Cena is?

Did you forget who Cena is facing in 3 months?

Did you really think Cena having Ziggler look like his equal in the match is anything but a positive? Results dont matter, no one cares that the match just ended.
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01-10-2012 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
Def worse than HHH and friends. At least that one had an interesting plot leading in and a reason to watch.
To me that's a reason that makes HHH and friends way worse. We had a reason to believe the ep would be good and it was a bigger letdown. Having an interesting plot leading in is a compliment to previous episodes; not that one.
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01-10-2012 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I saw your Rikishi comment. I hope you realise he was really over and was a lot better than the average wrestler/gimmick we have now and entertained a lot of people. Same goes for Santino, at least in terms of entertaining people and being over.
Well yes I'm aware of how over he was and how many people he entertained. Can't say I possibly agree that he was a lot better than the average wrestler/gimmick today in anything but crowd reaction. And crowds were just SO much hotter then due to the strength at the top of the card that they weren't very discerning about who they went crazy for.

Neither are necessarily my cup of tea, im a bit of a misanthrope and would prefer a super serious ROH style athletic and competitive results emphasised form of wrestling booking but i fully accept im not representative of most of the people paying the bills.
I mean, I know what you're saying here, but that excuses all kinds of things that frustrate us around here. The whole IWC basically isn't representative of most of the people paying the bills.
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01-10-2012 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Brodus is the new Johnny Ace.

Within a couple months you guys will be shocked to discover you really love what they have done with him.
This. He was clearly enjoying himself. The crowd didn't know what to do because it was the opposite of what they expected.

Him tossing Hawkins in to the corner, gyrating, smiling and saying "my bad" was gold. He's just out there having a good time and crushing jobbers in the process.
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-10-2012 , 02:25 PM
I mean, I know what you're saying here, but that excuses all kinds of things that frustrate us around here. The whole IWC basically isn't representative of most of the people paying the bills.
Exactly. Its pretty much why the IWC is an ineffective echo chamber. Its not like we vote with our feet anyway and when we get what we want we always come to hate it anyway.
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01-10-2012 , 02:29 PM
I'm late but wtf Brodus Clay
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01-10-2012 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Wallypop
This. He was clearly enjoying himself. The crowd didn't know what to do because it was the opposite of what they expected.

Him tossing Hawkins in to the corner, gyrating, smiling and saying "my bad" was gold. He's just out there having a good time and crushing jobbers in the process.
His "oh, you didnt expect this " summed it up imo. My first reaction was no reaction like i couldnt process it. Then i realised it was pretty damn funny and then i realised its a clever move to get him over as a credible face they need whose gimmick can quickly be adapted to what they need of him.

Right now he is a babyface midcarder. If he gets over they can strip back the gimmick to move him closer to something main event calibre. If he doesnt they can easily heel turn him using the story of how he was kept off TV for months then when he finally got his shot he was told to go out there and dance and act like he enjoyed it to entertain the kids which can effectively move him instantly into the lower main event as a heel with the right catalyst similar to what happened with Henry when they took his Hall of Pain idea.
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-10-2012 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Did you forget who Cena is?

Did you forget who Cena is facing in 3 months?

Did you really think Cena having Ziggler look like his equal in the match is anything but a positive? Results dont matter, no one cares that the match just ended.
ziggler is the #1 contender to the most prestigious belt in wrestling

it kinda matters
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01-10-2012 , 02:54 PM
After re-watching Punk/Swagger the ref botch is clearly an angle. Johnny Ace is going to show the video clip before the Punk/Ziggler match and say that Swagger kicked out before 3 so Vicky and Swagger won't be banned from ringside during the match.
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01-10-2012 , 04:23 PM
I think WWE should use its survivor series buildup to WM and just have Cena beat the crap out of Rock every week leading up to it.
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01-10-2012 , 05:21 PM
I love that they have added a sexist element to Ryder's character. That he would rather change his flat tyre whilst being chased by a monster than travel in Eve's car was fantastic.
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01-10-2012 , 06:08 PM
That scene was like in every horror film where the people in the film just make repeatedly bad errors that stand up to no logic. I get in the "wwe universe" people dont call the cops on each other, but he was stood near a whole bunch of pipes he could have used as a weapon and that crowd bar Cena had earlier that was just randomly laid around was probably still there.

What should have happened is Ryder and Eve arm themselves then stand back to back in the middle of the the parking lot nowhere near any rape dungeons that Kane could have sprung from or some other way he could sneak up on them after calling the tow service or a cab or summit like that.
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01-10-2012 , 06:17 PM
eve arm herself?

from the company that had beth phoenix utter the words: "hunter, we're girls!"
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01-10-2012 , 06:18 PM
i mean with wwe's booking of their diva division it would make more sense for eve to quickly run and make kane a delicious sandwich that they could use as a peace offering
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01-10-2012 , 06:22 PM
To be fair to Eve, Kane did canonically rape Lita so she has a decent reason to be scared.
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