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04-29-2010 , 08:10 PM
Just a matter of opinion, obviously, but I would hate to see professional wrestling try to look more like MMA. I like for my fake fighting to have all the over-the-top stuff (450 splashes and such) that you'd never have in a real fight.
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04-29-2010 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
Davey Richards is quickly becoming my favorite wrestler. His great match with Eddie Edwards for the ROH TV Title is up on YouTube now.
Good match... thanks for posting, i don't really watch much ROH, can anyone who watches it regularly give me a quick rundown on the quality of their shows compared to wwe/tna? I mean i've seen a few old CM Punk matches due to Phills suggestions, but thats it. So i just wondered other peoples general opinion of their shows. Are they a quality product that's just underexposed or is it just one of them things for hardcore (figuratively) wrestling fans. Are the matches tied together with promos? are they ever any good? I've watched WWE for nearly 20 years, and thanks to this thread my horizons have spread a bit more to TNA but i've kinda reached my boundary with ROH, so whats the 411?
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04-29-2010 , 09:14 PM
The promos are the worst part of ROH and its not even close. It has storylines and its not just random matches thrown together but ROH is all about a few wrestlers you get to know well just going balls out and putting on high workrate matches.

The hilarious thing is their production value is super low but they work with what they have so well and could teach TNA a few things about getting the camera shots which is amazing considering they tend to have less structure in their booked matches and can do some pretty crazy stuff at times.

If you go to the rohbrazil youtube acct they have all the ROH show up on there. Im out of the loop with what is good and who is worth watching nowadays but its super easy to watch the ROH back catalogue and their HDNet show puts on some really solid PPV quality matches pretty regularly.

Edit to add that was indeed a good match and i was shocked at the result.
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04-29-2010 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by HeroInBlack
Just a matter of opinion, obviously, but I would hate to see professional wrestling try to look more like MMA. I like for my fake fighting to have all the over-the-top stuff (450 splashes and such) that you'd never have in a real fight.
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04-29-2010 , 09:22 PM
Am I the only one who sees huge potential in Zack Ryder and thinks he will be a huge star for WWE in 2 to 3 years?
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04-29-2010 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by HeroInBlack
Just a matter of opinion, obviously, but I would hate to see professional wrestling try to look more like MMA. I like for my fake fighting to have all the over-the-top stuff (450 splashes and such) that you'd never have in a real fight.
I don't want to take that stuff out.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-29-2010 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Peeparoonie
Am I the only one who sees huge potential in Zack Ryder and thinks he will be a huge star for WWE in 2 to 3 years?
It's just you. I don't hate the gimmick a ton, but can't see him getting out of midcard with it. Unless they start a Jersey Shore stable with the real cast of Jersey Shore. If he can't get heat with Rosa Mendes, then how can he get over at all!?
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04-29-2010 , 11:05 PM
His gimmick is pretty terrible but he isnt a bad worker. Not sure he will get further than the midcards though. If Shelton couldnt do it im not sure why Zack could.

On gimmicks Kofi was tweaked because a Jamaican couldnt be seen as a main eventer. Not sure how a, whatever he is, is meant to get over as a main eventer. Ironically its a much easier gimmick to tweak, with Kofi they had to basically admit this Jamaican dude was really Kenyan born and American raised. Time will tell.

At the very least he has a job and isnt back in development like Hawkins so he could be doing worse and its not like being a career upper midcarder is a bad life. Im sure Matt Hardy is plenty rich from it for example.
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04-30-2010 , 01:23 PM
A bit disappointed by Christians ''mic work'' on todays Smackdown
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-30-2010 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Sir S A Lot
A bit disappointed by Christians ''mic work'' on todays Smackdown
This has to be a joke, right? Christian's "mic work" was far superior to Edge's this week. Christian has proven to be one of the best speakers in the WWE. Also, it's an interesting note that WWE doesn't acknowledge Christian's four world title reigns (2 NWA, 2 ECW).

Anyway, that Edge & Christian segment was by far the best thing on SmackDown this week. Brings back great memories. First time E + C have been in the ring in over five years together (WM 21 MITB) and first time they have been on-screen since Backlash 09.
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04-30-2010 , 02:53 PM
Just watching now. Im now a huge Cody fan, its official.

Christian mic work was fine but it wasnt his best. The segment with Edge should have given more than it did, oh well, cant win em all.

Im not convinced at Big Slows face turn and the Swagger factoids were mostly pointless (but the heat he got for GW Bush was awesome). A solid clean win at the next PPV and he is officially main event.

Smackdown is gonna have a huge year with the additions of Christian, Kofi, Swagger and Cody. And MVP i guess. Gonna be a bunch of new champs and it should continue to be the best brand.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-30-2010 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Smackdown is gonna have a huge year with the additions of Christian, Kofi, Swagger and Cody. And MVP i guess. Gonna be a bunch of new champs and it should continue to be the best brand.
When I saw the likes of Jericho, Edge and Morrison heading to Raw I thought Raw would become the better brand...

But honestly, when HHH and Cena are both on one brand, it would take a hell of a lot for that to not be the worst of the two.
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04-30-2010 , 03:18 PM
We may need a christianbackstroke.jpg in the near future. Not saying you're wrong about anything Peep, just sayin.
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04-30-2010 , 05:41 PM
Tony Atlas Released

WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Superstar Tony Atlas as of today April 30, 2010. We wish Tony the best in all future endeavors.


The only thing I'm going to miss about Tony is his laugh. Abraham Washington is next.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-30-2010 , 05:51 PM
Washington hasnt had his profile on the website since ECW was killed. As much as i want to see him gone its way more likely he will be sent back to development for a tweak and then called up again for a different talking role in some way, likely as a manager.

End of the day its not like he had no talent, he just had a ****ty concept show and terrible writing to go with it, both of which i doubt he had much if any input in.
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04-30-2010 , 06:21 PM
pepperoni are you SURE that you're not a hogantard gimmick?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-30-2010 , 06:59 PM
No way Hogantard is a Christian fan. Dude thinks Edge is a lifetime midcarder and Christian has even weedier little arms.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-30-2010 , 07:18 PM
Why does everyone think this is a gimmick account? It's not, Christian is just my favorite wrestler, and I am a huge peep.

Anyway, to keep this wrestling related:

TNA Impact Replay Draws Larger Audience Than Monday

The TNA Impact replay from Thursday, April 29 on Spike TV drew an audience of 894,000 viewers.

That is a pretty decent increase from the 739,000 viewers Impact drew on the first-run airing from this past Monday night.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-30-2010 , 09:51 PM
edge is pretty overrated on the mic. his mic work as a face is ****ing abysmal and is too damn hard to take seriously. still one of the best heels ever though
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-30-2010 , 09:52 PM

Holy ****, Swagger drawing heat like wow.
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04-30-2010 , 09:57 PM
Is Edge a heel now?
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04-30-2010 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
edge is pretty overrated on the mic. his mic work as a face is ****ing abysmal and is too damn hard to take seriously. still one of the best heels ever though
As bad as Edge's mic skills are, its levels above that of Swagger's. I'm not saying Swagger is bad on the mic, but the lisp makes him sound worse. I will give Swagger props for getting over as a heel, he was getting tremendous amount of heat from the crowd on SmackDown.

And yes, Edge is now a heel. I think he will turn full heel on RAW, either spearing Orton again, or cutting another heel promo.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-30-2010 , 10:57 PM
the only reason i feel like one is a gimmick of the other is because pepperoni only talks about xtian, and hogan82 only talks about hogan. seeing as they're the only two accounts named after wrestlers on a non-wrestling forum, and both only talk about the wrestler for whom they're named after, it would make sense. add to that, once pepperoni showed up, hogan stopped posting, but both are similarly terrible posters in their own right, i think I'm on to something. I really feel like Phill or dnkyhunter is punking us.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
05-01-2010 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by thebigeasy59
the only reason i feel like one is a gimmick of the other is because pepperoni only talks about xtian, and hogan82 only talks about hogan. seeing as they're the only two accounts named after wrestlers on a non-wrestling forum, and both only talk about the wrestler for whom they're named after, it would make sense. add to that, once pepperoni showed up, hogan stopped posting, but both are similarly terrible posters in their own right, i think I'm on to something. I really feel like Phill or dnkyhunter is punking us.

HH81 HAS COME BACK to the thread.
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05-01-2010 , 01:09 AM
just caught up on what was a really really awesome smackdown.


that was simply the best smackdown in a long time, and that opinion is not saying anything negative about recent smackdowns. that was awesome, simply put.

Kofi vs. jericho was pretty bad, given that jericho owned the whole match and then bam gg, but whatever. i still have trouble believing that kofi is ME material, but this helped I guess.

Jomo vs. Cody was the best match of the night, unsurprisingly. Big fan of Morrison's ringwork and moveset, and I've always liked Cody. I'm pretty excited to see what they do with Cody, but it better be good. Goldust got drafted to Raw, Teddy is still on Raw, and thus, I don;'t really see anything ******ed that they can do to Cody before making him a stud, as long as he doesn't take a face turn any time soon.

Kane pwning Chavo makes me want to see another title run before he's done. I've said it before, I'll say it again.

Drew Mcintyre needs more love (hate ldo) imo. This whole Matt Hardy thing is a pretty good way to go since everybody seems to love that tubby little dude.

Skipped divas, Michelle is still really hot. I kind of wish she'd be a little quieter during matches, but the fact that she doesn't makes me think that she's a screamer in bed, which is fine by me.

I see SD writers are teaming up (at least for tonight) my least favorite and second least favorite wrestlers in RMJ and MVP, which I guess is okay, given that they will occupy one fewer segment per night if they stay togetherish. If not, sigh, but that was the vibe I got. The crappy thing is that they appear to be going up against my favorite atm (Punk), but as long as he still gets a long mic segment every Friday, fine by me. I really wish he went back to Raw, but can't win em all.

Jack Swagger is a legit ME'er to me. I've seen it for a while, and I've been asking for this push since I first saw him in "ECW". Tonight's heat was fantastic. Those Jack Swagger Factoid PSA segments were fantastic. His promo was fantastic. Everything, fantastic. As ******ed as Big Slow is as a babyface, (as long as JS gets over and this feud doesn't last long) I really feel like this will elevate JS to legit ME'er in everyone elses eyes too. I was really afraid that WWE would have JS cash in MITB and either lose the match, or lose the title really quickly and just completely bury him, but now I feel like this is going to be a solid title reign and make him look really good even when he loses it in 2 months.

Edge and Christian could have been better, and could have created a feud, butnah, different brands and we probably won't see anything. Anyone who thinks Christian's Micwork was good tonight needs to get their head checked. That na na na na song is so ****ing cliche that it makes me sick. The whole point of making a chant like that is to get the fans in to it, but the problem was twofold: 1) Nobody likes Christian more than they like Edge*, and thus won't encourage Christian when they know Edge is leaving. and 2) Nobody wants Edge to leave, because he's way better than Christian in every sense of the word. And thus, as you can all tell when he drops the mic to let them chant for him but nobody does, that Christian is just not that over. 1:15

* almost nobody.

Another thing that tilts me about Christian is at :44 of that video. WHY THE **** IS YOUR FINISHER SO HARD TO DO?!?!?!?!

Blame Pepperoni for making me hate Christian.
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