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Revel Resort (Atlantic City, NJ) -- psuedo-FAQ added 2013.07.17 Revel Resort (Atlantic City, NJ) -- psuedo-FAQ added 2013.07.17

07-09-2012 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by CSFurious
do tourneys go off here? i heard a rumor at another A.C. poker room this weekend that the daily tourneys could not get enough players to go off yet? i am particularly interested in the low buy-in Sunday bounty tourneys

thanks in advance for any responses
Hi CS, tourneys have not gone yet, we have been pretty much a cash room but to be honest the schedules were just posted for the first time last week so hopefully more players will know,,Thanks for your interest
07-09-2012 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by cheweric
I played at Revel on July 4 to check out the fireworks and had a great time in the poker room playing some 1/2 and some 2/5 (also proposed to my gf after the fireworks outside of Revel, but you guys probably don't care about that!)

We had previously signed up for Revel cards pre-grand opening, but we spoke to a supervisor over at the Revel Card sign up desk and she agreed to allow us to take advantage of the "earn $10 comp dollars get free room + $50 room service + $25 slot play" promo. She also mentioned it would take 3-4 weeks to get the voucher for the free room.

Overall had a great time in the room, very fast to get drinks, dealers were fast and professional, and action was pretty good. One constructive comment I would have is that there are some tables in which the corner seat (6 or 7 seat) is in a very very annoying position near the edge of the room / near a column. I sat in that seat and it resulted in about a dozen people walking by and bumping into my seat in the 2 hours I played there. Kinda annoying, but that was my only complaint about the room.

Looking forward to come back in the coming weeks, especially when their beach area/bar is open. Best of luck, Frankie!
HI Chew, I know exactly the seat you time ill get you a different one lpl...glad you had a good time and thanks for the kind words
07-09-2012 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by BigBlue56
I really was surprised that they didn't have one to cater to the high rolling Asians. I suppose the chain smoking, bus riding gang wouldn't be much of a factor in a non-smoking casino, but thought that might have played a part. I didn't catch anywhere for 'cheap and quick' eats, maybe that's the reason there isn't one too?

FWIW, in case my post was tl;dr, we spent at least 9 hours at Revel on Sunday, then drove to Showboat to run to the noodle shop. Had we made an earlier trip, or been tempted to go for dinner sooner, we probably would have played at Showboat after dinner, a minor loss to Revel, but a loss.
BIG blue, next time check out Lukes kitchen
07-10-2012 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Frankie518
Hi CS, tourneys have not gone yet, we have been pretty much a cash room but to be honest the schedules were just posted for the first time last week so hopefully more players will know,,Thanks for your interest
thanks for your response

i was on your website and saw the tourney calendar for July & got interested

please advise when you start actually running the tourneys & i will check out your room as i am mainly a tourney vs. cash player
07-10-2012 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by kingofwallstreet
Hey Frankie,

Do u get comp room for playing in the tourney or the promotions only apply to the cash games? Also, Can u post the live games report on the website?
I want to give your poker room a try but when I stopped at 10:30 pm on July 4 and only saw 2 games going so I paid the $5 parking fee and went back to the Borgata. I am from Maryland and willing to drive 6 hours round trip to play at the Revel but I need to see more games going in order for me to make the trip worthwhile. It will be really helpful if u can post the live games report on the website. I play at the hollywood casino in WV on a weekly basis which is only 55 mins from me but I prefer the Borgata or the new room at Revel if you have enough players. Can u also provide number of average cash games running on Friday and Saturday so I can plan accordingly?

Thanks. Tony
Tony you should have gotten a card because parking is free all summer. plus im not sure if you came all the way in to the nroom because we ahd alot more than 2 games on the 4th. Anyway we average 8 to a2 games on fri and sat sometimes a couple more. see you soon, tournament time does not apply to comp time
07-11-2012 , 09:17 AM
the poker room getting out there on twitter!
#Poker‬ Players: Check out our weekend deepstack and bounty tournaments. Click here for more details:
BTW, I had my first celeb sighting at Revel last weekend. Sarah Silverman was checking into the hotel. Didn't realize she was performing at Caesars that night. I thought she was there to see West....
07-11-2012 , 11:16 AM
ill be staying at revel this weekend, hoping to see some nice turnouts for the tournys! are these tournaments brand new or have they been running every weekend?
07-11-2012 , 04:52 PM
I played at Revel on Tuesday night from 7pm-1am for the Hotel comp promotion. I’ll list some pros and cons. Tried to find Frankie, but he was enjoying the night off!

Pros: -Floors were very helpful and friendly, and there were definitely plenty of them.
-Game was super soft, probably due to it being a resort and not exactly a poker destination.
- Dealers were very friendly; game was relaxed and fun.
-Cocktail guys were great
-New chips and tables are always a plus

Cons: - Location in the casino is TERRIBLE. Obviously not Frankie’s fault, but there is ZERO foot traffic passing by. It’s located upstairs and across a long catwalk. Not many signs, really hard to get to, and most of the casino staff were pretty clueless with directions.
- There was only ½ NL. It alternated between 1 full table and 2 shorthanded tables all night. Not very good for 7pm-1am. I don’t mind playing shorthanded at all, but some other players were complaining.
- Some dealers were a little new (1-2 months experience). Not a big deal though. Still working out the kinks with straddling too.
- One of the floors was very unsure of himself with a ruling regarding a hand being played with the button in the wrong spot. There was already significant action so it had to play out, but it took a few minutes to sort it.
- Loud house/club music was being played for the entirety of the night throughout the casino. Terrible. The floors said it was even louder on the weekends. I do get that the music is part of the “feel” the casino’s management is going for, but it is truly horrible.

I’m sure I forgot some stuff, but I’ll add it as I remember. Overall, I had a great time and will almost definitely play again. There are obviously some wrinkles that need to be ironed out, but it will come with experience.
07-11-2012 , 10:59 PM
One, a restaurant downstairs near the boardwalk view and the parking garage, has breakfast Fri-Sun. It's solid
07-12-2012 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by maddog876
- One of the floors was very unsure of himself with a ruling regarding a hand being played with the button in the wrong spot. There was already significant action so it had to play out, but it took a few minutes to sort it.
He made the right ruling.

A "wrong" spot button doesn't break a hand in play. It can be a misdeal if there is no action, or even if a few poeple limp.. but IMO once someone calls/limps, the hand plays as is.
07-12-2012 , 11:17 AM
something I read in an AC news article about the Revel poker room's location:

They mentioned that they wanted it close to where the concerts, clubs, etc are so when people leave those areas, there may be foot traffic for the poker room. Does this make sense?
07-12-2012 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by punkass
something I read in an AC news article about the Revel poker room's location:

They mentioned that they wanted it close to where the concerts, clubs, etc are so when people leave those areas, there may be foot traffic for the poker room. Does this make sense?
Well there could be some spill from the concert hall which is on the same floor. As for the club and other things, not really. They are all on the lower floor.

One really needs to have an intent on finding the poker room to do so.
07-12-2012 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by punkass
something I read in an AC news article about the Revel poker room's location:

They mentioned that they wanted it close to where the concerts, clubs, etc are so when people leave those areas, there may be foot traffic for the poker room. Does this make sense?
I like the room and the location but I'm in the minority. It was a mistake to locate the room where it is.

Here's a link to the article and the quote, "Foti said Revel’s poker room was strategically located to take advantage of the crowds that surge out of the casino’s 5,000-seat Ovation Hall after concerts."
07-12-2012 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by cockpit
I like the room and the location but I'm in the minority. It was a mistake to locate the room where it is.

Here's a link to the article and the quote, "Foti said Revel’s poker room was strategically located to take advantage of the crowds that surge out of the casino’s 5,000-seat Ovation Hall after concerts."
I'm sure that was an afterthought. Most poker rooms with the exception of PA Sands aren't in the main flow of the casino. It's clear that the designers put the room there so that if it failed it could be converted into meeting space. Poker rooms take time to grow. Why players Don't move from the Taj is a mystery.
07-12-2012 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by midas
I'm sure that was an afterthought. Most poker rooms with the exception of PA Sands aren't in the main flow of the casino. It's clear that the designers put the room there so that if it failed it could be converted into meeting space. Poker rooms take time to grow. Why players Don't move from the Taj is a mystery.
Agree with almost all of this. I think the complaints about having to walk a long way to get to Revel's poker room are overblown but that's the perception so many players have.

The Taj and Revel properties appeal to different types of people. Most of Revel's poker players are 52 years old and younger according to Frankie. I would bet that most of Taj's regular poker players are over that age and so the whole of the Revel experience just doesn't suit them.
07-12-2012 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by cockpit
Agree with almost all of this. I think the complaints about having to walk a long way to get to Revel's poker room are overblown but that's the perception so many players have.

The Taj and Revel properties appeal to different types of people. Most of Revel's poker players are 52 years old and younger according to Frankie. I would bet that most of Taj's regular poker players are over that age and so the whole of the Revel experience just doesn't suit them.
As a former Taj regular I can tell you that I do see some Taj regulars there. Some play others just come to check it out....

There are a few reasons I made the switch. First, I can travel from NYC by bus to revel since it's on the boardwalk. Second, much better comps. Third, new poker room that clean. Fourth, better eye candy (just sayin). Fifth, more fish.
07-12-2012 , 12:39 PM
Really it is not so much that the poker room is out of the way, but that it is so hard to find; better signage would go a long way. One can be on the mezzanine level, just down about 10 steps from the room, about 20 feet away, and still not know where it is. I had trouble finding it even the second time. It amazes me that they didn't put a few more signs in.
07-12-2012 , 12:51 PM
It's fairly easy to get to after the first time. During the soft opening some of the employees were confused where it is located.

Simplest directions. If one is coming in off the beach through the main doors, go up the first escalator and then head all the way to the back of the casino to the box office. Make a right up the escalators and make a right when you get off....
07-12-2012 , 01:19 PM
Better comps mean $2/hr instead of $1? Or is there anything else that you're referring to?

As far as eye candy, I haven't seen it. Of my 2 waitresses while I was there, one was an old guy. Still nobody is touching the Borg in the eye candy department.
07-12-2012 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by asg82
Better comps mean $2/hr instead of $1? Or is there anything else that you're referring to?

As far as eye candy, I haven't seen it. Of my 2 waitresses while I was there, one was an old guy. Still nobody is touching the Borg in the eye candy department.
Not only are the $ double but spending them is also 1 for 1. So, in reality I'm make 4x not 2x. (Instead of making $1 and it being worth $.50 when spending).

In terms of eye candy there are plenty of attractive women, not just the staff....
07-12-2012 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by p0k3rhack3r
As a former Taj regular I can tell you that I do see some Taj regulars there. Some play others just come to check it out....
Yeah, but we are still too small in number. It's been tough to make converts.

Originally Posted by p0k3rhack3r
It's fairly easy to get to after the first time. During the soft opening some of the employees were confused where it is located.

Simplest directions. If one is coming in off the beach through the main doors, go up the first escalator and then head all the way to the back of the casino to the box office. Make a right up the escalators and make a right when you get off....
It really is easy to do this. And if you come in from the parking deck take the elevator on the city side (not the oceanside) of the deck up to the casino floor, walk past the box office and take the escalator.

Unfortunately, Revel has a stupid layout to get to the poker room from the hotel if you are staying there. You either have to go "out" to the parking deck elevators, go down to the casino level, then walk over to escalators to get up to the mezzanine level; or walk across the lobby level to the oceanside, go down to the mezzanine level by elevator or escalator, and then make the long walk around the conference rooms to get to the poker room.
07-12-2012 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by asg82
Still nobody is touching the Borg in the eye candy department.
I've seen this statement a lot about the Borgata waitresses. I've always been confused, maybe one or two of them are attractive. The rest are old and/or meh. This goes for the poker room, don't know about the casino floor.
07-12-2012 , 02:40 PM
supposed to be spending next weekend in AC ages 22-25 . (non poker trip when friends are with me) One of my friends told me he wont be coming till late and figured we would just go check out revel friday night. I am assuming on a friday in the summer the girls rival harrahs/borgata and the royal jelly place with the strippers will be out between 11 and 1? The casino floor should be decent place to meet girls?

Anything else good to check out for entertainment at night? I dont know if i want to wait on the line for the club at that hour yet
07-12-2012 , 03:01 PM
Check out the pool if you are there during the day. You might need to be a guest though. The club just opened -- last weekend i think -- so i'm not too sure (although the pic on facebook look awesome). I'd also check out the level between the gaming floor and the concert hall. gl... let me know how it goes!
07-12-2012 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by p0k3rhack3r
Check out the pool if you are there during the day. You might need to be a guest though. The club just opened -- last weekend i think -- so i'm not too sure (although the pic on facebook look awesome). I'd also check out the level between the gaming floor and the concert hall. gl... let me know how it goes!
Pool only available for guests of hotel. The new club is five levels if fully opened and should be the new spot in AC.
