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Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread

04-02-2012 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Jack Bando
Good news for the divas is Finlay is rumoured to be back as a road agent
that would be just, his firing was amazing bull****.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by cantcash
How bout Flair getting hardly any recognition.
I thought the same thing.

Maybe this is Vince's way of saying FU to Flair for going to TNA.

Interesting tidbit about tonight's Raw and WM 29.

WWE is looking to announce the WrestleMania 29 main event either tonight in Miami or on tomorrow night's RAW Supershow and Lesnar may fit in with those plans.

Considering how well they built up Rocky/Cena, I am not sure how interested I am in Lesnar/ ???? to be built up for a year. And to be honest, it will be interesting to see how the target audience, (all the 8 year olds) react to a guy like Lesnar, who they have no idea who he his, or his background

Last edited by Tomen; 04-02-2012 at 11:10 AM.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by amplify
that would be just, his firing was amazing bull****.
+1 to this
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Tomen
I thought the same thing.

Maybe this is Vince's way of saying FU to Flair for going to TNA.
I thought it was maybe a compromise between WWE and TNA to keep him low key.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 11:32 AM
It's the next day and I honestly think I liked HIAC last night better than HBK/Taker WM 25 and that was one of my favorite matches of all time.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 11:57 AM
The more i think about it the more i think the Bryan Sheamus match was the best or second best booked match of the PPV. Seriously.

But only if they capitalise on it correctly. Also using a WM match to set up a gimmick change and a feud with Punk is completely ****ing stupid but in a vacuum that is what i think.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 11:58 AM
Gonna hunt down the HIAC so i can properly judge it, stupid internet cutting out meant i missed the middle.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by cantcash
1999-2000 Stone Cold-Mcmahon fued. The Rock,HHH, Jericho, DX, Kurt Angle
Looking back 1999 is a pretty big joke. There were only two really good PPVs IMO (Backlash 1999 and Summerslam), Wrestlemania was one of the worst ever, Rumble was one of the worst ever, Survivor Series was pretty bad. You had heel vs heel PPV classics like Bossman vs Mideon at St. Valentine's Day Massacre. The Attitude Era stuff is nostalgic fun, but my god go back and watch 1999 it's really bad.

2000 was a step up and I think gets looked back at a bit more fondly than it should but there were so many big stars then and they gave people more time for matches.

1997-1998 is more the Attitude Era stuff for me, the booking was a bit tighter and even though there was still plenty of sillyness, I reflect on those years better.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 12:08 PM
I was only interested in the Bryan/Sheamus and Punk/Jericho matches heading into this, so take that for what it's worth.

Really, really upset with the Bryan match, I saw the earlier rumors about the squash, but thought when it was moved to the opener that they changed their minds and were going to put on an awesome match to fire up the crowd. Obviously there are storylines that can come out of it, but there are storylines that can come out of the alternatives as well. As an aside, the people I watched WM with thought it was awesome that Bryan finally got what he deserved.

Didn't really care about the UT/HHH match going in; I had given up on the Undertaker when he went off on the biker gimmick for a while, and the Attitude Era drove me from US mainstream wrestling. That being said, I definitely got caught up in the match and thought it was really well done. It would be wishful thinking to see that as the last time any of those three compete, but it would be a good ending if it was.

Punk/Jericho was awesome, and lived up to my very high expectations. I don't know where it goes from here though; it's almost like the feud is over now, but seems like there's so much more that they could have explored. If there's anyone that can spin it though it's Jericho.

Rock/Cena never really got much out of me, I didn't see a whole lot of chemistry or pace out of the match, and it was pretty boring to me. Don't understand a Rock win either, even though it was in Miami, I can't imagine another match between these two though.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Tomen
Interesting tidbit about tonight's Raw and WM 29.

WWE is looking to announce the WrestleMania 29 main event either tonight in Miami or on tomorrow night's RAW Supershow

Have you people learned NOTHING?
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 12:30 PM
So Miz and Swagger are undefeated at Mania still. Obvious new streak candidates right here.

(ignoring dark matches)
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 12:43 PM
Best moment of a good Wrestlemania:

Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 12:58 PM
watched jericho punk again, really good
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 01:29 PM
Thinking back to last night, I can forgive the bad booking decisions and the match quality was mostly alright with some excellent sprinkled in.

What I can't forgive, however, is that the reason one match was given eighteen seconds was because of the inordinate amount of promos, advertising for other shows and products, musical performances, and ****ing stupid dance segments that must have filled close to an hour of the show.

Wrestling fans buy PPVs, especially WrestleMania, to watch good wresting matches between wrestlers they care about. Vince McMahon's insatiable desire for professional wrestling to be accepted by mainstream culture - probably a manifestation of Vince's own repressed desire not to be such an uncontrollable lunatic weirdo - is killing the WWE product and massively reducing the value fans get for their money. The sad thing is, nothing will change until PPV buyrates really do hit rock bottom or Vince dies.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 01:43 PM
This is how I picture everyone who is upset that the Rock won:

Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 01:46 PM
This is how I picture everyone who is happy that the Rock won:

Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 01:47 PM
Literally the only way they can salvage Rocky winning is if they're going the route of Cena finally snapping on the fans for turning on him and going full heel.

They're not going that route.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 01:47 PM
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 02:05 PM
Aww, poor team cenation girl

Anyone found a copy of the HIAC on youtube? I had a look and cant find it at all, just ****ty ****ing ******s with their reviews of the show and stupid 1 minute clips that are just spam links to download the show elsewhere.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Aww, poor team cenation girl

Anyone found a copy of the HIAC on youtube? I had a look and cant find it at all, just ****ty ****ing ******s with their reviews of the show and stupid 1 minute clips that are just spam links to download the show elsewhere.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 02:12 PM
Which one of you videotaped me after Cena lost?!!?!?
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by derwipok
Thanks. Dunno why i didnt think to check DM.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 02:28 PM
The cell definitely has the GOAT entrance. I was expecting HHH to have a great one dressed as a viking and Cena i expected to ride a dolphin to the ring but the cell won the night.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 02:30 PM
few thoughts after the fact:

1. anyone looking for an excuse to think the booking for db could be a good smackdown champions already tend to be treated like 2nd class citizens. i have no problem at all with sheamus winning and fully expected him to win (even though i hoped he wouldn't). faces who are essentially buried in the entirety of a build always win the match (see: big show, punk, sheamus). that's perfectly fine. 18 seconds is inexcusable if for no other reason it completely deligitimizes bryan. build up his entire championship reign as him winning by flukes and luck and end it with an 18 second squash? ok then. chances are this will turn into some uber-misogynistic angle with AJ before she turns on him after a couple months, and then bryan will become a squeezed in the cracks midcarder like christian. you could have at least built it so that he presented some kind of challenge to sheamus, he could still drop the belt while not looking like a bitch. and ffs, the undisputed best technical wrestler in the world doesn't execute a single move? HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE middle finger to anyone who likes wrestling.

2. it's possible kane/orton wasn't as bad as i thought it was, but does it matter? the 2 most boring people in all of the wwe wrestling after an absolutely ******ed and meaningless feud/build after a legit infuriating match. it could have been angle/benoit and i still probably would have hated it cuz i was so bitter. the match definitely suffers from being immediately after the db disaster, but it was a ****ty and pointless feud to begin with so who cares

2a. not only does kane win, but he immediately leaves the ring afterwards? loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

3. i said it before and i'll say it again: cody rhodes dropping the belt was the correct play. it's not like he dropped the belt to hornswoggle or some other sideshow. the belt is still legitimized by it being with big show, and it frees rhodes up to chase the big fish (punk).

4. divas match lasted 7 minutes too long. lol horrible

5. HIAC was truly awesome. hated the first 15 minutes or so but it def got good in a huge hurry

6. johnny/long match was heinous. hornswoggle is awful. then again, the end result was all i cared about and it delivered.

7. punk/jericho was ****ing awesome but punk def seemed punch-drunk for most of the match after taking the top rope bump off the back of his head

8. rock/cena was truly horrible. like, absolutely ****ing awful. i had low expectations and it still disappointed. hogan/rock was far from a technical wonder, but the build was proper and made the match a truly must see event. that was awesome. this? this was a year of build with the rock doing karaoke. the closer we got to WM the less i cared about the match. dwayne johnson is a pile of crap. when the feud hit the home stretch he was at his absolute worst (seriously, every ****ing week since EC he managed to be worse than the week before it), and he was utterly gassed within 5 minutes of the match starting. probably shouldn't have spent so much time pacing around the ramp. the match was 30 minutes of rest holds and botched rock bottoms and seemingly 5 minutes of the rock being perched atop the turnbuckle to do some stupid crossbody. hated the match. hated hated hated it and there's not a thing any of u can say to make me think i'm wrong

wtf at deadliest catch guy eating crabs with santino

wtf at white guy and flo rida with the ****tiest "concerts" since ashley simpson got booed out of the rose bowl

wtf at brodus clay making me want brodus clay to lose a foot to diabetes

wtf at jerry lawler still being alive today

wtf at all the ****ing ads

in a vacuum this certainly isn't the worst WM ever but when you compare what it had the potential to be to what it actually was? yea. worst WM ever
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
04-02-2012 , 02:38 PM
The best part of the Rock match was just how hollow the announcers sounded as they had to talk about how it was the best match ever.

They probably should have tested Rock at some point to see if he could do a 30 minute match before they had him do a 30 minute match and get instagassed and thus spent half the time on his back in a rest hold.
Official Wrestlemania XXVIII Thread Quote
