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**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** **WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread**

01-10-2012 , 03:56 AM
I would have liked the show until I realized I saw it last week. I think I hated the crowd for being embarrassingly gullable during the Jericho segment more than anything though. Fool me twice....

My thought is he could/should probably keep doing the same thing and not say a word for as long as these idiots keep falling for it and cheering him. Wait until they are all booing to say anything.
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01-10-2012 , 08:07 AM
They need to officially turn Bryan heel asap. He got like no reaction from the crowd, no cheers, no boos, nothing. If they continue like that Bryan will fade into insignificance soon.

Am I the only one who thinks that the Bryan/Big Show no disqualification, no countout match on Smackdown is just weird? Sound like it would be the match that they have to do at the RR. Maybe they set up Henry beating up Big Show and a triple threat match at RR?
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01-10-2012 , 08:09 AM
Ziggler headstand during the match was easily the best thing about this show fwiw.
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01-10-2012 , 08:10 AM
Im surprised so many hated that Raw, i really liked it. Big Johnny (the person and the line) was great, i esp like how he just randomly ended the convo and Otunga drifted away cos he got out his phone and started texting.

All the matches were solid, the Bryan match was especially great booking (not all of them need to be long when it achieves what it needs to) and Swagger benefited a lot by not looking like a chump and Punk got a great match from him. Funkasaurus was hugely WTF which is why the crowd just didnt get it, but its actually pretty genius imo.

Cena and Kane was pretty meh and boring and the backstage ending especially should have been reshot assuming it was pretaped but whatever, it is what it is and soon its going to die cos it isnt over at all. Jericho was poor, he should have ripped that crowd's chest open and dined on their still beating heart as they cried at how mean he was to him, that story needs to progress quickly.

Err, what else, oh Ricardo teasing a face turn was epic. He could easily be the next Santino and im pretty sure the applause after his singing was the loudest the completely terrible crowd got last night.
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01-10-2012 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Err, what else, oh Ricardo teasing a face turn was epic. He could easily be the next Santino and im pretty sure the applause after his singing was the loudest the completely terrible crowd got last night.
Others have Brodus as the next Rikishi? You have Ricardo as the next Santino? These proclamations are being made with a tone that indicates that they're somehow positive? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-10-2012 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
They need to officially turn Bryan heel asap. He got like no reaction from the crowd, no cheers, no boos, nothing. If they continue like that Bryan will fade into insignificance soon.

Am I the only one who thinks that the Bryan/Big Show no disqualification, no countout match on Smackdown is just weird? Sound like it would be the match that they have to do at the RR. Maybe they set up Henry beating up Big Show and a triple threat match at RR?
The crowd was dead for everyone. They dont need to rush a heel turn, he will get over heel ridiculously quickly as soon as his feud with Orton begins. Forget the crowd now, its irrelevant to him.

Oh and the no DQ no countout is obv so they can MacGuyver the ending with Henry somehow. Whether it leads to a triple threat at the RR is all down to Henry's health, id be uber shocked if he is healthy enough to do a normal match in 3 weeks but they could use him in a slightly minor role and book around his injury. Its hard to say exactly where they are going cos there are numerous ways to get to the end result of Bryan winning and both he and Show turning heel in time for WM.
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01-10-2012 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Others have Brodus as the next Rikishi? You have Ricardo as the next Santino? These proclamations are being made with a tone that indicates that they're somehow positive? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
I saw your Rikishi comment. I hope you realise he was really over and was a lot better than the average wrestler/gimmick we have now and entertained a lot of people. Same goes for Santino, at least in terms of entertaining people and being over.

Neither are necessarily my cup of tea, im a bit of a misanthrope and would prefer a super serious ROH style athletic and competitive results emphasised form of wrestling booking but i fully accept im not representative of most of the people paying the bills.

To go back to Rikishi, I think Brodus can fill that role a lot better than Henry ever did when he was shoehorned into the midcard face who is powerful and seems dangerous but ultimately jobbed out a lot. And whatever, he can easily get turned later as Henry did when he stole Brodus's idea to do the Hall of Pain gimmick and story (lol, bad timing for Brodus when he pitched that one).

And i think Ricardo will never be taken seriously and his best shot of being on screen making people laugh which he has been doing for over a year now is to be a comedy face which he can easily get over as.
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-10-2012 , 08:26 AM
Btw, did Curt Hawkins have a twirling baton with him at ringside? Does he have a gimmick where he twirls it around on his entrance?
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-10-2012 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by Y2Dennis
4 Horsemen? That's SO ****ING AWESOME I definitely didn't see that coming.
So does that mean that Paul Roma and Chris Benoit get in, too?
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01-10-2012 , 08:38 AM
i find it strange that people are saying anyone other than godfather as being what brodus is going for tbh
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-10-2012 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by ESKiMO-SiCKNE5S
i find it strange that people are saying anyone other than godfather as being what brodus is going for tbh
godfather was my first thought fwiw.
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-10-2012 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by ESKiMO-SiCKNE5S
i find it strange that people are saying anyone other than godfather as being what brodus is going for tbh
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-10-2012 , 09:04 AM
Im curious to see if they stick with this gimmick or rotate it as amp suggested.
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01-10-2012 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by ESKiMO-SiCKNE5S
i find it strange that people are saying anyone other than godfather as being what brodus is going for tbh
Ok, so am I the ONLY one that remembers Flash Funk? Because this was his EXACT gimmick, except he could do a 540 off the top.
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-10-2012 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by Bigdaddydvo
So does that mean that Paul Roma and Chris Benoit get in, too?
This was already covered ITT like 10 posts ago and lol no. Watch the episode please.

I find it hard to believe the people who caught up and said they liked the episode actually watched the whole thing and didn't fast forward all the talky parts on DVR. The episode was dominated and bookended by Cena/Ryder/Kane which still makes no sense at all. Kane's opening promo was confusing and contradictory and why are we supposed to care about this again? And what is the point of booking matches and "huge main events" when half of the time they end in no contests, have no build, no payoff, advance nothing and are instantly forgotten?

Brodus was bad, Jericho was meh (especially in light of Ace saying he would speak but that might have been an audible by Jericho when he realized the crowds are going to take 10 years to react how they "should" ) Santino and Jinder was a waste. Miz/Truth stuff is very bad not counting some comedy from Ricardo. What PJ said about being embarrassed sums it all up.

And they obviously didn't have a storyline built around the ref botch in the only good match because it was a botch. Maybe the agents should tell the ref what the finish is. Punk complaining about winning when he is trying to get his submission over (which the commentators no-sell anyway) looks horrible on TV and is really ****ty.

I guess next week we get Cena and the Last Crusade though to complete the lology.
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-10-2012 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Others have Brodus as the next Rikishi? You have Ricardo as the next Santino? These proclamations are being made with a tone that indicates that they're somehow positive? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
This is how I felt last week FWIW so I am glad to have company. Welcome! Wash those pills down with whiskey, the whole process goes more smoothly that way.
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-10-2012 , 09:29 AM

That should take you to the video where Bryan challenges Kofi. Not much content, but you can see the character developing.

Im really starting to like the idea of Bryan turning now. If nothing else it means we will probably get to see the repeated face stomps and the arm locked elbow strikes to the head which are too heelish to be used before now. Its not like he ever got a ridic win streak as a face so **** it.

Plz to be having a "youre gonna get your ****ing head kicked in!" chant at WM.
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-10-2012 , 09:30 AM
I find it hard to believe the people who caught up and said they liked the episode actually watched the whole thing and didn't fast forward all the talky parts on DVR.
I watched it all, though stopped paying attention at Jericho when i realised he wasnt going to do **** all again this week.

Like, i get why some wouldnt like it, in theory i should have hated it, but at the same time someone said it was the worst Raw since HHH & Friends and it clearly wasnt anywhere near that bad. Not even in the same league.
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01-10-2012 , 10:58 AM
Whether it was a botch or not, I loved seeing a match won with out a finishing move.
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01-10-2012 , 11:48 AM
It's kind of frivolent to argue about opinions on the quality of a show, but I find I'm landing somewhere in between Phill and everyone else.

It didn't suck, but it wasn't good. I'm kind of. . . I dunno. Stuck?
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-10-2012 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I watched it all, though stopped paying attention at Jericho when i realised he wasnt going to do **** all again this week.

Like, i get why some wouldnt like it, in theory i should have hated it, but at the same time someone said it was the worst Raw since HHH & Friends and it clearly wasnt anywhere near that bad. Not even in the same league.
That was me who said that I don't think it was in the same league either but it was the most worthless wtf episode since that as a whole.

And regarding what master said I definitely thought Flash Funk but mixed with a heavy dose of gay Dusty Rhodes and a lot of blueboy.
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-10-2012 , 12:46 PM
Def worse than HHH and friends. At least that one had an interesting plot leading in and a reason to watch. You guys are just mad cuz HHH removed Punks testicles then and there. Unfortunately last nights episode removed ours
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-10-2012 , 12:52 PM
What are things wrong with it? Im guessing you think Kane, Cena and Funkasaurus? Anything else?
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-10-2012 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
What are things wrong with it? Im guessing you think Kane, Cena and Funkasaurus? Anything else?
ryder, ziggler managing to lose (double countout, but still) to cena who wasn't even trying to fight him but was instead trying to run to the back and STILL made ziggler look weak in the process

i mean, u say kane, cena as if "wtf that's ALL you hated?" but kane was the opening segment. it was awful. ryder was every backstage segment. they were awful. eve was the 5-10 minutes before the main event. awful. and cena WAS the main event. awful

overall it might have been a little over half the show that was occupied by this idiotic kane/ryder/cena triangle
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-10-2012 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
What are things wrong with it? Im guessing you think Kane, Cena and Funkasaurus? Anything else?
Pretty much what IRM said. Maybe its a bit extreme but I didnt enjoy more than 10 mins of this show, and that wasnt true for any other RAW. 10 mins out of 120 is pretty ****ty.

Actually, I did get enjoyment out of Ryder getting chokeslammed on the bouncy castle
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