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Response regarding money I (Barry Greenstein) owe to Full Tilt Response regarding money I (Barry Greenstein) owe to Full Tilt

07-25-2012 , 06:10 AM
this is such a joke ... why 'everyone' blames barry. it not his fault the company went broke.

i also find it ridiculous that some sources report, that ~130million of 'phantom money' are part of FTPs financial problems. ppl knew that problem, cashed in but weren't charged ... so basically they played on credit too and no one cares.

btw is barry not the only known pro who owns ftp money, but the others just don't say anything about it, after this facts went public.
07-31-2012 , 01:41 PM
Now you can pay Pokerstars Barry. Maybe they can take it out of your pay check.
07-31-2012 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by andyg2001
Now you can pay Pokerstars Barry. Maybe they can take it out of your pay check.
I was always going to have to pay whoever owned Full Tilt. (Not what Tapie Group was trying to do which was own assets but not the debts.) Clearly, PokerStars will own Full Tilt in a few days or a little longer, and finally I will know who to pay. I'm curious if they will try to collect from anyone else.
07-31-2012 , 03:01 PM
Poker needs more BarryGs
07-31-2012 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Buster the Clown
Poker needs more BarryGs
Yeah, pretty much. Good to see Barry G doing the right thing.

Make sure the people at stars make them all pay what they owe, Barry!

(on that note, it'd be nice if you could get Sebok would give back the money he made shilling for UB and declaring it safe to play on to the players with money stuck on UB, or at least pledged to do so when/if the company is liquidated/officially declared bankruptcy
07-31-2012 , 04:53 PM
Wow, nice reply Barry. *Salute
07-31-2012 , 05:10 PM
Well I gave Barry some stick in this thread, but if he does as he says, he will come out of this looking good, where many of the FT pros will clearly not.
07-31-2012 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by barryg1
I was always going to have to pay whoever owned Full Tilt. (Not what Tapie Group was trying to do which was own assets but not the debts.) Clearly, PokerStars will own Full Tilt in a few days or a little longer, and finally I will know who to pay. I'm curious if they will try to collect from anyone else.
Stay classy Baz !
07-31-2012 , 06:23 PM
He's only paying because he got caught. This still doesn't rectify the fact that he leveraged his situation as friends with owners to get them to use other people's money to transfer it to him with a keystroke. He thwarted the system of making an actual deposit on the site like a 'normal' player. He's paying because that's his only real option, but it still is a nick in his credibility in my book. The 400k should have been transferred to FT before Barry played a hand with it.
07-31-2012 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Spaz Tard
He's only paying because he got caught. This still doesn't rectify the fact that he leveraged his situation as friends with owners to get them to use other people's money to transfer it to him with a keystroke. He thwarted the system of making an actual deposit on the site like a 'normal' player. He's paying because that's his only real option, but it still is a nick in his credibility in my book. The 400k should have been transferred to FT before Barry played a hand with it.
Good nickname you chose!

Those guys wanted Barry in the games and they know his word is good.
07-31-2012 , 07:10 PM
Do tell Barry who made the EXECUTIVE decision to put 400k phantom money in your account?
08-01-2012 , 12:42 AM
From the main sticky:
Originally Posted by Bdywax
"Full Tilt agrees to withdraw all claims against any seized or otherwise restrained assets. PokerStars agreed to release any claims to accounts of non-PokerStars entities."

Pokerstars is eating any losses on the deposits that were never drawn from players bank accounts.
Barry, I know you will pay regardless, and I also understand your situation is different from a phantom deposit. However, would you agree with this interpretation of the DOJ's quote? If so do you think this applies to you and others in a similar situation?
08-01-2012 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by barryg1
I'm curious if they will try to collect from anyone else.
I sure as hell hope so.......the thought of these scumbags just walking away from this and leaving Stars to clean up the mess is very troubling.
08-01-2012 , 03:30 AM
I just saw this in the other thread:

Originally Posted by striker_1
From the PokerStars Settlement Order

Pokerstars company gains the following asset:

Debt of professional poker players for repayment of loans previously granted to them as listed in the Excel Workbook entitled "Pro Loans revised - 19th Jul with Ray comments" provided by the Full tilt Group or their representatives to the PokerStars Group's representatives.
08-01-2012 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by JimAfternoon
I sure as hell hope so.......the thought of these scumbags just walking away from this and leaving Stars to clean up the mess is very troubling.

Respect to you Barry. You're one of the classiest people in poker.
08-02-2012 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by barryg1
I was always going to have to pay whoever owned Full Tilt. (Not what Tapie Group was trying to do which was own assets but not the debts.) Clearly, PokerStars will own Full Tilt in a few days or a little longer, and finally I will know who to pay. I'm curious if they will try to collect from anyone else.
A great poker player. A better human.
08-03-2012 , 07:39 PM
Is barry just paying to be nice? Or does he have to pay oficcialy?

Do the other guys who borrowed monet from ftp like david benjamin have to pay back the new owner of ftp?
08-04-2012 , 06:20 AM
Originally Posted by misterDDD
Is barry just paying to be nice? Or does he have to pay oficcialy?

Do the other guys who borrowed monet from ftp like david benjamin have to pay back the new owner of ftp?
All debts owed to FTP, including the loans to pros, are passing to PokerStars as part of the settlement agreement with the DOJ. It's official.
08-04-2012 , 06:44 AM
What is classy about paying back your debts? Shouldn't it be the default?
The one thing working in Barrys favour is that he communicated very open and directly and for this i am very thankful, but other than that I don't get why someone gets such big graditude for paying back money that he - as a matter of facts - owes to a company.
08-04-2012 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by egoismforever
What is classy about paying back your debts? Shouldn't it be the default?
The one thing working in Barrys favour is that he communicated very open and directly and for this i am very thankful, but other than that I don't get why someone gets such big graditude for paying back money that he - as a matter of facts - owes to a company.
I'll tell you EXACTLY why.

#1 People with money generally use their money and power to their advantage.
#2 People with money are NOTORIOUS for using loopholes, convoluted aggreements, and legal action such that they DONT have to pay their debts.

So Barry Greenstein gets an attaboy for not following the typical rich guy mold.

Lastly, Barry has a well documented history of being a great stand up guy. Charity work, paying back debts, loaning friends money, etc. etc.
08-05-2012 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by barryg1
I was always going to have to pay whoever owned Full Tilt. (Not what Tapie Group was trying to do which was own assets but not the debts.) Clearly, PokerStars will own Full Tilt in a few days or a little longer, and finally I will know who to pay. I'm curious if they will try to collect from anyone else.
Barry you should not pay Pokerstars.

From the pokerstars statement thread:

Q: I got a check from FTP but it bounced. The money was still debited from my account. Do I get that money back?

A: Almost all of the cases involving bounced checks are for “defined” U.S. players (those with an account address in the U.S. and U.S. Territories as of June 29, 2011). We have absolutely no involvement with refunding those players – you will have to deal with the U.S. DoJ.
if pokerstars can claim your debt by puchasing FTP then why cant they claim a FTP debt to a player. Trust me when i say that their is MILLIONS not getting paid.
08-06-2012 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by egoismforever
What is classy about paying back your debts? Shouldn't it be the default?
The one thing working in Barrys favour is that he communicated very open and directly and for this i am very thankful, but other than that I don't get why someone gets such big graditude for paying back money that he - as a matter of facts - owes to a company.
Excellent point made Ego a debt is a debt standard practice is to pay who you owe no matter what circumstances are there period. If a friend of mine borrowed 10.00 from me and I get divorced does my friend then tell me he is going to wait until the divorce is finalized to see who he ends up paying. Just a thought I may be wrong. This does not apply directly to Barry my formulation may be my misunderstanding of whats going on so I apologize in advance if I misunderstood everyone.
08-07-2012 , 07:51 AM
The people posting this garbage have clearly not been following Barry's past actions. If they had, they would have no doubt that his intentions were honourable.

It was a complicated situation. I happen to agree that he took the right action by hanging onto the money until he was satisfied with the regime, but I am confident that self-interest was not part of his thought process.
08-09-2012 , 01:42 AM
I would def give barry the benefit of the doubt he has always been a good image for poker and always seems to do the right thing imo. I don't think that he would ever allow himself to be close to broke as u portray, you think that he would donate to charities like he does if he was close to broke. Hes and older player and compared to the modern players I am sure he would never allow himself to get in a situation. He also has been sponsored by stars for how long im sure they pay him a pretty penny. All these ignorant post do no good just wait and let the dust settle, hes implying that hes going to pay his debt and from his history i would give him the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.
08-10-2012 , 10:14 AM
I don't understand all the Barry hate - the whole thing started with his explanation of why he had not/wasn't paying. Then he came back to tell everyone he's paying. I don't think he's attention whoring or trying to be some amazing person - just making sure the public knows he had every intention of paying his debt once he knew the money was going to the right place, and now that he does know, he's paying...

If he never made a post in the first place people would be flaming him for not going public about it and call him shady. As usual, most of 2+2 is unable to please. He posts making it public, gets flamed. If he stayed quiet, he gets flamed.
