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Official WrestleMania Thread Official WrestleMania Thread

01-23-2010 , 03:19 AM
big potential spoiler re: royal rumble

edge might be returning
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-23-2010 , 03:59 AM
1. Hogan-obv
2. Jericho- hes jus soso good in the ring and on the mic.
3. AJ- white hot right now, always gives 110%.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-23-2010 , 08:24 AM
1. Punk
2. Edge
3. Styles

Tough to pick, wanted Orton, but think A.J. is more versatile and can be used better.

You guys should've joined the second pro wrestling draft in Sporting Events. It's pretty fun. You all would probably enjoy reading it. We drafted 60-person rosters and are booking throughout a year, complete with writeups on weekly shows and PPVs.

Draft Thread:

Show thread:

Shameless plug for me, dwetzel, pflwardog and littlekeed's fed:

Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-23-2010 , 11:35 AM

Did they really go there with the ending of Styles/Angle? I saw it and I still dont believe it

and where the F did all the great wrestling go

Probably going back to just watching the ppvs, and only once Ive verified that theres enough interesting matchups on the card
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-23-2010 , 11:37 AM
oh btw did anyone else watching Genesis find that the broadcast suddenly switched to like 50% speed or something odd during the Kennedy/Abyss match?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-23-2010 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
big potential spoiler re: royal rumble

edge might be returning
They have been throwing this name around for over a month now. It all comes down to how healthy he is.

Also there is talk of Booker T making a one off return like RVD did last year. They cant come to terms on contract yet but the one off is very much on the table right now.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-23-2010 , 06:57 PM
WWE Prediction:

(Based off of my own opinion, havent read or researched for any gossip).

I think Rey Mysterio wins the WHC at the Royal Rumble by defeating Undertaker. This then sets up a Wrestlemania fight between Taker and Shawn Michaels that doesn't involve the championship - basically freeing up an epic match on the card. Since Rey will be the champion, Batista will win the Rumble and insta-challenge Rey for it at Wrestlemania. They'll bring back the fued they had that they were friends before etc. etc.

We then get Vince vs Brett as another Mania match - standard.

Regarding the WWE championship... I really don't like Shaemus' work. His character is built for the championship challenging type - but I think he needs some work before being a worthy one-on-one WM headlining candidate. Therefore, I think Randy Orton defeats Shaemus at the RR and obv. goes on to Wrestlmania as the champ. Now, since we've already had Orton vs Cena at WM, I doubt they'll use this again - but I can see a triple threat or 4-way match involving the likes of Orton, Cena, Shaemus and HHH. HHH is deservedly a big-name star and has the skills to build up the hype and whatever they're looking for, so I can't see them leaving him out...

Jericho vs. Edge at WM - they were partners before Jerishow iirc and Edge had an injury. I can see a big fued developing here after Jericho made a big thing about Edge being so injury prone.

I can see Morrison/Kingston winning the MitB match at WM too and they'lll be propelled into the spotlight in 2010.

My WM Card:
  • Rey Mysterio (WHC) vs. Batista
  • Orton (WWE Champ) vs. Cena vs. Shaemus vs. HHH (either triple threat or 4-way match).
  • Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels
  • Vince vs Brett
  • Edge vs Jericho
  • MitB - won by Morrison/Kingston
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-23-2010 , 07:25 PM
What i predict off a few rumours and my own expectation:

Raw Title - Sheamus(c) vs HHH (Hunter obv wins)
SD Title - Batista(c) vs Cena (Cena obv wins)
18-0 match - Taker vs HBK (honestly i think HBK has a none zero chance of winning, but its low)
IC Title - Rey(c) vs Punk (Rey wins in Feb but Punk wins at Mania)
US Title - Miz(c) vs Swagger (Miz retains but will soon drop the title to be moved to the main event picture)
Tag titles - Hart Dynasty (c) vs Cryme Tyme (HD retains)
ECW Title - Christian(c) vs Regal (honestly no clue who will face Xtian, but they need to go over to free up Christian who will be finally drafted to Smackdown or Raw, so its prob not going to be one of the new guys so Regal seems the logical process of elim choice)
MITB - Morrison wins as creative listens to Orton talking about how Kofi isnt ready for the big time yet
Grudge match - Orton (w Rhodes) vs Dibiase (Rhodes turns on Orton in some way and DiBiase goes over)
Jericho vs Edge - Edge goes over obv
Vince vs Bret - some kind of low technicality match like a street fight and Bret probably goes over (im almost 50/50 on who comes out on top of this tbh)
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-23-2010 , 07:25 PM
wwe vintage classics on the score @6pm central for all the canadians out there
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-23-2010 , 07:39 PM
punk and morrison for sure, swagger if he loses the lisp. otherwise, teddy jr.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-23-2010 , 08:16 PM
nobody takes jeff hardy?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-23-2010 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
nobody takes jeff hardy?
I don't see how you can rely on a guy with 3 strikes/drug problems, was a tag wrestler most of his career, and is a bit of a spot-monkey
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-23-2010 , 10:14 PM
Jeff Hardy is done as a wrestler with WWE.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-23-2010 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
nobody takes jeff hardy?
Lets see how he does on his felony drug trafficking charges first

Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-23-2010 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
I don't see how you can rely on a guy with 3 strikes/drug problems, was a tag wrestler most of his career, and is a bit of a spot-monkey
I don't think tag wrestler is a fair knock against Hardy. He and Matt had a very successful five year run as a tag team in 1998-2002, but he's been primarily a singles star since and before.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-23-2010 , 10:48 PM
why is the wwe title still that ridiculous "blinged out" spinner bull**** if cena isn't champion?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-23-2010 , 10:56 PM
you think they should put a potato and a shamrock on it for sheamus?

the big gold belt is the real one anyway
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-23-2010 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
why is the wwe title still that ridiculous "blinged out" spinner bull**** if cena isn't champion?
There needs to be a page of stock WWE Answers to questions like these.

This comes under answer one part d. Money, specifically merchandise.

Several wrestlers have asked to get rid of the belt when they won it (notably Triple H who im pretty sure was successful in stopping it spinning) but it remains a big seller in replica form so it stays.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-24-2010 , 01:51 AM
The "gold eagle" WWF World title belt that they used from 1988-1999 or so will always be the 'real' title to me
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-24-2010 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by Black Aces 518
The "gold eagle" WWF World title belt that they used from 1988-1999 or so will always be the 'real' title to me

And my 3 starting a wrestling company picks.

Giant Gonzales
Kevin Federline
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-24-2010 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by mike4583

And my 3 starting a wrestling company picks.

Giant Gonzales
Kevin Federline
no love for david arquette?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-24-2010 , 06:19 AM
LOL at Dragons Gate show should be on the PPV a few times for trying to hand out 20 dollar bills to every wrestler. I was in the front row with a tshirt suit on. Not sure if it was live or what but I want to see the show again. Not sure exactly what happened since I the guys next to me brought a bottle of everclear into the show and we were chugging it the entire time.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-24-2010 , 09:32 AM
Dragon Gate USA, where we attract a clientele far too classy for NASCAR, but not classy enough for a real sport

They usually release them a couple months after filming. The date hasnt been announced yet.

Btw, cheers for making me look that up, i completely forgot about Freedom Fight, the third PPV, so that is now winging its way to my HD. Surprised no one has buzzed about it in the thread yet...
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-24-2010 , 09:43 AM
Saw DGUSA Freedom Fight last night, so damn good it brought me to tears.

Now back to our regular scheduled programming.
If I had to start a promotion I'm pretty sure Davey Richards would be #1

1)Davey Richards

Hmmmm..AJ Styles should definately be in there somewhere too.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-24-2010 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by EmpireMaker2
LOL at Dragons Gate show should be on the PPV a few times for trying to hand out 20 dollar bills to every wrestler. I was in the front row with a tshirt suit on. Not sure if it was live or what but I want to see the show again. Not sure exactly what happened since I the guys next to me brought a bottle of everclear into the show and we were chugging it the entire time.
We need a full trip report.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
