Originally Posted by GeoffRas22
peak of WWF was the entire attitude era. basically the rise of DX, undertaker/kane months of rivalry but being suspected of secretly working together finally coming to a head, austin/mcmahon feud, the rocks journey from nation-->face-->heel-->GOAT face, corporation vs austin, corporate ministry vs rock/austin, helmsley-mcmahon faction vs rock, rock/austin all happened during that ~4 year stretch and were all incredible arcs. i'm sure im forgetting some too.
it's not a surprise to me that austin/rocks peaks aligned with (to me) by far the best few years of wrestling ever. basically the rock choosing a movie career in 01 was the end of the WWF's greatness to me. austin was past his prime and it was basically on him to carry the WWF which he could no longer do especially as a heel. post-prime austin would have been much more effective as a face had the mcmahon/austin rivalry still existed/had legs.
wrestling has had some fine moments since then but the new guys (orton/cm punk/cena/lesnar) have never really done it for me. they dont seem nearly as gifted as entertainers and the attitude era arcs seemed darker i guess? idk maybe mcmahon being more directly involved was helpful as he was always great regardless of his status as a heel or a face.
and then the awesomness that was the tag division when we had the new age outlaws, hardys, dudleys, 2cool, and edge and christian all around the same time. rock n sock somewhere in there too (slightly after the peak of the attitude era, right around when DX was reformed and moving forward i guess, pre-cena though. that was a fun time).
that was also when there was legitimacy to the IC title, the benoit/y2j/chyna feuds come to mind.